So I haven't posted an actual story in a while now, and I decided to go back to my roots and focus on an old Ninja Turtle idea I had. Let me know what you think.

One bright blue eye was blinking steadily into the camera lens, then suddenly back peddled fast to show a huge cheesy grin on Michelangelo's face and him in a horrible fake Australian accent declaring, "Hello my wonderful fans, my names Mikey, and I'm a turtle! I'm about to take you on one of the best rides of your life, a real Ninja but kicking Turtle Take down!"

"Mikey let's go!" Leo's voice echoed from somewhere off screen. The camera was hastily set back down on the workbench and a full shot was seen of Mikey fumbling along his belt to get it undone, then the flash of movement as the camera belt replaced it. With a quick jerk of his wrists Mikey's nunchucks were quickly holstered, and another whirl of color as a voice behind him came in. "What are you doing in here? Come to ruin another of my projects?"

It was all too easy to imagine a look of innocence that no one would believe as he responded, "I was looking for some spare batteries, my game boy's out." He did indeed raise his hand to camera height, blocking out the view, to expose the extra batteries.

Donatello sighed and asked, "and you felt compelled to look for those before we go out on a training run, because?"

"I might forget later," Mikey said in a 'duh' voice. His arm dropped back down to the belt and he quickly slipped the batteries in them while the camera watched Don make impatient movements. Mike was quick to follow after, the movement odd as most were not used to seeing the world from hip height.

"What were you guys doing in there?" Leo's voice could be heard, the camera turning slightly to focus on his curious face for only a moment before Mikey turned back around, "Tell you later bro, we gotta go!" He was already out the door.

The belt on Mikey made quick work of barreling through the sewer's, then the sickening motion of watching his body go up to the roof. He and his brothers spent a good hour jumping about and being their normal selves.

All seemed calm and normal for the boys, occasional close-up shots were seen of each of the four turtles as they continued their sudden impromptu game of tag, while confined to the one roof 'to make it more difficult' according to Leonardo. Then an arrow went flying past, right for Leo's face.

It happened so fast that Leo's katana had already beheaded the arrow and the four had their weapons out before it seemed they fully realized what had happened. "What the shell?" Mikey yelped, a delayed reaction to realizing how close his brother had come to death, but still quiet enough that only those closest could have heard.

Before any of the others could even think of responding, Mikey's nunchaku was already in motion and blowing away yet another arrow aimed straight for his chest.

"Duck and cover," Leo called out, only the edge of his bandanna tail visible as he took his own advice and rolled for safety. The other three tried to follow suite, but they seemed hardly able to take even a step without having to defend themselves from the rain of arrows. Where they were coming from or even who was shooting at them there was no clue, until Don cried out, "Did you see that?"

Mikey whirled on the spot, only to see yet another arrow headed directly for Raph this time.

Raph did a quick spin to avoid the tip, watching it embed instead right next to Mikey's foot, then the blur of fighting continued.

The image was clear despite the craze of movement, the sound filtering perfectly every breath Michelangelo was taking as yet another shaft went flying past screen. The detail was so pristine, you could see the blood on the black pavement before even Mikey himself noticed it. When he did see it however, he did a mad flip on the spot, and paused for a brief moment to see which of his brothers had been hit, and how badly. Don was currently using his staff, which was now embedded with half a dozen of the weapons. "Hey guys, I swear I saw something moving to the north," he called out again, throwing the arrows back out of his staff back towards the direction he had indicated.

Mike's chucks were a blur of motion as he bounded in that direction, calling out, "if you get a more literal location, how about filling us in," even as he moved. He had sprung onto the ledge of the building, but was then forced to do a crazy sort of spin as an arrow whizzed right past the lens.

"Over there," Raph's tone could be heard from somewhere behind, quickly followed by a cry of pain.

The camera once again moved at a blur to focus in and appear at Raph's side. The camera seemed to focus grotesquely on the bleeding wound on Raph's arm, and he began falling forward. Mikey let out a small little huff as it seemed dead weight landed in his cradle. "Raph's down," his voice spoke loudly, as Leo and Don made their way over, only for Donatello to be shot down as well with an arrow scratching the side of his head. He cried out in pain as well, stumbling into Leo as the eldest shell managed to take the arrow that would have gone through Mikey's throat.

Leo gently rolled Don off of him trying to put pressure on the already bleeding head even as he tried to remove the arrow lodged in his shell. He tried to take command of the situation by calling out, "Mikey, stay down, we need to-" but that was all he could get out before he too was taken down, an arrow catching his green skin no matter the skill he tried to employ in dodging it. Michelangelo must have panicked at this point, because he did the exact opposite and lunged to his feet. His nunchakus staying in constant motion the only thing that seemed to allow him to be doing so.

"Please be okay," Mikey muttered for his ears alone as he constantly shifted weight about, each time he moved the camera seemed to catch another of them downed. Oddly enough no more arrows seemed to be arriving, and Mikey's dancing from foot to foot was only increasing in agitation as nothing more seemed to be happening. "Okay," he began muttering, "so whoever finally ran out, that's good, maybe they just went home." He finally took pause in his movements, though the motion of his weapons still spinning was clearly visible, and he seemed to be waiting for something. That something came in the form of an enormous black shadow tackling him from what must have been behind as the camera began tumbling forward at a sickening pace, right towards the edge of the building.

The camera came to a halt teetering right on the lip of the building, though still in danger of falling forward at even the slightest of breeze down to the alleyway below. The fall seemed to have knocked him unconscious as well, as there was no groan of pain, and no attempt to move himself back.

The camera was suddenly dark, like something was covering it up, the stitching, color, and texture of which indicated a bag of some sort.

Light still faintly filtered through, and the small shuffling noises could have indicated movement. The travel was rough, though short. In a few minutes the distinct noise of a metal door, most likely a car, being opened and a noise of shell hitting metal could be heard. The sound was made three more times before the metal door closed again. An engine roared to life, and the boys were on the move.

This idea came to mind quite some time ago. Personally, I have seen a few short stories from a camera's point of view, but never a full length one.

Liked it, didn't, coherent, in character? Let me know and the next chapter will be posted within the week.