Ch 42 Epilogue: A Few Months Later

Staring at the stars, Trunks couldn't believe how he came to this place. Looking back, it was a hard road he had gone down with his mate but he wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Lying back against his hammock in the backyard of his and his mate's home, he smiled as he closed his eyes. Perhaps tonight he would sleep under the stars. As kids he and Goten would do it all the time. It was Goten himself that taught him to appreciate the world around, and that's what he intended to do.


Opening his eyes, Trunks smiled. "Are you an angel?"

Goten blushed. "Shut up! I'm home," he smiled.

"Yes you are. Now come to me my chibi," he said as he held out his arms.

Goten sighed. "Fine, I can't resist you anyway," he said as he lied beside him, their arms instantly around each other.

"Remember when we were little and we'd lie under the stars? We'd tell each other everything. At the end of the night we'd tell the stars what we'd hope for the future."

"Yeah," Goten smiled as he snuggled into his mate's warmth. "Who would have ever thought it would be like this?"

"Well I was hopeful that it would be something exactly like this," he smiled as his gaze returned to the stars.

(The End)