Hello. :)
This is a another fic, MaryLeboneFirst inspired me to write, although this time, it's really way off from her suggestion. I still thought I'd mention her because otherwise I probably wouldn't have had the idea for this. So, thank you.
This fic mainly takes place in a hospital and this probably isn't like hospitals work at all and St. Joseph's isn't in reference to any real one. But I hope it all makes sense somehow and works for this fic. Also, there is an accident happening and the police doesn't come at all to speak to anyone... which probably also wouldn't happen although I do assume the other person is guilty and has said so.
I want to have about six chapters and an epilogue and will try to update twice a week.
I think it's also important to know that this fanfiction won't go out with... a big bang or something. I don't know how to describe it without telling what's gonna happen. But just don't have your expectations set too high about anything. Then, I hope, you will be pleasantly surprised. ;)
I do wish everyone a good read.

It's Saturday afternoon and Beck lies on his bed, his phone in his hand.

Jade is supposed to be here for over half an hour now. That's not normal anymore. It's never normal if Jade is late. Yes, she does take her time whenever Beck picks her up, likes to make him wait. But he then knows she is safe in her house. Now, he doesn't know where she is. She never lets him wait then.

He has called her a few times by now, texted her even more.

He contemplates if he has remembered the wrong time. But they want to meet up with their friends in about half an hour and they thought about spending some time alone before that. He is pretty sure about the time they agreed on. Jade even told him she would try to get here earlier, with enough luck even an hour early.

But where is she then?

He tries her home now but noone picks up the phone.

Well... Maybe her mother has a problem or something and Jade has taken her somewhere and hasn't got her phone with her.

There has to be some kind of good reason or semi-good reason like that.

And yet, he has this bad feeling in his stomach. Something is terribly wrong, he is sure of it.

He thinks about driving to her house but he is already up on his feet when he remembers that his car is in the shop. It broke down yesterday and it wasn't something he was able to fix himself. Jade is supposed to drive the two of them to Tori's house... but she isn't here.

His parents of course also each have a car but they will question it and he will have to tell them about Jade not being on time and they will judge. They have been much better about it since the break up and them getting back together as if they have realized that Beck is only truly happy with her but... They still seem to watch Jade as closely as they can, which luckily isn't all that close, and seem to judge every wrong move.

They would act as if it would happen all the time that Jade lets Beck wait and worry. They don't know a thing.

But before he dies worrying... Rather them judging than him not knowing, right?

He still considers it when his phone rings. An unknown number calls and he picks it up.



Beck doesn't recognize the voice. It sounds female but he couldn't say more about it. There are somewhat loud noises in the background.

"Who is this?" he asks confused.

"It's me, Caitlyn. Jade's mom."

Now, he recognizes her voice. It's contorted though. As if she is... crying?

Beck feels like he falls in a deep hole. "What happened?"

"She has been in a car accident."

He doesn't know how it's possible but somehow, his heart stops and at the same time starts pounding so loud that he is sure, Jade's mother also has to hear it. For a second, it goes black in front of his eyes.


"I just arrived at St Joseph's. They're operating on her right now."

He grabs his jacket. "I will be there in ten minutes."

There is a sob on the other end, then: "Please, drive carefully."



"I need your car."

He has pulled his jacket on and is now standing in his parents' living room where both of them are sitting and watching TV.

"What for?" his father asks and his mother adds: "I thought Jade was supposed to drive you."

"She has been in an accident. I need to get to the hospital."

He sees them share a shocked look but he doesn't care. He doesn't want to hear them tell him they are sorry or any other words of comfort. He needs to get the hospital. He needs to get to Jade.

"Where are your keys?"

"You can't drive like this," his mothers instantly says and Beck doesn't understand. Like what?

He sees them share another look before his father stands up. "We don't need you having an accident as well. I'll drive you."

He still doesn't understand but he doesn't care. "Fine," he hears himself say. At least, he will get there.



His father is the one to ask for Jade at the front desk while he looks around desperately as if she would just suddenly come through one of the hallways.

They are brought to a small waiting area and there is Jade's mother and her brother, both sitting in chairs next to each other. Her mother crying, her brother looking like he has seen a ghost.

They hear him arrive and look up and Caitlyn is the first one on her feet. She comes over and hugs him for the very first time in his life. He hugs her back, draws in her scent that reminds him of Jade's home.

They break apart after a while and Beck turns to Jasper and hugs him just as tight. He has hugged him before, has known him for four years now after all, when they boy just has been three years old.

"I'm sorry," he hears his father say, honest, to the woman he has only met once before in his life. "Do you know anything yet?"

"No," Caitlyn answers with a small voice. "They are operating on her. They won't tell us any more."

Beck hears footsteps and turns, Jasper still close to him.

It's Mr. West and his wife who arrive. Mr. West ashen-faced, his wife looking extremely worried.

"How is she?" Mr. West asks and Caitlyn can only shrug: "I don't know."

Nobody else says anything after that. They sit down, Beck right next to Jasper and Caitlyn, and they wait.

Beck doesn't know how much time has gone by. Maybe, it's been a long minute. Maybe, a few hours. When he hears a buzzing noise that just won't stop.

"Son, your phone," his father silently says and he pulls his phone out of his pocket when the buzzing noise finally stops. He sees that he has several missed calls from Andre.

He gets up and leaves the waiting area, steps into the nearest inner courtyard and calls Andre back.

"What's up? Where are you guys?" Andre asks, obviously confused and worried.

Beck takes a deep breath. "Jade has been in a car accident."


"I'm in the hospital now. Apparently, they are operating on her."

It doesn't take Andre a second. "Where are you? We are coming right over!"



When he gets back to the waiting area, Caitlyn's parents are there.

They look just as worried as everybody else, whisper some words into Caitlyn's ear and smile sadly at Beck when he steps back in.

"Jasper. Go home with them," Caitlyn finally tells her son.

He gives her an incredulous look. "I will stay here."

"Please, sweetheart," Caitlyn says and her mother softly runs her hand through his hair: "Come on, now. There is nothing you can do here. Let's go home."

"What about Jade?"

He sounds as broken and lost as Beck feels.

Caitlyn smile a smile that's not honest: "She will be ok. I will call as soon as I know more, ok? I bet you can see her tomorrow."

Beck sees the little one look at her for a long time before he nods and lets his grandparents take him home with them. Beck knows he understands. He understands that his mother just can't have him around at the moment because she is way to worried about Jade. She needs to know that he is safe somewhere, not sitting in a hospital seeing her cry over his big sister. He always understands Jade as well. He is a good boy.

As soon as he is away, she collapses back on the chair, shaking and crying. Beck sits down next to her again, but he doesn't know what to do to make her feel better. He is sure there is nothing that would make her feel better except Jade walking in or at least a doctor telling them everything will be ok.



He is sure, all of his friends touch him in one way or another when they finally arrive. He doesn't feel like being touched by them. He feels like he just wants to be far aways from everyone. Everyone except Jade who he wants to hold in his arms so badly.

It's only Cat that he really feels in his arms, after she shared a long hug with Caitlyn. She is shaking from her tears and they cling to each other as if their lives depended on it.

Then, he and Cat sit down to either side of Caitlyn. Andre starts pacing. Tori and Robbie keep standing, Tori holding herself, Robbie looking as if he would desperately need Rex here who he hasn't brought. Beck's father is sitting a little further away, watching him, Beck, with a worried expression as if it was him you needed to worry about now. Mr. West hasn't moved an inch since he first sat down. His wife has started shedding tears by now.

And finally, a doctor comes in. They are all up to their feet the very next second.

"She survived."

He feels dizzy out of relief. She survived. She is fine. She is alive. Everything will be alright.

He doesn't even hear the doctor talk about what happened, what they did, what would happen now. He isn't sure if anyone hears.

"She is asleep for now. You can come see her for a few minutes. But then, she needs rest."

Everyone steps forward and the doctor throws up his arms. "Sorry, not all of you. Just the parents for now."

"But..." Beck instantly says and Caitlyn who has already rushed forward, turns back, waves for him. "Beck, you can come with us."

He feels the enormous relief. He needs to see her now.

Cat shortly touches his arm when he passes her, then he, Caitlyn and Mr. West are on their way.

Jade doesn't look fine. There are all sorts of tubes going into her body, she is pale even for her. She nearly looks dead but her chest is moving up and down in a rythm, Beck's body automatically matches.

While her mother is whispering some comforting words to her, he is just standing there, looking at the sight he will never forget.

At least, she is alive. Everything will be alright.