The only thing I claim to own is my empty bank account, so please no suing. J.K. Rowling the amazing fictional artist that she is owns all the characters, and a bit of plot :). Which is why she is rich, and I am not.

This is my first story ever written and posted, so please constructive criticism only, no flaming. I know the likely hood of a 14 year old being scouted for a Premier League like the Arsenals is probably 0, but I thought it would be fun to write. With that being said I am American, and my knowledge of European football is not the best. So, if you have any tips please message me. I also do not have Beta, and apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

The month since the first task had flown by; the Arsenals had played a total of five games, and won four, with one against Norwich City ending level. Classes had been going smoothly, and the three boy champions had even cracked the clue for the second task.

Zane knew that something special to him would be taken, and he would have to breathe underwater for an hour to find it. The only problem was he couldn't quite figure out what they were going to take, or how he was suppose to breathe underwater.

He had discussed a few ideas with Cedric and Viktor, but none of them just seem like a good option for him. After a stressful week of pouring through tons of dusty books Zane had decided that he was going to come back to the problem after Christmas. He had until February to prepare after all.

It was currently the 21st of December and Zane had a big game this afternoon against Manchester City, which is why Marcus was a little concerned about his friend when he did not show up for breakfast. It wasn't like Zane to miss eating his carbs before a big game. Marcus had gone down early to the Great Hall this morning to let Zane know he would be going to his game today, but when saw that Zane was MIA he asked the demonic twin terrors if they had seen him. In which resulted in them telling him that Zane hadn't even slept in the tower last night in what was quite possibly the most annoying way they could manage.

Marcus decided to try to message him on his watch, and wait a little bit for him to show up. Zane however did not respond back, and this made Marcus a bit more worried. Zane always responds to a message, even if he is at practice.

When breakfast was almost over and Zane still had not shown up he decided he should go look for him. Much to his ire he had to ask for help from the twins, Cedric, and Viktor because of the size of the castle.

After spending half an hour searching they had all met up in the designated spot to share the news of their lack of success. It was then that the twins came up with the brilliant idea of using a point me spell to find him, and earned a slap on the back of their heads for not thinking of it sooner.

Marcus casted the spell, and the group started following the emerald green line that popped up from his wand. They followed it down two staircases, and eventually ended up in a corridor in the dungeons.

"What's he doing down here?" Cedric asked.

"He could have been looking for Marcus." Viktor suggested.

"No if he was looking for me, he would have used the watch."

When they finally came to the end of the line Marcus put his wand away and stared at the small broom cupboard in front of him. He put his ear against the wood and tried to listen for any sound, but a silencing charm must have been casted it on it, and he relayed as much back to everyone else. He pulled the handle, but found that it was locked.

Fred and George let out a growl.

"He better not have been locked in there by someone." Fred said.

"Yes there will be hell to pay if he was." George agreed.

Marcus nodded and casted an unlocking charm and pulled the doors opened. What they all saw had them shocked. There along the back of the cupboard was Zane curled up in a ball fast asleep.

When Cedric started to reach down to shake Zane awake, Marcus grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"You can't wake him like that idiot. After everything he has been through he doesn't react well to being startled awake."

Fred and George both nodded in agreement and rubbed at their chest unknowingly.

"Yeah trust us"
"he has amazing"
"reflexes and"
"will put you on"
"your ass if"
"he feels like"
"he's in danger."

Cedric pulled his arm back and looked down sheepishly, but did not answer back.

Marcus set his wand to go off like an alarm in the next minute and placed it by Zane. He was use to waking this way, so Zane would not feel threatened when he heard the sound. It was a much better option than shaking him awake. Marcus didn't feel like getting stabbed with the knife that Zane constantly kept on his person. He had never been able to shake the habit from living on the streets.

When the alarm went off Zane suddenly opened both eyes, he took a moment to study his surroundings and then noticed his friends all staring at him. "Shit what time is it? I forgot to set an alarm last night I was so tired."

Zane rushed up from the spot on the floor in his makeshift bedroom and hit head on the roof of it. Everyone started chuckle while Zane grabbed the top of his head and started letting out a string of curse words that would make Snape blush.

"Calm down, you have plenty of time Zane." Marcus said through his laughs.

Zane glared at them all and then nodded. He made a shooing motion with his hands and when everyone had backed up he closed the cupboard doors again.

"Vhat are you doing now?" Viktor asked.

"Changing." Zane answered like it was the most normal thing in the world to change in a broom cupboard. Although with his past Marcus guessed it did use to be normal for him.

"Why were you even sleeping in here in the first place?" Marcus asked when Zane stepped out, and had thrown his bag over his shoulder.

"I tried to go to sleep early last night in the tower, but those stupid girls wouldn't leave me alone again and I came here to find somewhere quiet to sleep. For the first time in two weeks I finally got a full night's sleep."

Marcus took a good long look at his friend; even with the uninterrupted rest he got last night he still looked a little tired. He was having no trouble keeping up with his work, or practices, but he had been looking a little worse for wear lately. Everyone had assumed that the use of the time tuner was finally starting to take its toll on him, but this was not the case.

Zane's lack of sleep had never been a serious problem until just recently, because he had always used his free periods to take naps. However his naps had been interrupted lately after McGonagall announced the Yule Ball two weeks ago.

Every female in the castle had gone insane when the ball was announced; all they do any more is fret over who was going to ask them to the ball. Zane was sure they had all bumped their crazy little heads with the way they were lathering on more makeup then Zane had ever seen a female wear, and prancing around in heels so high it made his feet hurt just looking at them. Zane thought they were all annoying, psychotic, and was little bit afraid of most them. Being who he is, Boy-Who-Lived, Football Star, and Champion, apparently was the perfect date candidate for almost every female at Hogwarts.

They had taken to following him around in a squealing posse, and leaving endless love notes, and gifts (soaked in love potions) for him everywhere. He couldn't get a moment's peace from their constant giggling and flirting. They were relentless; everywhere he hid they just found him shortly after, they even waited outside of the loo for him every time he ducked in there. Zane had even tried to take a page out of Viktor's book and had hid in the library at the start of this week to work on his transfiguration essay. However he was found after an hour and Madame Pince soon was frustrated with all the annoying sounds they made and kicked him out, with a warning to not come back till he had gotten his noisy fan club under control.

Since the library was no longer an option of solitude he tried to seek sanctuary in the commons to get some work done. This plan however crashed and burned as well, when he found out that the Gryffindor girls had gone just as bat shit crazy as the rest of them. He finally gave up and found a ruddy broom cupboard to hide in and wrote the bloody essay there.

Lavender Brown's pursuit of him was way past typical giggling fan girl, and on the creepy stalker-ish levels. Every time he turned around she was there trying to stick her ugly orange colored claws all over him. If she had been a muggle Zane would have already got a restraining order against her.

The stalking, and flirting he could almost deal with (almost), he was quite use to that any time he went out in the muggle world, especially at the celebration parties. What he could not handle however was the love potions, the amount of them that he had been slipped was getting ridiculous. The guys had lost count of how many times Zane had told them he had been woken up by some girl in a mask trying to slip him a potion.

Which meant he was not able to take his usual naps in the common room, because he feared being forced fed a potion that took away his ability to see them for what they really were…slutty chits (as Marcus liked to call them).

"You knov I think this is your punishment for laughing at me, about the crazy girl problem here." Krum said with a smirk.

"You should just ask someone and get it over with, maybe they will back off." Cedric suggested.

"No way, if I ask one of them they are going to go even crazier, and think I'm in love with them or something. You have no idea how many times I've seen Mrs. Zane Knox scribbled on spare parchments lately."

"Well come on, we can worry about your stalker problem later. Let's get you some toast from the kitchens and then head to your game."

"You're all coming?" Zane asked not bothering to hide his enthusiasm about the idea."

"Yes Dumbledore"
"has agreed"
"to let us all"
"go to your game"

Zane grinned, "Brillant."

The group made their way to the kitchens, grabbed some toast from the elves and then headed to the gates to apparate. When the landed just behind the locker rooms Zane rushed off to the field to warm up and his friends all went to join Zane's family in the stands.