Here is the final chapter of this story.

Chapter 8: Home

It has been a few days since Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara arrived at the Tulsa Oklahoma Zoo, and have been staying with a group of lions under the leadership of Hannibal.

Hannibal seems to remind Simba of his father. Kind, generous, respectful.

They also seen storms come and go, few severe thunderstorms, but no tornadoes. The tornadoes have been forming elsewhere. Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara has been getting very worried for the storm chasing team. Simba mostly worried for Jo and Bill. Last they heard what they were doing was chasing an F5 tornado, but that was a few days ago, and they haven't heard a word since. Then they hear some news from nearby human visitors.

"Did you hear about the F5 tornado?" A female human ask a male human next to her.

"Yes I have. A lot of homes, businesses, and farms whipped out. I heard that two storm chasers got killed."

At hearing that news, the royal family got nervous, especially Simba. He hopes that it is not Jo and Bill.

" Who was it that killed? " The female human asks.

" I believe that one of storm chasers names I believe was that of Jones Miller and also of his dtiver." The male human said.

Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara breathed a sign of relief, mostly Simba he did ask his father to protect them and so far it has worked. There were disheartened of the lose of Jones, even though he was not a trustworthy person, Simba wouldn't dare wish death on anyone. But one question still remains, if Jo and Bill survived, did they get last two remaining Dorothy's into the tornado? Just as they ask that question in their minds, the human visitors spoke again.

" I also heard that another storm chasing team got a sensor into the tornado and got a lot of good information from it." The female said.

" Yes they did. The storm chasing got their sensor inside and it recorded live real time information that helped saved lives and are using that data to help build a new advanced warning system." The male human said as both humans leave the lion exhibit.

Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara were happy that not only Jo, Bill, and the storm chasing team survive the F5 tornado but also got information that will one day save lives from tornadoes in the future.

As the hours go by, and lunch time appear, two zookeepers come in with some raw meat for all the lions. All the Lions were fed. As Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara finish eating their food the zookeepers came to them.

" Well I hoped you four loved the food, this will be the last you will get it from us." The male zookeeper said.

The royal family looked at the zookeepers wondering what they mean by that. Just as if the humans could understand mentally, the female zookeeper smiled warmly.

" You are going home to Africa." The female zookeeper announced.

Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara all lit up with excitement as their tails were wagging, they jumped the zookeeper and gave them both a 'Thank you ' lick to their faces.

The zookeepers laugh and pet the four lions back.

" Your welcome. We will come back for you guys in few hours, just try to relax and have some fun." the male human said, as both zookeepers leave the lion exhibit.

Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara turn to Hannibal and the group of lions.

" So this is it. Your day of going home is about to happen. We will surely miss you four." Hannibal addressed.

" We will all sure miss you all. You have been very kind in letting us stay." Nala said.

" We are all in your debt, Hannibal." Simba said.

Then Ceaser came to the four royal lions, he had a saddened expression on his face.

" Your leaving? Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Ceaser said with a hint of sadness and loneliness.

Kovu and Kiara came to the cub and talked to him.

" Ceaser, you are a cute, smart, and friendly cub I have ever met. Nothing would thrill us more than to stay with you and raise you as our own." Kovu said.

" But our place is with our pride back home in Africa, they are completely vulnerable without there, and we need to return home. But we will always remember you. You will always find a special place in our hearts." Kiara said with compassion.

Ceaser understood, if he had a pride or family of his own, he would want to get back at them whenever he can. Hannibal then made a decision.

" I will look after the cub, I will raise him as my own, and teach him everything I know. Besides I would to have a cub I would love to call son." Hannibal said, as he looks at Ceasar as the cub looks back at him with hope and happiness on his face.

After saying their final fairwells, the zookeepers returned with leases, as Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara were calmly lead out the Lion Exhibit, toward the outside of the zoo, where a Peterbilt 379 with an animal trailer, and a very familiar group of humans were waiting for them.

Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara recognized the group. It was Jo, Bill, and the Storm Chasing Team, they have bought them a trip home to Africa.

The royal family got excited seeing their faces again, went over to them, lion and storm chaser reunited again for a final time. Then Mose Meg's Dog came to them, they all nuzzled each other.

Simba talks to Mose.

" I am glad to see you and everyone is together in one piece." Simba said with relief.

" We came really close, we almost failed, but we completed what we came to do on that day." Mose responded.

" Can you tell us about it?" Nala asks.

" Oh man, you guys won't believe it." Mose said beginning to tell the story.

Mose begins with Jo and Bill trying to launch Dorothy III but a snapped tree, that the tornado ripped up and became debris, knocked Dorothy III out completely. He went to tell the royal family that Jo and Bill almost nearly got killed by a Gasoline Tanker that blewup, as they escaped from the Tornado. Mose told the four royal lions that he heard Jo and Bill trying to Jonas and his driver named Eddie get out of the tornadoes path, but their pleas were in vain, as tornado picked up there truck, dropped it and that the truck blewup killing them.

Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara signed in sadness, it was the worst way to get killed. Then Mose told them that Jo and Bill had to avoid hitting tractors that were thrown onto their road by the tornado, and also drive through a house that was blown onto the road by the tornado. Mose then told the story that Jo and Bill, activated Dorothy IV in the back of their pickup truck, drove into a corn field, but the truck on cruise control, ditched their truck, as the truck drove into the tornado, as Dorothy IV launched her sensors as Dorothy flew inside the tornado gathering real time information. Mose told Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara that Jo and Bill ran to farm and toke shelter inside a shed that had water pipes that went deep underground, as they anchor to it. Mose said that Jo and Bill said they were inside the tornado while anchored down, and saw a small tornado inside of the tornado, with lightning surrounding it. Mose told the royal lions when it was over the only thing left of the farm was the house. Although the house suffer minor damage, the house was completely intact and the family on that farm survived.

Simba, Nala, Kovu, Kiara were very happy that tornado chase was a major success and that information gathered will now save more lives in the future.

Soon Simba, Nala, Kovu and Kiara were being loaded into a semi, as Jo, Bill, and the storm chasing team lead the way to the Oklahoma City International Airport.

At the airport, there is a Cargo Freight Boeing 747 airplane getting fueled for the flight.

Next to the airplane are two cages, big enough for two lions.

" Well, I guess this is a final good bye." Mose said.

" Yes it is. So long Mose." Kovu said.

" Good bye Mose. " Kiara said, as both her and her mate head to one of the cages.

Nala came to Mose.

" That care Mose." Nala said to him with a smile.

Simba is the last to talk to Mose.

" Take care of Jo and Bill, Mose. I worry for them." Simba said.

" I will take care of them Simba, trust my words." Mose said.

Simba and Mose bump heads as a sign of friendship. Simba then join up with Nala, as they enter inside the last cages.

Then an air left truck, came next to airplane, the cages are loaded onto the airplane, one at a time. Kovu and Kiara were loaded on first, then Simba and Nala were loaded on last. Simba has locked eyes with Jo and Bill, as he was getting put into the plane. Soon both cages were strapped down, and the large cargo door of their airplane started to close. The four lions toke one last smell of the American air. They will always remember this smell for the rest of their alives. Soon the plane slowly taxied to the runway, then the plane speed up and toke off into the skies. Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara now know that they are on there way home, back to their kingdom.

The royal family decided to sleep, the plane first landed in Britain to pick up more cargo, and some more fuel, it was late at night as British Zookeepers came on temporarily to give Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara some food to eat. After tge plane was refueled, it went to the runway and took off again, this time making it to Egypt to unload the caego, and add more fuel to the airplane, then the airplane toke off yet again, this time making a non stop flight to Tanzania.

When then plane landed again, this time the plane was going to drop the four lions off. When the large cargo door open, they got a familiar smell. They are back in Africa.

While they were back in Africa, they were not home yet. Soon the two cages were brought out from the Boeing 747, put into the back of two trucks by Tanzanians, Simba and Nala were put on a Mitsubishi Fuso Canter, and Kovu and Kiara were put into the back of a Toyota Dyna. Soon the two trucks and a couple of jeeps leave the airport, and head out into the African wilderness.

The convoy of vehicles drove for some time, To Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara they are only 10 miles away from the Pride Lands. They are almost home.

Soon the convoy stopped, as the humans got both cages off the trucks and faced the cage doors toward the Pride lands.

A Tanzanian looked at the four lions and said in perfect English.

" You are now free."

Soon both cage doors open, Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara slowly they walk out. The royal family looks back at the humans, then back at African wilderness, soon the four lions charged and ran together. The humans smiled as he loved seeing wild animals go free. The cages were put back onto the trucks, as the convoy left for the city.

In the Pride Lands, the sun is rising, it is supposed to be a beautiful day, but unfortunately the inhabitants are not in the mood. The Pride Lands are in peace, but a search is going on to find and bring home King Simba, Queen Nala, Princess Kiara, and Prince Kovu. Kopa and Vitani are temporarily ruling the Pride Lands until they found the rest of the royal family. While the search is going on, the Pride and the inhabitants are starting to feel vulnerable and need a King and Queen. Zazu agrees with them, he explains that the Pride and the Kingdom needs rulers for it to survive. Kopa and Vitani were reluctant at first to become a new King and Queen of the Pride Lands, they hope that Simba, Nala, Kovu and Kiara will be found and returned home, but they both know the pressure is on them to change their minds as soon as possible. Kopa and Vitani decided to go the search one more day to find the royal family, if the reach turns up nothing then a ceremony will be held and Kopa and Vitani will become the next rulers. Kopa and Vitani signs they hoped that they were doing the right thing.

For Kion and his Lion Guard, they have been search for Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara for the past few days, they have been giving one more day to search for the royal family, Kion even asks Jasiri and her hyena clan to search the Outlands and their controlled territory. The Lion Guard have been looking for awhile, they are slowly starting to lose hope that they won't be able to find them. But Kion was not about to give up just yet.

Kion turns to Guard.

" Come on guys, we can't just give up now. We have to keep looking." Kion said.

" But where else could they come from? We searched all the Pride Lands." Fuli said

"We even asked Jasiri and her clan for help. They searched all over the Outlands and their territory. They found nothing." Beshte said.

"I won't give up on Kion, I am going to keep looking for Simba, Nala, Kovu and Kiara." Bungalow said with determination.

the rest of the guard realize that they must continue on the search of the royal family, for Kion, for Kopa, for the pride, and for the Pride Lands. This is also there duty as the family guard to protect not only the Pride Lands, but also the King and his family. They then decide to continue looking, Kion gave a thank you nod.

Just as they decided to continue the search, they heard a lion roar in the distance, but the roar wasn't Kopa's, but it was similar, like they have this roar before.

" Did you hear that?" Bunga asks.

" Yes, it is a lion's roar, it's not Kopa's, but I have heard that roar before." Full said.

" Where is it coming from?" Beshte asks.

Kion turns to Ono.

" Ono can you use your sight to see if there are any lions nearby?" Kion asks.

Ono nods as he takes off into the sky, and he uses his keenest of sight to look over the Pride Lands, he looked and saw no lionesses on the hunt yet. And he didn't see Kopa or Vitani, so it was ruled out that it came from inside the Pride Lands. So that left that it came from Outside the Pride Lands, which raised his hopes, he then looks towards the border, at first he couldn't see anything, but then saw two male lions and two lionesses. When the four lions got closer, Ono then can clearly see that it is King Simba, Queen Nala, Princess Kiara, and Prince Kovu.

Ono then came back to the group with terrific news.

" Guys, I found Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara, they came back, they are heading this way." Ono announced.

" Come on let's go." Kion ordered.

The Lion Guard ran/flew to where Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara are. Kion was reunited with his father, mother, sister, and brother in law. They made some small talk, then the guard led the royal family back to Pride Rock. Kopa and Vitani were reunited with Simba, Nala, Kiara, and Kovu as well, even the Pride, including Timon and Pumbaa.

Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara told everyone about their advanture in the United States, in the state of Oklahoma. They told about the weather they experienced, including the tornadoes. They told about the destruction that tornadoes can cause. They told about Jo, Bill, their storm chasing team, and their mission to save lives by collecting data that will one day save lives in the future from tornadoes.

Simba was very impressed with Kopa's and Vitani on how they handled everything while they were away. Simba and Nala decided to rule for one more year and get Kopa and Vitani ready for the transition to happen in the future.

The local inhabitants were finally told that the royal family has been found and that they are safe and sound, as proof, Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara came to the edge as the animals exploded in a joyful cheer.

For the rest of the day, everything was normal again, business continued like normal without incident. By the afternoon hours a thunderstorm appeared, and it was a normal understorm. Nothing out of the ordinary, and it was not super severe either. As storm was happening, Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara got chills everytime thunder and a little bit of wind is blowing. They are now little bit weather wise when it comes to storms now.

Then storm passed as the day turned into night, after most of the Pride was asleep, Simba got up, left the den, went up on the highest point of Pride Rock, looked up into the sky.

"Father, thank you for looking after Jo and Bill. They are the best humans I have ever met doing what is right to protect others from what nature throws at them." Simba said to the skies.

Then a light wind blew in his mane as he closes his eyes and smile. A message was in the wind, from his late father, Mufasa.

" Your welcome. You have done well my son." Mufasa's spirit said.

Simba then heads back to the den, as he knows that Nala, Kovu, Kiara, and himself have found a new respect for the wind.

Here it is the final chapter for the final part of the year. Onward to other stories, Happy News Years Everyone. Happy New Year 2018.