authorsnote: so this two piece is rapidly turning into something much bigger ... whoops. this will still be a short story, i'm thinking five chapters maybe? idk, I'm honestly just gunna see what happens. I am really enjoying this though, and I hope you are too. just a couple of things to address:

one) yes klaus and caroline are a bit ooc in this fic, however remember these two things when you read this chapter: caroline met klaus in a very impressionable point in her life. she was drunk, extremely insecure and had never had the kind of attention from a guy that was positive, it was always rejection, or silly relationships that didn't mean anything - klaus was the first man to show her something besides that, to show her kindness, to show her a kind of love. that made a huge impression on caroline, and as said as a vampire she remembers more of that night, thus leading her to hold klaus almost in incredibly high esteem. also remember that when klaus becomes obsessed he becomes OBSESSED. he rarely connects with anyone so 'pure' as he puts it, anyone so unmarked by darkness, and caroline is just that, and so he feels drawn to her, as though she's under her skin.

two) I know I'm not the best at grammar, I know I fuck things up sometimes, please stop hating on me about it, I never claimed to be a grammar whiz, I don't have a beta because I write so sporadically that I just want to get stuff out their. I know that bad grammar can be annoying, and I am working on it, constantly filtering stuff through grammar and spell checks, however I'm not perfect, please bare with me.

three) on a more positive note - I have started a beauty vlog! I am loving it so far, and am looking for more support - go onto youtube and type in PIXXIEVICKI (with two X's), and you'll find my channel. would be great if you could watch some of my videos and even subscribe! I'm really trying to get this venture off the ground! 3

okay so sorry for that guys, just needed to get some stuff out of the way! and clarify in case anyone feels confused about the characters feelings/motivations.

song recommendations - live like legends: ruelle, alive: sia, love me like you: little mix.

faith falls hard on our shoulders


She didn't want to move, didn't want to break the calm they had centered around themselves. Her hands over his hands, her forhead to his forhead, their eyes closed. Content, peaceful.

Caroline wanted to lose herself in this moment. She had dreamed of seeing him again, dreamed of seeing the man who had made her feel better than anyone ever had; who made her insecurities just wash away with his words. She had looked forward to this.

And though it felt wrong, and bad, and just unbelievable; a small, selfish part of her was glad regardless of the cirumstances that they had met again. That she could see him again.

It was wrong but in their little bubble, their little suspension in time – it felt right.

And then the dam broke.

She felt Klaus shoved away from her, and she was jolted out of her moment with him. She saw Tyler by her side, his face a mixture of anger, shock and confusion. He had been the one to shove Klaus, and Klaus didn't even seem to care. He just looked .. sad.

His eyes locked on hers and she couldn't look away, she couldn't. She wanted to drown in them. But she broke the stare first: this was so very wrong, Tyler had a tight grip on her arm, it would have hurt if she wasn't a vampire, and he was pulling her backwards.

Away from Nik.

'Caroline.. I..' Klaus spoke softly, and she wanted to go to him, she did. And she nodded: already answering what he was clearly going to say. How could he have known?

'I know' She spoke softly, and pushed Tyler's hand from her arm, gently but still away. He looked beyond confused, and she could see the rest of them did too. Rebekah had even stopped guarding the group, and now Elena, Matt and Bonnie had crowded around her and Tyler, all keeping their distance from Klaus; all with shocked expressions.

'Caroline, what is going on?' Elena spoke first, her eyes swivelling to Klaus who had turned away from them, his head in his hands. Rebekah had gone to his side and seemed to be comforting him.

It was an odd picture.

'It's complicated' Caroline spoke quielty but knew they could all hear. They all looked so out of place, like it was wrong. She shouldn't have re-met her knight in shining armour like this. It should have been nice not laced with confusion, accusations and pain.

'Well how do you know him?' Tyler was shaking, his entire body going. 'Huh? Because you looked pretty goddamn cosy with a guy none of us are supposed to know' He growled the last word and he too turned away, clearly trying to keep control of himself.

'Tyler calm down' Elena said quietly, before turning to Caroline fully 'But yeah Care, how do you know Klaus?' She spoke without judgement, clearly giving Caroline her turn to answer herself. 'How?'

'I..' She couldn't. She couldn't reveal that night to them. Things had gotten a little bit better since she had turned but still she knew what they all thought: she was Caroline. Sweet, neurotic, insecure Caroline. She didn't want to admit she felt a deep connection with the mortal enemy just because of how he had talked to her.

They would see it as her being insecure, but that wasn't how it had been. He hadn't just helped her insecurities; he had made her believe she could be something more. She had always thought she would have been born, lived and then die in Mystic Falls; Klaus had made her believe differently. He had inspired her and treated her with such kindness. Even now, she couldn't ignore that.

'I..' She spoke again and felt someone grab her hand; she presumed to be Tyler and impatiently she tried to shake it off. 'Tyler, now is not the tim..' She turned then when he wouldn't release her (she was much stronger than him after all – how was he still hanging on?), and then she stopped dead in her words, and her heart fluttered.

It wasn't Tyler. Tyler was still shaking a couple of metres away with Matt now comforting him, just how Rebekah had been comforting Klaus. It was Nik, he had taken her hand and the look of sadness was gone off of his face, it had been replaced by something she could only describe as .. determination.

'Nik?' She spoke quielty, and he nodded at her, and for some stupid, idiotic, completely unknown reason she trusted him. In that moment, she could trust him. The mortal enemy, a man (well vampire), she didn't even know, she trusted him.

She softened her hand in his, and the group were now fixed on them, watching, waiting with baited breath. 'Care?' Elena spoke softly, and she could see tears in her friends eyes. She took a step forward to go to her before she felt herself tugged gently back.

'No' Klaus spoke, and Caroline raised an eyebrow in surprise; that and squeal was all she could do before Klaus gripped her hand harder and whisked her out of the gym, and out of the school. He was so fast, even her squeal was tiny.

In seconds she felt herself being carried, whisked away at a crazy speed (even for her), to an unknown place. And yet as he moved her from her friends, from her boyfriend, the confused glances and accusatory stares, as he moved her away; he was gentle, his arms scooping her up and holding her close.

He was gentle.

And so she didn't struggle.

She had no idea where she was. The house he had taken her past in a blur looked big, Rebekah had flounced off to upstairs, and the lights had been switched on. It had an unloved look though, as though recently vacated or.. never really lived in.

She took a moment to understand her surroundings. The house was big, bright and she could see outside the day was winding down, coming along to sunset. Klaus stood in front of her silent, but never taking his eyes off of her. She didn't look at him.

She didn't know how to react.

'Why did you do that?' She asked quielty, turning to him, locking eyes with him. She felt herself want to go to him but she couldn't. She couldn't.

'Ever since that night' He took a deep breath and she could see he was gearing up for something, she remained still, she needed to know.

Now would be his time to tell her, to make it all seem okay, now was their only chance. And she hoped to god that neither of them blew it. She needed to know if what she was feeling was okay, because at the moment it felt wrong. It felt wrong to want him, to almost idolise him in the way she was. She didn't know why she felt this way, all she knew was that she did.

And she needed him to make it okay.

'Ever since that night' He took a deep breath, readying himself for this. Klaus was never vulnerable, and yet today that was the only way he had felt: since seeing her.

He couldn't believe it when he walked into the gym, sure his eyes were playing tricks on him, lying to him. He couldn't believe the girl he had dreamed about, thought about, had become entranced with was part of the group he was hoping to destroy.

And now she was immortal.

That he felt a pang of pity for. She didn't deserve this life, the life of a vampire. She was so pure, and sweet and good. She deserved to live, a happy, human life. And yet the selfish part of him liked it.

It felt ridicioulus, he barely even knew the girl. Had spent one night with her many years ago, she had been drunk throughout the whole thing. Yet, he had been completely sober. He had held her as she slept, had heard her mutter his name as she pulled herself into his chest, had heard her whisper it many times in her sleep.

He had become infactuated.

And he had left.

He had known there was no way it would work. She was human, he a vampire; simple facts. And so he had left her a note and a piece of his heart: she was so beautiful, so kind, so sweet. He hadn't been able to shake her. He had dreamed of her, stopped himself time and time again from tracking her down. He had never forgotten.

'Ever since that night, I haven't been able to shake you. It sounds ridicioulus, we barley know each other, met once, but you've gotten under my skin' He shook his head, and moved closer to her, step by step. 'I dream about you, I've stopped myself so many times from just coming to find you, I can't stop thinking about the light you give off, your beauty, your purity, your innocence' He took another step closer, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek. He relaxed when he saw her melt into his hand, her body shuffling closer to his. 'I can't stop thinking about you' He pressed his forhead to hers. 'I can't shake you'

'Then don't' He glanced down at her, and she looked shocked at her own words, as though they hadn't meant to be said out loud. And yet he had heard them. She looked so confused and so sad, and yet he could see a spark in her eye; a spark of wanting.

'This can never work' He hated to say it, hated to be the negative one but he had to, he was too bad for her. She was good, and kind, he was evil and cruel, she was light, he dark. It was unavoidable. 'You're so light, like the sun is shining within you, and yet I'm dark, dark as the night sky' He closed his eyes, his other hand coming to cup her face too.

'We don't even know one another, and that doesn't matter, your friends don't matter, none of it matters except that' He opened his eyes to meet hers, and she looked sad again but something else was there too, as though she were gearing up for a fight. 'None of it matters Caroline, except the fact that we are at opposite ends of the spectrum'

'That's the only thing that matters' He spoke and his voice broke slightly, and he felt her hands come up to his chest, and she leaned into him even more. She didn't say anything, she didn't need too. He knew that no matter what he wouldn't corrupt her, wouldn't tar her lightness with his dark.

He couldn't, he wouldn't.. and yet he so wanted too.

so did you like/hate/love? let me know in the reviews! I know things don't seem to be going well for this pairing but they got some shit to work through before they can have some happiness. no spoilers but hopefully things will be looking up a bit in the next chapter!

also as stated above please go check out my beauty vlog - really trying to get it off the ground, and I would love your support.

also follow me on other social media platforms:

twitter: pixxievicki, instagram: pixxievicki, snupps: pixxievicki.

as always please fav/follow/sub/review - see you soon!
