The surgery

Naruto you are going to have surgery to fix your legs you will stay here for a few days do you think you can do that for me until they call and tell me to come and get you. Yes papa I will stay and I will see you then I love you to papa. I love you Naruto.

Time of surgery

Okay Naruto we are putting in an IV and put a mask on you and you will fall asleep and when you wake you will feel sleepy but the good thing is your legs will be in casts and will stay like that until the bone is healed and you will be Abel to go home.

After the surgery

Naruto was sleeping and he was dreaming of a beautiful black male borzoi puppy and a gray haired man as his owner and he had a scar on his left eye. Naruto wake up its time to you done eating you can go back to sleep and when you wake up we will take you out to go to the bathroom scenes your skin is healed and some of of you bone is fixed you will try walking but it will hurt will you be Abel to stand the pain. Yes I will try my best.

Good boy when you can walk with out pain you can go home back to your papa I hope I don't have to see you again about this again now that you are done eating go get some more sleep. Thank you for every thing you have done for me. I will go back to sleep and dream of me walking agin and I will dream of me bigger trying to fined a mate. Naruto what do you think you are a dominant or a submissive.

I think I'm a submissive why. Because you can have puppies do you like males or females. I like males is it a bad thing. To like the same sex if you can have puppies and love males. No but that is something to talk about when you are older and with your papa.


Papa what are you doing here thought that you said that I will see you when I was ready to come home. I did say that but I wanted to came visit you because I was lonely with out my Naruto I miss you. I miss you to papa. You should go home and get some sleep you look tired. I am but I wanted to see my little Naruto.

Papa you née to go on a date. He's right Mr. Umino you need to fined someone els who will love you as much as Naruto does he wants you to be happy. Naruto is this true you want me to be happy. Yes papa I do because it kills me to see that you don't have someone to love in that way and I know that you are a submissive just like me.

How did you now that. I smell it all over you. I also now that you like guys to. Naruto how do you now I like guys when I never told anyone. I now because I watch you look at guys love boys porn and I now that you have sex toys under your bed for when you masterbate at night.

(speechless) how d-do you now that. I hear you moaning at night sometimes. Naruto can you keep this between us please. It's okay papa I'm just like you I'm also a Hermaphdite just like you. So you will keep it a between us. Yes papa.

First time with sasuke

Sasuke where are you? I'm in my room why. Because we are going to the vet for a check up. Okay, is it to see if I'm growing okay? Yes also we are going to visit the healing word to see if they need help. Okay but if we run it to someone we now please just don't talk about me and talk. About other stuff. Fine but if we fined something nice be good and call me papa please. Fine.

Back with Naruto

papa I want my papa Naruto what's wrong I just had a bad dream is papa coming to visit me today. Yes he is do your ant me to tell him that you are havering nightmares and you want him? Yes please. ( phone ring ring ring) hello this is iruka umino speaking. Yes this is the vet Naruto has been having nightmares for the past few days now I think he needs to see you soon. I will be their thank you.

At the vet with sasuke and kakashi

Sasuke are you ready set to go? Yes. I'm ready to go. I think today will be interesting for me. Yes I think so to. Okay let's get in the car and we will go.

Time skip

Sasuke and kakashi are sitting in the waiting room. (Thud thud) all heads turn to the door to see an upset iruka. Mr. Umino he is freaking out and is scared then he hear papa I want to see Naruto right now please. Yes and he is ready to go home to thank you for everything.

Back with sasuke and kakashi

Sasuke looks over at kakashi and sees that he drooling while staring at iruka papa your drooling. Sasuke I found something and he is a beauty. Sasuke stay here while I go talk to him and if a nurse calls you please go with her. Yes papa I will.

hello beautiful iruka's knees start to shake when he hear a deep husky voice then he turned around to see a gray haired man talking to him. H-hi I'm iruka and you are? Kakashi. Then he got closer to him and lend in to give a deep passionate kiss. Iruka starts to black out from the sparks flying out of the kiss.

Can I have your number beautiful and I'll give you mine they gave each other's number call me tonight. Okay talk to you later wow that was amazing I need to fined Naruto