
It wasn't easy to be with a man you didn't remember, nor was it easy to explain the odds of such a relationship. Luckily, I wasn't the one that did the explaining. I traveled with my friends for a long while, visited by Sesshomaru on many, many occasions. We were, awkward. It was awkward. He looked at me with such malice sometimes, and others with what I can only describe as a look of acceptance. Like he could accept that I was just there. But every day was progress. Sometimes he would come to me with a memory so sweet, and other times he could hardly look at me, and I knew it wasn't a, happy memory. But every day was different. Every day was a treat, because I got to see him open up to me in ways I never imagined he could. I got to fall in love all over again, and I know he did too.

The longer we talked, as in the longer I asked questions and got progressively longer and longer answers out of him, the more I remembered. And I did love him. I really did. He spoke with little emotion at first, so his answers didn't really tell me anything. It was plain fact. But eventually I could see the affection in his answers; the love. The raw feelings behind every memory, even if it was anger or hate. But it paid off. Every moment we spent together, sometimes walking in plain silence. Sometimes sitting beside a grassy hill, watching Rin and Shippo run in the grass. But most times just talking, for seconds, then minutes and finally hours. It paid off.


I wouldn't say it has always been easy, just us together forever and ever. There have been many fights between our groups and us. There have been many arguments and tears and bloody battles. But it's over. It is finally over.

Naraku was put to death over the village where it all started. Funny, since that's fitting as to where it all should end. It was an emotional two years after that, having been torn away from my place in the feudal era. I fulfilled Midoriko's request and wished away the Jewel, setting her free in the process. Inuyasha gave me strength. My friends gave me strength; Sesshomaru, gave me strength. Then it was torn away. I spent the next two years wondering how much was a dream and how much was a hallucination. I spent two years, patting my shoulder, assuring myself that the mark was still there, that it was real; looking into a mirror just to glimpse it.

I tried not to think of Inuyasha and the love he lost, nor of how losing me shortly after would affect him either. It hurt too much. He was finally happy, and that was stolen. Besides, Sango and Miroku were there to care for him even if I wasn't, right? Even Sesshomaru was there. Sesshomaru would fulfill his promise to his father at last, to care for a broken hearted man who once again lost everything. When would he find his happy ending? Is that tragic story bound to end in disaster every time? It hurts to think about.

The day I was able to return to the well, I wasted no time. I remember hugging my mother, wishing her and grandfather love and happiness. I remember asking her to always remind Sota how much I loved him, and how much I am happy for him. No matter what happens in life, I am always going to be his big sister; I'm proud of him. And then I was gone.

Sesshomaru was waiting for me outside the well. His hands reaching in and hauling me up the moment he could reach me. His eyes, his face. I could see the relief and happiness that once would not have been there flourish across his features. This was the Sesshomaru I knew. This was the man from those memories, so many years ago. I had hugged him tightly, and him me, swathing me in the billowing fabric of his free flowing sleeves.

He bent his head over me, his chest strong and his arms steady. He brushed his lips over the fabric of my shirt, above the scar he gave me so many years ago.

"Do you love me?" I whispered, tightening my grip on him.

His answer was quick. It was a promise that wouldn't be broken again, by neither time nor death. It was a bond that we shared, for as long as I shall live, and he shall endure.


Man, I still suck at endings. And yes, I literally glossed over/repainted some scenes from the Inuyasha end, because we all know what happens, am I right? This is me giving minor details to support your imaginations. Please, give these two lovers the perfect life. They deserve it.

This is the end. Thank you all for reading.