It's not your time yet.

Daniella was barely aware of her surroundings, completely disoriented, and very confused. Wasn't she dead? If she was, what had become of her? And who or what was that voice?

You can't stay here.

There it was again, clearer this time. Daniella could hardly see a thing, everything was so dark. Yet, the voice was familiar.

You have to go back.

"Hello? Who's there? And where am I?" Daniella called out.

I'm sorry, Dani. This is gonna hurt.

"What—who are you?" Daniella said, bewildered. Then, out of the darkness came a familiar face, heading straight for her and very fast. Daniella found herself being suddenly knocked back, very harshly at that, but not before uttering one word: "Phoenix?!"

Pain, dreadful, agonizing pain, and Daniella was in a world of it. She briefly wondered if there was a Hell, and if that was where she was at the moment. With a great effort, she opened her eye. Everything in front of her was blurry, and she could make out a yellowish blob in front of her. However, her vision did not adjust, and she soon became unconscious.

When she woke again, she was no longer in excruciating pain, but the right side of her face was quite sore. Still incredibly disoriented, she opened and closed her eye several times as her vision slowly adjusted. Finally, she saw that her brother was in front of her, smiling at her and looking very relieved.

"You made it, Dani. I thought I'd lost you," Diesel 10 said to her.

"Huh? What happened?" Daniella asked.

"We thought you were dead," said Lorelei.

"I thought I was, too," Daniella said, remembering how she had chased after Spencer and gotten her face torn up a second time. Whoever had repaired her must have not only put new bars on in place of the old ones, but a few new ones as well to hold her face together where it had been ripped and cracked even further. That, she realized, was going to be sore for a while. Finally becoming fully awake, she realized she was at the Vicarstown Dieselworks.

"You should be good to go, how bout we take you home? Everyone missed you so much," said Lorelei.

"That sounds great," Daniella replied.

Soon enough, Daniella was on her way back to the Other Railway, with Diesel 10 following closely behind. When she reached the scrapyard, she stopped before going inside, staring at the angel that was perched atop the arch.

"I put that there. I thought you were gone. I thought it was fitting for you. If you don't want it there, I can take it down," said Diesel 10.

"No, leave it there. I love it," Daniella said, smiling warmly. "It's beautiful," she said, touched by the gesture. She took another moment to look at it before going inside.

Upon seeing her back and in one piece, the broken engines cheered. They had been told by Lorelei that Daniella had been found alive when Diesel 10 had gone to bring her back for what was going to be the very last time, and had been under restoration. However, given the severity of the damage to her face, her fate had been uncertain. Thankfully, her restoration had been successful, and she had returned to them.

"Aw…you guys…" Daniella said, as she had not expected to be cheered for like that.

"We all missed you," said Madison.

"Your brother missed you the most," said Paul.

Daniella smiled at Diesel 10, who then said, "You're not the only one who got restored, Dani."

Daniella gave him a puzzled look as she headed for the sheds. There, to her surprise, was Dennis, looking almost like new, except for a scar above his left eye. At that, Daniella was overjoyed. Finally, one of the engines that had been sent to that scrapyard had been saved. Though she wasn't too keen on admitting it, she was quite fond of Dennis, and would have absolutely hated to see him go.

That night, Diesel 10 stayed in the sheds with his sister, and told her about everything that had happened when she was out of commission.

"I'm proud of ya," Daniella said to him, "You didn't lose your mind, and you did a spectacular job working here," she said.

"It was what you wanted, Dani. I couldn't let you down," said Diesel 10.

Daniella smiled, and closed her eye, ready to go to sleep. However, she was jolted awake by something landing with a clank on top of her. Startled, she looked around to see what had landed on her, and saw that Diesel 10 was resting his claw on her. "Don't scare me like that again, Dani. I thought you were gone forever," Diesel 10 said quietly.

"I won't, don't worry. I'm staying around for a long time," Daniella replied. When Diesel 10 didn't move his claw, she didn't complain. Truly appreciative of the lengths her brother had gone for her, and the fact that she was now loved and wanted, she drifted off to sleep.