Oi. Here's a 3k+ word chapter like I promised. Sorry for taking so long - I wrote this entire chapter in about three hours today. I just like reading fanfictions far more than I do writing them. I also just got Undertale and went on a genocide run, which was pretty awesome.

Also, thanks for the favorites and follows. Pretty cool when the first fanfiction you write gets 300+ of each in a month and a half. Anyway, hope you like.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any trademarks of Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail and all trademarks of Fairy Tail are owned by Hiro Mashima.

"Lucy, I need to ask you something," Gray said quietly. He sat on one side of a bed blanketed in pink while Lucy sat on the other. His shirt was off, though Lucy didn't comment on it as a result of his seriousness.

She frowned slightly. "Alright, what is it?" she asked, a little perturbed by his grim countenance. Although he usually acted cool, it was more of a nonchalant kind of thing rather than his current grave look.

Gray turned to look her in the eyes. "I need you…," he started without looking away.

For about half a second, Lucy thought that was all he was going to say and got a little freaked out, but he continued.

"- to go on an S-Class mission with me! We've gotta show Natsu up! We've just gotta!" Gray exclaimed eagerly, jumping up and down on her bed.

Lucy blinked about twenty times slowly as she tried to process these most recent events. The calm and collected black-haired mage was jumping up and down on her bed in excitement. She swore there were visible stars in his eyes as he continued his enthusiastic actions.

"U-uh, I mean, I don't see why not…" she trailed off nervously. She wasn't positive what an S-Class mission involved, but if Gray thought it would "show Natsu up" then it had to be pretty difficult. But Gray wouldn't ask her to do something she wasn't ready for, right…? Right?

Gray immediately did a handstand and started kicking his feet toward the ceiling. "YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! WE GOTTA SHOW NATSU UP! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!" he cried out with unhealthy excitement.

Lucy started to regret her response, but knew she couldn't turn him down like that. "Ugh, I have a bad feeling about this…" she thought with a loud sigh.

Gray grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door, scaring Lucy slightly in the process. "LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO!" he yelled, uncaring of the fact that everyone within a ten mile radius was covering their ears.

Lucy really didn't want to argue now, so she reluctantly allowed him to drag her through Magnolia. People dove out of the way while screaming as Gray plowed through the streets. Lucy continued to make gestures and mouthed words so to communicate things such as "I have never seen this man before in my life" and "This guy is insane and I am nothing like him in any way whatsoever."

Gray dragged her all the way out of Magnolia and into Hargeon Town, where she'd met Natsu. Arriving at the docks after about thirty minutes, Gray didn't look once for a ship and instead began creating a long path of ice through the ocean that he started a mad rush upon.

Lucy was a little afraid, knowing they were walking on thin ice (literally). Luckily for her (or unluckily, depending on which way you look at it), Gray didn't give her a choice as they continued to make their way into the ocean.

A quarter under an hour later and two Fairy Tail mages could be found lying on the beach of an island. One was dripping with sweat and out cold (HAHA GET IT) and the other was so stiff she could barely move.

Suffice to say, they decided to spend the night there.

"Uh, Makarov?" came Natsu's voice from over the balcony where the S-Class requests were kept.

The old guild master looked up from his drink to see Natsu's obviously forced straight face. "Yeah, Natsu?" he asked, curious as to what was going on.

"One of the S-Class missions has been taken, and I sense a certain Ice-Make wizard's magic residue where it used to be. Speaking of which, have you seen Gray or Lucy around today?"

Makarov had begun drinking right as Natsu answered him, so he proceeded to spit all of his alcohol onto the newspaper he'd been reading. "WHAT!?" he shouted in anger.

Erza reacted quickly, appearing at Makarov's side. "What's wrong, Natsu?"

"Gray took an S-Class job, and brought Lucy with him to complete it," he told her bluntly, as the rest of the guild listened in on his answer and blanched.

Erza suddenly lowered her head while her fists shook. "I WILL KILL GRAY!"

The guild immediately went back to their previous activities as one, albeit in deep gratitude to whatever otherworldly power decided not to have Erza's wrath set on them, as well as even deeper pity for Gray.

Natsu finally could no longer keep a serious face on, and burst out laughing. The rest of the guild looked on in envy at Natsu's carefreeness even with Erza so angry. Makarov himself had fallen backwards off the counter, and hadn't gotten back up.

Natsu teleported to Erza's side, and put a hand on her armored shoulder. "Let's go, shall we?" he said with a grin.

Even Natsu's nearby presence could not overpower Erza's rage as she nodded slowly. They immediately disappeared, although whether it was their speed or Natsu's teleportation the guild couldn't discern.

They all let out a collective sigh of relief now that the oppressive feeling of the scarlet-haired knight's anger had dispersed. Makarov stood up from his spot behind the counter, now covered in the very drink he'd been enjoying recently. A very distinct thought went through his mind as he went to go clean himself off.


Natsu and Erza abruptly appeared on Galuna Island, the site of the mission, in the middle of a strange village. Erza was slightly disoriented, but sober enough to see the enormous bucket of a green substance that looked quite unfriendly being dropped onto the village. An ugly, flying rat held the bucket upside-down while three figures stood on it.

A strange, purple moon with a similarly colored glow above the island gave it an ominous look. The villagers looked like demons as well, though not necessarily evil ones.

Erza still was slightly slow to process and react to the situation, but Natsu had no such limitations.

He immediately moved his hands as the green liquid was pushed into a perfect, large ball. Another gesture and a pillar of ice with a bowl-like shape at the top was created underneath the ball. It landed in the bowl and Natsu teleported above it. He pushed both hands out and white-hot fire caused the ice to melt and the green liquid to evaporate.

The three on top of the rat had been looking at the village smugly until, all within about three seconds total, two more people appeared in the village and one somehow made their acid-like jelly disappear. No sooner had their faces switched to frowns than Natsu teleported onto the rat.

"How're you guys doing? Having fun attempting murder?" he asked with a strange grin that betrayed his true feelings.

The three shivered in fear as one of them, whom possessed unnaturally large eyebrows, spoke up. "Pfft, they're just some primitive villagers. No one would notice if they disappeared."

Natsu's facade of cheeriness disappeared as he stared down the one who'd spoken. "A human life is meaningless to you? If that is the case, I suppose you would not care if I obliterated you and your friends, correct?"

Not getting a response, he paralyzed them all with his lightning and proceeded to teleport back to the ground, though not before doing the same to the rat.

Erza, Lucy, and Gray (who had woken up recently) were staring at Natsu as he came down with an enormous rat in one hand and three people in the other. He set them all down carefully, although he also created a large cage of ice to encase the four.

Suddenly, Natsu's brow furrowed for a moment, then it was as though he remembered something, and he stuck his arm up spontaneously.

As if on cue (although it's more likely that it was Natsu's doing), the sky above them shattered. Pieces broke apart and revealed a similar view, although there was no more purple moon.

The others gaped at the view, and looked from Natsu to the sky to the ice cage holding their former opponents. They slowly just shook their heads, and started laughing.

Natsu joined in, although when he noticed Erza looking back at Gray and Lucy with realization starting to cloud her face, he created an Ice Clone that disappeared and came back almost instantly, along with about fifteen strawberry cakes.

As Erza opened her mouth, Natsu put all the cakes in front of her, and put the end of a fork with a piece of one into her open mouth.

Erza's eyes glazed over as she stared at the cakes and relished the taste of the piece. Not wanting to lose this opportunity, she grabbed the fork and began obliterating the cakes brutally.

Gray and Lucy sighed in relief while Natsu grinned at them. "Even if Erza's wrath is lessened, you'll still have to go through THAT, Gray. I have a feeling Lucy was innocent in this, but you're not safe."

Lucy looked at Gray with sympathy, and Gray started crying before remembering what else needed to be done. He turned around and looked at Natsu to speak to him, but the village chief beat him to it.

While the mages had been doing what they did best (being complete weirdos), the villagers had stared at Natsu in shock and then happiness.

"What'd you do with the moon, boy? We're still demons," the chief told Natsu with a slight frown.

Natsu nodded. "Exactly. The truth is, you were always demons. The magic spell being cast on this island, "Moon Drip," affected your bodies and your memories. It made you turn into humans during the day, and tricked you into thinking you getting changed into demons at night, rather than reverting to your true form. The reason the spell had such a large effect is because of the residual magic that formed into a dome-like crystal. Also, it only affects demons. Your memories should be getting fixed soon."

The villagers looked at Natsu in amazement. "Thank you so much!" they cried. The chief just shook his head in astonishment. "What's your name, boy?" he asked.

Natsu grinned. "I'm Natsu Dragneel, a Fairy Tail wizard."

The village chief smiled back at him. "We won't forget you, Dragneel. Thank you for everything."

Suddenly, Gray broke in with a frantic expression. "Natsu! The demon Deliora is being set loose from the ice my master froze it with! We need to stop the Moon Drip spell!" he exclaimed.

Natsu frowned. "I know. That Reitei guy is a friend of yours, correct? I asked him how long Deliora's been in the ice, and I'm almost positive he's dead. If not, I can take care of him. Do you want me to finish of the rest of the ice?" he finished.

Gray looked slightly stunned, but was too worried to question his knowledge. "No, you don't understand. The ice is my master, Ur. She sacrificed her life to trap Deliora. Her life force was turned into ice itself. If you destroy the ice, you destroy what's left of her."

Natsu smiled at him. "Is that it? I can easily change the ice back into your master. She'll have a lot less magic power, since the ice represented her strength, but that can be fixed with training."

Gray's heart almost stopped. "SERIOUSLY? GO DO IT, PLEASE, NATSU!"

Natsu nodded seriously at Gray. "I'll get to it now," he told him before he disappeared.

In a dark cave, an enormous block of ice covered most of a scary-looking creature. Natsu appeared beside it, and slowly put his hand upon the ice.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated on gathering the magic into his hand not touching the ice, which had its palm pointed at a ninety-degree angle from his arm, sticking straight out from beside him.

The ice slowly started losing its strange glow, and it seemed as though that light was being transferred to Natsu's unoccupied hand.

After about a minute, the glow in his hand had formed into a roughly human-shaped figure, and Natsu opened his eyes. He took his hand off of the ice, and almost instantly the glow formed into a naked, beautiful woman with short, chin-length dark purple hair.

She was unconscious, and Natsu proceeded to remove his coat and wrap it around her body. He smiled at her, thinking of how happy Gray would be to see her again.

Then he remembered Deliora, and turned around to look at the ice again. He walked up and literally pulled the ice off of Deliora with his magic, and ate it as energy.

The demon began to roar loudly in freedom, but was cut short as it felt the effects of being in ice for over ten years. Its arm slowly fell off as it roared again, but this time in pain and much more quietly.

It broke apart, crumbling as dust rose into the sky. Natsu stared at the result with no satisfaction. Even if it was a demon, having to live through your entire body breaking into pieces could not feel good. However, he didn't feel any remorse, either.

He prepared to teleport back to his friends, and grinned, thinking of what Gray's reaction would be.

Back in the village, the demons were celebrating while the Fairy Tail mages waited in anticipation. It had only been a little over a minute, but Natsu always did things in three seconds at most. Luckily for them, Natsu appeared beside them again.

He held a beautiful, dark purple-haired woman bridal-style in his arms. His coat was off, and instead was being worn by the very same woman.

Natsu grinned at the three, but his cheeriness was especially directed at Gray. "Here, I got you a present, Gray."

Gray stood there in astonishment - this was the first time he'd seen his master in over ten years. He'd eventually gotten over her death, though he'd in no way forgotten her. All that time, convincing himself that she was gone, that he'd never see her again. But now… now she was with him again.

Tears ran down his face in joy as he ran over to Ur. "I-It's r-really h-her…" he trailed off, too happy to continue. A huge smile covered his face.

Natsu disappeared again, then reappeared a second later with Reitei, though known to Gray and Lucy as Lyon. "You have a connection to Ur as well, correct? Go say 'hi,' " Natsu told Lyon with a grin.

A similar reaction came from Lyon, though it was also coupled with deep guilt and remorse. "I-I… I a-almost k-killed U-Ur…" he said while crying.

Natsu patted Lyon on the back. "It wasn't your intention. In fact, all you were doing was following in your master's footsteps, trying to get stronger, and at the same time avenging her. I think you're still a good guy."

Lyon looked a little more cheerful after that, though his feeling of sorrow wasn't completely erased. Natsu sighed, knowing it was impossible to force someone to forgive themselves. Instead, he turned back around to face the other Fairy Tail mages.

"Excuse me for a second, guys. I've gotta take care of something," he told them. Erza and Lucy nodded, the beginnings of tears in their eyes as they watched the heartfelt moment.

In the forest surrounding the village on Galuna Island, a woman with similar features to Ur wore a revealing white kimono belted by dull gold cloth. She had long, dark purple hair that reached the middle of her back and bangs touching her eyebrows. She also had a black choker on. All in all, she was quite beautiful.

The only thing that marred her beauty in the least was the fact that she was on her knees crying uncontrollably as she stared into a crystal ball that showed the events occurring in the village.

Suddenly, the crystal ball showed Natsu disappearing after he told the other wizards he had to do something. Almost immediately, he reappeared beside her.

She was too distraught to think clearly, but quickly moved away from him. Natsu frowned at her reaction, and looked at her reassuringly.

"Hey, I noticed that you undeniably look like Ur. I assume you're related, perhaps her daughter? You don't have to tell me, but why are you here?" he asked.

Natsu's talking gave the woman some time to think, and she started to use a spell. For some reason, however, the crystal ball was not being affected by her magics - the Arc of Time magic or Telekinesis.

Natsu laughed slightly. "You don't need to attack me, but I'm not letting you try, anyway. I'm countering your magic by using my own Arc of Time and Telekinesis. There's no point in asking how I can," he told her.

The woman looked at him in shock. "To my knowledge, I'm the only one who can use Arc of Time magic, and there's no way Natsu is strong enough to counter my own so easily."

He frowned slightly. "Your magic seems… mutated, somehow, and also kind of evil. Are you a dark mage?"

She was even further amazed, but instead of showing it, she attempted an Ice-Make spell on him.

"Ice-Make: Bloom!" she shouted. Several blocks of ice shaped like flowers surrounded by ice spikes sprouted from the ground and flew at Natsu.

Putting his hand out, he proceeded to control the ice and compress it into a small ball that he popped into his mouth and swallowed. "Ice doesn't work either, you know. I'm not going to hurt you, but I can tell you that I'm about a hundred times as powerful as you are," Natsu said.

She was speechless. No one in Fairy Tail was supposed to be this strong, except the guild master and the one known as "Gildarts." She knew Natsu had been asked to join the Ten Wizard Saints at one point, but to decline usually showed that they did not believe themselves strong enough. To be this powerful…

"We both may use Arc of Time magic, but I still don't want to waste too much time, so either you tell me what's going on now or I force you to," Natsu told her with a grim countenance.

Then the woman thought she saw a way out of her predicament. "Why don't you just take me to the Magic Council? They'll force me to speak, right?"

Natsu laughed. "Yeah, right. You're a member of the Magic Council, Ultear. I'm not an idiot."

She was even more astonished, and couldn't think of a way to escape. "A-alright…," she started nervously. "I'll talk."

Baboom-pow. There you go. By the way, yes, Ultear and Ur are in the harem. Pretty much every main character, actually. If you have anyone specific in mind you think I haven't thought of, just message me. See you later.