So I had two choices for this chapter: full angst mode or light humour with emotion. I didn't go for full emo mode because ch4 with peter was already somewhat angsty so I decided this story should end on a lighter note. Sorry if it's too light and fluffy for some people :)

This is just what I imagine it would be like, to see your childhood friend in the afterlife after not having seen them for so long. I know I would be crying and joking and angry and happy and making jokes and making accusations at the same time...because there is so much left unsaid between friends that 'break up'. I don't think ANYONE gets over their first best friend.

Also: someone said they still thought Pete should go burn in the fiery pits of H-E-double-hockey-sticks. LOL. I agree, but I wanted this story to paint a lighter and different side to him. And afterall, we're never told Peter's side in the books? For all we know Voldemort tortured Peter gruesomely until he broke and that is why he caved in. Not everyone can be as brave as Sirius and die for their friends, so I hope you keep that in mind. Also I agree that there is no comparison between Peter and Severus: yes they both started off similarly (betraying their friends) but Peter became worse and worse over the years, going from one betrayal(the Potters) to another (framing Sirius) to another betrayal (bringing Voldemort back from the dead). OTOH, Severus learned from his one betrayal and never did it again. Once Lily died, he completely changed his ways, became a spy for Dumbledore and then spent the rest of his life repenting for it. That is why Severus is billions of times better than Peter-although they did start off similarly as young men who didn't really fit in anywhere.

Reconciliation 5:


Lily Potter. Lily Evans.

The woman, the girl, who has haunted his dreams for the past 20 years.

She was so much younger than he remembered. She died so young. Yet here she was, the girl with the red hair and green eyes. Every bit as beautiful as he remembered and she was smiling at him like she used to when they were both children. As if her death were never his fault and it breaks down something inside him.

She has no idea how much he loves her, how he's dreamed of her every night for more than two decades.

It's almost too much to take. His eyes started to water already.

She smiled again. Her green eyes shining merrily and then finally her pale pretty lips parted to speak.

"You arsehole!"

"What?!" he felt so confused but the next moment she was hugging him and insulting him at the same time, and he just wrapped his arms around her tighter. Because this is Lily. His Lily.

"You stupid berkin arsehole," Lily sputtered in between hugging him.

Severus laughed in between tears.

"Why are you insulting me?"

"Because we both screwed up so much," Lily said and held him tighter.

"I loved you so much," Severus sputtered, finally admitting the truth.

"I know, but you did everything to screw it up."

"Like what?"

Lily suddenly giggled like they were children again and sharing a good joke. "Like joining the Death Eaters, a terrorist organization that killed people like me?" Lily snorted. "Well that technically did cause my death..."

Severus laughed tearfully. "You're right, that was pretty daft," and he never felt more ashamed of himself. He got to his knees in repentance.

"I never wanted you to die Lily. You must believe me, I'd rather have died myself!"

Lily laid a hand on his shoulder, staring down at him with those ponderous green eyes that had haunted so much of his dreams.

"I know, Sev." Her voice became quieter and meditative. "But you didn't care about my son or my husband being murdered. You only asked Voldemort to spare my life."

Tears began to roll out of his eyes. He'd never been so sure he'd been a prat as a young man, never so aware of his faults.

"I'm so sorry-"

Lily shook her head, daring to smile through her obvious pain. "It's alright now but at the time, I was furious. You said you loved me but you didn't care if my baby boy was murdered? Or my husband? I know you didn't have much reason to like James, but really? You would've gladly seen him die? Knowing it would break my heart?"

"I was so confused! I thought it could be us...again."

Lily raised a brow, incredulously. "After I became a widow?"

Severus realized how flawed and jealous his thinking as a young man had been. "Please please forgive me," he begged for forgiveness, he couldn't stand having Lily mad at him again. He begged again and again, and her green eyes softened for a moment before she narrowed them again.

"Hold on." she said more sternly. "You're not getting off the hook quite yet. You never showed any remorse about James's death-"

Severus interrupted desperately. "I already cleared things up with James! We shook hands, he didn't even mention that I indirectly caused his death! He's actually a pretty nice guy now that he's dead!"

Lily placed her hands on her hips. "Well maybe I'm a little tougher than James. Tough love. Because I loved you Sev. We were friends from childhood but you let me down in so many ways."

She fixed her green eyes on him, which could be both terrifying and beautiful.

"Not only did you join the Death Eaters, after James and I died and Harry became an orphan, you bullied Harry and made his life hell at Hogwarts!"

Severus felt at a loss for words. "I was an idiot. Weren't we all? Sirius was an idiot too, I don't see anyone giving him a hard time about it!"

Lily crossed her arms. "Sirius has had to give out about ten thousand handshakes since he's been here, because he was such an idiot that he managed to piss off ten thousand people."

"That many?" Severus was tempted to laugh. Because Sirius Black had really downplayed it then.

"Don't be so smug, Severus. You also tortured thousands of students beside Harry, over the years." Lily grinned cruelly. "You'll have to apologize to each and everyone of them."

Oh merlin. That many? He really was karmically screwed.

"Lily, just tell me one thing - I don't care about the 20000 or so students I p.o. and mistreated- can you forgive me?"

Lily laughed, her long red hair waving around her face. "Oh Severus, I already have. You saved Harry so many times, even while bullying him, and you helped him destroy the horxcruxes and defeat the Dark Lord. Of course I forgive you."

"Then why were you getting so angry at me?" Severus wiped at his eyes.

Lily made a face. Then just shook her head. "Severus, I'm just dead. I haven't lost my personality."

Severus Snape laughed at that. Laughed more joyously than he ever had since they were both kids.

She embraced him in her arms again and held onto him tightly. "Besides I screwed things up too, when I stubbornly decided not to forgive you that time you called me a mudblood." She lowered her voice to a tearful whisper, "and for that I'm sorry. I could've saved us both if I had."

Severus never felt more happy, like 20 years of grudges and burdens had been lifted from his shoulders. He thought he could stay in Lily's arms forever.

"Sorry am I interrupting anything?" Sirius asked and Severus groaned when he saw the black haired marauder standing there.

They were soon joined by James, Remus and Peter, who came walking up behind Sirius.

Sirius scowled when he saw Peter. "Shouldn't you be falling off a cliff or in Azkaban?"

Peter shrugged. "I thought I'd pop by to visit Severus."

Sirius grinned, and Severus couldn't tell if the two men hated each other or were genuinely at ease joking with each other.

Remus came towards them and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Don't mind them, they like to bicker. Always did really."

Sirius scowled his handsome young face. "You'd think I'd have a reason to when the lowly sewer rat ruined my life!"

Remus patted him on the head. "Now Sirius, watch your tongue before you say something you regret and have to go shaking more hands."

Sirius yelped. "God I am so tired of having to shake people's hands and apologize!"

"Then stop opening your big fat gob," James grinned.

Peter chuckled. "Yeah, if you haven't got anything good to say, don't say it."

How odd, to see them all together and getting along, Severus thought. The last time they'd been together like this was in the Shrieking Shack and by the lake when he'd been bullied on that summer's day so long ago.

He suddenly felt young and light again. As if it were only days after that day by the lake and they were all children starting their lives again and making mistakes.

He suddenly turned to James. "Hey James, you're a prat!" he laughed.

James grinned. "So are you."

Severus Snape said, "But I'm still sorry I partly caused your death."

He held out his hand.

He felt young, he felt light again.

It was good.


So i hope this ending wasn't too happy and gimmicky...though I honestly didn't know how else to write it! I could've gone for something more angsty but then it wouldn't have fit in with everything that came before!

Anyways huge huge thank yous to all the people that reviewed this story and encouraged it


sailormoonserenity99 (yes you were right! she screamed at him),training to be a fangirl (good guesses! maybe she'll slap him later), Shoshanna33, Neith Yamashita, Patty Beau Hammond, seablue4u, Kazetoame (haha i agree, though if you want to see peter suffer in Hell please feel free to write that and be sure to torture him as much as you want!), Grey Wren, The Twinblade Alchemist, shadowwriter01, BeholdTheMetatron1946, guest, Suzululu4moe, crimson mage, theapricot, guest, guest and alifromn! Thanks so much and hope the ending didn't let you down!

Someone asked for a dumbledore reconciliation but honestly if anyone should be beaten with a stick it's dumbledore! he screwed up so many of their lives, esp. Harry's..but I will see! this story feels complete for now thanks for reading :)=