Chapter 45

"You about ready to go, darlin'?"

Keyla turned away from the window she'd been staring out of for the better part of an hour, noticing how fidgety Jon was and walked over to him to help zip up his bag. "Yeah, but it looks like you're not. What's wrong?" She looked up into his electric blues, seeing worry and doubt for the first time in all the years they'd known each other.

Scoffing, Jon pecked her lips softly and grabbed his bag from the bed. "I'm never better." That was a blatant lie.

"You're lying to me." Keyla folded her arms in front of her chest, narrowing citrine eyes at him. "I know you better than yourself, Moxley. You can't lie to me to save your damn life. Now out with it, what's bothering you?"

Putting on a brave front with his woman never worked, so Jon didn't know why he tried doing it in the first place. "I'm nervous about tonight. I don't know why. It's just another match…"

"For the Intercontinental title." Keyla took his bag and set it down on the floor, taking both of his hands in hers. "This isn't just another typical match for you. I know how much that title means to you and you're still pissed about what happened at Mania. Tonight is your chance to finally win it fair and square in a one-on-one match and I know you'll succeed like you have in every other big match you've had in your career. Because you're Jon Moxley and you don't fail at anything."

Jon smiled in spite of the nerves and pressed a hand to her swelling 4-month baby bump, pulling her closer to him. "Damn right I don't." His mouth covered hers in a passionate kiss, still not believing they were actually having a little rug rat.

Doctor Parkins was a miracle worker. The moment she gave the approval for them to have sex again, Jon didn't waste time and actually screwed his woman right in the underground parking garage of the hospital. Keyla tried convincing him to wait until they were home in the comfort of their bed and Jon challenged her adventurous side. They'd done it several times in a vehicle before, so why not another round? Keyla couldn't argue with him, afraid someone from the hospital would catch them and it would get back to Doctor Parkins, but she'd never been able to resist him. Anything Mox wanted, he achieved and that included knocking Keyla up as quickly as possible.

3 months later, they'd been on the road for Raw when Keyla started feeling sick to her stomach and went to get a checkup from the trainer – at Jon's insistence. He was worried about her. Keyla assured him it was probably a bug she caught and she would be fine, but he ended up dragging her to the trainer's anyway. The first question out of Michael's mouth had been if she was pregnant or not. Keyla and Jon both looked at each other, not believing for a second it could happen that fast so soon after her surgery. Doctor Parkins told them not to get their hopes up for at least 6 months because the fallopian tubes needed time to fully bind back together again. Sex wouldn't hurt the tubes any, but Keyla's first period had been nearly unbearable, which was a side effect to the surgery.

"I'd take a pregnancy test to be on the safe side. You don't have any other symptoms that shows this is a virus. Definitely not bacterial either." Michael had advised, handing over a pregnancy test stick and left the room to give them privacy.

Twice they had taken one of these and been disappointed both times. Keyla didn't want to feel helpless again, looking to Jon for answers on what to do. Jon promised he was here for her no matter what the result was and agreed with Michael in having her take the test. So Keyla went to the nearest women's bathroom while Jon waited outside, both feeling anxious at the possibility of a new life currently growing inside of her. After peeing on the stick, Keyla walked out of the stall and slid down the wall by the row of sinks, holding the stick down to where she couldn't read the result until 5 minutes passed.

It was the longest 5 minutes of their lives.

When Keyla looked down at the stick once the timer on her cell phone went off, she instantly started crying at the plus sign staring back at her. There was a plus and negative sign – not two negatives – which was a positive pregnancy test. She was pregnant. She was carrying Jon's baby – their baby. Jon overheard her crying and burst into the women's restroom, not caring who else was in there, stopping at the sight of Keyla sobbing on the floor. He demanded to know what was wrong with her and if everything was alright, not understanding why she was having a breakdown. All Keyla could do was hand over the pregnancy test along with the box it came in to show what was a negative and positive reading.

"Holy fucking shit!" Jon exclaimed, gaping at the test and blinked to make sure his eyes were properly working. "Does this mean…?"

Keyla couldn't talk and nodded her head emphatically, the biggest smile spread on her face. Cheering loudly, Jon fist pumped the air and carefully pulled Keyla to her feet before spinning her around in circles. That hadn't been a good idea because 3 seconds later, she had jumped away from him in order to make it to the stall to empty the contents of her stomach. It was the most disgusting yet beautiful sound in the world Jon ever heard because he knew the baby was causing Keyla morning sickness. Once she finished and brushed her teeth of the nastiness, Jon yanked her into his arms passionately kissing the breath right out of her body.

They were going to be parents.

In just another month, they would find out the sex of the baby and Jon couldn't wait, not caring what it was as long as it was healthy. Boy or girl, he would love the child with everything inside of him, as much as Keyla, and be the father his never was to him. Keyla felt the same way, telling Jon the same thing when he asked if she wanted the baby to be a boy or girl. She just wanted a healthy and safe baby, hoping nothing went awry since it had been perfect up until this point.

"Easy Moxley, you don't want to suck all the oxygen out of my body and deprive the baby of it." Keyla mumbled against his mouth, jolting him out of the memory of discovering her pregnancy. "Feel better now?"

"Much, thanks darlin'." He ran his finger down her cheek, caressing her lips again before grabbing his bag from the floor and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Let's go kick Owens ass and win another championship."

"Bout time you guys got here!" Lennox chastised as soon as Jon and Keyla walked through the door of the dressing room he was sharing with Roman. Old habits really died hard. "You do realize the show is only an hour away from starting."

"Relax preggo, we made it in plenty of time and Jon got his workout earlier in the day. He's ready." Keyla shot back, walking over to sit on the couch next to her best friend and still couldn't believe they were pregnant at the same time.

Or close enough.

Roman had perfect aim on their honeymoon in Hawaii they went on after their beautiful wedding and reception. 2 glorious weeks alone on the sandy beaches and ocean water relaxed Lennox in ways she'd never felt. By the beginning of July, Lennox started experiencing symptoms of morning sickness. Hers was completely different from Keyla's though, spewing like a fire hydrant. Keyla hadn't thrown up nearly as much and Roman had been concerned she'd get dehydrated, thinking it was a stomach bug. Sure enough, they took a pregnancy test at the emergency room when Lennox couldn't keep anything down or in her system for 3 days straight. They were on the road when it happened and the ER doctor informed them of the pregnancy. Roman was the happiest man on earth and promised to do what he could to get Lennox through it. 2 months later, Keyla found out she was pregnant and the girls calculated they were 2 months apart almost to the day in their pregnancies.

"Hey, I'm not the only preggo in the room, so you can't call me that." Lennox pointed out, placing her hands on her 6-month belly that stuck out like a sore thumb from her small body. Thanks to Roman's family genes, Lennox was expecting twins, so she looked as big as a house at just 6 months. "Any movement from the bugger yet?"

Keyla frowned, shaking her head. "Not yet. I'm hoping it happens soon because I'm starting to get worried. They said between 16-20 weeks it should start happening and I'm 17 weeks, so hopefully I feel something soon." She was dying to feel the first kick of their beautiful miracle baby and tried all the tricks she googled online to get him or her to move. Nothing worked. "Doctor Parkins told me if we go past 5 months and still no movement, the ultrasound would hopefully tell us why."

"Are you finding out the sex? Or you don't know yet." Lennox could see Keyla warring with herself over the question and she'd been ever since they found out the pregnancies. "I wanted to know; Roman didn't, but I got my way because I refuse not to be 100% prepared for these babies."

"We'll probably find out too. Jon isn't good with surprises and neither am I. Besides, I don't think we can wait until the baby comes out to find out the sex." Keyla said truthfully, looking across the room at him and Roman discussing their matches that evening. "Is Roman nervous about his title shot?"

"Considering it's a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match, yeah a bit. But he's gonna go out there and shine like he always does. I just hope he comes back in one piece." Lennox murmured that last part quietly while rubbing her stomach, feeling the twins stirring to life shaking her head. "They know I'm talking about their daddy."

Keyla reached over to place her hand against Lennox's stomach and chuckled at the slight movement, completely amazed by it. "Wow, I can only imagine the amount of havoc they are wreaking on your insides right now. When do you have to stop traveling?"

"Soon, possibly this month. Twins usually come between the 7-8th month and I'm getting ready to hit my third trimester in a few weeks. I'm gonna hate being at home alone while he's stuck on the road, but it'll be worth it. He's doing it for our future as well as theirs. Besides, his mother and father are down the road from us and my fathers aren't far away either." Lennox explained, smiling at the thought of her parents actually moving from New York City down to Pensacola, Florida to be closer to her and their grandchildren.

Even though Keyla was pregnant, the company didn't stop her from doing her job, but made sure to keep her backstage to do promos and segments. They didn't want to be held accountable if anything happened at ringside, which Keyla understood and Jon agreed with. She didn't mind being backstage, but couldn't wait to pop the kid out so she could resume her job ringside in front of the action. Wrestling was a huge part of her life and became a passion of hers, meaning as much as it did to Jon. If Keyla had the option to do and become anything in the world, hands down she would stay exactly where she was in WWE with her man, best friend and other friends she acquired over the past couple years.

A knock on the door from a technician announcing the boys had a segment to film for the actual pay-per-view made Keyla zoom out the door to go grab her camera equipment. She was responsible for covering most of the backstage area, including Jon and Roman's promo. Damn pregnancy brain, she thought, shaking her head while checking her equipment out before hightailing it back to the dressing room. Lennox had left to go to her own area where the designers were holed up, but not before giving Roman a good luck kiss. After tonight, their whole worlds would change. Keyla mouthed an apology to the crew when she arrived and lifted the camera on her shoulder to start filming it, unable to stop smiling at how intense Jon and Roman were together. They truly were brothers separated at birth.

6th on the card was Jon's match against Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental championship. Keyla watched from backstage, chewing her thumbnail trying not to let her nerves get the better of her. Lennox had joined her because Roman's would follow after the Diva's championship match. Everything Kevin Owens threw at Jon, he dished it back and reversed, outwrestling the rookie at every turn. Considering Kevin Owens had also been in the Indies prior to coming to WWE, Keyla thought he would've studied up on Jon's move set and whatnot. Or maybe he just didn't care. Either way, the amount of chemistry they had in the ring together was special and Jon made Kevin look great whenever he got the upper hand. However, in the end, after attempting a failed popup power bomb that Jon reversed into an unorthodoxed roll-up, the match was over.

Jon was crowned the NEW Intercontinental champion!

"HE DID IT! HE WON! OH MY GOD!" Keyla shrieked, not caring who heard or saw her and started jumping up and down in pure elation, tears filling her eyes.

"Woman, calm down before you end up going into premature labor!" Lennox castigated softly, clapping for Jon and shook her head the moment he stepped through the curtain to be tackled by his pregnant girlfriend.

11 years it took Jon Moxley to get to this moment. For years as a child, he had watched men he admired carry the prestigious title he now held in his hands. It was truly a dream come true. This title was the workhouse of the wrestling business; almost every single wrestler who held it went onto to eventually become the world champion. As far as Jon was concerned, this was the pinnacle of his career and nothing could be sweeter while he held both the Intercontinental championship and the woman of his dreams in his arms at the same time. For someone who had grown up on the streets of Cincinnati with a mother that whored herself on the streets in order to put food on the table and all the beatings he'd taken, Jon definitely made a life for himself and it was the most rewarding feeling in the world.

Pulling back, Keyla cupped his face in her hands and didn't bother stopping the waterfall of tears sliding down her cheeks. "I'm so goddamn proud of you, Moxley. And I never had a doubt in my mind you'd win tonight." She whispered against his mouth, not worried about their baby safely nestled in her womb while her legs were wrapped around his waist. "I love you."

"I love you too. Both of you."

Keyla had it all wrong this whole time. She thought Jon had been her reverie and amaranthine, but in truth, Keyla had been his. Proclaiming his love for her was his ultimate verity, the one and only true belief, principle, idea and statement he meant with every fiber of his being. She was all of it and more wrapped in a beautiful package he would never take for granted as long as he lived.

The End.

**And that's all she wrote, folks! Thank you so much for all the love, support and respect you've shown me throughout this trilogy. Without you, I probably wouldn't have taken the chance to extend Keyla and Jon Moxley's journey past Reverie. It's because of your undying devotion, love, encouragement and patience I've managed to write another trilogy. And I must say, I think this is my best one yet. :) I hope I gave Keyla and Jon the perfect send-off to you guys and it lived up to your expectations. Love you all - THANK YOU!**