Sorry how long this it took me to write this chapter and I wanted to clear somethings up too. I planed on the cigarette Rose was smoking to be a foreshadow of the real problem. I am going to put in the story hopefully next chapter. Rose was smoking a cigarette because she has been taking Lissa darkness since she left. So Rose through the years has become a lot like Adrian in the smoking and drinking. Which this will all explained in the next chapter where they all go see Rose.

Chapter 3

Dimitri POV:

The room was silent as my Roza walked out the door and it pains me to admit that Roza was not mine anymore. She was pregnant with another man's baby and by the looks of the Rozas daughter she had not been mine for a while. Though It is my fault as I left her for Tasha whom to this very day hates me for going back to the academy for Roza. My heart broke then when I found out Roza had left as it is breaking now as she walks out the door.

The queen's angry words snapped me out of my daze, "You knew where she was all this time and you didn't tell me! God Adrian I became an auntie to niece and nephew who not even know who I am. How could you? I have never gave up my search for Rose and to find out she lives a block away from you all this time it like a stab in the back! How could you Adrian?".

Tears were streaming down the Queen's face and hurt was in her eyes. As her husband sat beside her with hurt in his eyes. Eddie had the same emotions in his eyes too not bothering to put up his guardian mask but out of habit my mask went up to mask the hurt that I too was feeling.

Adrian got up for the couch to refill his drink. He spoke with a huff, "I am sorry Lissa but I could not. You see I made a promise to Rose to keep her secret".

He sat back down with a glass that was definitely was not a double and took out a clove cigarette as the Queen spoke again, "I was her best friend what secret could she not tell me Adrian?..." she stop wiping away tears before she continued, "To know that she trusted you more than her best friend feels like a slap in the face. I mean I am her bond mate Adrian!". The queen's words summed up just what I was feeling too. I too felt like I was slapped in the face.

Adrian took a big gulp of his drink before he responded, "I am sorry Lissa but I could not tell you before. You see Rose's children are special and when she found out just how special they were she ran. She ran to protect her children".

"What do you mean Adrian? Just how are Roses children special" Christian spoke for the first time since Roza come through the door and when I looked into his face I seen a hurt man. I also seen a hurt man when I looked a Guardian Castile.

Adrian looked away from all of us, "The twins may call me dad but their biological father is a dhampir. You see the twins father and the person Rose was having an affair with is Dimitri".

The room faded then as my it became hard to breath as I spoke , "No you're lying, roses children can't be mine! It's impossible!".

My world crashing down on me fast as a picture was put in my hands. In the photo looked like it was taken last christmas by the christmas tree that was behind Adrian and Roze. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at the picture closer. Adrian had a boy who looked in his teens that was about four inches taller than Adrian himself. My heart skipped a beat as the boy looked exactly like me when I was that age. As the girl was that was a little taller than Roza looked exactly like Roza but had some of my features too. Looking at the picture they all had smiles on their faces and looked a family. A tear slide down my face but I quickly wiped it away before anybody could notice. I was memorized at these two kids, my two children. I wanted to burst down in tears but I did not. I just put on a stranger mask, not bother to look up before I spoke, "How?".

The room was silent as I that everybody else was in just much shock as I was. The silentes continued tell Adrian answered me, "When we found that out when we found out Rose had gotten pregnant I had some DNA test done on rose. Roses DNA has more moroi in it than the rest of the dhampir population. The best working theory that I have is that when Lissa brought Rose back she changed her DNA make up.".

Then the girls fangs popped in my head again, "What are they and why do they need protect from? Why didn't she tell me? How come nobody told me? I had a right to know".I still didn't look up at when I spoke those words as the only thing my eyes keep doing was looking at those children, my children . Hell, I didn't even know who put the picture in my hands or how I am setting in a chair.

Adrian's voice filled my head once more, "Well what they are we don't know. They have both moroi and dhampir traits. They are sensitive to sunlight, have a diet like a morio and can control elements. Mason and Rosebud are decent at compulsion, though mason controls fire and Rosebud controls air. They have the looks, strength and speed of dhampirs. Rose and I didn't know those things much about before them before they were born. All I knew about them was by their auras which showed they would be fire and air users and that is why she ran. She wanted her children to be normal and if they were to stay they would always be prosecuted. She left before she showed and so nobody would suspect that is why she ran because she was pregnant".

I was about to speak back when I heard footsteps coming to the door. I coiled my body for a fight but I a felt a hand on my shoulder.

Guardian Castile hand was on my shoulder, "Dimitri there is no threat, relax. We are leaving anyway. I will drive if you don't want to".

"Okay" was all I said as I handed him the eyes and got up just when the door burst open.

In walked the boy and girl in the photo. I froze again as I looked at them. Taking in every inch of them as Adrian spoke, "What are you guys doing here?'

It was the girl that they call Rosebud who spoke as she bounded to Adrian eloping him in a hug, "Dad, Mom just told us the about the twins!" She squealed, "I am so excited Dad! I can't believe you are going to be a Dad again and I promised Mom not to push your relationship. We are not angry anymore because we know you will stay. You raised us and we weren't even your own. Oh, Dad I already I have ideas for the nursery. Also do you know the gender yet?".

Adrian laughed and kissed her on the head, "Rosebud the only way you are not like a your Mom is your love for shopping you know that".

She smiled, "Yes you tell me that every time I start on shopping".

It was Mason who spoke next, "So what are the genders and who are these people. I mean I know you guys keep up for the moroi world but they look like they seen a ghost".

Adrian smiled at the boy who they call Mason, "Mason I will tell you about the new siblings later but I want rosebud and you to meet some people." He pointed to the Queen, " This was your mother's best friend when she was in high school and the person beside her is her husband. The people in the back there Guardians".

Rosebud got a smile on her face and looked at all of us, "Hi,People call me Rosebud but my real name is Janine Vasilisa B. Hathaway. Though I prefer to be called Rosebud and this…", she said going to the boy, " my little brother Mason".

Mason pushed his sister away, "I can introduce myself Rosebud" he said as he turned to us, "Hi, as my sister just told you my name is Mason and for the record she is only two minutes older than me."

Adrian looked at them after everybody said hi back, "These are leaving but they will back tomorrow where they would love to her more about you".

We said our goodbyes one last time and started driving back to court. Where I went to my apartment letting the tears fall and going back to memory lane.


I picked up the photo of Roza and stared at once more. My heart fluttered as in two hours I was going to be back with her. I put the photo in my bag and zipped it up. Walking to the door where Tasha was already there where the same face that from last night. Last night told her I was going to go back to the academy and she didn't talk it well. She screamed at me then but this time she just walked me to her car.

We drove to the airport in silence and drove off after I was out without a goodbye. Though I did not think about it as I boarded the plane because soon I would see Roza again. I would confess that I was wrong that I did love her and I was wrong to leave.

Sleep came and when I was woken up I was at the academy. I got off the plane headed towards Guardian Petrov office.

I knocked and she told me to come in, "Oh, Guardian Belikov your back".

"Yes I came here for my orders" I said.

"Oh, we will get you into rounds and your old apartment is still open. So if you still want that then you can have it".

"I would like my old apartment back and are I still mentoring Rose?", I ask keeping my voice emotionless.

A somber look crossed her face, "No you will not Guardian Belikov. Rose ran away three weeks ago, even the Princess does not know where she went and why she ran away".

My heart started to pound as I tried to find words but only these come out of my mouth, "Any leads of where she may be at?".

The same look crossed her face, "No, It was decided a recovery team was not going to look for here".

My heart broke even more as those words but with my key in hand I turned to leave to be alone in my grief.

end of flashback

My tears fell in silence as I got out the photo and looked at it. The photo that I have not looked at in awhile. I quess there I really did not move on like I told myself I did. No, seeing Roza and her being pregnant with Adrian's twins just made me end up back to that fretful day.