Chapter 7

Desert Defense

I am really happy at this, guys. This is my second fic to hit a hundred reviews. Seriously, everyone. Thank you so much. Now, since I have gotten a few reviews on this I want to make this clear. I've decided the only ones who are In the Harem are Zannah, Kyoko, Hinata, Sayaka, Fem Gaara, Riyo and possibly Fuu with references to Naruto having something with Fem Haku. The others are only slight possibilities and I might find other pairings for them later. Now then, on to the reviews.

Hikari Nova: Thanks for the heads up.

SPark681: Which mutt?

Guest 1: See the opening of this chapter.

StrongGuy159: Here you go.

christopherrhaydon: Here you go.

KuronoDono12: I haven't decided who will train her.

Leaf Ranger: Glad you're liking it.

nero99: Happy you like it.

strato263: He thanks you.

Blaze1992: Sorry if you find my chapter short. I just don't like to force them to be to large.

DragonPony022: Here you go.

SPeCTeR-ll7: Mechanical.

Naruto009523: Here you go.

Guest 2: He will come across them soon enough.

draco122: Thank you.

Guest 3: Here's more.

246vili: It's not really that big.

Okay... Let's kick it up!


The heat was blistering in the center of the Gaidenose desert as two figure in black cloaks with red clouds on them were journeying to Suna.

"Do you really think it's a good Idea for us to go to Suna they might still be on high alert after the Kazekage was assassinated by Orochimaru?" The taller of the two asked.

"Yes. But they are still weakened from that failed conflict with Konoha and besides. Our agents have said that their Jinchuuriki was friendly with Kyuubi Jinchuuriki." The shorter of the two who appeared to be slumped over replied.

"So, if we capture her, we'll lure the Kyuubi brat out of where ever he's been hiding." The taller one reasoned getting a nod from the slumping one as the two continued on their way.

Aboard the Burning Fox:

Jadus walked through the door to the medical room of the ship to see Machaire helping Hinata to move her new mechanical arm.

"How are you adjusting?" The Dark Lord asked as the former heiress turned to him.

"It's working fine. I don't everything about it. But I've been told I can feel things with it but not feel pain." Hinata said.

"I also took the liberty of adding a few weapons in to her arm. Talon said as she walked up past her sister and gently grabbed Hinata's arm and began to list the weapons. "First and foremost the laser shielding this will allow your arm to withstand hits from most anything if you are in combat. Second is your grabble cable which is fed from the center of your forearm and shot from out of the underside of your wrist." Talon explained before moving to Hinata's hand. "Finally, the retractable vibroclaws on your fingers. They may also be electrified if you have the need." She finished the explanation, getting a nod from Jadus.

"You have done well, Talon." Jadus praised as a smile graced the Twi'leks face.

"Thank you, my master." Talon said with a bow before a beep was heard from the computer, signaling that the ship had landed.

" Talon, Machaire, stay here and tend to healing Hinata's legs. Zannah, come with me." Jadus said as the sisters bowed to the Dark Lord and Lady as they got in to the black speeder they kept about the ship and drove just far enough out of Suna not to be noticed and proceeded the rest of the way on foot.

"I don't understand why these people choose to live in a desert when this planet has many more hospitable climates on this planet." Zannah asked as the two of them walked through Suna, using the Force to put themselves in a perception field to keep out of sight and hearing of the citizens.

"The answer is in the question." Jadus stated. "The people of Suna grow use to the scorching heat of the desert's days and the blistering colds of its nights. They are one of the strongest villages in the elemental nations." Jadus said as the two of them finaly reached their destination.

As the two walked in they were quickly met by a giant fan being pointed at them a six armed puppet was pointing daggers at them. Said weapons were under the command of a blonde girl in purple robe and a man in black wearing purple makeup. Zannah was quick to reach for her Lightsaber only for Jadus to grab her wrist and shake his head.

"You may relax Temari, Kankuro." He nodded to the two as he looked down to see a small pile of sand forming an eye that was looking up past his hood.

The fan holder, now known (to Zannah at least) as Temari slightly lowered her fan and was about to ask who the Sith were when Gaara ran past her and her brother and jumped in to Jadus' arms, almost causing him to fall over even with the Force.

'Uzumaki.' Garra's siblings realized, knowing all to well that he was the only person that could trigger that kind of response from their sister.

"I've missed you too, Gaara-chan." Jadus said as his arms wrapped around his fellow Jinchuuriki.

The two stayed that way for a few moments before the red headed girl spoke.

"What happened to your eye?" She asked with a slight growl, having seen the scar and the prosthetic through her sand.

"A few of my enemies tried to take be back to Konoha to brainwash me and I put up a fight causing this." Jadus explained as he gestured to his eye as both Gaara and Zannah clenched their fists in rage at the thought of anyone laying a finger on the Sith Lord. The former of whom was unconsciously causing many objects in the room to shake. An action that did not go unnoticed by Jadus. "Not to worry though." He said in a calming tone as the objects stopped shaking. "I made sure to eliminate the one who did it." He said with a grin.

Zannah smiled at the memory of Jadus' crimson bolts reducing the Root Anbu to soot. Just then, sensed a disturbance in the Force. "Jadus." She signaled.

"I sence it too." He replied before turning to Gaara. "Remember that group I told you about before I was banished?" He asked, gaining a nod from Gaara. "It would seem that two of them are on their way here." He explained as he turned to leave only for Gaara to grab his wrist.

"Naruto-Kun." She said the Sith Lord's old name with no small amount of worry in her voice only for him to turn around and pull her in to his chest as he began to caress her hair.

"Not to worry, my Desert Rose." Jadus spoke softly. "I now have control power beyond what most on this planet can understand." He said as a wave of his energy washed over Gaara and she felt safe in the power of the Dark Side as Jadus once again turned to leave. "We'll be back soon." He said as he and Zannah both left to face the Akatsuki members.

Back with said Akatsuki members:

The two cloaked figures continued on their way to the to Suna in their mission to capture Gaara. Suddenly two waves of sand came up between being both two high to jump over and to long to get around in time, the two were quickly pushed aside as twin cyclones appeared trapping both Akatsuki members in the center as the Two sith apeared before them. Zannah before the blonde man and Jadus before the hunchback.

Zannah made no attempt to reach for her Lightsaber. Instead, she reached up slightly and began to move her fingers in strange patterns as she began to channel the power of the Dark Side.

The then began panting in fear and began clawing at his arms as if attempting to get some sort of parasites off of him. Despite the loss of large chunks of flesh, the blonde man still seemed to think there had been no headway in getting rid of the creatures. Out of sheer terror and desperation, the man reached in to two pouches full of clay as mouths on his palms chewed up the clay and spit out clay spiders which then placed themselves over the gashes in his flesh and exploded leaving very few of his body parts intact.

Jadus stood before his own opponent, taking a moment to sense him out before a smirk graced his face reaching his hand out, he forced a hatch on the hunchback's back and lifted out a young man with red hair before flexing his finger as a black cylinder shot out of the mans chest and in to the Sith Lords hand before he lowered the whirlwinds.

::Interesting.:: Kyoko remarked. ::He placed his mind in this core and used puppets to serve as his body.:: She explained.

::This is a good find.:: Jadus said as his smirk became larger. ::With him in our possession. We have will be able to find every one of the Akatsuki's bases.:: He said before looking down at the puppet's left thumb with the kanji for 'orb' and over to the index finger of the still intact right hand where a ring with the kanji for 'blue' and 'green'. Recgonizing that both Itachi and Kisame wore similer rings, Jadus was quick to deduce that the rings were kind of badges among the Akatsuki and thus, good trophies.

Jadus then called out with the force and took the rings and placed them on the fingers that their formers owners kept them. He then picked up the puppets and he and Zannah began to walk back to Suna.

About twelve minutes later, the two Sith returned to the apartment of the Suna siblings as Jadus dropped the two puppets at Konkuro's feet and tossing him a scroll he found with the red head puppet.

'Sasori.' Konkuro thought before looking back up to Jadus.

"Consider them a gift." He said before Gaara walked up to him and signaled for him to fallow to the balcony.

"Shukaku wants to speak with Kyoko-san." She said gaining a nod from Jadus before the two of them sat cross legged in front of each other and placed their hands in each other's palms before going in to a meditative trance.

Jadus and Kyoko quickly found themselves in a cloudy blue void, Suddenly, a girl who was about eight or so inches shorter than the Fox Demon with short dirty blonde hair, a small B-cup chest, and blue tattoos under eyes with black sclera, yellow irises and cross pupils wearing a bronze kimono with a black trim and a red sash.

"Onee-Sama!" The girl shouted before jumping in to Kyoko's arms and nuzzling against her chest. "Oh I missed you so much." She cried causing the Vixen to laugh at the antics of her youngest sibling before stroking her hair.

"I have missed you too, Imouto." Kyoko said in a comfort almost motherly tone that she would use with most of her eight siblings.

"Alright, now that the four of us are alone." Gaara said before slapping Jadus clear across the face before pushing her face in to his chest. "Where the hell have you been?" She asked trying to hold back from crying. Your mentor came by two months ago and told me that nobody had seen you since your exile. I though you were dead for a while." She said as she began to fully cry."

"I'm sorry, Desert Rose." He said, comforting her with her nickname before he began to explain everything. The roots attack, his calling upon the Dark Side to kill them before being found by Bane and Zannah, his christening as Darth Jadus and his return to the planet after the attempt on Hinata's life. The final of the things listed causing Gaara to become slightly jealous.

"So, you only came back when she was in danger." Gaara pouted as she emboldened the word 'she' when referring to the Hyuuga. Jadus simply smiled at how cute the Suna nin was when she was jealous.

"You know that I would have come for you at the slightest sign of danger." Jadus said as caressed the girl's cheek. "The only reason I didn't leave to continue my plans is so that I could see you." He said as she grabbed his hand and began to nuzzle on to it.

"That is not the only reason you have not to leave yet." A voice said and the two Jinchuuriki and the Bijuu.

"Ancestor." Jadus greeted upon seeing Darth Imperius.

"Hello, blood of my blood." Imperius greeted back before explaining the reason behind his presence. "I have found those of our blood on this planet." He explained.

"Where are they." Jadus asked as Imperius raised his hand as a cloudy screen came up to reveal two girls with blood red hair. One wearing glasses and one wearing some sort of head gear with wrapping underneath.

"I reconize that one." Garra said as she pointed to the one in the hat.

"Yes. She works for... Orochimaru." Both Jinchuuriki clenched their fists hard enough for their knuckles to crack (Impressive given they are not actually using their bodies.) at the mention of the name of the Snake Sannin. "Where is he?" Jadus asked.

"You have already discovered your means to find him." Imperius explained.

Jadus took a moment before realizing what the old Sith meant. "Thank you, ancestor." Jadus said as Imperius left.

The two Jinchuuriki then left the trance as Jadus bust back inside to Zannah. "Contact Talon and Machaire and begin extracting the information from our new friend. We have one last stop to make before we return to the palace." He said gaining a nod from the sorcerous.

"I'm coming with you. I want to see Orchimaru pay for what he did to my father." Gaara said with finality.

"I knew you'd say that." Jadus said with a small grin as he reached in to his robe and pulled out a bronze colored saber hilt that seemed to have been coated in some sort of flesh. Jadus, knowing that he would need to come back to Gaidenose had a couple months before tracked down just the right crystal for her as well as a hunter who managed to get a piece of the scales of a creature called a Zillo Beast. Which was known to be resistant to Lightsabers. "Take it." He said as he handed it to Gaara.

Gaara took a moment to study the weapon. Turning in slightly and letting her fingers curl around the hilt. It felt right in her hand. Like it was always meant to be hers. Gaara then took one step back from Jadus and placed the hilt up in front of her chest before in pulsing sound (Think the sound that the Spinsabers in Rebels.) The blade of her yellow Darksaber was ignited.


Well there you go. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next time, Jadus will face off against Orchimaru and reunite a certain Uchiha in an attempt to gain the loyalty of his clan. Now Before I go, I want to know your thoughts on the updates on the prolouge and my adding in Feral Oppress. Please tell me in the reviews and until next time and as always... Keep on keeping on.