Amethyst was out walking along the boardwalk. She wasn't going out with Steven or going to get donuts. Just felt like talking a stroll. The sun was out, there was a slight breeze, and there were plenty of crunchy leaves to step on. It was a perfect day in Amethyst's opinion.

She looked ahead and stopped, tilting her head and using her hand to block the sun from her eyes. She was sure that tall peach-headed figure in the distance was Pearl. She was standing in front of the Funland Arcade. Maybe she was picking up Steven. Amethyst hadn't seen the little booger all day.

It seemed she got sidetracked, engaged in some conversation with Mayor Dewey. She could be going on another Nerd Rant, as she tends to do with any audience. But as Amethyst walked forward, with further inspection, Pearl didn't seem all too interested in conversing. She was mostly nodding along to whatever Dewey was saying and fidgeting around. She was occasionally crossing and uncrossing her ankles. With her hands on her hips, she kept glancing back at the Arcade. Almost as if she was impatient for Dewey to leave.

Amethyst caught up to them, waving one of her hands wildly, "Hey P!" she shouted.

Pearl looked over just as Amethyst stopped by her side. "Amethyst, hi!" she said a little too enthusiastically.

Dewey took notice of Pearl's excitement and turned to Amethyst as well. "Oh, why hello there!" He said loudly. "I was just talking to your lovely sister here," He put a hand on Pearl's shoulder, "about how beautiful she truly is."

Pearl took Dewey's hand like it was a sweaty sock and slowly peeled it off of herself.

"Uh, we're not sisters Dewey." Amethyst stated. She glanced over to Pearl, "But you do have a point."

In one swift move, Amethyst wrapped her arm around Pearl's waist and pulled her into her own side. She paused for dramatic effect, looked up and Pearl, and with a poetic voice, gently said "The stars, Oh how they shine for you, My beautiful Pearl."

Pearl had her eyes locked with Amethyst's but immediately turned her head away after such a cheesy performance. But not before Amethyst had caught sight of her familiar blue blush.

Mayor Dewey took a step back, "Ah, well that's-" he cleared his throat, "Not too sisterly at all, my mistake."

He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable. Then he snapped his finger, pointing at the Gems. "Well, I'll be on my way ladies."

He waved at Pearl, "So long, Pearl." He said with a smile.

"Goodbye, Amanda" he said to Amethyst as he began to walk off.

Amethyst let go of Pearl, stepping forward, "Hey!" she shouted, offended.

Pearl grabbed her by the shoulder, "It's not worth it, Amethyst, let's just go inside, Steven left his jacket here."

After Amethyst and Pearl had gone in to get Steven his jacket, Amethyst started following Pearl back home. She had a good enough walk, she should be heading back anyway.

On the way to the temple, after they were out of the crowd of the town; that is the crowd of 5 or 6 people, Pearl spoke up. "Amethyst" She said, glancing to her.

"I- er, want to thank you for earlier."

Amethyst shrugged, "The jacket was right there on the race-car seat, you could've found it without me."

"No, no" Pearl explained. "I suppose it was your…boldness.. that got rid of William Dewey, which I was pretty grateful for."

"Oh!" Amethyst snickered "Yeah you seemed pretty awkward around him."

Pearl rolled her eyes, "On the contrary, actually. He can't even say hello to me without going red in the face, and drenching his neck tie."

Amethyst chuckled, "Yeah that guy sure is something."

After this incident, it wasn't really talked about again. It was not anything important to pay attention to. It seemed as if it was long forgotten.

Nearly a week later, with nothing to do, Amethyst had decided to go out again. Before she could get out the door, she was stopped by Pearl. "Where are you going?" She asked curiously.

Amethyst looked behind her, to see Pearl standing nearby. She shrugged, "Oh, I don't really know. Get some fry bits maybe?"

"Does the Fry Guy just hand those out to anyone? Shouldn't you be bringing Steven along?"

"Eh, I guess I'll see and find out." Amethyst replied.

"Oh." Pearl said, "Well, can I accompany you?"

A wide smile spread on Amethyst's face. "You want to try some bits?!"

"No, no, oh goodness, no." Pearl shouted frantically. "There's just nothing going on, so why not go out?"

"Hm, well okay, good enough for me! Come on P!" Amethyst went to grab Pearl by the wrist and ran out the door with her.

The trip to the Fry Shop was nice, but on the way back, trouble appeared for Pearl again. In front of her she saw Mayor Dewey, hanging up some election signs. It was inevitable that they would cross paths. Doing so absentmindedly, Pearl found herself walking closer and closer by Amethyst until they were nearly brushing arms.

Amethyst found Pearl's sudden invasion of personal space a little weird, until she too, spotted Dewey. Who seemed to find them now as well. Amethyst watched as a smile spread on his face. It made her a little sick to her stomach. Which was odd, because she's had no problem with the Mayor before. The way he was looking at Pearl though, with astonishing admiration. She didn't like it too much.

On instinct, Amethyst suddenly interlocked her fingers with Pearl. She was right there, so why not. To her surprise Pearl didn't protest.

His grin went down a notch, Amethyst began to form a smile.

"Out on a walk, Pearl, in my wonderful city?" Dewey commented.

"Your..?" Pearl began, but she stopped. "Uh yes,the city, it sure does carry a variety of smells, like the pizza and.." She nodded towards Amethyst, still carrying a bag of bits in her other hand. "Fry crumbs."

"Bits, Pearl!" Amethyst protested. "They're 'The Bits'."

"Right, of course" Pearl agreed.

Pearl began to slow to a stop, as they approached Dewey closer. Amethyst sped up, dragging Pearl along.

Unfortunately, Mayor Dewey found himself matching their pace, following along like a lost dog. "Ohoh, that's true, so true, Our variety of restaurants is one of our many attractions, here In Beach City."

Pearl wrinkled her nose, "I'm personally not too fond of the greasy food joints."

Amethyst cackled beside her.

Mayor Dewey wiped back his hair with a sweaty hand,"Oh, well we do have fine dining as well!" He coughed, "You know, I could show you- I mean take you sometime, I know where the best cuisine is served."

Pearl stared at him.

"Uh- How about it?" He asked nervously "A night out? The two of us? For dinner?"

Pearl groaned, "Uuuhh, That sounds very displeasing, no thank you."

Amethyst laughed louder, tears forming in her knew exactly what Pearl meant. She doesn't want any type of food, no matter how good its claimed to be. But the look on Dewey's face was priceless. He looked like his whole world had been shattered. Without knowing it, Pearl shot him down so good.

"What?" Pearl asked Amethyst.

This only made her laugh harder, barely able to walk anymore. She took her hand from Pearl's, using it to clench her gut, along with her other "P, you- you're killing me!"

Mayor Dewey huffed in a pout. "Well, I'm- I'll," Somehow his face seemed even redder than before. "Oh, look at the time, I have the.." He looked back, "The thing. I'll uh see you around, Pearl." And with that, he ran off.

Pearl put her hands on her hips, watching Amethyst finally calm down. "What was that about?" she asked.

"Pearl," Amethyst choked out, "He was asking you out on a date! Because he likes you?"

With Pearl having no response, Amethyst clarified, "Romantically..?"

"Oh..!" Pearl gasped. "Oh.." she said, with a more deflating tone. She looked back, but Dewey was no where in sight. "That's um.." She held her elbow awkwardly.

"Well..We should be heading back home."

Amethyst held back another laugh, "Alright, sounds good!"