Chapter 78

Penny first stared at her mother then turned to look at Leonard who she found was looking directly at her, those big brown eyes of his again only appearing like warm pools of comfort to her. It was like she could get lost in those warm pools of calm, they not only made her feel incredibly good they also made her want to be in his arms, her safe place from the world around her. She had to actually consciously keep herself from going there at that moment because right now those eyes were also confirming to her that she was welcomed where she was and she didn't have to worry about him wanting her. "Mom, I want to stay here until my leg is healed." then she added in almost a whisper. "with Leonard."

Susan almost opened her mouth to try and persuade her to reconsider but stopped herself, remembering her promise to herself and to her husband. She had talked to Wyatt the night Penny got her cast changed and they both came to agreement that it would be Penny's choice on what she would do. However, the compromise Susan thought about before immediately came to mind, "Honey, Leonard can come stay with us, too."

Her mother's statement stunned Penny, she had firmly decided she would not leave Leonard, as long as he wanted her, but the option her mother was now offering would allow Leonard to be with her. Penny couldn't help the feelings that suddenly tore at her, although she felt better about being in California now that she was with Leonard, her home in Nebraska was her safe territory, she had family that loved her and her family's farm was always a place of refuge for her. She and Leonard had no idea that Gloria, a year before, had realized that too, after talking to her, and that had been the main reason Gloria had encouraged Leonard to let her go.

Penny looked back at Leonard, his eyes almost speaking to her, them not looking worried about losing her but telling her it was up to her, he would do whatever she wanted. They actually gave her strength, if he could sacrifice for her, would go with her to Nebraska and leave all he had for her, she could also be strong for him. She told herself she didn't need Nebraska, she had him, and she was much happier with him that anyplace else in the world. So, she turned back to her mom, hoping she didn't hurt her after she been so good to her over the last year, Penny feeling so much closer to her now than she ever felt before in her teens.

"Mom, I don't want to take Leonard away from his life here. If he doesn't mind me staying with him, I would like to stay with him. I will be fine here; Leonard is a great nurse." She then smiled at him and got a smile back from him.

Susan silently sighed, it was so hard for her not to try and change her daughter's mind because over the last year she had become more scared of losing her, the thought of one of her children dying before her never given a thought until what happened with Penny. However, she promised Wyatt and over the last couple of weeks, she even began to like Leonard, but more importantly she saw love in her daughter towards Leonard. So, it was with some defeat she finally replied, "Okay, but you know you can always come home honey, no matter what. We are your family and will always love you, so please come home if you have any problems." Susan's voice cracked at the last few words.

Penny did not what to hurt her mother, it was just that if she left for home, even with Leonard, someone would get hurt in some way, she just knew it. So, to her, staying there seemed to be the best plan for all of them and it also gave her some alone time with Leonard, which she knew was selfish, but she thought somehow, she deserved it. However, she still didn't want to hurt her mother, "Mom, I promise I won't do anything like before and if I get into a bad situation, I will call you immediately, I promise you with all my heart."

A small smile came to Susan's face with Penny's promise, "I love you honey, please take care of yourself." then Susan turned to Leonard as she said quietly, "I'm trusting you."

Leonard nodded, "I promise to take care of her." he answered just as quietly.

Penny looked between her mom and Leonard, tears coming down her cheeks, "I love you both." then she reached out for her mother, Susan immediately taking her into arms as they both bawled. Leonard having to wipe a tear from his eye at the scene in front of him.


The next morning was quiet, Susan leaving making everyone solemn and thoughtful through the morning and even on the way to the airport. Since Penny now had a walking cast, she rode with her mother and Leonard to the airport to see her mother off, them talking quietly in the back seat the whole way there. Leonard never speaking a word unless asked, letting the two of them have some mother/daughter time together before Susan left. He had to admit to himself that he was disappointed for her to leave, too, the last couple weeks getting better between them and noticing that Penny did like her around. There was also fear of leaving Penny alone, which when Susan was there, he never had to do, and even though he knew Penny was in no danger and fine alone, his need to protect her seem to just fuel his fear. So, yes if he had a choice, he would have Susan stay, even though he knew he was being silly and a little needy, and so he now he too felt part of the loss, like Penny, at her departure.

The airport wasn't much better for anyone of them, the final walk from the baggage check-in to security resulting in Penny and her mother continuously wiping their eyes as tears seemed to regularly be trying to escape. Consequently, when they had to part, they both started to cry, Leonard grabbing Penny's crutches as they fell away so she could wrap her arms around her mom. Him then turning away not to eavesdrop on their heart felt words to each other and to wipe a few tears from his own eyes, too. It was then only a few minutes later he held onto Penny, as she leaned against him for support, feeling her body shake from held in sobs as she lost sight of her mother after going through security.

"Oh Leonard, did I do the right thing?" She now looked at him with pleading eyes. It was one thing to talk about it the day before but now that it was happening Penny felt scared.

Leonard immediately remembered the promise he told Susan to take care of Penny and he knew he wanted to do just that. "Penny, if you want to go home, we can do it, I will go with you. Just tell me what you want and we will do it."

Penny stared at Leonard and immediately felt better, the scared feeling going partly away, his arm around her and the sincerity of his words having a soothing effect on her troubled mind. However, she was still completely over her mother's departure, "Can we just sit a couple minutes." she asked quietly.

Penny's request surprised Leonard but he didn't want to push her about going home when she obviously wasn't ready, so he quickly looked around and found a perfect place to sit. "There is a coffee shop just over there we can sit at."

Penny looked over to where he suggested and nodded, "Okay."

They moved over to the coffee shop, as she walked on her crutches beside him, his hand gently on her arm to give her some comfort and to satisfy his need to protect her should she have trouble with her new mobility. It took less than a minute to get to a table and once there Leonard took her crutches and helped her get seated again, the need to take care of her the highest priority on his mind. So, when he was sure she was comfortable, he just brushed his hand across her back until she looked up at him.

"I'll get us some drinks." he just waited long enough for her to register what he said before walking off to the counter, purposely not giving her chance to say she didn't want anything. He knew her mother leaving was hitting her hard and he wanted to give her a distraction, so even though it wasn't much, a cup in her hand would at least give her something else to think about.

A few minutes later Penny sat across from Leonard, she wasn't really thirsty but somehow the drink he had gotten for her was soothing just being in her hands and she took a sip to calm her thoughts. When she looked back at Leonard she was greeted by those warm soft brown pools of both love and concern for her, Leonard was so different that any man she had ever known before, he didn't have to say he cared for you because his actions and the way he looked at her made her feel it deep down in her soul. She had never known that guys like him existed before and she was beginning to seriously believe she had never actually been in love before until now, that now for the first time in her life with this man there was something real.

Leonard thought she seemed more relaxed so he felt they could talk about what just happened now, "Penny, we can go to Nebraska, I will go with you if you want me. Don't think that you mother leaving somehow takes that option away. Any time you want to go you can, with or without me, I will make sure you get home."

Penny just stared at him for a minute, thinking about his words as she replayed them in her head and slightly wondering why he thought she wouldn't want him. Him telling her she could go at any time, and he would go with her, actually did make her feel better and made her mother's leaving not seem so permanent and in turn that gave her strength. She gave him a tiny smile then quietly said, "Thank you." bringing her drink to her lips and taking a sip to buy time to compose her thoughts.

Leonard just watched her, not sure if she was going to say more and then just waiting as she took a drink from her cup, her eyes and her expression making him surmise she was thinking about something. His waiting for her to speak allowed his mind to drift a little and as he looked at her he was amazed how much she had changed, a year ago she was nothing but raw emotions and now she seemed so normal, like everyone else, but still he could see the same person, the person he felt a deeper connection with than anyone before. However, his mind quickly came back to the current situation as he watched her put her put her cup back down and wrap her hands around it for comfort, she seemed like she was ready to talk again now.

A small smile came to her lips, "Leonard, you may regret that offer when I tell you one day to pack because I want us to go to Nebraska." She wanted to honest and honestly, she thought she might take him up on that offer in the future, right now she couldn't suppress the thoughts she may have done the wrong thing, only time would tell.

Leonard gave her smile and continued the funny way she was addressing a serious situation, "Well I have never really visited Nebraska, so that would cross it off my bucket list."

Penny took him seriously and looked surprised, "You have a bucket list with visiting Nebraska on it!"

Leonard smiled a little bigger, "I do now."

Penny suddenly smiled, then reached over and swatted his hand before taking it in hers. "Leonard why are you so good to me?"

Leonard knew there was a serious answer he could give her but right now she seemed playful and he didn't want to change that mood in her, especially since she was depressed just a little while before. "Well you are a badass Cowgirl, ride bulls, tie up cows and have survived a horse stomping you, so I do it for my own protection." he told her with a chuckle to make it obvious he was joking around with her.

It worked, Penny giggled, "Yeah, I guess I am pretty badass." she giggled again, then she looked over towards the security area again before turning her attention back to Leonard. Her smile had diminished a little but it was still there, "I'm ready to go." she told him while squeezing his hand.

Leonard nodded, "Okay." He then got her crutches and helped her up, carrying both of their half-drunk drinks while gently holding her arm as they made their way out of the airport and to his car.


It had been a long drive from Pasadena to the Los Angeles Airport so they had left early in the morning and now it getting close to lunch, giving Leonard an idea. "Penny are you hungry?" they hadn't eaten since that morning and he didn't really want to make the long drive back right now, plus he thought it would good to get Penny to relax more after this morning.

Penny looked at him from the passenger seat, although she wasn't very hungry, she thought he might be and he was so important to her she didn't want to make him miss lunch, so she just answered what she thought he wanted to hear. "I can eat."

"Alright." Leonard gave her a quick glance and a smile as he took the way out of the airport towards the beach instead of to Pasadena.

Penny was deep in thought again so she didn't really pay attention to where he was driving, the thoughts about her mother leaving still in her mind, as she absently mindedly sipped the drink Leonard got her at the airport. It still made her a little scared, her mother being her last tie to Nebraska in California, and it gave her nagging feeling of being alone there, a lot like how she felt when she first got to California with the Rodeo. The only thing that made it very different than before was she was now with Leonard, she felt safe with him when he was close to her, but that scared her in a way too because she knew if she lost him, she would be lost. This all made her worried and confused, the fear of being alone in California without Leonard still very real to her because she now knew the dark side of life and never wanted to be left homeless and alone again.

Los Angeles International Airport was very close to the coast line, so it only took a short time before Leonard was driving down the coastal road, the beaches very visible out the side of the car. He actually had a destination in mind he was going to, a place on the beach that he seen before but never got a chance to go in. It was during a short time when he was dating a French language professor, he had seen the place while they were in the area, but it was the weekend and it was packed so they never went in. Therefore, Leonard hoped, since it was a weekday, that it wouldn't be so busy and he also hoped that since it was on the beach, Penny would relax, her current quietness making him know she still had a lot on her mind.

Penny's thoughts were interrupted as soon as Leonard started up the coastal road, seeing the beaches pass by and looking over at the water immediately making her push her previous thoughts back in her mind as now their current location took front and center in her mind. A desire instantly formed in her to get out and walk on the beach, the place which always seemed to have a calming effect on her and it suddenly dawned on her that Leonard had listened to her when they had talked before in the hospital. She turned her head to quickly to look at him, she had told him, while still in the hospital, how when things had gotten hard for her with Kurt she had went to the beach to walk and clear her mind, now she was here with him when she needed it again.

Leonard noticed her staring at him, immediately becoming concerned if something was wrong. "I...I thought we could get something to eat along the coast...if that is okay."

A small smile formed on Penny's face, as she thought how could he be any more perfect, "I'd like that."

It was just then Leonard noticed the place come up that he wanted to take her to, it was busy but not anywhere as busy as the weekend he first found it. He turned and smiled at Penny, "Good, because we are here."

Penny quickly looked where he was slowing to pull in to the parking lot, the place was on the beach side of the road and she could tell the one whole side overlooked the water. So, with a little bit of excitement in her voice, she turned to him with an even bigger smile on her face, "I love it."

The restaurant wasn't very fancy, more of a family beach place, so they immediately felt comfortable when they entered and even though it was busy there were still a small number of tables available so they didn't have to wait. Leonard requested a table next to one of the windows overlooking the ocean and slipping a tip discreetly to the greeter they were soon sitting at a table with an excellent view of the beach and the water. Penny's smile, as soon as she sat down, and her staring out the window in happiness making Leonard immediate feel good about what he had just done.

It was a beautiful day, jacket weather in Southern California, and even though there were solid windows between them and the air outside, she could still smell as well as see the ocean outside. Like many times before it made her feel good inside and after a couple of minutes of just taking it all in, she turned to the man who had brought her there, "Thank you, Leonard."

Leonard chuckled, he could tell she was happy which made him happy, "I haven't even bought you lunch yet, aren't you suppose to thank me after you get your meal." he responded in a joking way.

Penny gave him an obviously forced frown, "You know what I mean, thank you for bringing me here." she was smiling again by the time she finished her response.

Leonard cheeks got a little red in embarrassment as he got more serious, "I just thought maybe you would like it here after this morning."

Penny blushed a little too as she now became more serious, "It is the perfect place for me right now." she then looked directly into his eyes, "You listen to me, you seem to understand me, I can't even explain how much that means to me."

Leonard now looked down at his hands, her intense eyes staring at him a little too much for him to take, his shyness now taking over as their conversation was getting very serious, "What you say is important to me." his response seeming more as a confession to him.

Penny had force herself not to cry, even then her eyes became very moist, he just seemed so wonderful to her, "That is why I thanked you." she told him softly, she now felt extremely shy as very intimate thoughts started to run through her head. She had wanted him back ever since he brought her home, then left over a year ago, and as part of wanting him she knew she would sleep with him because that is what a man and women did and she wanted to be that way with him, especially since he returned to her when she was in the hospital. However, now was different, a new desire was felt inside her, a strong desire to be held and made love to by him, a want to come together with him, to make love to him and be his while he is hers. She hadn't felt like this since she first came to California, when everything was still so fresh and new, before the porn stuff, and she never had that feeling so intense as now, ever.

It was really a relief for both of them that they were distracted from their thoughts just a moment later, "Are you ready to order or would you like a couple of more minutes to look over the menu?" the young waitress asked, surprising both of them.

They ordered the same thing, mushroom burgers with fries only Leonard's without cheese, Leonard soon learning that Penny loved mushrooms especially sautéed on steak, steak being one of her favorite foods. The very serious tension of a couple moments now set aside as they both drank diet Dr. Peppers and just made small talk about their lives in Nebraska and New Jersey. It was after their food arrived that Leonard learned another cute habit of Penny's, she felt perfectly comfortable in stealing his crispy French Fries, it actually tickled him to secretly watch her while trying to make it seem he didn't notice.

It was a little over an hour later they made their way out of the restaurant and down the handicap ramp to the parking lot, both content from lunch with both the food and company. It was as they exited the ramp, that Leonard had got the idea, him noticing the walkway to the right going to the parking lot while the one to the left heading to the sand on the beach. Although Penny would probably not be comfortable trying to walk along the beach on crutches, especially in the soft sand, he thought maybe there was something else she could enjoy.

"Penny, I have a blanket in the trunk of my car, would you like sit on the beach for a little while, it is such a nice day." he asked

Penny looked at him wide eyed, "Could we!" then a little calmer with a smile. "I would really like that."

Leonard couldn't help smile that his suggestion was so well received, "Just stay here and I'll get the blanket."

It wasn't that hard to help Penny down the beach, about halfway to the water, but it did turn out to be sort of funny, them both giggling pretty hard at how clumsy it was to move across the sand on crutches. However, they both really enjoyed finally laying down on the blanket, over the sand, listening and watching the waves while their sense of smell and skin was pleasantly assaulted by the sea air. It had such a tranquil and relaxing impact on both of them that for the first several minutes neither of them said anything as they both just stared out on the Pacific Ocean.

"This is nice." Leonard absently mindedly said, really just making a statement concerning what was on his mind that moment.

Penny turned her head and smiled at him, she felt a strong sense of connection between herself and him as though he knew what she was thinking the exact same time when he spoke. Penny then turned her head back to look at the ocean, that sudden feeling of intimacy with Leonard, something she never felt with any other guy, now seeming very strong between her and him again to her. "This is really nice; it is actually perfect. Thank you, Leonard." her turning her head back to look back at him as she said his name.

Leonard's first thoughts were to tell her she didn't need to thank him, but as he turned to look at her, he saw the sincerity in her eyes, so he just gave her a small smile and nodded. They ended up spending the next hour on the blanket just sitting enjoying the comfortable feeling of the sea close by and the warm sun on them, Leonard not concerned about getting sunburnt because they still had their jackets on so only his face was exposed. There was a peaceful relaxed feeling that they both felt, so although they talked some, the periods of quiet were not awkward, they actually seemed to add to the serenity they felt.

The beach had even a bigger impact on Penny, the therapeutic effect was obvious, her mind relaxed and her concerns from that morning seemed to diminish the longer she was there. Though, she knew it would be wrong to credit their current location for all the comfort she now felt, Leonard had a lot to do with how she felt and sharing this feeling with him now was something completely new to her and something she liked. Penny knew Leonard was a source of security for her, Carol had told her that before, but it also meant she trusted him because everything he did seemed to just confirm that trust and that trust also made her truly realize she didn't need to be scared about being alone with him in California. Penny knew deep down she was okay; Leonard would never throw her away to the streets and if the worse possible thing happened and he didn't want her anymore she trusted him completely to send her home like he did before. She would be okay and just knowing that made her feel a lot better, staying in California would allow her and Leonard to be together and hopefully become a lot closer because right now she couldn't see herself being with any other man for the rest of her life.