Once she started to cry, she found that she couldn't stop. She was sure that Will was going to think that she was crazy. But to her amazement, he pulled her into his arms and let her cry against the softness of his sweatshirt. It felt so good to unleash her tears and let someone hold her like this. She realized how much she missed it, not that she'd ever had anyone to do it in the first place.

Around them the crowds were starting to thin but he never let go of her. He just continued to rub her back, whispering comforting words of "It'll be okay" and "They'll win it all next year" over and over. They were the most wonderful words she'd ever heard.

The sound of his voice broke the blissfulness. "We should probably go. I think we're the only ones left."

Embarrassed, she moved out of his arms and looked around. Oh God, what was wrong with her, making a scene? There was no telling what he would think of her.

"Oh-okay." She stammered.

They walked back to his car and she was amazed that the parking lot was nearly empty, but it was nice, in an odd sort of way. As they drove back to her dorm he turned to her.

"Did you want something to eat? We didn't have much at the game and I'm starved."

"Sure, that sounds great."

They had dinner at a local hangout and then walked hand in hand along the C&O Canal. At night it was beautiful, with its walkways framed by a canopy of trees and tiny lights that made it seem like the most romantic place in the world.

As they crossed the bridge, she paused and gazed out onto the water. He stood beside her, his hand on her back. "This is nice…" he said softly.

She turned to find herself in his arms. "I'm sorry for freaking out after the game. You probably think I'm a complete idiot."

But he shook his head. "Not at all. It was an emotional game and I'm pretty upset over it myself."

"I'd never even been to a game, so I don't have any excuse for acting like that!"

He took her chin in his hand and smiled. "You don't need an excuse, Alicia. You were just… caught up in the moment. We all were."


They were just inches apart with no one around them. His arms slipped around her and she moved her face closer to his. The kisses, when they happened, were unlike anything she'd ever imagined. She never knew that anyone could make her feel the way Will Gardner was making her feel. Her fingers splayed through his hair and she loved the way his lips felt on hers.

"So…" She said drawing back to catch her breath. "When's the next game?"

He laughed. "Oh, well not for a while. They have the whole off-season to prepare for next year."

Amazingly she was disappointed. "Oh…"

"But I want to see you again before that. You know that, right?"

"You do?"

"Alicia Cavanaugh, you're the most wonderful girl I've ever met and I have a confession to make."

"All right, Mr. Gardner, what's your confession?"

"I'm glad I did a cannonball into that pool and soaked you!"


"Think of what would have happened had I not done that!"

"We probably never would have met."

"That's right."

"Because I really wanted to get out of that party as quickly as possible."

"I'm glad you didn't."

"Thanks for the cinnamon hot chocolate."

"Thanks for going to the game with me, Alicia."

"So what shall we do now?"

"Well, I could take you back to your dorm. It's probably the gentlemanly thing to do."

She sighed, thinking of Amanda who would no doubt still be awake and ready to hear every detail of Alicia's evening with Will. "Oh… well what about your dorm?"

At his surprised look, she gasped. She couldn't believe she had suggested such a thing. "I-I mean…"

"No, that's okay. It's still early."

"Besides, as you know by now, I know nothing about basketball. It would be nice to have someone teach me."

Will grinned and put his arm around her and they began to walk.

"In basketball, you have various positions, the Point guard, the Shooting guard, the Small forward, the Power forward, the Center…"

Alicia turned and drew him closer and kissed him with everything she had. When he drew back, she smiled at him. "Thank you, Mr. Gardner… for everything."

As if for good measure he kissed her again. "You're welcome, Ms. Cavanaugh."

She sighed and leaned against him as they continued their walk.

"Now, as I was saying, each team has…."

But she wasn't really listening. She was dreaming of the next time he took her to a game and how he was the most wonderful man she'd ever met. She and Will Gardner were going to have a wonderful future together. She felt it in her heart. He was going on and on about what happens when a player steals the ball.
But he'd already stolen her heart.


A/N: Thank you so much for all of the wonderful reviews! I sincerely appreciate it!