Halo 5.1 Guardians of Sera Chapter 41

The Team headed back to Dizzy and the sub with the sub.

"Sam, you doin' okay?" asked Marcus.

"No, I'm not. And neither are you" replied Sam.

"Yeah. That's about the size of it" said Marcus.

"But we'll keep going, right? For him?" asked Sam.

"We'll keep going and make sure he didn't die in vain. I promise you that" assured Chief.

Marcus kicked the door open just in time to see Dizzy seeing the fuel come in.

"Well, that'll get us to Azura" said Dizzy.

"Time for the rotor" said Locke.

"Okay, now find me a rotor. You know what you're lookin' for right?" asked Dizzy.

"Yeah, big heavy round thing with fan blades" added Marcus.

"Wretches!" said Sam

After the team quickly disposed of the Wretches the doors to outside opened up.

"Marcus, the doors are opening!" said Jace.

"Gun turrets up ahead!" said Chief.

"We got Guards too!" said Sam.

The team cleared them out and progressed to the next area of the hangar bay.

"Hey, there's a lift over there. Let's try looking up top" said Jace.

The team took the lift topside.

"Contact!" said Marcus.

The team battled their way through more grubs in their way.

"Kantus down" said Tanaka as she reloaded her DMR.

"Ah shit, we got another gas barge" said Jace.

"They're rushing!" said Anya sawing a guard in half.

"Keep 'em back!" said Kelly shotgunning a Boomer.

The team finished off the rest of the grubs and were still on the search.

"Come on, we gotta keep looking for that damn rotor" said Marcus.

"You know, what we need to do is find the maintenance area" said Jace.

"Well that looks promising" added Sam.

"Yeah, if that's the maintenance bay, they've probably got our rotor" said Jace.

In the maintenance bay, more grubs were on the attack.

"Any of you guys see a rotor layin' around here? No? Okay, all right just askin" said Jace killing some grubs.

"We got some more hostile above us" said Locke under fire.

Chief went upstairs to finish off the guards.

"I found the rotor" said Chief.

The team quicky rushed up to Chief to see the rotor.

"Hey, that looks like it" said Jace.

"Dizzy, I think we've got it. We're on our way back" said Marcus.

"Marcus, I'll have this fily runnin' smooth as a fancy gold watch 'fore ya know it" said Dizzy.

"All quiet on your end?" asked Marcus.

"Yep, so far so good" assured Dizzy.

"Okay, let's grab it with the loader" said Marcus.

Marcus then got into a nearby loader and grabbed the rotor.

"Looks like we need the loader to open the door" said Jace.

"Ah, shit we got more grubs!" said Marcus.

"We'll take point. Just stay on our six" said Chief.

"Reaver! Get the loader into cover!" said Jace.

Marcus evaded into cover with the loader as a Reaver lauched one of it's rockets.

"Goddamn it, don't lose the rotor! It's our ticket out!" said Marcus.

Chief and the others quickly dropped the Reaver before it could do serious damage.

"Let's get that door open!" said Marcus.

Marcus took the rotor through the hangar bay doors back to Dizzy safe and sound.

"Yeah, that'll do nicely! Won't take me long to fit this!" said Dizzy as Marcus placed the rotor in front of him.

Dizzy began to put everything together so the team could leave for Azura.

"Looks like the hangar's pulley system runs out through the dock. Dizzy, you operate the hangars. We'll take care of any resistance along the way" said Marcus.

"Everyone take postions!" said Chief.

A squad of Boomers came rushing in as the team cleared them out.

"Okay, we're coming up on the second door" said Jace.

"All right. Let's see what's behind door number 2" said Marcus as everyone got ready.

"I'm guessing it's not gonna be a wide assortment of cash and prizes" said Jace.

"Nope, 'fraid not" added Locke.

"Okay, Diz, open the second set of doors" said Marcus.

"Heads up-we've got queen's guards in here with us!" said Marcus.

"Yeah over here too! We need to clear 'em out before we go open the next door!" said Jace.

"Let's mop up these guards" said Chief as everyone cleared the secomd area with guards.

"Okay Diz, this should be the last set of doors. Get ready to bring the sub through" said Marcus.

"I'm guessing the Locust are gonna have a big send off for us!" said Jace.

"Well then let's return the favor!" said Kelly.

As the door opened, out came Boomers, Kantus, and queen's guards pouring out.

"Ah shit! Wait there's a Vulcan up ahead! Chief, help me get to it and take 'em out from up here!" said Marcus.

Marcus and Chief laid waste to the Locust forces below with everyone else providing supressive fire.

"All right. Let's go!" said Marcus dropping the Vulcan.

The team then made it to the water dock when all of a sudden Armored Kantus sprang into action.

"Ah, normal rounds just bounce off 'em" said Anya firing at them.

"What about explosives?" said Tanaka tossing a grenade.

The grenande then stunned the Kantus doing damage.

"Explosives work! Everyone uses grenades, torque bows, or boomshots on them if you have any!" said Chief.

Marcus then killed queen's guards armed with torques who were escorts.

He then fired shots at the amored Kantus killing it.

"Here comes some more!" said Marcus.

"Watch out! We got a Serapede too!" said Anya.

Chief then pulls out a frag grenade and ran up to the Kantus. He pulled the pin and shoved the grenade down its throat. He kicked it back as the explosion went off.

Meanwhile the team just finished off the Serapede.

"Okay. Flood the dock, and then everybody into the boat" said Marcus went to the water valve.

"Spartan Locke to Infinity, We've secured the sub and are en route to Azura" said Locke.

"Copy that Locke. We're beginning to prep to head there now. Just shut down that Maelstrom so we can get there to deploy reinforcements. Understood?" said Lasky.

"Understood sir" said Locke.

"Good, Roland get everyone prepped and ready to go. When that Maelstrom is down I want Commander Palmer leading troops to secure Azura. Good luck Locke. Captain Lasky out" said Lasky.

The team went for the sub when Anya contacted Cole's group.

"Anya to Cole over" said Anya.

"Cole here" said Cole

"Cole, this is Anya. We've got the submarine running" said Anya

"A sub? Ha ha! That's Baird's favorite kind of toy! But you gotta see what we found, baby! Whoo!" said Cole.

"Cole- please" said Anya.

"Anya, you don't sound right. You got trouble?" asked Cole.

"We're heading for Azura now. We'll rendezvous with you outside the Maelstrom. Might take us some time" said Anya.

"Oh yeah. We'll be there, With some back up too" said Cole.

"Watch your six, Cole. Anya out" said Anya ending trasmission.

"Don't worry Anya, I'll break it to them" assured Sam.

"No you wont. I'll tell 'em" assured Marcus.

"Chief then overheard Anya and wanted to check up on Fred and the others to see if they were okay.

"Sierra 117 to Spartan team, come in" said Chief.

"This is Fred, go ahead Chief" said Fred.

"We've secured the Submarine, en route to Azura" said Chief.

"We know, Anya told Cole" added Vale.

"There's something else you should know" said Locke jumping in.

"What is it?" asked Buck.

"Locke...it's better if Marcus tells them when they get to Azura. Wouldn't feel right to tell them first and not the others" interjected Chief.

"You're right...Spartans, Infinity as we speak is preparing to leave for Azura as soon as we get the Maelstrom down. If you happen to find them, make sure they bring reinforcements. Understood?" asked Locke.

"Copy that" said Fred.

"Good luck Spartans, 117 out" said Chief.

"Hey Chief, how are Fred and the others holdin' up?" asked Marcus with concern.

"They found a boat and are en route to Azura" said Chief.

"Thanks for not saying anything about Dom yet" thanked Marcus.

"We still have a job to do. Find your father, and get that weapon deployed" said Chief as everyone else are inside the sub.