My name is Ritsu Onodera and I've transfered from my father's publishing company to Marukawa Shoten because I've had enough of the idiots there.

This was my new opportunity to find the thing that's so painfully missing from my dull life. That's when I met my soulmate, on the first day of my transfer. He was the handsomest guy I've ever seen. Tall, gorgeous lips many women and men would kill for and striking brown eyes that bore into my soul and I felt something in me that awakened.

We didn't speak, because he was obviously in a hurry and he didn't even look at me. But, oh God. I definitely looked at him. The guide who introduced me to my new editorial team was a bit too chatty, so I didn't pay much attention to her. I was still in thoughts with the handsome man. That's how I missed that people were talking with me. "Oh, you're here. I was thinking they were lying about getting us a new editor. We're thankful that you decided to join our ranks at Crimson Department. My name is Ishiyama Yaichiro. I am the chief editor here." The man wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't on the same level as the hottie. This editor in chief was also tall and he had a funky hairstyle that almost made me giggle. Almost. We shook hands and I even conjured up a proper smile. Well, I should at least get friendly with the people I'll be working with. It can't be so bad as it was in Onodera Publishing. As next a woman in her late twenties introduced herself. "Pleased to meet you. My name is Mizutani Sawako." Ah, pleasantries. I hated them. But, let's get on with it. We shook hands and lastly, the last of my co –workers emerged. She was in her early thirties as far as I could tell. "Good morning. It's nice to get someone younger to join us. My name is Nakamura Setsuna."

They showed me around the office and introduced me to the other departments on our floor. We had Sapphire, Emerald and Ametyst… strange names, but oh well. And before I forget, I asked to be transferred to literature department… instead, I got stuck in manga and crime manga, for crying out loud. Who reads them these days? They're soo boring… Perhaps I'll ask for a transfer to literature department after the first two weeks… but I should give it a chance. Maybe that hottie will work on this floor! The sheer thought send jolts of excitement down my spine and Sawako Mizutani, was it? She grabbed my arm and flashed her long bangs at me. "Nee, Ritsu –san. It's almost break time. How about we go to cafeteria?"

I blinked twice. Was she flirting with me? For real? Sorry, gal. You're not him. He made my heart race. I have to get to closer to him. Somehow. So, the best way should be to ask around innocently. Oh, if only I saw him again…it's not unlikely, but the percentage is low. Editor in chief encouraged my overly eager colleague. "Take it easy on the first day. We don't want you quitting right away. Mizutani, Nakamura, go ahead. I have a meeting, so I'll come back later."

They nodded and Mizutani, still her hand attached to my arm led me towards the elevator. Nakamura followed after us, rolling her eyes at Mizutani's antics. She was probably used to her. We reached the lounge and we found empty stool. That was rare… it was break time for everyone, not just us. Hm… maybe they preffered to stay at their desks, so there's no way he'll meet him here. He sighed. Mizutani caught on my internal conflict. "Ohh, I know that sigh. You're having love problems? Tell me. Tell mee!" She squaled excited and Nakamura stepped in. "Oh, stop it. Stop pestering our new member. It's none of your business. We should just enjoy the break." Mizutani pouted and stood up to get herself a drink from the vending machine. I stared at the ceiling, bored to oblivion and it was only the beginning. A manly, enriched voice pulled me from my boredom. I glanced over the vending machine, that's where it came from. My eyes widened. It was him! He bumped into Mizutani and she quickly excused herself, grabbing her green tea.

She sat down next to me and I saw how the man's eyes flickered at us for a moment, but he quickly lost interest, got his drink and left the lounge. In that moment, my heart skipped a few beats. He's so handsome… I wonder if he has someone… someone like him cannot be single. But if he was… no, get your head out of the clouds, Ritsu. You don't even know his name! My other colleague, Nakamura was very observant, as it seemed. Her facial expression said it all and she was definitely amused. She put her elbows on the stool and smirked. "I see you've met the editor in chief of Emerald already. His name is Takano Masamune. He's the quiet type who all women in the office drool for. As much as I have heard, he's a player, that man. He transferred here merely a year ago because of a scandal at a rival publishing company. I don't know the details. As you can see, he's not very friendly with us, Crimson editors. Or he's not friendly in general. At any rate, he's good at his job. Very good. No one has ever become so quick a chief editor in years here. Now, what's with that look?"

I was surprised at the question."What look, Nakamura –san?"

"Oh, well. Maybe it was my imagination. Well now… how about we go and eat out somewhere?"

Mizutani cheered. "Yees! I've been waiting for you to say it, Setsuna –chan."

The older woman sighed. "I told you to stop with – chan thing, Mizutani. Also, call me Nakamura. I am the second in chief. Show some respect." Mizutani pouted again. To me, she seemed like an immature brat – just like all the fucks who complained about my "lucky heritage" at Onodera Publishing. I hated those types with passion, but I'd better put up a faccade.

We left for a nearby restaurant and came back hour later after having lunch.

The day went by soon. Chief returned from his meeting after three hours, his expression sour. It's not like I haven't taken part in those before. They are pain in the ass and I knew the man's pain for dealing with idiots from sales, management and printers. Chief put some new authors under my care and Mizutani showed me the ropes of crime manga and manga in general. I was an editor, but for books… not manga. This was a challenge, but nothing I couldn't handle. We finished our work somewhere after midnight and each of my colleagues were leaving one after another. I've stayed longer, reading the works of the mangaka's I was in charge now and I gained some really valuable knowledge.

I checked the time on phone. Damn. It was 1.13 am. I really should leave… I wager I'm the last to leave the building. I went into the elevator, surpressing my yawn. I stepped outside and the rich voice I instantly recognized forced me into hiding behind a wall. I carefully peeked. It was him. Takano. He was on the phone, standing in the empty entrance and yelling at someone he was talking with over the phone. "No, you cretin! I'm not in the mood! I'm about to leave and I don't want to see anything else but my bed." He was silent for a few seconds then he exploded. "Shut the hell up, you manwhore. Your threats end here." He hung up and I quickly hid again, not daring to breathe and alert him to my presence. It's not like I didn't want to talk with him. I really would LOVE TO, but not under these circumstances. He musn't think I'm… some kind of pervert spying on him. That would surely bode well for any future ... romantic approaches that might come my way.

He looked around and when he saw no one saw his outburst he contently left the complex. I dreamily looked at his tall stature as he was leaving. An idea popped into my mind. I could follow him… just to find out where he lives… and then I go home. It's not like I'm doing something wrong or illegal… I am just a bit curious. Where's the harm in that?

As secretively as I could, I followed after Takano, keeping my distance and when he occasionally looked behind his shoulder, I got lost in the crowd. We entered the train and I stayed away from him, so he would not recognize me right away. And even if he did, he might think I live somewhere near. There was nothing strange about me boarding the same train as he did. The ride was excruciating for me as I forced myself not to gaze at the handsome man that was Takano. Finally, we reached Takano's stop and he was leaving. I took the other door so that I would not draw his attention to myself. It worked. He didn't even notice me. I was in luck.

We walked through the bustling subway and we entered the quiet neighborhood. He went for a park. Probably a shortcut. This was going to be tricky. I had to be extra careful if I didn't want to be disovered. He'd think I'm a creep… and that's not how I want him to view me. So as to avoid him seeing me, I made small steps, making as minimal sound as possible all the while hiding in the bushes. Takano musn't know of my presence. I repeated the words in my mind, almost like a mantra. He's a good man, I can see that. Whatever the rumors about him may be, I don't care. I've never felt so alive before I saw him. I finally realized what was missing from my existence. It was him.

Takano reached a seven stories building. I watched him from afar as he went fished out keys to the main door and got in. I finally allowed myself to breathe properly and I let out a mild groan of satisfaction. Now I knew where Takano lived.

I turned to leave, grinning.

My apartment wasn't far from Takano's, it was practically ten minutes away. On my way home, I hummed a song about love. I picked it up over the radio today. It was about brown eyes from a foreign singer. She was right. One gaze and I was enamored with him.

He doesn't know it yet, but he'll be mine. I chuckled at that thought. I don't know how and I stood before my apartment. I took out my keys from bag and, put the key in and turned. I got in and took off my shoes. My coat came down as next – I mean, it was autumn already. Bit chilly to be going around in T –shirts only. I locked the door and put the keys on the table in living room. I changed, took a bath and sunk in my bed. Exhausted. It's not like I was overworked. I was… lovestruck. Yeah. That's the right word. I can't just approach him out of nowhere… he doesn't know me… but I'll get closer to him… somehow.

I was determined to make Takano Masamune mine. I've found my other half. There's no way I'm letting anyone take him away from me.

I swear, he'll be mine.

I laughed merrily.

Oh, Takano… you're so handsome. I can't wait when I'll fall in your arms…

With happy thoughts of what our first date will look like, I drifted to sleep. My dreams probably filled with Takano's warm smile, aimed at me, holding my hands and telling me he loves me.

Author's Notes – Inspired by YandereDev's game that's still in development called Yandere Simulator. Go and check it out if you want. I won't spoil anymore, but let's just say this was the appetizer for the things to come. Also, this won't be your typical Onodera Ritsu as we know him from manga and anime. He didn't meet with Takano until he came to Marukawa. Also, he doesn't work at Emerald, but he's on the same floor as him. We don't want to make it too easy for Ritsu, right? In the next chapter, he'll gain an ally in his cause… and maybe gain a new goal when he learns some interesting information. Thanks for reading so far. Let's hope it was worth your time. If you liked it, drop me a review. I wonder if it was readable at least. n_n Oh, also, one of Ritsu's colleagues is named Nakamura after Nakamura sensei… just thought I'd let you know. Hopefully, I'll see you in the next installment! Have a good day/night.