New home

Hi I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm a golden afghan hound puppy with ocean blue eyes and I'm a stray I go out looking for food but when I can't fine any I go begging for food some people give me food and some bet me just because I was begging them for food.

One day I begged for food and that is when I met iruka umino he picked me up and brought me to the vet and I go my shots and then he brought me home gave me a bath and feed me and he name me Naruto. That is when my life began with a home to call my own

Naruto I'm home no answer. Naruto where are you? Again no answer he went to Naruto's room but he wasn't their. Then there was scratching at the door he opened it and found Naruto bleeding and two broken back legs. WHAT happened to you I will take you to the vet so they can fix your back legs. Naruto whimpers that hurts so much Naruto said to himself. Why did this have to happen to me I'm just a puppy Naruto thought to himself what is wrong with some humans these days.

Should I tell Iruka papa that some men tried to kidnap me for them to try and puppy rape me but I fought back and tried to run away but the got me and broke my back legs.

I'm going to tell papa what happened I look up and stare at him then he looks at me and I tell him that some men tried to rape a 8 month old puppy and I was so scared I fought back and tried to run but before I could they cot me and broke my my back legs. What Naruto next time you need to go out please ask me and I will take you where you need to go okay so this doesn't happen again. Do you now the people that did this to you so when I fined them I can kill them.

It was Mizuki, Orochimaru, kabuto, zabuza, kakuzu, hidan, zetsu they are the ones that where trying to kidnap me and rape me papa why did this happen to me sobbing. I mean before I was kidnaped I went out because I had to go to the bathroom. ( remember Naruto is a dog and they don't go in toilets so he had to go outside) when I was done doing what I needed to do I was walking back to the house and then they grabbed me I was bitting them hard but when they dropped I started to run but they got me and started hitting me with bats and pips and that is why I came home with two broken back legs.

Naruto I'm so sorry that happened to you but we are taking you to the vet so they can fix you. I hope they heal alright if I can't walk what will I do I can use the human bathrooms and I will be to big for you to carry me in and out of the house just for me to go to the bathroom. That will not happen because they are going to fix them right up so you can walk again. By the way how did you get home with two broken legs. I dragged my self home with a few pit stop to breath and it was really hard.

okay while your at the vet I'm going out to look for them and kill them. Well were at the vet be a good boy while I'm out okay I will get them for what they did to you.

time skip

who are you and what are you doing here said Orochimaru and every one els yea who are you. I'm the one that will kill you for what you tried to do to my puppy. Do you mean the cute afghan hound puppy. Yes you better get ready to be killed. oh really we would like to see you try. Okay scents the police want you dead and when I kill you they will be happy and so will I and the other pet owners. Iruka takes out a 32 revolver 7 shot say goodbye with that he shouts the gun and it hit Mizuki in the head. Then he shouts aging and hits Orochimaru in the heart. And again he shouts it six more times and they were dead on the spot. Now all the pets are safe from some evil men that are now gone and will never return. I think it's time to go home and take a bath eat and go to bed.

This is one of my new stories that I'm writing I'm not very good I now that but please review and comment it is going to be a mpreg story Naruto and sasuke are dogs a afghan hound and a black borzoi.