Another a/n

Hey everyone!

Thank You to those who have read this story so far and reviewed and/or followed.

You may notice but I haven't updated this fanfiction since June 2018, and there is a reason for this!

I still love Narnia, the books and the films, as I have loved them since childhood. I am still editing the old chapters so that they can be uploaded to the story I have published so far, however like many people I have hit a brick wall.

I am doing an open study course in three A levels; English, history and sociology. I am on top of that (ish!) and do not get stressed out by the work, although there is a ton of work to get through and I sometimes find it hard being on my own, completing it.

The point is that, whilst I am busy (also my family and I are moving house in the summer, and I'll be taking many trips this year!), I don't really have an excuse other than writers block.

I understand where I want to go with this story and how I would like to edit it, but am struggling to come up with dialogue and scenes, if that makes sense!

If anyone would like to try and help me, maybe suggest an idea or two, or something I can improve, or something you want to see that has not been done in the fanfictions you have read, please feel free to message me. I know this can be awkward and I am normally quite an awkward human, but kindness and positivity and interaction are some of the amazing things we can all work towards in the world we live in today.

There will be many errors in this note, but I am not too bothered by them as when I finally edit and upload the next chapter, this note will be deleted. I am getting back into writing but struggling with some aspects of this story (that I desperately want to finish!)

Thank You, and again, I promise the story will be updated soon!

(p.s, after I have finished writing this Narnia series, I also have many other story ideas that I'm really excited to work on!)
