Howdy! It may or may not have been awhile. It's certainly been a minute since this story got updated, and I know my last addition to it made it all seem a little bleak. But, I have an important announcement to make! If you didn't already know,


The rewrite is thirteen chapters in and counting! I figure most people probably know about this by now, considering I've been working on it since December, but now that I'm graduated and have more time to dedicate to it, I thought I should make the official announcement here for anyone who doesn't know about the rewrite and is looking for more DoubleTale in their lives. Just click on over to my profile and it should be one of the first stories you see, under the simple name DoubleTale: Rewritten.

I apologize for how long it took and how much twisty turning nonsense went on, but I'm finally doing DoubleTale the way I always dreamed it could be. I hope you all like it, and I hope you all have a wonderful day, regardless of whether or not you want to read the rewrite. :)

XWolf26, out