
Serenity and Endymion

Chapter 1

Day 1

Princess Serenity rushed through the halls of the palace. She was always late for these things, though she tried. Her mother was a patient woman, very kind, and forgiving of her daughter's faults. But Serenity knew that she should not try and push her mother's patience too far, especially with this visit. The princess was in such a hurry that she didn't notice that someone was walking in her direction. They bumped into each other and Serenity lost her footing, falling to the floor.

"Oh! Princess, I'm so sorry... here let me give you a hand," the raven-haired girl held out her hand to the princess.

"Why are you in such a hurry, Raye?" The princess asked, reaching out and taking the offered hand.

"The Queen asked me to come fetch you," the girl called Raye smirked, "she said you are always late for important things and this was too important for you to miss."

"That definitely sounds like my mum," she was on her feet and patted her dress down removing any wrinkles or dirt particles from her fall. "Well what're we standing here for? Let's go!"

"You were the one taking your darling time primpming yourself right in the middle of the hall Serena," fumed Raye. Serena rolled her eyes playfully and take Raye's hand.

"Come on, let's go!"

Serenity and Raye scurry down the hall.


"Zoycite, Jadeite, Nephlite, Kunzite!" yelled Endymion running towards the four men. "Leaving without saying goodbye?"

"Prince Endymion," Kunzite said looking back. He knew what Endymion was really saying was, 'dont'e leave.' He could see it in his face. "Don't worry," he assured his Prince, "we'll be back in a few weeks."

"But..." The prince began to protest but stopped knowing full well anything he said wasn't going to keep them there with him. He and his generals had always been together since he could remember. If not all of them at the very least one was constantly by his side, he was used to having them near by.

"The Queen and King will be here, you'll barely notice we're not." Kunzite knew this was a lie and one could tell by the half-hearted way he said it.

"You can't leave now, we just got here," said the prince trying to reason.

The man with the long white mane of hair sighed, "Endymion we will be back soon, don't worry. We have to go and make sure everything is settled back home on earth."

"Well, why can't I come with you guys? I could-"

"You can't accompany us. You, as well as, your parents are needed here to strengthen alliances and friendships with the moon kingdom. It's a royal visit. We will be back soon enough."

"Fine then, "see you in a few weeks." Surprised by the princes' answer Kunzite smiled and joined the others.

Endymion turned around and sighed. He started walking in the opposite direction when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking back he saw Jadeite smiling at him.

"At least be grateful we won't be teasing you for a while, think of it as a vacation to get your balls back." At that, the young prince laughed. "Tthere will be some new types of babes here. I won't be here to charm all of them so you have a head start, but don't get too attached 'cause once they see me they'll forget all about you."

They were interrupted by another smartly dressed man with auburn hair. "Hey Jade, we have to leave now." Nephlite, with Zoycite trailing behind, walked over to where the other two were standing.

With a pat on the young prince's shoulder Jadeite muttered, "Right. Well, see you Endy."


The princess had reached her destination, The Queen's Chambers.

"Serenity this is Queen Esmerald and King Endymion of Earth," said a kind looking woman looking over at a prestigious couple "...and this is my daughter Princess Serenity," she said, beckoning to the girl with similar looks as she. It was uncanny how the princess had miniature features of the Queen. From how they wore their hair to how they smiled.

The princess and the earth queen curtsied and the king bowed. The King looked over at the woman who had done the introductions, "Now that we are all here, where to Serenity?"

The princess believed he was referring to her looked puzzled and mumbled, "I don't know I was just told to be here and Mars said..."

With a smile the king said, "No, no, child I was talking to your mother." Embarrassed, the princess curtsied and admired the room's carpeting.

The Earth queen smiled, "What a dear child you have Serenity, and beautiful as well." She looked at her King, "Oh she must meet our Endymion!" The King smiled in agreement. Queen Serenity looked pleased as well and inquired about the young prince's whereabouts.

"Endymion is saying his goodbyes to his generals. I must think it will be a while, they have are always together and I feel our son is giving them a hard time about leaving." The Earth King replied.

Queen Serenity looked thoughtful, "They left a while ago, and he might be having trouble finding his way back. Serena dear," she looked to her daughter, "might you fetch the young prince and bring him to the Royal Dining Room? That's where we will all be." At her mother's request, Princess Serenity curtsied and was soon on the other side of the door.


Prince Endymion sighed as he was walking all alone in the huge corridor. Holding a map in his hand, he murmured, "Hmm there's suppose to be a turning point here somewhere." He looked up. "Oh there it is." He started to speed walk toward the corner; he was in such hurry that when he was turning he didn't notice someone coming straight toward him.


"Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going, sheesh you'd think..."

"Oh my," muttered Endymion collecting himself," ...I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I was in such a hurry I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm so sorry." Endymion looked up and saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He would later contemplate why he said the following, "But next time, you look where you're going. Didn't your mum ever tell you to always look where you're going?"

"Look mister..." Serenity looked up and saw the most handsome young man she had ever seen before in her life. Though the fact was she never did see many young men around the palace, he was the most handsome just the same. She wasn't able to finish her sentence and just stared at him dumb-founded. It was like time stopped, it was like she was in a dream. Suddenly, shrill voice broke their gaze.

"Serena!" The voice yelled. "Serena, come over here."

The princess stopped gaping at the young prince and looked behind him "Mina? Mina what're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be--"

"No time for that now," Mina interrupted as she walked over and stood next to Serena, "We have to go get..." Mina had just noticed Endymion who was fumbling with his map. "Oh excuse me. Serena where are your manners? Why don't you introduce me to your friend here, hmm?"

"We're not friends!" Serenity and Endymion yelled in unison.

Mina, a little startled, replied "Oh, well, we have to get going, we're late y'know," she turned to Endymion, "Uh… nice to meet you." She grabbed Serena's arm, saying "Well, see you later," as she started running.

Everything had happened so fast, it took Endymion a few seconds to realize what just happened. Finally he swirled around and said, "Wait!" It was too late- Mina and Serena were already all the way down the hall.

'Hmm,' he thought, 'didn't even get to ask directions.' He sighed, 'oh well, back to the map.'

In Princess Serenity's' room

"I don't know him, so stop bouncing of the walls," Said Serena, getting agitated.

Raye and Lita walked in. Amy was leaning on the wall. "Sure you don't know him Serena," said Lita having heard Serena's last statement upon entering the room. Raye chimed in as well.

"After all why would you be blushing Serena?"

"GET OF MY CASE!!" Bellowed Serena. She turned her attention to Amy, "Amy why are you shaking your head? Don't tell me you don't believe me either." Amy ceased her head shaking and sat in a chair nearby.

"Serena of course I believe you..."

"Huh??" said Raye, Lita, and Mina, "what do you mean you believe her?"

"Well," she chuckled, "it is very obvious. If Princess Serenity did know him she would be glowing, dancing on air, zoning out more than usual..."


"Plus she would be talking none stop about the mystery male; of course he would have a name, but I doubt she knows it."

"You're right Amy. I guess we never thought of that. Gee- sorry for getting on your case Serena."

"Hey, it's okay Mina. After all, if it was you guys I probably would be acting in the same way." The Princess giggled.

"Meanwhile, Serenity, look at your dress. It's all crinkled and starting to get messed up. You have to change." Amy said as she walked over to Serena's closet. Serena stood up and walked over to Amy.

"I still have time. Besides I've already met the Royals."

Amy thought for a while and asked, "Well, Princess, did you meet their son yet?"

At the mention of the word "son" The four boy crazy girls exploded with a series of question. "Amy what's his name? Did you meet him? What's he look like? Does he have a girlfriend? Amy, say something, will you?"

There was a pause then Amy took a deep breath and said, "I don't know. No. I don't know. I don't know. You didn't leave a gap for me to talk. Satisfied?"

"No I'm not satisfied." Mina said a little whiny.

"Well the sooner Serena gets ready the sooner you'll all be satisfied." An agitated Amy snapped.

The girls all glared at Serena until she said, "Okay, okay, I'll get dressed."


"Mother where are they? I'm getting tired of standing." Endymion was standing in-between his Mother and Fathers' chairs on the left side of Queen Serenity's Royal chair. Raye, Amy, Lita, and Mina's mothers where on the Queen's right side.

"Endymion, dear don't slouch down to talk to me it'll look disrespectful, and don't worry the princess will be here soon." Queen Esmerald said.

The King added, "Son, she will be here, you know how women are- they have to always look good," he said that while eyeing Queen Esmerald, who gave a slight smile without looking at the king.

The doors burst open and five young girls ran in, coming to a stop as they approached Queen's chair. The announcer said, "And now Princess Serenity and her ladies in waiting, The Princess Mina of Venus, the Princess Amy of Mercury, the Princess Raye of Mars, the Princess Lita of Jupiter. Ladies meet the King and Queen of Earth, King Endymion and Queen Esmerald, and finally their son Prince Endymion of Earth. Serena looked up and her eyes met with the princes' eyes. She gasped, "you!"


- The red squiggle is your friend.


Serenity and Endymion

Chapter 1

Day 1