Okay, maybe there was something to the whole relaxation thing after all. It didn't mean he would put all of his work on hold. But he was going to be relaxed while doing it. The floaty feeling wasn't just from the their 'couple's' massage. He attributed most of his ease to their conversation earlier that morning. Finally, they aired everything out in the open.

Well almost everything. But, honesty be damned; there was no way he would ruin their still shaky friendship with his feelings. He wouldn't fool himself into believing they were completely squared up, not yet.

Dick eyed Wally. His friend was sprawled out on their hotel bed, staring at the ceiling with half lidded eyes. He couldn't stop the grin from spreading further on his face.

"Are you just going to bliss out on the bed dude?" Dick swatted at his arm, "Make room."

"There's room. You didn't complain about laying on me this morning." For half a heartbeat, Dick wondered if Wally was inviting him to, what- snuggle? But, Wally complied, moving his arm to give Dick room to sit on the bed. "I need a massage like that, like, everyday."

Dick agreed, it had been so long since he'd felt so light and burden free- it felt weird. Not a good weird- the kind that made him itch to work. He booted up his laptop, time to fix that.

"Duuuuuuude." Wally threw his arm back to its previous location, landing right on Dick's keyboard. "Relaaaaaax."

He plucked Wally's arm up by the wrist and deposited it onto the bed. "Knowing my work is done relaxes me, Walls."

Wally rolled away muttering something that sounded a lot like 'stupid bats'. They stayed in mostly silence for a while, the only sounds in the room were Wally's snores and the tap of the keyboard.

Occasionally, Dick paused to admire how the light filtering in through the windows illuminated Wally's features. Each time he caught himself, he forced his eyes away. It was bad enough he woke up snuggled on top of his friend -for which Wally teased him about all day. And it would probably happen again that night. But he didn't need to torture himself, didn't need to rake his eyes over Wall like he had any business doing so.

After an hour, Wally sat up and gave Dick a dirty, groggy, look before heading to the kitchenette to reheat the leftovers from their post-massage lunch. Well, seconds, as Wally had ordered extra food.

Dick looked up from his work when Wally turned on the tv, flipping channels every few seconds.

"Okay. News. Weather. Static. Trash talk show." Wally tossed the remote on the bed and flopped in front of Dick. "Let's go outside."

Dick sighed. "Give me another hour? I'm onto something."

Wally groaned, "Duuuude."

"Watch the trash talk show."

It earned him a pillow to the face, but Wally left the trash on. "Did you bring a book or something?"

Dick nodded absentmindedly. "Yea, I have one in my bag." There, that should keep Wally occupied. It was some sci-fi thriller Tim was obsessed with. "Let me know how it is so I can pretend I read it when Tim asks."

He could hear Wally searching in his bag, rumbling about his disorganization. And maybe, just maaaaybe, he would look back and realize that he probably should have retrieved the book for Wally. And he would blame it on the massage leaving him light headed and floaty.

Wally slammed his laptop closed, nearly catching Dick's fingers in it.

"What the fu- oh" He looked away from his fuming friend.

"Seriously? After I asked you to not pack it." Wally threw the costume at him and grabbed his laptop.


"Fuck." Wally skimmed the file Dick still had open. "Fu- sh- URGH." He shoved the computer back to Dick.


Wally growled. "No," He pointed a Dick, dangerously close. "All of that this morning- was that just talk?"


"Did you just agree to come with me because you had this case? Or did you take this case because you were coming here with me?" He crossed his arms, seething. His eyes bore into Dick's, fierce and watery.

Dick swallowed, watching their earlier progress crumble. There was no right answer there. "Wally I-"

"So, were you just planning on poofing off into the night while I slept?" His arms waved over his head then collapsed bonelessly to his side. "I give up. I thought…" He shook his head.

"Wally! Let me-" But Wally was gone in a blur, grabbing his coat and keys. "Now you use your speed, Jerk!"

He doubted Wally actually heard him, but it felt good to yell. Dick threw his costume to the floor. How hard was it for Wally to sit still and listen? He wiped a hand over his face. It wasn't the first case he worked on while 'vacationing', and it wasn't like he was ignoring Wally - or had before.

With a grunt, he opened his laptop. May as well finish what he was working on. He could argue with Wally once they both calmed down.

It was dark the next time Dick looked up from his work. Wally had not returned, nor had he called. Dick wondered if he would come back at all, or if he should work on finding another way home.

He rubbed his strained eyes and checked the time. Their dinner reservation was soon. Maybe he would luck out and the promise of good food (which he basically already paid for) would lure him back. It was worth a shot, and his empty stomach agreed on that course of action.

After a quick change into something nicer, he made his way to the formal restaurant. It was amazing what a well tailored dress shirt and pants could do to turn heads. He noted several eyes divert his way as he past. A bitter part of him wondered what it would be like to have Wally turn his head towards him like that.

Wally was already at the table when the host lead him over. A cozy, private, table by the fireplace. It would have been romantic if it wasn't for the sour expression on Wally's face.

He glanced over the simple and expensive menu, happy the meal was 'free' since it was included with Wally's room package. The bitter voice was back, reminding him he shouldn't even be here, it wasn't a romantic weekend for him. He was just an afterthought.

"Walls…" How did he explain? "I'm sorry."

"Save it." Wally tilted the menu to block Dick from his view. "I'm eating, then packing."


He was interrupted by their server bringing water. She took their orders, which Dick was sure he wouldn't be able to eat.

"I'm done." Wally's voice was weak, his eyes closed. Dick's heart constricted; he caused his friend this pain, and it was all his own fault Wally was pushing him away.

"Wally." Dick reached across the table, covering Wally's hand with his own. His heart lurched at the touch, simple as it was. He gently rubbed his thumb along Wally's.

He expected Wally to pull away, to snarl at him. Maybe even jab him with a fork. But Dick never expected Wally to open his eyes, watery and raw, and stare straight at him. Wally didn't say anything, just stared, breathing shallow. He didn't throw off Dick's hand, maybe he would listen?

"I- I'm sorry Wally. Please," Dick pleaded, "forgive me."

Wally looked down at their hands. "I always do, don't I?" He paused, blinking away the wetness in his eyes. "You've always put me second…"

"That is not true!"

"And when I don't put you first, I get sidelined even more. That's what you said this morning, right? When Arte and I started dating, you-"

"Wally!" He swallowed, trying to get rid of the sudden dryness in his throat. They cleared all that up, didn't they? Their friendship had been rocky, true, but they talked it out. Fixed it.

"I can't keep doing this. With you." Wally gave a humorless chuckle, "I'm done."

"You can't just- just decide to stop being friends with me!" Dick gripped Wally's hand tighter. "You're my best friend."

"Was. Forget it, I'm leaving now." Wally tried to pull his hand away, but Dick held on.

Dick swallowed. "Please. Stay."

Wally shook his head and looked at the floor. "Why should I?"

He could take Wally's anger, could take him yelling at him. But this… this solemn acceptance that years of friendship was over? How did he react to that? How did he explain to Wally how much he meant? Wally wasn't fighting anymore… he was giving up. Giving up their friendship. Giving up the possibility of more.

And even if Wally never forgave him, never spoke to him again, he deserved the truth. Dick owed Wally that much.

"Because, I love you."

The silence stretched, neither of them moving as his confession hung in the air. Wally's eyes opened slightly wider, the only indication he heard.
Of course, that was the moment their food arrived. Dick, thanked their server as she sat the food on the table, and reassured her they didn't need anything else. His steak smelled amazing, but his appetite was all but gone.

Once she left, he slowly moved his hand off of Wally's. "I- I'm sorry. For everything. And I understand if you don't want to be friends- I- sorry, that was selfish." He looked up at the ceiling, cursing his heart. Wally just stared at him. "I shouldn't have told you."

"How long?"

Dick shook his head. "It doesn't matter." He pushed away from the table. "You can have my steak."

He didn't look back as he fled the dining room. The other guests were a blur as he nearly ran back to the room, fighting the prick of tears.

His heart was in his throat as he haphazardly threw his stuff back into his bag. He didn't know how he was going to get home, only that he needed to get away before Wally came back to the room. How could he have just blurted that out? After years of practice, he should have been able to keep his mouth shut.

He was stuffing his nightwing costume into the bag when the door opened. Dick shut his eyes tight. He could hear Wally pause, setting something on the table, before continuing into the bedroom. Dick's pulse raced when the footsteps stopped behind him, he didn't have the courage to turn around and face Wally.

"H-how long?"

Dick zipped his bag closed and stood up, still not facing Wally. "Too long."

The admission fell from his lips, and he wondered if the fresh air was messing with his head. Or maybe he was just tired of pretending.

"S-so all of those time you-"

"Don't do this," Dick pleaded. His heart was already trampled, Wally was already 'done', why drag it on? He picked up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "I'll pick up a cab in town."

He didn't dare look at Wally when he turned around.

"Are you kidding me?" Wally pulled his bag off his shoulder. "Not even twenty minutes ago you begged me to stay, and now you want to leave?" He tossed the bag to the floor then crowded Dick, walking him into the wall.

A part of him was glad Wally's fire was back, the apathy had been worrisome. Wally stared at him, searching his face.

"You-" Wally blinked, biting his lip. "I'm sorry I freaked out."

Not what he expected. "I'll get over it. Please, just let me leave." His face burned.

Wally stepped back, running his hands through his hair as he began to pace. "You loved me- that's why you were so weird when Arte and I- and then- shit." He turned to Dick, both hands in his hair. "I had no idea."

"That was kinda the point."

"I was going to throw it away." Wally backed into the bed, sitting on the plush mattress. "I wasn't going to tell you- I was just going to-" He blinked up at Dick. "I don't know what to do."

"Walls?" Dick's heart skipped, did he have a chance afterall?

"I don't know. I don't…"

"Whoa," Dick knelt in front of Wall, taking his hands in his. "Easy. You don't have to do anything. I shouldn't have told you."

Wally snorted. "And what? We'd both be alone and miserable, and missing each other." He sighed, "I brought our dinner back."

Dick gave him a tentative smile, at the sudden topic change. "You can't let food go to waste, can you?"

"Hey, you said I could have your steak!" Wally's smile didn't quite reach his eyes, but the quip eased more of the tension between them. "But, I'd like if you would eat with me."

Dick nodded, stepping back. "Look, Wally… I don't want things to be weird between us."

Wally walked past him to to table where their food waited. He waited until Dick sat across from him before talking. "What do you want there to be between us?"

The question caught Dick off guard. "I'm not sure what… I don't want to lose you, Wally. I'm fine being friends."

"Are you?" Wally took a bite. Nothing could ruin his appetite, could it?

"Yes." Dick moved his food around his plate. "I want you in my life Wally. Any way I can."

Wally thought, eating his dinner in silence. Dick managed a few bites, but the way Wally kept looking at him had him on edge.

Finally, Wally sat his fork down. Dick held his breath, waiting for whatever Wally seemed to have decided. He would live with whatever choice he made. At the end of the day, Wall was alive, and that was all that mattered.

"If you're not going to eat that, I will." Wally met his eyes, holding his gaze with an intense stare. "I don't want to…" He trailed off, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Those few seconds were pure agony for Dick.

"Dick." Wally opened his eyes again. "I kept looking for something, a sign, anything. I used to think I could read you… is this what everyone else feels like? Not knowing what is going on in your head?"

Dick held his breath as Wally stood and moved around the table, stopping next to his chair.

"I- is it okay if I kiss you?"

He let his breath out in one quick puff, his pulse racing. "Walls."

"I've wanted to for a while." He leaned down so they were nose to nose. "It just took Roy pointing it out for me, to well, realize."

"Remind me to thank him." Wally's breath ghosted over his lips. Dick turned his head, "Not here."

Wally pulled back slightly, his eyebrows drawn together.

"Just a few months ago you were planning to ask Arte to marry you." Dick stared at Wally's lips. They were so close, it would be so easy to close the gap between them and just give in.

"Dick, sharing a bed with you is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do- and you know what kind of missions I've been on. Any doubt I had went through the window when I woke up with you in my arms.

"It wasn't easy for me either," Dick admitted. He looked away again as he felt his eyes begin to sting. "None of this has been. I wanted to kiss you last night, and this morning. I wanted to kiss you when Arte left, wanted to hold you close and tell you how much you meant to me- that she would never be able to give you the love I could."

He shook a bit when Wally brushed at his cheek.

"Kiss me now. Tell me now." Wally trailed his hand down to cup Dick's jaw.

Dick swallowed, giving the slightest of nods. He'd imagined this thousands of times. Years of torment, wondering what Wally's lips would feel like, countless scenarios had played out in his head. And he finally didn't have to imagine anymore.

It was quick, a soft press with the sweet promise of more.

Wally's lips were not as chapped as he always thought they would be. The part if his brain which never turned off noted it was probably from his decreased heroing.

Their noses nuzzled together as they both basked, taking their time to catch their breaths. Wally pulled away first. He dropped his hand from Dicks jaw down to his hand.

"Worth the wait."

Wally smirked, "I'm just that amazing, babe."

Dick pulled Wally back down, kissing him again, no longer hesitant. "I know you are, babe."

~The end. Thank you for reading!

I think this is one of the messiest and least panned out fics I've done in a while. It wasn't supposed to be this long, and I kept wanting to add in things. Like, the case was Tim's but he bartered with Dick in return for watching Bludhaven.

If I do another birdflash fic I'll plan better haha.