Sorry about the lack of anesthitic in the last chapter... I was kinda freaked out by that myself. @_@ I'm trying to keep things as close to the original story as I can, though, so I'm afraid that just had to stay in there. Sorry!

Here you go! Reformatted and in perfect condition. Enjoy! (Oh yeah, because of popular demand I took the little star-thingies (*) out of the curse words and researched the adoption process a bit. You were right, the version of adoption Itadai-chan had out was a bit hard to believe. I fixed it! Woohoo! Happy now? Kids today... Jeeze...^_^)

With (un)conditional love (But only if you review!),

The I-would-NEVER-hold-off-the-next-chapter-until-you-give-me-100-reviews ^_^ And ever lovely, Lady C.

(P.S: I know I didn't update in like, forever. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! WAA!!! *dodges flying cat*

Inuyasha: Will someone put that cow out of its misery?!

Lady C.: Awww..... Inu-baby, I didn't know you cared!

Kagome: Buyo? BUYO?!?! WHERE IS MY KITTY?!

Inuyasha: Ummmm.....

Lady C: *points to Buyo, who miraculously landed gracefully as only a cat can.... on his back* HE DID IT!

Kagome: BUYO! I love you, my kitty lumpkins!

Inuyasha: *grumbles* Never did like that stupid cat.

Kagome: *narrows her eyes dangerously* Inuyaaassshaaa.....

Inuyasha: *gulp* Yes, Kagome?

Kagome+Lady C.: SIT!!! SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT!!!!

Always wanted to do that..... ^_^


[2 and a half years later]

Mr. and Mrs. Higurashi walked slowly while each held one of their son's small hands. They were at an adoption center that was situated on the edge of town. They had decided to come here because babies at the center were almost never adopted. They had to stay in the place for almost their whole lives. It was too far away from the city for most people looking to adopt to bother with.

"Come in! We don't usually have visitors." The lady at the front desk smiled at them and offered them a seat, but it was declined.

"Well? Are you searching for a girl or a boy?" she asked them.

"A girl."

She grunted as she lifted a stack of papers from the mound next to her computer. "You'll have to fill these out." She said, dropping them onto the stunned Mrs. Higurashi's lap with a groan.

"Here's a pen." The lady whistled cheerfully as she pointed out the places to sign.

"There. And there. Oh, don't forget there. There too. And there..."

Mr. Higurashi cleared his throat loudly. "Exactly how long will this take?"

She winced, cracking her gum. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask. It'll be about... *fish muphsl*." She mumbled softly.

"What was that?"

There goes another one out the door... she thought sadly. "I said it'll be about six months. Give or take a year.... or two. The adoption process is very slow."

"Okaeri," Mr Higurashi said warningly, shooting a meaningful glare at his wife. "We don't have time for this. It's hard enough for me to find work enough to feed you and little Inu-Yasha. We don't have time to sit at home filling out forms for a child that's just going to cost us more money!"

Mrs. Higurashi gave him the fiercest death stare she could muster. "I'm getting myself a baby. A beautiful baby girl," She growled. "And if you don't like it, too bad. Go hug a tree."

The receptionist looked up at her curiously for a moment, but soon shrugged and snapped her gum again in a bored fashion. "So anyway..... Oh, you forgot to sign there, ma'am."

"I could sign something," He offered cautiously. When both women snarled at him viciously he jumped back to the safety of about 10 feet away. *Boy, they're scary when they're angry.* Mr. Higurashi thought as he glanced down at his son. The boy by his side seemed as frightened as he was. Wrapping his arms around Inuyasha's waist and hoisting him up to his shoulders, he sighed and decided to do the only thing he could at the moment.

*An oak? Maybe I could, but I'll need a thinner one for Inu. Willow, perhaps?*

He looked at his son's strong arms wrapped in a stranglehold around his neck. *I....*gasp* think he'll be o.k.....*wheeze*.....with an oak.*

"What're we doing, Dad?" The young Inuyasha asked. He cocked his head to the side in the ultimate expression of curiousity and cuteness, his strange silvery-blonde hair falling over one golden eye.

"Son, we're going to go hug trees."


Mrs. Higurashi was feeling miserable. She had just swam through mountains of paperwork with the happy lady from hell, yelled at her beloved husband for some trivial thing she couldn't remember anyway, and was STILL no closer to finding her perfect baby girl.

*It's just not my day..* She sighed.

She could practically feel her eye twitch as the receptionist popped up from the endless sea of files. "I got it! I know you're gonna love this one. Mrs. Higiyasho?"

*If she mispronounces my name one more time I'm gonna beat the ship shagging shingles out of her!*

Though her thoughts may have been furious, Mrs. Higurashi was the epitome of calm. No anger could be detected in her words as she calmly reprimanded the bubbly woman.


Just then the file mound moved. ReceptionistsentfromSatan rolled off of the highest paper hill and took off the headphones she had just found. "I'm sorry, did you say something Mrs. Higiyasi? My headphones were just turned up so high.. Did you find something?! Let me see! Are you sure you didn't say anything?"

"-scuit." Mrs. H finished in a defeated tone.

"Hmmm?" Hellbeast was already back to digging.

"Biscuit. I said biscuit. Do you happen to have any?"

"La LA la LA la LA LA LA.. Doot do do do.. Ba bop ba bop.. Biscuit? Now there's something I don't hear every day. Please pass the biscuit?" She giggled as she said the 'b' word. "That's funny. Biiiiscuit. Bissscuit. Biiissscc-"

Mrs. Higurashi was beginning to get the worst migraine of her life. "Yes, yes that's all very well and good. But do you have any?" Any excuse to get away for a while. *Please let her buy it...*

"Any what? Ba ba BA BA!"

The good ol' eyebrow was sure getting a workout today. "Biscuits. Do you have any BISCUITS?!"

Another giggle. "Biscuit. That's a funny word. Biiiiscuit. Bissscuit. Biiissscc-"

*Breathe. Just breathe. Count to ten.*

"1.. 2.. 3.. 4.."

"Why are you talking to yourself? That's wierd. Almost as wierd as the word biscuit. Have you ever noticed how wierd that word is? Biiiiscuit. Bissscuit. Biiissscc-"

"AARGH!" At least she might be able to work things out with her husband without strangling him. *Then again, maybe not.* She thought with a grimace. A final round of 'Bissscuit' was enough to make her decision. She slammed the door on her way out, toppling over several paper stacks and two of those cute little plastic fish.

At the sound of the fish clicking against the tile floor the receptionist finally looked up. She wished she hadn't. Immediately her eyes were met with a horrific sight.

"Noooo!" She wailed. "MY FISHIES!!" She quickly ran over, scooped them into her cupped hands, and rushed them to the last clear spot on her desk. After that crisis was averted, she sat down to think about who could have purposely hurt her precious fishies.

Of course, being that she was the biggest brain in all the batty belfries, she soon came to a conclusion. Some big guy had come in and knocked over her fishies! Then they had run out after doing the dirty deed. It made her heart ache to think that such people existed in this world. But wait, she was forgetting something...

Where was Mrs. Hagusho?!

Oh no.. It couldn't be.. No one could be that mean.. Could they? Could Mrs. H have-

No. She laughed at herself for even thinking that. The Higashi's were such nice people, surely they would never harm a bunch of poor defenseless fishies. But then that meant-

*A big guy must have come in here, knocked over my little fishies, and took Mrs. Hugasha! I must save her! I must-*

Her train of thought was derailed as the light shone off of the little plastic fishies' gills. *Ooo... preeety...*


*Finally, I'm out of the nuthouse!" Mrs. Higurashi took a deep breath of fresh air as she stepped outside into the warm sunshine. *Today is a perfect day... Ahhh.*

She soaked up the rays for a few more minutes before getting down to business. *Now where could that family of mine be?* "Inu-Yasha? Inu-baby, where are you and Daddy?"

No answer greeted her. *Maybe he just didn't hear me. If I go around the side of the building they might be able to hear me at the playground.*

She fairly skipped across the parking lot and around the length of the building. *It really is a nice day.. Ohh. Sunshine. It's a good thing. Zippiidee do dah, zippiidee yay. My oh my what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine, comin' my way. Zippiidee do dah, zippiidee ya-IIIEEE!!*

For, you see, she had just rounded the corner. Sounds normal, right? Wrong. This was far from normal. This was just-


Mr. Higurashi took the time to look up from his oak tree. "Hi honey! Inu and I were just following orders. Weren't we, son?" He glanced happily down at his aforementioned son, who was in the process of tugging another tree closer to his spot on the ground so he could add it to his growing collection. A sweatdrop formed above his brow. "Aheh heh... Little bugger sure is strong, isn't he dear?"

"Yes. Strong. Sure." His wife answered in a dazed tone.


She snapped out of her stupor when Inu-Yasha tugged on her skirt. "Ma, can we stop now? We been at it for hours."

Her husband put a hand nervously to the back of his head and chuckled when she glared at him. The look she bestowed on her son was much more tender. "Of course sweetie. You wanna go get some ice cream?"

His golden eyes lit up at the word 'ice', and he was halfway to the car by the time she said 'cream'. "Catch me if you can!"

"I guess that would be a yes..."

Mrs. Higurashi jumped and spun around as her husband's voice rang out from over her shoulder. "You're not mad at me, are you dear? I thought you wanted me to do that. I'm sorry if you didn't. I just didn't want to make you mad. Again. And about last time, I'm really sorry. I DO want a baby girl, but sometimes the money seems so tight. Everything just kind of weighed down on me, and I- But that's no excuse. I shouldn't have fought with you. Please, forgive me?"

He looked like a kicked puppy. How could she deny him? Besides, she forgot what she was mad about anyway. A huge smile stretched across her face as she watched her Inu furiously beat on the locked door. ("ICE CREAM!!") It quickly turned to a frown as she noticed the dents that were forming. That boy was darn strong...

"Sure I forgive you." She said it so fast her words slurred together. "Let's just go get the car before he kills it, o.k?"

Her husband grimaced as one particularly hard hit sent the door flying. ("YAY! ICE CREAM!!") "I think it's a bit too late for that."


Next Chapter: Inu gets his ice cream (any bets on which flavor?), and a new member of the Higurashi family arrives. (Which means, (hur freaking dur) since Mrs. H. can't have any more babies, that they finally adopt a baby! Yahoo!!)

P.S: I know it's probably more likely that if Mr. and Mrs. Higurashi were Inuyasha's parents, he would have black hair and those lovely purple eyes.... But I LUV him with white hair and golden eyes! With them he's...

*breaks out into song*

He's too sexy for his shirt.... Um, Too sexy So sexy it...stings a little!