**Well, after thinking long and hard about this, I decided Jon Moxley and Keyla Jensen aren't finished yet. And neither are Lennox Sparks and Roman Reigns! I mean they just started in Amaranthine and I did leave it hanging. So without further ado, here is the third and final installment to the Jon & Keyla saga. This is also my first Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley trilogy I've written. I've only written 4 trilogies in the 17 years I've been writing, so this is a big deal for me. Hope you all enjoy it! Remember, all the hate does is fuel the flames to my fire haha!**

~Sequel to Amaranthine~

Chapter 1

"And that's the last of it." Keyla wiped the sweat from her brow, setting the final box down on the carpeted floor and leaned against the couch. "Man, I thought I was in better shape than this…"

Jon chuckled, holding a box of his own and planted it on top of Keyla's, kicking the door shut with his shoe covered foot. "Mmm watching you bend over like that is making me want to give you a workout." He stepped up behind her, planting his hands on her hips and slid his tongue along her bare shoulder, the salty taste of her sweat only turning him on further.

"I'm all sweaty…" Keyla murmured, shutting her eyes at the feeling of his tongue on her heated skin and strong arm encircling her bare waist, her hands resting on his forearm. "Jon…"

"And you taste delicious, darlin'." He assured her, his voice gritty and low, tightening his arm around her body. "Do you know what I wanna do to you right now?" His tongue slid from her shoulder across the back of her neck to the other side, slipping the straps of her sports bra down during his exploration.

Keyla smirked, knowing that was a rhetorical question, but she couldn't help answering it anyway. "I have a pretty good idea…" She reached behind to stroke the hard rock in her man's jersey shorts, purring in approval. "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me, baby?"

Pressing her against the back of the couch, Jon growled in her ear and nipped the lobe with his teeth, quickly shoving Keyla's shorts down her soft slightly tanned legs. "It's a gun that's about to go off in your pussy." Today marked the first official day Keyla lived with him and Jon wanted to spend it with her completely naked. "Any objections?"

Pulling her sports bra over her head and dropping it to the floor, Keyla barely had time to gasp before Jon pushed past her slick folds to fill her completely. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't horny from watching him lift and carry boxes up to the apartment. Apparently, Jon had the same reaction to her and that lead to their current sweaty hot shag in the living room. It'd been 3 weeks since Christmas Eve, the night both Keyla and Lennox agreed to move in with their boyfriends. Granted, Jon had used an unorthodoxed method to ask Keyla to move in with him, but it was how he operated and Keyla didn't mind it one bit. Sex and Jon went hand-in-hand; she figured that out long ago back in his Moxley days. It wasn't all their relationship was built on; Keyla made sure of that. She loved him for so many reasons other than being a mindboggling lover.

"Oh fuck…" Keyla cried out, gripping the back of the couch in both hands while Jon plummeted in and out of her, the sounds of flesh smacking flesh echoing throughout the apartment. "Goddamn baby, make that gun explode!"

It never ceased to amaze Jon how incredible sex with Keyla was. He figured after being with her for nearly a year, he'd get bored and try to find a way to spice up the relationship. There was no way he'd ever let her go, not after all the hell they went through to be together. However, he was pleasantly surprised to discover every time they did the naked cha-cha, it always felt like the first time. Only Keyla had become bolder, taking control on more than a few occasions and Jon thoroughly enjoyed being tamed. Every time he said some kind of sexual joke or innuendo, Keyla remembered and used it during their dirty talk. It just made him fall deeper in love with her and made Jon wonder how far his feelings could stretch. Marriage was never in the cards for him, but whenever he looked at Keyla he felt the strong urge to make her his wife, just so she was tied to him in every way possible. Unbeknownst to Jon, Keyla had the same thoughts going in her own head, but both thought it was far too early in their budding relationship to bring up the M word.

"Oh it will, question is can you handle it?" Jon groaned, sealing his mouth to her neck and increased the power in his thrusts, one of his hands on her hip while the other slid between her soaking thighs to stroke her bundle of nerves. "I'm gonna fire – fuck I'm close…"

"Jon!" Keyla yelled out, feeling her climax hit her like a ton of a bricks and ripple throughout her entire body, her hot juices coating his fingers. "JON!"

His seed exploded like a powerful firearm, just as promised, inside of her acquiescent body. Jon didn't bother using protection because Keyla had been on birth control shortly after they got together. Sometimes she preferred to use them, but for the most part they both enjoyed using their natural lubes instead of chemicals. His explosion triggered a second climax and Keyla was spent, Jon not stopping his thrusts until his cock went completely limp while holding her close against him. A content smile spread across her lips as Keyla stroked the damp sweaty curls at the nape of his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his strong jaw. Jon lifted her head a little more to capture her mouth in a gentle kiss, letting her twist around in his arms and lifted her, planting both of them on the couch with her straddling his lap. It was their way of coming down from the intense sexual high only they could reach together, neither having zero complaints.

"You're officially moved in, darlin'." Jon rumbled softly, stroking her back and shifted to pull Keyla on the couch to spoon against her. "Are you happy here?"

"Of course. I wouldn't have agreed to move in here if I wasn't." She responded in a quiet retort, meaning what she said and kissed his hand laced with hers. "I love you, Moxley. It doesn't matter where we live as long as we're together."

He snuggled further against her, burying his face in the crook of her neck to breathe her intoxicating scent in. "So, you wouldn't wanna move into a bigger place? You really like it here?"

Keyla turned to lay on her back to look up at him and caressed his face with the back of her hand, giving him a soft kiss. "I just told you it doesn't matter where we live as long as we're together. If you wanna find a bigger place, do it. I'm game. If you don't wanna live in Vegas anymore, we won't. What do you wanna do?" It surprised her that Jon was actually thinking about finding a different place to live, especially since he loved living near the desert. "Don't try to change anything for me. I'm so happy I'm afraid my face is gonna split open permanently from smiling so much. Because of you."

"I love you so damn much, Key." Jon whispered, her words making his insides turn to mush. She was the only one who had that type of an effect on him. "Maybe after Mania we can look for a bigger place. Just to store more shit we don't need."

"Sounds like a plan." Keyla giggled and brought his mouth down on hers, starting round two between them as part of her celebratory welcome.

Nothing else mattered to Jon and Keyla at that moment.

Unlike a ridiculously happy Keyla, Lennox was on edge ever since agreeing to move in with Roman. She put it off for several weeks after the holidays and finally they had 2 days off to do the move. It was the same day Keyla was moving in with Jon. They literally did everything together, so why not this? After leaving Danny, Lennox had her own storage unit rented under a false name in Philadelphia to keep her belongings, or what she had left. It wasn't much, but ever since working for the WWE, Lennox had accumulated some of the possessions she lost from her relationship with Danny. She'd also swapped her storage unit in Philadelphia to one in Tampa near Sami and Gina's. Some of her things were at their house too. So they had two stops to make and Roman had everything shipped to his house in Pensacola.

Her new home.

It sounded foreign to Lennox and would take some getting used to before she could call it home like Roman did. There were several stipulations Lennox laid down to Roman before agreeing to moving in with him. First, she kept her own bank account and refused to ever merge with him, wanting their finances completely separate. Whatever money he made was his and vice versa. In case the bubble burst between her and Roman, Lennox wanted to have a nest egg to fall back on since she had nothing when she left Danny. She tried paying Keyla back for all the trips she took with her, but Keyla simply told her the money was no good. She didn't need or want it, telling Lennox to save it for herself. Giving up part of her independence was incredibly difficult, so she had to keep some of it somehow.

"We're home." Roman announced, jolting Lennox out of her deep thoughts and took her hand, kissing the back of it gently. "You okay?"

Lennox had no idea how to answer that question because she didn't know if she was or not. "A little nervous, but I'll be fine." She pulled her hand away from him and stepped out of the truck, hopping down to land on her feet with ease. "When is the moving truck supposed to be here?"

"Should be anytime now." Roman grabbed a box from the back of the truck, winking over at her. "Come on, we can start unpacking the kitchen stuff while waiting for them."


Lennox followed him inside and looked around the beautiful house, chewing her bottom lip. She remembered making Roman dessert as a way of apologizing for being a heartless bitch to him. Every time they had a fight, which wasn't often, she would make him something different. Smiling softly at the memory, Lennox waited for Roman to open the box and started pulling out baking pans. She caught a huge sale on EBay and couldn't resist purchasing them since Roman loved her baking. Once the first box was put away, Lennox started the second one, but was stopped by warm strong hands resting on her hips. Soft lips caressed the side of her neck and Lennox melted against Roman's strong chest, turning to face him only for their mouths to collide.

Roman didn't mind bending down to be at her level and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her from the floor to plant her on the counter. The very same spot she left the very first dessert she ever made him. Roman would never forget it and continued kissing her, trying to make Lennox feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. This was a huge step for her and he didn't take it lightly, though he wished she would have a little more faith in their relationship. He groaned, feeling her mouth open to give him full access inside and Roman took the invitation, taking his time to reach every crevice of it. The sounds of her soft moans the moment their tongues brushed together always managed to light a fire under Roman, making him want to rip her clothes off and take her in the kitchen. He couldn't, not when the movers were only minutes away from the house.

"Yo Roman, you here, man?!"

"Yeah! The moving van went to Auntie and Uncle's accidentally and it's on its way here!"

His cousins always had the worse timing, Roman thought, breaking the passionate kiss reluctantly. "Later." He promised in a low rumble, caressing her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb and set Lennox on her tennis shoe covered feet to go greet his family.

Lennox took a few minutes to regain her composure, her mind in a thick cloudy passion haze from that kiss Roman gave her. They always affected her that way. She touched her swollen lips with her fingertips, hearing the boastful laughter from Jimmy & Jey USO. They were Roman's cousins and the legendary Rikishi's twin sons. Currently, they were killing it in the tag team division in WWE and Lennox saw nothing except bright futures for both men. She shook her head and started unpacking the second box, wondering why she bothered to buy dishes and then remembered she didn't have any. Lennox was on the verge of buying her first house somewhere in Tampa when Roman sprung the move in proposal on her. She didn't bother telling Roman about it because she didn't want him feeling guilty for ruining her plans. There was zero regret moving in with Roman, just a lot of uncertainty and apprehension. It would go away the longer they lived together, but for now she had to keep her guard up.

"Hey Lennie girl, you in here?"

"Naomi!" Lennox beamed, both girls embracing tightly. Naomi was Jimmy's beautiful wife and a current WWE Diva. A complete sweetheart to go along with her incredibly natural beauty. "I didn't know you were coming to help us out!"

"Yeah well, Jimmy asked if I minded tagging along to help you move in and I said of course not. We hardly hang out and, besides, we're going out for dinner tonight to celebrate your official move in day." Naomi informed her, walking over to another filled box to start unpacking it. "The guys are gonna bring everything in, so we just have to do the unpacking. I told them I had no problem with it."

Lennox frowned, not wanting Roman to break his back bringing the boxes in and heaved a sigh. He would simply argue and tell her not to worry about it. Roman had a heart of gold and was always willing to help anyone he could, even people he wasn't particularly fond of. How did she get so lucky to find someone like him after everything Danny Havoc did to her? Lennox shook her herself mentally, trying to push him out of her mind because he was no longer in her life and never would be again. She had to stop comparing her ex-fiancé to her current boyfriend. It wasn't healthy for her or their relationship.

After everything was inside the house, Roman and the twins announced it was time for showers. Then they were going out for much needed drinks to relax and celebrate. Roman was all for having some private shower time with Lennox and had to scoop her over his broad shoulder to cart her out of the kitchen. Naomi laughed until Jimmy did the same thing to her, carrying her out of the house to go home so they could get ready and have their own private time. Jey would meet them at the restaurant as long as his wife wanted to go out that night. If not, it was no skin off of Roman and Jimmy's backs.

Pushing Lennox into the shower once they were both undressed, Roman wasted little time properly welcoming Lennox to her new home by making love to her under the warm shower sprays.