Willow Rosenberg was tired of being scared. She had been scared for the better part of two years now, ever since her newest friend, Buffy Summers, moved to Sunnydale and had begun her crusade against all the things that go bump in the night. Originally she had just been scared because she was just a normal girl and the utter hopelessness of her position with the forces of darkness did nothing to reprieve her of that fear.

However, she was different now. She didn't care what Giles said, magic was a tool to be utilized and if she used it to help her friends, then she didn't see anything wrong with that frame of mind.

It was also because of this difference that her fears had changed. Angelus had been terrorizing them for too long now and Willow was terrified that she was going to wake up one day and Xander, or Buffy, or Giles, or Ms. Calendar, or Oz were going to be dead and she could have prevented it. This had been the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and she dove headfirst into her magical abilities. After hours upon hours of research she had finally, finally, found something that not even Giles would be able to complain about.

The spell was relatively new compared to some of the other spells that she had found, it had only been in circulation for about three hundred years or so and many of the practicing magical thought it was a dud, but it had the ability to call forth the heroes from days long past. Ever since she had found the spell she had been fantasizing about who she would draw from beyond the void (King Arthur or Hercules definitely sounded like they would be helpful) but had decided to refrain from finding a catalyst. For one, she had no idea how she would go about doing that without Giles' help, so that was out. Her other reason was that she still had fanciful notions sometimes and the idea of drawing the one hero that was uniquely suited to her and her alone pushed all the right buttons.

Therefore on a Wednesday night that had been fairly quiet and let the Scooby gang go off and do their own thing a little earlier than usual Willow began preparing her spell. She made sure the others who would be sure to try and stop her were busy with other things (Buffy was still patrolling despite her danger, Xander was doing Xander things, and Giles, ever the Watcher, was researching other venues to stop Angelus) before she went home to an empty house and began to gather the ingredients for the spell.

Unfortunately she didn't really have any silver on hand to help her in being able to construct the spell, but she did have a can of silver spray paint and that would have to do (the spell was more intent based anyway). She went into her backyard and began to get to work drawing the sigil that she had seen in the spell book. Thankfully her backyard was mostly just dirt, so it would much easier to clean than if she had grass. She completed her design just as the moon was raising high in the night. She figured it was around 1 or 2 in the morning and the spell had said that this was the best time to try and summon her hero.

One more glance and a quick reference to her book and she knew that everything was as perfect as it was going to be. Willow stood a little straighter and took a deep breath as she hyper focused and centered herself to use her newly discovered power. One more deep breath and she began.

"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg.
The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate."

The silence became more intense as everything in the vicinity of her spell seemed to begin to wait with baited breath as she attempted her summoning. She felt a small twinge in the power of the words, but nothing to amazing yet. Suddenly she felt a stab of pain on her right hand, but she ignored it in favor of completing her spell

"Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill).
Repeat every five times.
Simply, shatter once filled.
――――I announce. "

There was a much greater pull beginning to come forth with every line of her verse and the circle began to glow with an ethereal purple energy, throwing shadows all around her backyard. The magic was responding! She was going to succeed! She just needed to push forth and ignore the worrying edges of black beginning to appear in her vision. She would succeed! She had to! This was the only way she knew of to help her friends, so with a grit of teeth and stubbornness she didn't even know she had possessed; she continued the last line of the aria.

"Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword.
In accordance with the resort of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.
Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.
You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!"

She felt the power of her magic condense within the glowing circle, and even though she suddenly felt as if every nerve that she had was on fire, the condensed power exploded outward making her stumble back onto her behind. Panting with the exertion that the spell had taken, she looked into the smoke that had filled her backyard and could make out a shape. As the smoke cleared she took in the hero that she had summoned back into the realm of the living.

Even though he was kneeling she could tell he was tall. He was clad in an assortment of red and black and had on combat boots that seemed to be steel capped and gloves that hugged his arms tightly. His physique was well corded with muscles and his outfit did nothing to hide that notion. His skin looked as though it had been kissed by the sun while his shock of white hair gently swayed in the breeze that had been created by her spell. Finally she noticed his steel gray eyes, almost as though they had been forged in steel.

With a rustle of cloth the man stood as he locked eyes with willow and she felt a thrill of…something as the summoner and summonee locked eyes for the first time.

"You who have summoned me, I ask of you, are you my Master?"

Willow wished she was able to answer that question immediately. Unfortunately, the spell had taken its toll and the pain that she had been pushing to the back of her mind returned in full force. With a groan she passed out, but her smile never left her face.

Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Fate/Stay Night. They belong to Joss Whedon and Type-Moon respectively. Please support the official release!