
Watching her rise beneath him is the greatest pleasure. She twists and claws at him, guttural animalistic noises cracking through the silence. He stares, a mesmerized smile parted in wonder. The reddening of her face gives her the appearance of an angry doll. Grabbing her wrists, he flips her now dead weight over, stroking her neck. Her pulse flutters frantically beneath his gloved fingertips. Truly a pity that she was of no use dead – or at least no use to his superiors. He could think of more than a few things he'd like to do with her limp, compliant body.

The blade glints in the soft glow of candlelight as he strokes her back; steel tracing patterns of crimson. He admires the way the blood wells, beads, runs down her skin like tears.

Truly a pity.

Spencer dressed as per his usual routine, mismatched socks and all. Contrary to what his team may think, he had long since learned the multifaceted nature of silences. Today, the silence that pressed around him was stark and severe, carrying the punishing nature of implicit disapproval. He slipped the knot of his tie into place, gazing dispassionately at himself in the mirror. Expression blank, eyes frosty, he set about preparing breakfast in the kitchen. His movements were monotonous, long pale fingers grabbing this and that with little attention. Others might call him lazy, yet there lacked even that vestige of personality in his movements. He was as stiff and bland as a textbook, a brown haired automaton in a sweater-vest.

The breakfast table shivered with the vibrations of his phone.

A. Hotchner: Come in ASAP. Case.

Spencer's hand froze mid bite, spoon half-way to his lips. Slowly he rested his forearm on the table and reached for the phone with his free hand. Staring at the screen no recognition passed over his face, his eyes distant. He set the phone down. His hand once again raised the spoon to his lips. A slight trickle of crimson liquid leaked down his chin.

As the title suggests this is just the prologue. I intend for the first official chapter to go up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow afternoon. Hope you enjoyed this short introduction.