"In coming" Emmett said hearing a bit of a commotion coming from the front office building.


"Wizards" Emmett mumbled under his breath before the rest of the family listened in and circled around Harry, he may not be a vampire yet but he was very much a part of the family.

"Here comes trouble" Emmett reported, being the closest to the office so he was able to see the first head come out first, the rest watched while the group including the principal and Isabella Swan, for some unknown reason made their way over to the Cullens while the whole school watched.

"They're not going to win" Rosalie pointed out before pulling a bit closer to Harry knowing that the small teen hated when people came at him in large groups. It was then they heard it, Lily Potter's voice.

"My baby!" Lily said before dashing away from the group and coming to stand in front of Alice, who didn't have a smile on her face as she usually did.

"Back off bitch" Rosalie muttered so only the vampires and Harry could hear. If there was one person that would give them a piece of their mind it would be Rosalie.

"Harry, dear come here" Lily called out like Harry knew who the woman was that was speaking. Harry just pulled closer to Edward; afraid that the woman would try something should he get too close.

"Harry" Lily said frustrated now, she had assumed that as soon as Harry saw her he would come running but that had yet to happen. Instead Harry seemed to be attached to the teenaged boy next to him and no response was forth coming.

"Harry, son" James Potter said pulling up next to his wife now, he had warned her about doing what she had done but it seemed she hadn't listened and now they had a whole school of muggles watching them and their interaction with Harry. Harry jerked at the word, son he was no son to *these* people, people who so carelessly left him with relatives and never checked to make sure he was safe and loved.

"Harry James Potter" James said a danger in his ton that had the Cullen men bucking, that was no way to speak to one of their own.

"I don't know who you might be, but you will *not* address Harry in such a tone"

"And you won't be telling me how to speak to my son" James bucked back thinking he had the teenagers in front of him under his control as an adult, it was sad that he didn't know that the teenagers in front of him where much, much older than he ever thought to be in some cases.

"Misters Cullen" the principal said once he got close enough and heard what one of the Cullens had said to their guests.

"Which one" Harry, Edward, Jasper and Emmett stated smiles on their faces as they said it together, that seemed to slow the pair down that was with the principal and Isabella Swan.

"Harry" Lily called out her voice asking why he would be answering to anything besides Harry Potter.

"What?" Harry finally addressed the woman since it seemed like she wasn't going to go away anytime soon. It was then that the bell rang signaling that class would start in five minutes.

"Ms. Swan follow me" the principal stated before eyeing each one of the Cullens, as if telling them they had better be in their classes when the bell rang before walking off with Isabella Swan following behind a shocked expression on her face. She along with most of Forks had assumed that Harry's parents had to be dead, but here was a pair that was calling Harry son and dear that looked to be Harry's parents.

"I've got class" Harry told the pair before him in a bored tone, they weren't going to make him miss any of his classes on his first day back.

"The principal said that you were excused" James stated pompously, as if that would entice Harry to go with them.

"Thanks but no" Harry said turning a bit to show the vampires that still surrounded him that he was ready to leave.

"Cub?" The man with short graying brown hair called out confused on what was going on, he could feel there was an enemy close by but he couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Harry did nothing to acknowledge the call; he wasn't anyone's cub least of all these people.

"Harry" the man with black hair called out as if his call would stop Harry any more than the others did. Harry by this time was fed up with these people; did they really want to talk to him that badly?

"What do you people want?" Harry hissed at them, the vampires closing in should the others try something.

"We just want to talk to you, see you" Sirius stated as if he had been the one that had stopped Harry from going to class.

"Yeah, well you picked a bad time and in any case….too little, too late" Harry said before turning back around and beginning to make his way towards his first class of the day. If they truly wanted to talk to him, they would have to do it on his terms not theirs as they probably thought they would be able to get away with. The group was left standing while they watched Harry along with the Cullens turn and go to their first classes of the day. For much of the day someone was waiting for Harry when class ended, they saw the wizards hanging on the outskirts of the campus as if waiting to swoop in and get Harry but it was all for naught and by the end of the day the vampires could see and smell that the wizards were frustrated.

"Home" Harry called out in the car as they packed into the silver Volvo and made their way home, they were hoping to avoid the wizards but knew better than believe it true.

"How was…." Esme started out only to see dark looks as each one of her children entered the house.

"The wizards have landed" Emmett said in a joking way but meaning every words he spoke.

"Carlisle must be called then" Esme said while gliding over to the phone and dialing up Carlisle. A brief conversation was had and then Esme made her way over to where Harry sat snuggled against his cold husband's chest.


"Mom" Harry said pulling away from Edward and going to his mother, she was the one that cared for him when he had been beaten by his ex-Uncle and she was the one that made his lunch every day so that he didn't have to eat the food they tried to pass off as food at school.

"Oh dear, they aren't getting you. They'll have to burn me first" Esme whispered to Harry knowing that the others heard and would chime in; she didn't have to wait long before Edward spoke and then Alice, followed by Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper. Carlisle walked in right as Jasper spoke.

"Burning, who's going to be burned?"

"I was just telling Harry that they would have to burn me first before they got him" Esme explained before Carlisle agreed and even threw that he wasn't above asking for a favor from the Volturi to make sure Harry was safe. It was then that the doorbell rang, signaling that someone was at the front door. Everyone in the house knew who it was but knew that they wouldn't be able to get away with not answering the phone.

"Hello? Can I help you?" Esme answered the door with, a fake easy smile and confusion on her face as she opened the door.

"Hullo, my name is James Potter and this here is my wife Lily and our good friends Remus Lupin and Sirius Black" James introduced to Esme figuring that she would put two and two together quickly and hand over their son.

"Oh yes, the children were just telling me about your visit" Esme said her voice now a bit darker in tone, that was just tacky to show up at school to get your 'long lost son' at least in her opinion.

"I was hoping to speak to our son" James stated as if he knew nothing of the emancipation and subsequent adoption that had occurred afterwards.

"Harry? Oh, well" Esme said looking conflicted before deciding to let them in; they were about to play by the Cullens rules and it wouldn't be pretty.

"Everyone" Esme said calling for attention which she got from the group assembled, it was with shock that the wizards noticed it was more than just the children they had seen at school today, it seemed at their father or older brother had made it home as well.

"Ah, well let me introduce myself and my family" Carlisle said getting out of his chair and making his way over to where Esme stood.

"Family" Sirius said slowly, the guy in front of him couldn't be any older than twenty-five max.

"Yes, Doctor Carlisle Cullen" Carlisle said not sticking out his hand for any of them to shake, afterwards then introducing Esme, who was standing next to him.

"My wife Esme Cullen, and our six children" Carlisle stated proudly, he couldn't wait for them to catch on to what he had just said.

"Six?" The graying brown haired man asked, there was no way they had six children since that would mean that Harry was included, unless someone was missing and he didn't get that impression.

"Yes, six….Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, Edward and of course Harry" Carlisle said pointing out each child while they looked at Carlisle, Esme and the wizards as they stood in the archway that led from the front door to the open living room.

"But Harry's not…" Lily said before shutting up, how to state that Harry wasn't theirs?

"Oh, Harry's been adopted for quite some time now" Carlisle stated knowing that there was about to be a battle about that.

"No, I think you are wrong"

"No, I have the paperwork to prove it" Carlisle said quite happy to play the game he was with the wizards, they deserved everything they got.

"But" Lily said turning to James and then Remus to get confirmation that her words were true, as if she totally forgot signing the paperwork that released them of their parental duties when Harry was just a baby, over to her hateful sister and husband.

"Mrs. Potter" Carlisle said not wanting to draw this out any longer, Harry looked about ready to run as far and as fast as he could and that was something that he wasn't going to have happen to his son.

"I don't know why you are here, and personally I don't care. I do know one thing and that Harry is our son and you had best heed the warning of stay away from him unless he seeks you out"

"Harry" Lily said tears now running down her face, as if that would get her sympathy points from Harry, it seemed only to stew him even more.

"Look here Mrs. Potter" here Lily flinched while James puffed as if he was going to reprimand Harry on how he address his birth mother.

"Oh shut it you" Emmett threw at James which shocked the other man into staying silent.

"You gave up the right to call me son the day you handed me over to those horrible people you call relatives, you also killed any chance to have a relationship with me when I was shipped to the US with the Dursleys and then even further when Petunia left with her whale of a son and Vernon had free range to do whatever he wished. As if he didn't do that before…." Harry stated arms wrapped around his husband, giving him the strength to say what he was saying.

"Harry you have to understand…"

"I don't have to understand anything, you left me plain and simple and all for my brother that is supposed to save the Wizarding World. Oh I know all about magic so don't look and act surprised. Found out he was worthless did you? Which meant you got rid of the wrong kid, and if that is the only reason you are here you can go back and fight your own war." Harry puffed before looking to Edward knowing his husband would know what he wanted.

"Excuse us" Edward said before picking Harry up and carrying him out of the room and up the stairs to their bedroom. The group near the front door watched in wonder as Harry was carried away by one of the children.

"What the bloody hell?" Sirius said as he watched Harry disappear into the heart of the house.

"Sirius" Remus admonished, telling Sirius now was not to time to even be trying what he thought he was.

"No" Sirius said shaking off Remus, he wanted to know what was going on here and he was going to get answers anyway he could.

"What in the bloody hell is going on in this house?" Sirius all but snarled, not happy at all that Harry had been carried off by some stranger, he forgetting for the time that he was in fact the stranger in the house.

"Excuse me" Emmett said standing up and making his way over to where the group stood, he was impressive in stature so when he saw the man with the black hair eyes widen in surprise a smirk make its way to his face.

"Something isn't right here I tell you" Sirius said acting as if he had a clue what he was talking about, he of course did but he didn't know how close he was to the actual facts.

"As if you have room to speak" Jasper muttered not at all happy with the emotions he was getting off the group.

"What did you say Blondie?" Sirius baited hoping that would send of the people present into a rage and things could go from there, he was always getting a reaction out of people and he figured they were no different. It was just really too bad that this wasn't the vampires, as the Texans would say, first rodeo.

"That may work with others but not with me or anyone in this family" Jasper finally said formally before standing and making his way next to Emmett, he knew what Emmett was thinking and he thought it a brilliant strategy, get as many bodies between Harry and them to slow them down should they try something. Sirius jerked at the words, so it seemed they knew what sort of game he was playing, well he hoped someone else had a better idea because he was fresh out.

"I want to talk to my son" Lily now demanded a look on her face that told everyone present to do as she said or fear her wrath, something that the vampires knew they could endure.

"Our son wishes not to speak to you" Esme said her tone telling how much she thought of the group and their words or thoughts.

"He's my son and by rights I deserve to talk to him" Lily demanded going as far as stomping her foot which earned a snort from Rosalie, and people called her a drama queen.

"What do you have to say Blondie 2?" Sirius goaded wondering if he would get anywhere with this blonde.

"Drama queen, much?" Rosalie said rising from her spot and making her way to stand next to her husband and brother. Sirius, Remus and James alike gasped at taking in the full beauty that was Rosalie Hale. By then Alice twirled into the picture and gave the group a dark yet sunny smile.

"You've been very bad boys and girls" Alice sung making most in the room, even the vampires shiver in fear. Alice had only been like this a few times before and those scenes had never ended pretty.

"Nutter the lot of you" Sirius threw out before looking over to Remus, James and Lily as if asking if they had permission to retreat and figure out a better plan.

"Are we" Carlisle asked as he watched the by-play between the group, it seemed that Lily was the leader and was sticking to her guns about staying speaking to her son.

"I want to speak to my son. Alone"

"Not going to happen Potter" Alice said darkly before lightening up and turning to face the hallway that Edward had taken Harry down.

"Alice I knew you would know" Harry said walking down the hallway with Edward right beside him, hand in his.

"I always do, it's an Aunt's job" Alice said before twirling over to Harry and then giving him a hug.

"Give 'em hell" Alice whispered before going back to her spot from before next to Jasper.

"Dining room and this is the only time you'll get so use it wisely" Harry warned before making his way over to the large open dining room where chairs sat around a large, old looking table.

"Sit" Emmett pointed to the few open seats at the table, guests spots but they didn't need to know that.

"Now what do you want?"

"You, of course" Lily said quickly, willing to do just about anything to get her baby boy back. It had been a huge mistake to begin with but she had thought she was doing things for the 'greater good' as the Headmaster always pointed out.

"That won't be happening, so try again"

"But you're my son"

"I may have been and your blood may run through me, but you have never been and will never be my parents" Harry stated flatly, no need trying to beat around the bunch was there?


"What? You thought you would come in here with some weak excuses and I would gratefully go back with you to England and to a war that I want no business with? Laughable at best" Harry said gaining the strength to speak his mind, unlike he had been able to do while living with Vernon Dursley.

"You have to understand that…."

"No, I need not understand anything. A parent would even with their last breath make sure that their child was in the best setting even if that wasn't with them" Harry held up a hand, he could see they were going to try and jump on that bandwagon but there were no spots available for them.

"Even going as far as checking in on a regular basis to make sure that things were okay, you don't send your son into a family that you know hate you and then expect them to love and take care of your child as if they were their own" Harry said knocking down the hopes that had probably risen in the group sitting before them.

"You did none of that, I know for the Dursleys made sure that I knew it each and every day" Harry pointed out watching as Lily puffed up about to say something.

"Petunia is your Aunt and you will respect her as such" once finish Lily nodded her head like that made it law.

"No my Aunt is over there" Harry said pointing to Alice and getting a sunny smile in return.

"Petunia Dursley, Evans whatever knew what went on in that house, hell she took part in some of it so I will not respect that horse/giraffe looking woman as if she is my blood" Harry stated plainly seeing that Lily wasn't happy with his words.

"Say one more thing and I'm sure Emmett would love to escort you out" Harry reminded the group, they were on thin ice and it got thinner and thinner as they spoke. That seemed to snap Lily's mouth shut, so instead she glared at the first available face which was of all people Edward. Edward of course heard each of their thoughts and thought it funny that these wizards actually thought that they had valid reasons for leaving Harry as they had and now coming back to 'pick him up' so to speak.

"Got anything more you want to say?" Harry asked before looking the group over, it was then that Remus threw his chair back and began muttering to himself an angry look on his face.

"Vampires!" Remus finally threw out before pointing to the lot that sat in front of him.

"About time wolf boy" Edward muttered so only the vampires in the room heard him.

"Vampires?" James asked confused before looking over the group and noticing that they had the same pale skin and the same amber colored eyes, not normal for a family as mixed as this one was said to be.

"Your eyes"

"Finally taken notice have you?" Jasper spoke, if these were to be warriors they sure missed the small things, which could and would be fatal to them.

"But…" James said pulling out his wand and pointing it at the first available person which was of all people Esme.

"Put that away" Harry said his tones harsh, showing that he was very unforgiving should they not heed his warning.

"Vampires" Remus called or more like moaned out again this time backing himself into the nearest corner muttering to himself. He had very rarely had to deal with vampires and the few that he had, had been soul-less creatures that had deserved to die. His very nature told him to rip into the vampires and take his cub to safety but his rational mind told him that they would kill him and the rest if they even attempted something like that.

"Get away from my son" Lily demanded her wand pointing at both Alice and Emmett since Jasper had taken the liberty of standing up when he spoke.

"Going to protect me now?" Harry mocked; this was just too rich of an opportunity to goad the people before him.

"Harry, just listen and do what I say" Lily said keeping her wand trained on any available vampire she could, how could they not have known that the Cullen family were vampires. The La Push shape-shifters had warned them of this danger but only in vague words and nebulous stories of 'the cold ones'.

"No" Harry said simply, there was no way he was going to start listening to the woman now that sixteen years had passed since he had last seen or heard from her.

"Harry don't fight me on this" Lily said clearly exasperated with the way that Harry was acting.

"I've been with this family for the past three years, so no I don't think so" Harry said which brought the group up short. Harry had been communing with these vampires for years now and there was no way they were going to be able to talk him into leaving the group without some sort of force.

"You will die trying" Edward said answering the thoughts that ran through the group's mind on how to get Harry away from them.

"Powers" Remus said now pointing his wand at Carlisle, if there was a key person in the coven it would be Carlisle. He could smell the age that the oldest vampire had, along with the blonde haired male and then the one sitting next to Harry.

"You could say that" Alice said before giggling like a little girl, things would not end well for those before them but they didn't have to know that, right?

"Harry, pup just come over here" Sirius said hoping that he would be able to get through to Harry as he thought he had before.

"I'm not your pup or your cub and I don't think so. I'm a Cullen in all but blood" Harry said giving his mate's hand a squeeze, he was proud of the fact that he was a Cullen and there was nothing they could do that would make him change his mind. Harry already knew talk was going on about how best to turn him and avoid breaking the treaty with the La Push shape-shifters, so far there were few ideas but nothing concrete.


"Listen, put your wands away and sit down" here the group debated and then finally lowered their wands and took their seats, each watching a vampire across from them.

"Now I'm going to give you a chance to talk, you have five minutes" Harry said looking to Edward to show that he wanted him to keep time.

"Begin" was the last word out of Harry's mouth and then it was James that was speaking, over taking Lily, who had opened her mouth but nothing had yet to come out.

"We're sorry for what we did, and in hindsight we see it was a grave error or miscalculation on our behalves, we are only human" James said trying to try for sympathy but getting none out of Harry. He would have to try much, much harder if he wanted Harry to play ball.

"I….we thought that your Aunt would care for you" James said passing a look to Lily as if he was speaking for the pair of them.

"We thought that you would only be with them…her for at most a year, at least until we could hide out in a better location" James rambled hoping that his rambling would get him and Lily somewhere. Rosalie snorted as if she believed that and by the look on Harry's face he was buying about as much as she was.

"Then the training had to start for Brayden and well…" here James just sort of ran out of steam. There wasn't much else he could say, or more like that he could think of.

"Harry, please" Lily said pleading with Harry, hoping that he would give them some sort of leeway on this.

"So you chose one child over the other because you thought what? That it would be better for me to not be with you?" Harry asked truly confused on what the Potter actually thought they were or had been doing with leaving him with people that they knew hated them and anything that dealt with magic.

"The headmaster said…." And here Lily snapped her lips tight, in the end it all went back to a man that seemed to be playing everyone like he was a in a game of chess. She could see that now, and she knew that it would only be a matter of time before James and Remus saw it as well.

"The old man that deemed me unworthy"

"Now don't you talk about the headmaster like that" James said puffing up a bit, no one was to speak about the 'leader of the light' like that, not even his own son.

"I don't even know the man, not that I care to, but I have a feeling we won't be seeing eye to eye on how I will speak about the old man"

"Harry" Lily said before looking at her son, even she knew that they couldn't allow Harry to speak about the headmaster as he had for when he made it back to England he would be in a world of trouble from the light side, something that they didn't need at the moment. Brayden had turned 18 and not a power boost in sight, which left their other son who was 'born as the seven months dies' as well as the prophecy stated.

"Look I don't want to deal with you people anymore, so just leave. Go back to England and fight your war you seemed so sure I need to be in, at least now. I'm happy for the first time in my life and now you want to take it away because of what? Some prophecy that somehow only the Headmaster knows the full details of? I don't think so, I have my family and my husband and you aren't going to take that away from me" Harry said before standing and then leaving the room with Edward right behind him, proud that his husband had done what he thought was right and not what others wanted him to do.

"Husband" Lily said faintly, there was no way that the muggle world would allow for such a pairing, at least the last time she had stepped foot into the muggle world nothing had been done about it.

"Husband" Esme confirmed she was quite tired of these wizards in her house upsetting her son and in return the rest of the family.

"But I thought…."

"We have come a long way from probably when you last visited the non-magical world" Carlisle said proud that some of those advances were made by he, himself; after all he had well over three hundred years behind him.

"Who" Sirius said wanting to know which vampire to curse first. His pup was married and to one of these blood suckers.

"Edward" Alice offered up, she saw them leaving at least for now so she figured she would speed up the process.

"The one that left…" Remus said looking at the hallway that Harry and Edward had left towards, his eyes glowing amber in color before changing back to their dirty brown that they usually were.

"Try it and you won't survive" Jasper warned feeling the fury mount in the werewolf as he found out that Harry, his cub was married to the enemy so to speak.

"He's under age" James shouted out, there was no way that he could be married; a good thing since he was certain that a certain Weasley girl would suit his son much better than some broody looking vampire. She was human and alive and could bare more Potters, he as after all forgetting Brayden for the time being.

"Ah the beauty of adoption, no one has to know the full details now do they?" Carlisle said a smirk on his face, they had of course had a ceremony but it was only because Edward insisted that they do it right, that they have a vampire marriage ceremony while also adopting Harry formally.

"You did a formal vampire ceremony" Remus said having read all about these sort of things and had only hoped to one day be a witness to such a thing.

"We did"

"Shit" Remus said knowing that there was nothing that they could do that would bring Harry back to them.

"Remus" James asked confused, he wasn't as book smart as Remus so he usually left things like this to the werewolf.

"Harry has promised his dying breath to the Cullen Coven and will become one of them on a day set into the future."

"That can't be"

"It can be, they are his guardians and if they approve of the pairing then the ceremony occurred and Harry is now slated to become a vampire"


"There really is no but about it" Carlisle said knowing that he would be the only one to be able to talk the group out of whatever ideas they had.

"Harry promised himself to this family long ago, when he first met us actually. We had no idea the bond that would form between Edward and Harry but Harry would have become one of us even without that bond. He deserves so much better than he had been getting and I knew that Vernon Dursley would kill Harry, it was just a matter of when and when that occurred we would be there to save him. Going as far as breaking our treaty with the La Push shifters to save him, he has always been part of this family" Carlisle explained watching as the faces of each person got paler and paler. So they finally realized how badly Harry had been treated.

"So you realize now what you have done" Esme said looking at the group and feeling their pain but knowing that it would make them want Harry that much more.

"We have to prove to him"

"You prove nothing to no one" Emmett said putting his foot down, he was tired of the wizards in their home acting as if they were better than them, he couldn't stand the swagger that Sirius still exuded even sitting there knowing that Harry had been hurt physically.

"And what are you going to do to stop us?" Sirius answered in reply; there was just something about Emmett that set his hackles rising.

"You'd be surprised" Emmett answered in retaliation before smirking at the group.

"We deserve…" Lily said before pouting in her chair, it seemed that the vampires weren't buying what they were selling. The headmaster had been very clear on the fact that they needed Harry in the war and they needed him like ten years ago.

"Harry feels no urge to get to know you, so please do us all a favor and just go" Esme stated knowing that the wizards would retreat to gather their wits about them before trying again to get to Harry.

"Fine, we'll go" Remus said giving each one in his group a look that told them to listen and do what he said. They needed a plan and there was nothing they could do now that would make the vampires believe that they wanted only what was best for Harry, even though they were dead wrong.

"But" Lily started to say before getting a glare from Remus telling her to shut up.

"We're leaving" James said getting out of his chair followed by Sirius and then making their way to the front door with Esme and Carlisle following them just in case they tried something.

"Bout time they left" Rosalie griped before giving Jasper and Alice a look, she could tell they knew more than what was going on but she would have to wait until the pair spoke of what they knew.

"Get Harry and Edward" Alice said to Emmett, looking like a lost soul. What she had seen couldn't be true, or more like wouldn't be true for they would do all they could to make sure that path did not come to pass.

"Okay" Emmett said getting up and going to the room that held Harry and Edward.

"Knock, knock" Emmett said as he opened the door, knowing that Harry and Edward were laying on the bed doing nothing.

"Em" Harry said in greeting before looking over to the huge bulk of man.

"Alice wants you" with those words Harry and Edward got up and made their way behind Emmett to where Alice was waiting for them. This was going to be the one time that she broke the rule that Carlisle had given her when she and Jasper had come to the coven, which was that she wasn't allowed to tell them of the future if it was something that could or would come to pass.

"Hey Alice" Harry said once the three of them arrived back to where the rest of the Cullens were.