Hello, I have a very important announcement concerning my stories.

I'm Back! Yay! I'm also starting to get past the IRL stuff that has kept me from posting for about two years!

Yes, I know some, (scratch that, a lot) of you are probably pissed at me for not writing for so long, but a lot, and I mean a lot of stuff came up in real life.

I'm not going into too much detail, but I had really deep depression and anxiety for the last few years, and I'm only just starting to pull myself out of it. At the same time, my parents are now separated, and I've been in the middle of it for a while, and suffice it to say, it didn't help me at all.

That combined with school and severe self-esteem problems, made writing pretty much anything pretty much impossible, and since I felt so bad for not posting, it just kept getting worse and worse.

Thankfully, I'm now starting to pull myself out of my depression and anxiety, though I'll admit, I'm definitely not even close to over it completely, and I've reconnected with some really close friends of mine who've helped me immensely.

Anyway, enough about my life, I'm sure that you all want to know what's going to happen to my stories, for those of you crazy enough to like my writing, so let me enlighten you all.

I'm not abandoning either of them. However, there is a very real chance that I will be rewriting them, since I feel like they really need it. I didn't have any idea's or outlines for either story, and was pretty much winging it, which didn't help at all. If you have any idea's for either Hidden Huntress or Infinite Rose, just PM me, I'll definitely take it into consideration, though I can't say for sure it will be used. If I do use an idea or am inspired by someone's idea, I'll give credit to the person.

I'm also looking for an experienced beta, since that's another thing I was lacking, and I feel like it could help a lot with my stories.

Anyway, I'm sorry for disappearing for so long, but now that I feel good enough to start doing the things I love again, I felt like you guys should know why I've been so absent in my writing. Although I do have school, which will take priority. I'll try and keep at least a semi-regular update schedule though.

Anyway, thanks for enjoying what I already have written, and for keeping an eye out for updates, I'll hopefully be getting a new chapter, or my rewrites up soon, about two weeks or so, (since my previous laptop died, and it had all my story stuff on it from before everything went to hell), and I'll see you soon.
