There are times where it's still surprising how much pain can change a person. Especially when that pain is caused by the person who always took it away.

And in a situation like that, honestly, what is there to do besides to grow cold and distant to keep it from happening again? After all, if pain changes people, how long would it take for it to kill someone under the right circumstances? Or maybe even turn an innocent into a killer?

The cold indifference that often comes after the pain of betrayal can lead the innocent down many dark paths, each more horrifying than the last.

And when someone grows up with people constantly tearing them down, what happens when they finally snap? Years of pain and negative feelings about their worth can do a lot of damage after all. And the scary thing is, its not always obvious when it happens.

But there's always a consistency with those who've fallen from their state of innocent grace. There's always the loss of belief - in a higher being, in people they were once close to, and themselves. In many ways, this is just the beginning of the end for these people, if they survive their fall from grace.

So...I wrote this a while back and finally found a use for it..I'll have a new chapter up soon. When I'm on a computer instead of my slow ass phone.
