Hello everyone! This was my first fic, and, after three years, I reread it and decided to fix some mistakes. Therefore, if you want to read the new, improved version, please go to the last chapter, which has the whole story. Thank you and hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1: Opportunity

"I can't believe I'm officially graduated!" Kagome said to her friend, Sango, who smiled broadly.

"I know the feeling, I wanted to shout from the rooftops when I graduated: 'I FUCKING DID IT, ASSHOLES!'"

Kagome laughed, before turning to leave her friend's apartment.

"Alright, celebration with family: done. Celebration with best friend: done. I guess now it's time I go to that dinner with Hojo, although I really wish I wouldn't have to, I'm so tired…" Kagome sighed.

Sango rolled her eyes. "Well, he IS your boyfriend. But you could change that, if you're not that really into him".

Kagome was slightly annoyed. This conversation always seems like a déjà vu. "I know that, but still… I like him, in some way… And he's so nice to me. He's been there for me since we started dating three years ago… I guess a girl can't ask for more than that.

Kagome and Hojo met in middle school. They were friends for a few years, until Hojo admitted his feelings for her and they started dating a while after they started college. It seemed like the perfect way to start a relationship.

Sango turned serious. "Kagome, you CAN. You deserve someone who treats you right and who's always there for you, but someone who you LOVE, who you can't be without, who gives you a warm feeling when you think of them, who you admire, who you want to touch…"

"Okay, that's enough. You know I'm saving myself for someone who I truly love and who loves me back." Sango, once again, rolled her eyes. "And don't you DARE call me corny, Sango. I swear I'll punch if you do. I just… it doesn't seem right with Hojo. And I might have high expectations for my first time and all, but I think the least I can expect is to be with someone I love."

Sango looked defeated. "Alright, you have a point. But I still think you shouldn't be with Hojo. He is a nice guy and all, but don't you think it's time to stop leading him on and be honest with yourself? I mean, you just graduated, maybe he's even thinking about proposing to you…"

Kagome looked frightened. "You're right… okay, I'll think about it. I don't want to regret my decision."

And with that, the old friends bid their goodbyes, promising to talk soon.

The next week Kagome woke up one morning, still enjoying a little break, having just graduated but still not looking for a job. She decided today was the day she would start looking for one.

She sent her CV to numerous health care companies, asking for any offering they could have, willing to learn and grow. She studied medicine in college, although she also liked the business side of healthcare. She decide to also take business classes, thinking she would be a good management consultant someday, helping hospitals manage their practice efficiency, among other things.

After a few days, still not hearing from any of the companies she tried for a job and getting worried, she called Sango to talk.

"What's up?" Sango said as she answered Kagome's call.

"Hi… well, I have applied for a lot of jobs, but I haven't heard from any of them yet. I'm freaking out."

"There's no need to freak out. Your CV is quite impressing, someone WILL hire you. It's just too soon to freak out." Suddenly, there was a voice in the background.

"WHO IS IT?" A male voice asked Sango.

"IT'S KAGOME!", Sango replied.

"Is that Miroku?", Kagome asked.

"HEY KAGOME!", she heard him say. "WHAT'S UP WITH YOU?"


"Wait, she studied medicine and business, right?" Miroku said, approaching Sango.


"Hello? I'm still here, guys."

"Well, isn't that just perfect…" Miroku said, with a grin.

"Oh sorry, I was just… what, Miroku?"

"Kagome, my company might have a great opportunity for you".

"Really?! Where do you work?!

"Takahashi Consultants", he told her.

"No way. That's not funny, Miroku!"

Miroku chuckled. "I am. I work there at their marketing section. I just heard they are hiring a junior assistant consultant. I'd be happy to introduce you to Inuyasha", he's a very good friend of mine.

Kagome's heart skipped a beat. She had no idea her best friend's new "guy" friend worked at the biggest healthcare consultancy company in Asia. It was the perfect company and the perfect job for her, not to mention her dream.

"Miroku, WHY didn't you tell me you worked at Takahashi Consultants?! Sango, that goes for you too".

"Kagome, we've met like twice! I didn't think it was important…", said Miroku.

"I'm sorry Kagome. I knew he worked with marketing at a Takahashi company. I just never wondered what type of company it was", Sango explained.

"Well, good thing I stumbled upon that information. Miroku, how soon can you introduce me to Mr. Takahashi?", Kagome said excitedly.

"How about tomorrow? I know Inuyasha's schedule is practically free in the morning and I'm sure he would see you if I recommended you. Can you meet me there at like, 9am?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm there".

Miroku smiled. "Alright, see you there then".

"Miroku, thank you. I really appreciate it." Kagome said, gratefully.

"No problem. But first let's see if you get the job…". After he just said that, Kagome heard a "thump".


Miroku was still rubbing his head, trying to alleviate the pain Sango had just inflicted upon it. "Ouch… I was kidding… kind of."

"Okay you guys, talk to you tomorrow, thanks again".

"No problem, Kagome! Tell me all about it tomorrow and good luck!" Sango wished.

"Okay, bye!"
