I Will Never Stop Loving You

Chapter 1

"Babe I'm going to the gym!" Chloe poked her head round the door to Beca's office to see that Beca was on the phone.

"I understand that… no… Yes I know that… Ok…" She turns her head towards Chloe, following her beautiful, tanned legs to her short gym shorts, then up to her eyes, the DJ/producer holds up one finger in a signal for Chloe to wait. "Ok… one 'o' clock… right… bye"

Beca turns around fully in her office chair, and pinches the bridge of her nose "so that was my egotistical shit-head of a boss, aaaand it turns out, that there's a conference call with the 'NEXT JUSTIN BIEBER' and the boss today" Beca fakes enthusiasm making air quotes.

Chloe chuckles "oh babe, it's all right" walking forwards placing a hand on her head. "No Chlo, it's not." Beca stood up abruptly, put her hands on her head and started pacing.

"I promised to take you to lunch today, to that cafe you love, to make up for last time I had to cancel, and I'm doing it again today!".

Chloe jumped back and tried to reason with her girlfriend "Becs, don't worry, it's ok, I understand"

"Urgh! Why do you have be so nice, and loving, and understanding" Beca stopped pacing and turned to hug Chloe, resting her head on the taller girls shoulder, while Chloe wrapped one arm around Beca's shoulders and the other around her head, and just smiled. Beca lifted her head and gazed in to Chloe's eyes, "I love you so much" Chloe's smile widened.

"I…" Chloe's reply was cut off and the moment shattered by Beca's phone ringing.

They both sighed, but Chloe kept her signature positive attitude "Right, here's what we're gonna do, I'm going to the gym, you're going to answer the phone and when I get back, we can take it from there. Ok?"

"Sounds good." Beca kissed the redhead, "see you later" then turned and answered the phone

"Hello, Beca Mitchell speaking". Chloe waved and moved out of the room, closing the door behind her gently. She picked up her gym bag, phone and keys, and walked out the front door.

After Barden, Beca and Chloe moved in together, Beca got a promotion at Residual Heat, and is now a producer, but still pretty much the bottom of the food chain. She's been writing original songs more and more, and feels like her songs are getting better and better, she still sends her mixes and other demos to every recording studio she can find just about continuously, but so far has had no success.

Chloe, on the other hand, still didn't really know what she wanted to do in life, recently she's rediscovered her love in acting. She used to do musical theatre when she was younger, she was pretty good too. She was Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, and of course Annie in Annie, but she stopped when she was around 14. Now, acting is looking more and more appealing. However, it is a very difficult line of work to get into. For now, as long as she is with Beca, she's happy.

Chloe returned home about an hour and a half later, with a towel around her neck, and her cheeks still red from the treadmill. She could hear Beca humming through the door, trying to complete another mix. Chloe opened the fridge to see a bottle of water with cucumber and lemon, just how she liked it, with a post-it attached saying:

Come in when you get back B x

Chloe smiled, She put her water on the counter and walked to Beca's office, knocked once and walked in. Beca had her headphones on and was nodding her head to the beat.

Chloe took the opportunity, jumped on Beca's shoulders and yelled at the top of her lungs "BOO!"

"FUCKING SHIT!" Beca spun around so fast her head phones flew off her ears, she stared wide eyed at Chloe.

"Holy shit Chlo, why do you DO that?!" Chloe chuckled, and pulled Beca by the hands up off her chair, into her body.

"because you're just so easy to scare" Chloe grinned, drifting her hands up Becas arms to her neck.

"I'm never scared. I'm badass." Beca stated, leaning in to capture Chloe's lips, wrapping her arms around Chloe's waist, "and you smell!"

Chloe gasped "Oh, you love it!" and enclosed her into a tight hug. "Yeah, I guess I do."

The brunette replied moving in for another kiss, Chloe slid her tongue along Beca's lips begging for entrance, which Beca gladly allowed, moaning as the kiss grew heated. Beca's hands moved to caress Chloe's neck and jaw line. At that moment Beca's alarm went off.

Chloe pulled back, "what's that?" she whispered, "It's 5 to 1" Beca answered, "well in that case, I better go have a shower…" Kissing Beca one last time, turning on her heel towards the door "Yeah! Get your stinky butt outta here!" Beca said slapping her girlfriends backside, Chloe winked and continued, closing the door behind her.

Beca sat back down in her chair and sighed, turning off the alarm and setting everything up for the conference call. Chloe walked back to the kitchen taking the water and her phone. As she walked towards the bathroom she texted Aubrey.

Chloe: Hey, you free today? xx

Aubrey: Yeah, what you thinking?

Chloe: Shopping and lunch

Aubrey: Yes! I'll pick you up in 30 mins? xx

Chloe: Sure, see you then :) xx

Chloe threw her phone onto the bed, took a fresh towel out of the cupboard and went into the bathroom.

30 minutes later Chloe was ready to go, and Aubrey was on her way. The redhead went up to the office door

"Thats impossible… no… you can't expect that in 12 months…" Beca was back to her pacing.

Chloe walked away and wrote a note. Her phone went off

Aubrey: I'm outside x

Chloe silently walked into Beca's office, she looked up but continued talking on the phone, running a hand through her hair.

"We could stretch to a longer EP but not a full album…"

Chloe handed her the note, kissed her on the cheek and waved before she walked out leaving Beca to work. The DJ read the note as her boss started listing demands.

I'm going out to lunch then shopping with Bree, I won't be longer than a couple of hours. Text if you want anything. Love you, C x

"Well James, do you think you will be able to finish that new track by next Thursday?" her boss asked James, the 'new Justin Bieber'.

Beca ran to the window in the living room that faced the road to see Chloe walking to Aubreys car. She placed the phone to her stomach, opened the window and wolf-whistled at Chloe, who turned and looked up at Beca and grinned.

"Have fun! I love you!" Beca shouted

"I love you too! See you later" Chloe called back as she climbed into Aubrey's car.

Beca put the phone back to her ear as she closed the window.

"You get that Mitchell?" her boss asked

"Absolutely" she lied

When Chloe got back she was expecting Beca to be buried in her music after the mountain of work her boss undoubtedly set on her during the conference call, but was instead faced with Beca standing dead still, in the middle of the living room, on the phone, with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Yes… Of course… Thank you so much… ok… bye"

Beca hung up but continued to stare at her phone

"Are you all right, Becs?"

"Holy shit, Chlo"


Beca looked up

"Fucking hell. I don't believe it"

"What is it? Becs, tell me"

"That was Universal Music… They listened to my demo… They're offering me a contract…"

A/N: That's the end of chapter 1!

Please tell me what you think, likes, dislikes and everything in between!