Dreams Do Come True - Part 1.

"Your Majesty?" Said Charlotte, as she moved to stand beside her Queen, holding her earpiece out to her.

"Hm?" She answered, giving her assistant a quick glance before looking back to Mia.

"The Princess would like a word." Charlotte said as Clarisse looked back at her momentarily before glancing back down to Mia.

"Oh. Erm..." She said, taking the earpiece from Charlotte.

"Grandma?" Mia began as Clarisse turned, pulling the earpiece and Charlotte with her. "Just because I didn't get my fairy-tale ending, doesn't mean you shouldn't."

"Oh, uh..." Looking back at Charlotte "Did you hear that?"

Standing up straight, Charlotte looked away with a slight shake of her head. "Not if you didn't want me to."

"Oh, Charlotte." She laughed as Charlotte looked back at her, smiling. "Uh.. Oh.. Well." She smiled, taking a step forward and straightened out her jacket. "Joseph?"

"Your Majesty." He answered, while moving to stand in front of her.

"Dear Joseph." She smiled, and watched as he raised his brow. "Am I too late... to ask you to accept my hand in marriage?"

Surprised he cleared his throat before nodding slightly. "Well, I thought you'd never ask. Shades?" He said and turned to him, giving him his hat and earpiece as Clarisse smiled, turning to face the front. "You're in charge now. Good luck with Lionel." He said turning back to Clarisse as she smiled back at him "I'm going to a wedding." He said, and held out his hand for her.

"I know it was short notice, but you were all dressed." Clarisse beamed as they made their way down the aisle. Standing at the altar just moments later and passing her flowers to Mia before looking back at the Archbishop. "My Lord Archbishop, I would like to take this man as my husband, if you please." She asked as Joseph watched her, before looking back at the Archbishop as he raised his head, looking upwards.

Smiling, he looked back at his Queen and her bodyguard. "Finally." He smiled and watched as Clarisse and Joseph gave a loving glance to each other before looking back to him. "We have come together for a different wedding..." He began as Helen returned.

"What did I miss?" She asked, her eyes remaining on the altar.

"She's not getting married." Patrick answered, looking at her.

"She's not getting married?" Helen asked.

"No." Patrick said, shaking his head.

"With this ring, I thee finally wed." Joseph said while giving the Archbishop a quick glance before looking back at his Queen, slipping on the ring as he did.

"Now the Queen's getting married." Patrick said, both giving each other a quick glance before looking back towards the altar.

"The Queen's getting married?" Exclaimed Helen.

"Yeah, to Joe." Patrick nodded.

"I pronounce you man and wife." The Archbishop smiled and lent closer to Joseph "You may kiss the bride." He said and watched as Joseph looked back at Clarisse, his new bride and lent closer. Meeting halfway, they shared their first kiss as husband and wife.

Raising her head from Joseph's shoulder, where it had been resting for the last twenty minutes, Clarisse watched as her new husband studied her wedding ring. "Any regrets?" She asked and watched as he looked back at her just for a second before looking back at her hand. Shaking his head, he brought her hand up to his lips.

Kissing the palm of her hand, Clarisse had to bite her bottom lip to stop a moan from escaping. "None. You?" He finally said a moment later and lowered their hands, while looking back at her.

"Me neither." She smiled.

"Good." He smiled back at her and raised his arm, wrapping it around her shoulders as she snuggled closer. "I better go and give the gang a hand." He said softly while raising his hand, cupping her cheek as they looked into each others eyes. "Are you sure that you don't mind me going to help them?" He asked.

"Of course not." She smiled, lowering her gaze to his lips for just a moment before looking back up into his eyes.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He smiled and lent closer, giving his new bride another kiss as they both closed their eyes. Pulling back a moment later, a sigh escaping his lips. "I best go and do this, as the quicker it gets done the quicker I can spend the rest of the evening with you." He smiled, glancing at her while standing to his feet.

"That's right." Clarisse smiled, also standing to her feet and followed him over to the door as he took hold of her hand.

"What are you going to do while I'm doing this?" He asked, turning to her once they reach the door.

"I'm not really sure..." She began to answer while looking up at him "Probably I will sit, trying to get my head around what happened today." She beamed, as Joseph laughed.

"Alright," He nodded while stepping closer, reaching up with both his hands and cupped her face "Well I will be as quick as I can." Joseph smiled and lent closer, kissing her a couple times before stepping back and opening the door. "See you soon." He smiled and began making his way down the landing as Clarisse watched.

Stepping back inside the suite, Clarisse closed the door with a happy sigh. Looking around the room, she knew there was going to be a lot of changes and one of them she was about to do. Walking over to her bedroom door, she stood staring at her bed for just a moment before walking over. Sitting down slowly on the edge, she began clearing out the bedside table.

"Mother?" Pierre called from the suite.

"I'm in the bedroom," Clarisse called back.

Appearing in the doorway, he watched as his mother sat back with a pile of papers in her hands. "What's this?" He asked upon seeing loads of little bits and bobs on the bed around her as he made his way over to her.

"Oh just a load of rubbish, I guess." She said while looking down at the papers in her hands. "I thought, while Joseph was down helping the team set up for the ceremonial shooting later, I would clear out the bedside table for him." She said and looked up at Pierre.

Nodding, he sat down on the bed beside her. "There's going to be a lot of changes now huh?" He asked and watched as she turned a little, looking at him.

"Yes, there will be." She nodded.

"I still can't believe that you are married now, mother." He said and reached out for her hand, taking a look at the ring. "Wow!" He exclaimed as Clarisse giggled "That is a beautiful ring." He smiled and watched as she raised her hand, admiring the ring.

"Yes it is." She nodded and looked at him as she lowered her hand. "How do you feel about this?" Clarisse asked, taking his hand in hers "I know it must have come as a shock to you.."

"Yes, you can say that again." He chuckled "It was a shock indeed, I didn't even know you were.. you know? Dating." He said, and watched as Clarisse looked away, laughing a little as a blush washed over her cheeks.

"We weren't," She smiled, looking back at her son "Over the years, we grew closer.. He asked me several times to marry him but I could never commit, I had a duty to my country and a future Queen to prepare for her new world. I didn't have time to myself let alone anyone else. So I would always answer no." She answered honestly.

"But what about today?" He asked, watching her nodding a little.

"Today? Today felt different. Mia stood up to those men, I'm so proud of her. She stood up for what was right, she doesn't need to have a man by her side to rule a country. She proved that to me, she made them all see a strong woman... a strong powerful woman, and it made me see that I was worried for nothing. And then when she said that I shouldn't give up on my fairy-tale ending, something inside me changed, and I thought, oh what the hell.. so I asked him." She smiled back at her son.

Pierre nodded and looked into her eyes as she studied his face "Are you happy?" He asked and watched as she nodded.

"I am," She nodded, a twinkle in her eye "It took me a long time to realise it, but yes I am so very happy." Clarisse answered.

"Okay, then I'm happy too and you have my full blessing." Pierre smiled. "Even though it's a bit late, you already got married... but well, you knew what I meant." He chuckled as Clarisse patted his arm.

"Yes, I know what you meant." She smiled and watched as he looked back at her. "And thank you, that means so much." She smiled and cupped his cheek, sharing a hug a moment later.

Pulling back, Pierre watched as she looked at the photo of herself with Rupert sitting on the bedside table. "You still miss him, don't you?" He asked and watched as she looked back at him.

"Oh, everyday." Clarisse nodded "He was my first love, my husband, the father of my sons, my king and my best friend." She said while taking the photo in her hands. "There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of him." She said, closing her eyes momentarily "But I know he would want me to be happy and move on with my life." She said, looking up at Pierre.

"He would, very much so." Pierre said and wrapped his arm around her back "And I know that he would most definitely approve of Joseph. I know he liked him, and trusted him with our life's, just like you do." He smiled as Clarisse nodded.

"You're right, he would approve of Joseph." She smiled and stood to her feet. "And I guess now it's time to make that step and move on, move forward. I have a new husband... Mia will become Queen in a week." She said as Pierre watched her walk over to the fireplace. "I'm about to start a whole new life as Mrs Joseph Elizondo.." She said nervously while placing the photo on the mantel above the fireplace "And I couldn't be happier." She smiled and stepped back.

"That's great." Pierre smiled, making his way over to her.

"I'm just a bit nervous," She said, turning to him.

"That's normal, it's been 15 years since father died.. that's a long time. You will need to adjust to sharing everything again." He said, watching her as she turned back to the fireplace "But I think you will do just fine." He smiled and stepped closer. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he kissed the side of her head as she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you, mother." He said softly and rested his head against hers.

"I love you too, Pierre." She answered, as someone entered the suite.

"Grandma?" Mia said from the doorway and watched as they stepped apart. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm just wonderful." Clarisse smiled and looked at Pierre momentarily before looking back at her beautiful granddaughter.

"Good." Mia smiled "I just wanted to let you know, It's time to go down."

"Give me a minute, will you?" She asked and looked at Pierre "I will meet you downstairs in a few minutes." She added and looked back at Mia.

"Of course, take your time." Mia said and looked at Pierre as he made his way over to her.

"Come down when you're ready, mother." He smiled over at her before leaving with Mia.

"Thank you." Clarisse said, watching them leave and close the door behind them before she turned back to the fireplace.