Hermione Granger was a liar. Horrible. Bad. Despicable. No, not a bad liar, actually she was quite good at lying. To herself and her friends. Although she thought at times Harry could see through her lies. She remembered vaguely the slap she had given Malfoy earlier this year. Harry's eyes had momentarily narrowed in suspicion at her advance with her wand, and then her following act of violence. He was a good friend though, and she knew that he had secrets too, and mutually, they had stayed quiet. She was loathe to distance herself from Harry or Ron. Mostly Harry, she corrected herself, as she remembered some of the unkind things Ron had said. Even though Uncle Mike had warned her against attachments.

She shook herself, trying to get her thoughts away from the dark toll, and reminded herself what was important here. Ah yes. Liar. I'm bad, horrible. But HarryI can do something to help. She was currently in the hospital wing, and Harry was resting again, after they had saved Sirius from the dementors. Ron was out cold, too, and you could tell by his loud snores. Hermione felt her eyes roll and she looked to her raven haired friend again. His face was calm, and a soft smile was upon his lips, and Hermione thought she knew that he was dreaming of Sirius.

He's innocent. Sirius Black is innocent, and he has to continue hiding because Wormtail got away. It's not fair!

With this thought, she summoned parchments and a quill and drafted three letters. One for Uncle Mike, one for her dad, and one for Sirius. Uncle Mike's was the easiest to write, so she started with that one.

Uncle Mike,

I know we've really only met once, and our correspondence has been almost nonexistent, but I need your help. I'm going to write dad too, and explain, so don't be afraid to involve him and your brother. I need your help to stir the waters and start an investigation. I know you mostly work with the muggle government, but you did such a wonderful job hiding me, I know you will be up to this task.

Sirius Black, the wanted criminal from our world, is innocent. He is also one of the only ties my friend has left to his family. I think sooner than later, Harry will need Sirius. I've heard some rumors from my world, and I wonder if you've heard them too.

I know your wish was for me to be unattached, but there is little help for it now… Anyway, I think justice should be done despite my biased opinion.

Once school lets out, I will be happy to meet with you and dad, and your brother, if you are willing to take on the task. However if you refuse, keep in mind I am writing dad, and I think you know he won't say no to me. Best to have your hand in helping, instead of not having control, like I know you need to have.

Sincerely, your niece,

Hermione Granger

She paused for a moment, shaking her hand out. She had written furiously, and happily, smudge free. However, her hand had cramped, and now she felt at a loss at how to address her dad with the moment of pause. She shook her head and turned instead to a letter for Sirius.


I know we met only a few hours ago, and you may be unsure of who to trust, but I hope you can trust me, and know what I write is true.

I am setting some things in motion to prove your innocence. I'm muggleborn, as you remember and I know some people who can help clear your name, both in the muggle world and magical. I know it seems farfetched, but please believe it is true. I know that Harry cares for you a great deal already, so the only thing I need of you is to stay safe, and please write to Harry when you can.

I will keep you posted of any developments.


Hermione Granger

Hermione paused again, sighing as she heard the rustle of wings. She looked up and found Hedwig, coming to rest at her blanketed feet. "Hello, Hedwig." She whispered, rolling up the two completed letters. The owl stuck out her leg, and looked intently at her. "Take the first one to London, to Uncle Mike please. Then you can find Sirius…" She paused, and looked down at the blank parchment. "Would you be able to send another owl down on your flight out? I fear this one will take longer." Hedwig gave a soft hoot in affirmation, and spread her wings to fly. Hermione looked around the wing, the lone lantern lighting her friends features, who were still blissfully asleep. Thank goodness. I'll just have to tell Harry I borrowed Hedwig to write to my parents… Not to far off.

With this thought, she turned to her last letter. Dear Dad, she wrote, pausing again. She hadn't written him for a few years, save the forced thank you she wrote when she got into Hogwarts (Mum had insisted). How do you write a dad who divorced your mum after the war, and then proceeded to ignore the existence of his only daughter in favor of a new life? He didn't ignore you, he was just healing… He helped you stay safe from his enemies. But I needed a dad.

She heaved a sigh again, and started writing again, keeping her letter polite and cordial. She lied to herself, thinking, I don't want him in my life again… I just need his help. She was horrible. Bad. Despicable. Who asks her father to get involved in something that could be dangerous? She could lie to her friends, and try to lie to herself. But there was no way her dad wouldn't be able to see through her letter. He would probably keep it from mum, though, which was a plus. And he would work to help Sirius clear his name. But Hermione's dad would read this letter, and possibly talk with Uncle Mike, and they would make connections. Hermione wanted to be wrong, but she knew she wasn't. Her letter would hint at a war coming. And her father would try everything to shield her from it, he wouldn't want her to become a veteran like him.

You see, thirteen year old Hermione Granger had been known by another name. Granger was her mother's given name. When Hermione was found to be a witch, and her name had gone down for Beauxbatons (Hermione had lived with her mother in France since the divorce), but dad had intervened, after hearing of possible infiltration by his and his roommate's enemies in the French government. Uncle Mike had made the arrangements for Hermione's name to be changed and to be enrolled in Hogwarts, and dad had paid for mum's time-share in Britain, so that mother and daughter could be closer during holidays, and part-time during the year. And Hermione had been instructed on how to change her accent, how to lie, and how to study. She had also been instructed on weaponry, defensive magic, and hand-to-hand combat. For if her father had enemies, so did she. She would need to be the very best she could be, so that she would be safe. Hermione was very good at research, just like her father, and she was very good at being a sidekick, just like her father, and just like her father, she was deadly with a weapon.

Hermione sent the last letter with sigh, watching the brown owl fly off as she settled back into the covers of the hospital wing's cot. Her bones ached from the blasted whomping willow, and as she finally got comfortable, she felt herself drifting off to sleep. She couldn't know that in the time it had taken her to finish her father's letter, and let her thoughts wander, her Uncle Mike had already contacted several useful people to set plans in motion and had shown her letter to her father, who was also working and planning.

Yes, Dr. John Hamish Watson, even with the divorce, took care of his ex-wife Dr. Jean Marian Granger-Watson, well, just Granger now, and his daughter Hermione. They didn't speak,and they lived separate lives. And even though, the only resemblance Hermione had to her father was his nose, there was no doubt that she was her father's daughter. And Dr. John Watson would always take care of his daughter.