New story!

Summary: Darkness has crept back into the forests of the world, whispers of a nameless fear echo in the wind. The princess' misson of diplomacy must come to an early end so that she may thrust herself into the trecherous journey of the fellowship. The time has come for the racess to converge to change the fortunes of the world. For if the ring shall survive the great eyes sights will be set further than just middle earth.

Yes I know what am I doing writing a new story when I need to be updating my other stories, for those who read my other stories (such as Demon of the Fleeting Cherry Blossom, which I just updated) then you know what I am doing with my other stories for those of you who have not read my latest chapter update of DOTFCB then here is the message:

NOTE: I know I have been the absolute worst with updating not only this story but my others as well, I will be working on my updating skills. However I have gone back and read over some of my other stories and realize that I don't quite like the direction I was taking them or the way I started them off so a lot of my stories I will be rewirting/revamping. I'm not quite sure yet but I might abandon some of the stories but please don't freak out just yet. If there is another story that you like or love or can't live without that I am writing please just inbox me what it is or post it in a review! I will be continuing with "An angels Blood" since it is so far along, I will also be continueing with "Ripple Effect," "The tainted cherry blossom," and "Of a mothers love and sacrifice." Again I'm sorry for my bad updating habbits but I should be changing that soon.

ANOTHER NOTE!: I have a few new stories that I have been working on as well but I'm trying to be proactive so any new story I post be assured that I have already written at least two more chapters ahead of time so that they are ready to be posted so pleast don't hate me!

Now that we have that out of the way, I've been stewing with a Naruto Lord of the Rings cross over forever! And since there are not many out there I decided my story should be told!

Note that I will make some changes to LotR and Naruto so do not be mad with me when I don't fallow everything to a T, also my elvish might not be completly accurate. (Story is set 4 years after chapter 699 in Naruto and starts with the fellowship of the ring)

So here it is the first chapter to "Not all those who wander are lost"

All that is Gold

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The world has changed...

Han mathon ne nen

I feel it in the water...

Han mathon ne chae

I feel it in the earth...

A han noston ned 'wilith

I smell it in the air...

Much that once was is lost... for none now live that remember it.

It began with the forging of the great rings.

Three were given to the elves, immortal, wisest, and fairest of all beings.

Seven to the dwarf-lords, great miners, and craftsmen of the mountain halls.

And nine... nine rings were given to the race of men, who, above all else, desire power.

For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race.

But they were all of them deceived... For another ring was made.

In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom the dark lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring, to control all others. And in this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.

One ring to rule them all.

One by one, the free lands of Middle Earth fell to the power of the ring.

But there were some who resisted.

A last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the slopes of Mount Doom they fought for the freedom of Middle Earth.

Victory was near.

But the power of the ring could not be undone.

It was in this moment when all hope had faded that Isildur, son of the king, took up his fathers sword.

Sauron, the enemy of the free peoples of Middle Earth was defeated.

The ring passed to Isildur who had this one chance to destroy the evil forever... but the hearts of men are easily corrupted... And the ring of power has a will of its own.

It betrayed Isildur... to his death. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.

History became legend, legend became myth, and for two and a half thousand years the ring passed out of all knowledge.

Until, when chance came it ensnared a new bearer.

The ring came to the creature Gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains and there... it consumed him.

The rings brought Gollum unnatural long life. For five hundred years it poisoned his mind. And in the gloom of Gollum's cave it waited.

Darkness crept back into the forests of the world, rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear. And the ring of power perceived its time had now come.

It abandon Gollum... but something happened then the ring did not intend. It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable... A hobbit, Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.

For the time will soon come when hobbits and Shinobi will shape the fortunes of us all...

The midday air was cool and crisp as a light breeze blew past three figures. The area around where these figures stood was filled with craters, burn marks, and many other unnatural alterations from its former beautiful grassy plane. The three figures all breathed heavily, all exhausted from their previous activities.

Sakura fell to the cool grassy ground in an ungraceful heap. Her short pink locks clung to her face and neck as beads of sweat trickled down her prorclien skin. Her chest rose and fell quickly as she tried to catch her breath. She heard three thumps and felt the slight vibration of the ground beneath her indicating her boys had fallen to the ground next to her. Sakura giggled as she heard their heavy breathing. She had just finished a sparing match with her three teammates only moments ago and was now enjoying the cool breeze as it kissed her damp skin.

It had been four blissful years of peace, not only in the fire country but in the other four nations as well. The fight against Madara had left the five nations more than willing to abide with a peace treaty. Sakura didn't know that peace could have ever been a possibility in this world but she had been proven wrong. Sakura sighed as she sat up from her wonderful spot on the ground, crawling over to her teammates to heal their injuries, she went over to Kakashi first knowing he had been hit pretty bad with Naruto's resengian.

While the nations were currently at peace that did not mean that missions didn't continue to roll in, there were still rouge nin, as well as human trafficking and kidnappings. But the highest ranking mission any of the four had seen in a long time was a B ranked mission. Even then the mission hadn't been too difficult and now a days the four found themselves on escorting missions, which was just a way to glorify babysitting a rich kid.

When Sakura had finished with Kakashi's wounds she moved onto Sasuke.

During the war Sasuke had switched back to Konoha's side and fought along side them to defeat Madara. At first when the war had been won and everyone was starting to rebuild their lives, team 7 had a hard time getting used to Sasuke being back, but he wasn't the same Sasuke he used to be when they were genin. He had changed, and for the better in Sakura's opinion, he was much more light hearted and smiled more, well smirked more and really started to let all of the members of team 7 into his life. He had even asked Sakura out on a date about a year ago, but Sakura kindly turned him down knowing that she would not be able to give him what he wanted at this point in his life.

After that they had become close friends, as well as becoming one of the most feared teams the shinobi world had seen since the legendary sanin. Sakura was quite proud of her progress as a shinobi as well as a healer, she had surpassed Tsunade in healing abilities and was on par with Sasuke and Naruto's fighting abilities. She had come a long way since her genin days and she was pretty proud of herself for that.

Sakura stopped with her healing when she heard something, or someone heading their way, it only took the boys a few moments after to notice as well. All four shinobi stood, their hands on their weapons ready to attack if needed, although it was a time of peace that did not mean they could not and would not still be cautious. Within two minutes a woman dropped down from the trees in front of the group.

"Astela?" Sakura voiced, a confused look on her face as she looked at the woman that stood before them. Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi all gave Sakura a questioning look, all of them wondering where Sakura had met this girl before. The woman was tall and slender, her skin was porcline pale and her face was almost doll like, she wore a white dress with long sleeves and slits on either side of the skirt leading up to her thighs so that she could run, underneath she wore white pants. Her hair was a mix between red and brunette and was braided around her head so as to keep stray hairs out of her face, but the strangest thing about this woman were her ears, they were pointed at the ends.

Astela knelled in front of Sakura, bowing her head, "Milady, your father has requested you to come home." The woman said making everyone blanch.

'Milady? Sakura!?' All three men thought as they looked between their pink haired team mate to this new woman that Sakura somehow knew.

Sakura stared down at the woman confused, she wasn't supposed to go back home for years, what could have happened to make her father want her to come home? "What has happened Astela?" Sakura asked dreading the answer, she knew something must have happened for her father to call her back home, there was no other explanation.

"Lord Elrond believes that war will come upon the lands." Astela said in a strained voice, she knew Sakura would ask questions but she did not want to be the one to tell her that her country was in danger.

Sakura's eyes went wide, if what Astela said was true and war was upon them then there was no getting around it she would have to go home, her people needed her. Sakura tried to keep her composure as she nodded to Astela, she was about to head off toward the Hokage's tower when Sasuke spoke up.

"What's going on?" The question was so simple and vague but Sakura knew he was not just asking about Astela's presence. In all honestly Sakura had forgotten her boys were there with her, she had been too shocked by Astela's presence.

Sakura looked between her three boys knowing she owed them an explanation but she needed to hurry. "I will explain, but we need to get to Tsunade's office now." Sakura said her voice dripping with urgency, trying to make the boys understand that the situation was urgent. She looked from one to the other waiting for them to agree, it only took a few minutes before she saw Naruto nod his head in understanding.

After that Sakura took off, moving faster than any of the males had ever seen her move, Astela followed them easily keeping up with their pace which surprised Sasuke and Kakashi. But Sakura had told them that she would explain and they knew she would. It took them minutes before they reached the Hokage's tower, Sakura didn't even bother with knocking as she walked into Tsunade's office, having already checked for another chakra signature.

Tsunade stared at Sakura surprised by her out of character rude behavior, she could expect Naruto to burst into her office at any time but Sakura had always been the curtiouse one. "Sakura what is the meaning of this?" Tsunade said wanting to be mad at her student for barging in but once she took notice of her face she knew something was wrong.

"My mission is ending early." Sakura said standing up straight as she looked her leader straight in the eye. This sentence only seemed to confuse everyone in the room but the three woman.

"Has something happened?" Tsunade said worry falling over her eyes, she motioned for Kakashi to close the doors to her office that had been left open. Sakura was about to answer when Naruto inturupted.

"Okay, somebody explain what the hell is going on!" Naruto said getting tired of not knowing about anything they were talking about.

Sakura sighed, she knew once Astela told her she was needed back home she was going to have to tell her team mates about her secret but she had no clue about how they would react, honestly she had never thought they would have to find out. Sakura turned away from the Hokage's desk to face her three boys, this was not something she ever thought she would have to face but it was inevitable now.

"I have not been truthful about who I am." Sakura said starting in a place she thought was best. She took in a deep breath as she put her hands together in a seal releasing sign. She whispered out a small 'Kai' before a large puff of smoke surrounded her. Once the smoke cleared three sets of male eyes widened at what they saw. Standing before them was not the 20 year old Sakura they knew but a late twenties to thirty year old mature version of her.

Her chopped short hair was now long and reached her waist, the color went from a pastel pink to a deep pink, almost red. Her skin was now porcelain and seemed to almost glow, her emerald eyes were now the color of jade and were framed by thick, dark lashes. Her physic was different as well, she still stood at a short 5'5" but her once almost flat chest filled out, not by much but it gave her body a bit more of a generous curve, her hips stayed about the same, but no longer gave her body a pear shape, and her legs seemed almost longer and leaner. The last thing that had changed but somehow seemed to stand out the most were Sakura's ears, they came to a point at the ends, just like Astela's.

"My name really is Sakura, but I am not a shinobi from the village of konoha. I'm from a far away land called middle earth, more specifically the elven land of Rivendell." Sakura said trying to stay composed as she looked at her friends to see how they would respond. She knew it wasn't fair of her to hope they would forgive her for lying to them but it didn't stop the feeling of dread from rising up in her stomach. She looked between her boys then back to Tsunade and Astela.

"If your from this elven city, then that would make you..." Naruto started to say but his question faded off as he looked at Sakura for answers.

"An elf yes, more specifically she is the heir to Rivendell, a princess if you will." Tsunade said smirking as Naruto's jaw dropped, she knew she shouldn't be getting a kick out of this but the look on the blonde males face was truly priceless.

Sasuke stood quietly but his face told Sakura that he did not believe what she was saying. At least not the part about being an elf, which she understood, no such creatures were seen as real here, they were merely children's stories.

"I know it is a hard concept to grasp, since such creatures do not hale in this country. But I assure you I am an elf, I have lived for over 2,000 years, I have seen many of your life times and and learned more than you could ever hope to grasp within your one lifetime." Sakura said her voice taking on that of someone of high power. It shocked the men in the room to hear her like this. Normally she was yelling at them to stop fighting but now she sounded like royalty.

"How could you have lived for over 2,000 years? It is impossible." Sasuke said still being skeptical about the whole thing, he had never heard of anyone living past 150, other than Madara but he had technically been resurrected.

Sakura sighed she should have known that Sasuke wouldn't just except the idea so easily and Kakashi didn't look like his train of thought was much further away from Sasuke's. She let out another breath, "Efls are born just as humans are and we grow in a sense just as you do. But when an elf reaches maturity they do not age, we are immortal and can live on forever. We can die if we are fatally injured or if we lose the will the live but otherwise we do not age."

Sasuke still did not seem quite as convinced as Sakura would have liked but she knew there were other questions in the air and she was still in a hurry.

"If you are from this far away place then why are you here?" Kakashi asked, speaking for the first time since they had arrived, Sakura had been waiting for this question and she knew she should have expected Kakashi to ask it.

"My father wished to make an alliance with your people. So he sent me here to try and make this alliance but Sarutobi was a bit wary of us and so we made a deal, I would go undercover as a shinobi of this village and learn your ways while being under close watch. So Sarutobi placed a genjutsu over my body so that I looked like a young child from this village. It was right before Sarutobi passed away that he decided to accept our alliance, from then on my father thought it would be beneficial for me to stay here and live out one of your lives to learn all I could from you before I came home. Tsunade has been the only one who has known about me since Sarutobi died." Sakura said explaining her presence in Konoha and the reason why Tsunade had not been surprised in the least when Sakura dropped her genjutsu.

Sakura stood there waiting to see what her friends would say, they were never supposed to find out, she was supposed to live out a generation here and then leave after they were all gone, no one was supposed to know about her until the Hokage announced their alliance with the elfs.

Naruto was the first to speak after what felt like a long awkward silence, "So you are an elf, and a princess, why didn't you tell us before? We are your friends." Naruto said looking a little hurt that he had been kept in the dark about this whole thing. Sakura looked down in guilt, this is what she was trying to avoid when she didn't tell them.

"That would be the fault of Sarutobi and myself, we believed that if Sakura were to expose herself to you or anyone you would think she was a traitor or you would not be able to trust her and then the alliance Sakura has spent years trying to build up would fall through." Tsunade said answering Naruto's question seeing as Sakura didn't seem like she was going to answer it. Naruto and the others seemed to think about this for a moment. In truth it made sense, it was a bit harder to trust Sakura now, of course they didn't think she was a traitor, they knew better than that but that didn't mean others wouldn't have different views on the matter.

There was a long period of silence and Sakura could tell the boys were thinking long and hard about this situation but she knew she didn't have time to wait around so she turned back to Tsunade. "Astela says that my father believes that war is coming upon our land. My father would not send someone for me unless it was of the utmost importance." Sakura said her voice as serious as Tsunade had ever heard her.

She knew that Sakura would go regardless of what she said and this was just a formality but that did not stop her from worrying. Even if Sakura was not human she still thought of her as a daughter, a daughter that was much older than her but she still felt a mothering quality over the girl. "When will you leave?" Tsunade asked looking at her student with sad eyes, she knew that this might be it, this might be the last time she ever sees Sakura again.

"I will leave tonight." Sakura said her voice sounding like she had decided before she was even asked. Sakura knew what she had to do and there was no time for goodbyes and explanations.

"Wait a minute! your just going to leave so suddenly?!" Naruto yelled sounding almost mad but Sakura knew better he was more surprised than anything and probably sad as well.

"My people need me Naruto, it takes 7 days by boat to get to Middle Earth and from there it takes 3 days by foot to get to Rivendale." Sakura said trying to make her friend understand. While she had made a life for herself here she had another life, one she had lived in much longer than she had here and she had an obligation to go to them in their time or need.

"Konoha will come to your aid." Tsunade said her voice stern, she had made this alliance fully knowing it might lead to another war that they would have had no part in otherwise. But Sakura had been an invaluable asset to the last war and they probably would have lost many more people if it wasn't for her. She knew that the alliance worked both ways, many elfs had been sent undercover to aid them in their fight and now it was their turn.

"I will not ask this of you now, I do not know what it is that makes my father think war is upon us but I implore you to stay here for now. I will call on you once we know what we are up against." Sakura tried to reason, looking into her teachers eyes. Tsunade knew this was not an insult, far from it. It was Sakura's way of saying she did not want to needlessly put them in danger. This made Tsunade smile, Sakura was such a kind person, she was one worthy of immorality because many generations should be able to know someone like her.

"We will come with you." Sasuke said surprising everyone in the room especially Sakura. That had been the last thing she thought she would have heard from Sasuke, she could see Naruto saying it but Sasuke was a different story. She wondered what made him come up with this resolve, she had just told him that she had lied to him and that she was leaving them yet he wanted to come with her.

Sakura looked down, she didn't want to put her friends in danger unless the situation became dire. "No you will stay here." Sakura said with much more authority that anyone had ever heard her speak with. Sasuke gave her his signature glare not understanding why she refused him.

"My world is much different than yours. There are customs you must learn, creatures you must learn to fight alongside or against. I wish for you to stay here and learn about my people and the land I come from, Tsunade has gathered more than enough information to help you, and if a war is indeed going to happen I will call for you." Sakura said trying to reason with the Uchiha, it was true she knew if she just brought them along so suddenly they would offend many people and cause unnecessary problems. Not only that but how could she expect them to know how to fight creatures they had never even heard of before. The whole situation would put them in great danger and she would not allow it.

Sasuke looked like he was going to oppose her and so did Naruto but Sakura held her ground, she knew that they would see it her way whether they liked it or not. After what seemed like hours Sasuke looked away and Sakura knew that was his way of saying he would do what she said for now.

"Thank you." Sakura said looking at her boys with the love that only many years of growing together could bring. She was sad that she was going to leave without saying good bye to pretty much everyone but she was glade she could at least give her good byes to the three most important men to her in Konoha.

Sakura walked over to Naruto first giving the blonde a hug, she never wanted to leave, she felt tears welling up in her eyes but willed them back. He had become a rock to her in this world. When everything seemed to be going wrong he was there to right it and when she felt home sick he was there to make everyone place she went feel like home. She looked into blue cerulean eyes like she had done so many times before before moving over to Kakashi.

She gave her long term teacher a hug, he had been somewhat of a father figure to her since she was so far away from her own father. He had been wise words from this world when she simply could not find the answers she seeked. And he had been a warm heart and an open ear for her anytime she had needed him.

Next was Sasuke, She had mixed feeling about the dark haired man. When they were genin she had genuinely had feelings for him, she had never been around men that she could see as more than a comrade much in her home land. She had even studied how normal teenage girls would act when they liked a boy. But the more time she spent with the boy the more her feeling developted and the more the situation she was in felt too much like the one her sister had found herself in. Sakura knew the moment that she was fallowing in Arewn's foot steps that she had to shut out the feelings she had for the dark haired boy. She did not want her heart to break into nothingness once the Uchiha's inevitable death came to pass. So when Sasuke finally returned her feelings she knew she had to turn him away, she could not give him what he wanted, and he would not live long enough to give her what she wanted.

He wanted a wife and children and she knew they would never be able to have a normal life together like he wanted. She could not bring herself to put herself through what her sister had.

Lastly she looked at her blonde haired teacher, the two stared at each other for a moment and shared a none physical goodbye. The blonde had truly been the mother figure that Sakura had missed since her own mother had passed away. She wanted to give Tsunade the world for all the kindness she had shown her and now that she was being forced to leave she knew that she would never be able to do so. Sakura placed her closed fist over her heart before extending it toward the blonde, opening her hand in the process. It was a gesture to say goodbye to a loved one from her people but she knew Tsunade knew what she meant.

Sakura stepped toward the large window of the Hokage's office and looked back at her friends, "Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'" Sakura said in a soft voice, fighting back the tears in her eyes once again.

She gave a slight smile at the confused faces of the people in front of her, "In my touge that means, My heart shall weep until it sees thee again." Sakura said giving everyone a soft smile and within the blink of an eye she was gone.

Sakura stared out at the vast rolling waves as they passed, the salty ocean breeze caressed her face. Sakrua and Astela had set off to sea hours ago and Sakura could no longer see the shore line that connected to the land of the five great nations. She knew that she would one day have to leave this place but she hadn't thought it would be so suddenly. She thought she would get to say good bye to all the people she had grown close to as their short lives ended.

She had wanted to live with them longer, see them grow into fine young men and women. To see them get married and have children and watch as their children grow up as her friends grew older. She had wanted so much more time with them and now she didn't know when or if she would ever see them again. The time it took to run through the rest of their life span was not even a blink of the eye in her time.

Sakura sighed as she pulled out a folded picture from her back pocket. It had a small tear at the corner and was creased in a few places but the picture was as clear as the day she framed it. It was a picture of team 7 they day they became a team. It was one of the few things she brought with her before she left, she had grabbed a few other pictures, the twin swords Kakashi had given to her for her birthday that had her name engraved on them, her weapons and medical books all sealed into a scroll and her forehead protector.

She sighed once again looking out in the direction of the shore, she knew it was a long shot but she was determined to see her friends again, someday.

So what did you think?! Keep in mind this is just the prologue So I made it a bit short.

Please tell me what you thought and leave a review!

You all know the drill 10 reviews till the next update (which is already written)!

Until next time,
