It was a sunny afternoon in Zootopia, a certin fox by the name of Nick he was browsing around in a jewelry shop. He had been browsing in the ring section for more than an hour trying to find a good sized ring.

And some maybe wondering why he is looking for a ring, well tonight he is planning to propose to his Girlfriend Judy Hopps who he had been dating for a year and a half. He was taking her to the fanciest restrant in town, and he was hoping that she would say yes to his proposal.

But so far he had, had no luck finding a ring that seemed to be the right one, until he was just about to leave when he spotted a ring on a small table near the display window. It was sitting in a small black box on a small display table, it had a silver band and it had 3 purple diamonds in the center of the band.

Nick knew that would be the perfect ring for Judy, so he picked it up off the small display table and brought it to the counter, where an elderly dog rang up his purchase which came out to be $2,500 even, so Nick payed the man and left with the ring in his pocket.

As Nick left the Jewelry shop he decided to walk to his apartment, so he could text Judy about their date tonight, and so he could pick out a nice suit for his date.

(15 Minutes Later at Nick's Apartment)

Nick stuck his key into the lock of his apartment and twisted the knob and entered. He sat down on the couch, which is accually clean do to much of Judy's begging, and texted his Girlfriend about the date. Once he did that he set the ring down on the counter and went into his bedroom.

Nick opened his closet and rooted around in the back and found an old grey suit given to him by his grandfather. It smelled like mildew and looked like it hadn't been worn in 60 Years. While doing some sniffing around the suit Nick's nose caught something unpleasent in the front pocket of the suit jacket. He stuck his paw into the pocket only to find a pack of Cigarette's, Nick sniffed them again to make sure that was what was stinky.

Nick took the cigarette's of the pocket and set them on the counter, after he set the suit out on his bed he heard his phone beep. He went over to his phone and saw that Judy texted him and said that she would be over in about 2 Hours, Nick then decided to hop into the shower and get cleaned up.

(In The Shower)

As Nick turned on the hot water he felt the water begin to relax his muscles, he thought about putting on some music to sing along to. So he quickly got out of the shower and found his phone, he proceded to put it on his speaker stand, which Judy had gotten him for Christmas. He searched through his playlist's for a minute until he came across his Beatles playlist so he put that on and steped back into the shower.

As in played he sang along, little did he tell anybody that he could sing. That would make him look like a wuss, so he kept it to himself. About halfway into his shower his phone was ringing and the song Let It Be was coming to an end, but little did Nick know that the music had been bumping the speaker around and awnsered the phone call, the phone call from Judy.

(With Judy That Same Minute)

Judy had been getting ready for the last Half Hour and she had decided to call Nick to find out where to meet him. So she dialed his number and he awnsered, but what she heard was not Nick talking, it was Nick singing.

She had to admit he wasn't half bad, he had a beautiful voice and she could also hear music and a running shower in the back round. So out of respect for his privacy she hung up and decided to wait a while before calling him.

(Back With Nick)

Nick had just gotten out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed his phone and left for the bedroom.

When Nick entered the bedroom he tossed the phone down on the bed and let the towel drop to the floor, he then walked over to his dresser and pulled out some white and red poka dot boxers. He then heard his home phone ring, so he rushed out to the counter where his phone sits,

"Hello" said Nick.

"He Honey its me, I'm outside your apartment building could you buzz me in" asked Judy in a polite Manner,

"Sure" replied Nick as he pressed the button to let her in. Nick then rushed into the bed room and threw on his suit pants,shirt, and tie. He left the jacket off do to it being made of flannel cotton and it being really warm in the apartment.

Nick heard a knock at his door, assuming that it was Judy he went and anwsered it, and there stood Judy. She was in a red dress that had spagetti straps on it, Nick was supprised, Judy rarley wore dresses.

"Well are you gonna let me in or just stand there and stare" said Judy while startting to tap he foot, Nick shook his head and opened the door further and let her into his apartment. Judy looked around and noded with aproval in how the apartment looked. She had been hounding him to pick up his messy apartment, apparently her hounding was paying off. The Apartment was spotless from head to toe.

Then Judy spotted the Cigarettes from the counter and marched over to them getting angrier with every paw step. When she reached the counter she grabbed the pack of Cigarettes and turned around to face Nick.

" .These" asked Judy stressing the last word with great emphasis in her voice. Nick looked nervous and started to sweat,

"The are not mine I can assure you that, ha ha" nicked laughed nervously and saw the look on Judy's face, she wasn't taking that excuse for an anwser.

"Ok Judy, the truth is that the have been in the suit pocket for more that 50 Years, the suit was my Grandpa's and he was a huge chain smoker back in the day and he just never took them out of the suit when he gave it to me" explained Nick. Judy looked pleased with that awnser so she put the Cigarettes back on the counter and sat down on the couch while Nick went and grabed his coat from the closet.

The duo left after nick got his coat they left his aprtment and got into his car, a classic 1954 Buick Special that was painted a glossy red. She got into the passanger side and he got into the drivers side and started the car.

As they pulled out of the drive-way Judy looked up at nick,

"So where are we going" asked Judy her purple eyes looking couriously at Nick hoping for an answer to her questions. Nick shook his head and chuckled,

"Do you REALLY think I was going to tell you where we were going" replied Nick with a small smirk on his muzzle.

"Well I thought I could maybe get you to slip up" said Judy with fake dissapointment in her tone, Nick just shook his head and continued to drive to the place. After a half hour of driving they pulled into the parking lot of a strip mall. Judy looked up in confusion at nick who just smiled and shut off the car.

"Alright Nick you can stop the joke and drive us to where we are really going" said Judy half expecting Nick to get back into the car and drive them to somewhere different. But he continued to get out and motioned for Judy to follow him off to the side of the parking lot into the woods. Judy was reluctant but just decided that she had to trust him.

They walked for about five minutes, Judy was begining to wonder where they were going until the came into an opening and saw that he had set up a picknick in the clearing and some candles. Off to the side she spotted Nick's Grandfather and a few other foxes with what looked like a band set up.

" I hope to don't mind, I spoke to my grandpa and he agreed to give us some nice back round music" said Nick while sitting down and porred both of them a glass of wine, nodded her head,

"No it's fine" replied Judy. Nick gave him the que and the started to play, Judy gasped at the song they were playing, they were playing Maybe I'm Amazed by Paul Mccartney. Nick knew that Judy really like the Beatles and she more specifically like Paul Mccarntey's music the best.

(An Hour Later)

After eating and hearing some tunes Nick waved them off and they stopped playing, Judy looked up Nick who had is paw inside his suit Pants pocket.

"Judy I have been meaning to ask you a question and I feel that right now is a good time to ask you" said Nick, Judy nodded and told him to continue

"Judy Will You..."

(A/N hey guys it's Mastfic here with a Zootopia Fanfiction, sorry for the cliff hanger I want to see the response on this story before I add more chapters. Also look out for mr and Sherman fanfiction I WILL be updating that very soon, so ta ta for now)