RWBY Teachers Cards

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

It took about two hours for the others to finally stop trying to join Yang in her quest to kill Pyrrha and Arslan and instead restrain the blond…then it took half an hour for them to restrain Coco as well since she had tried to kill the two as well. Pyrrha didn't really freak out much when she realized that her supposed sisterly feelings for Ruby was actually a huge crush and her supposedly huge crush on Jaune was just sisterly feelings for him… it was very strange but she didn't mind at all. She blamed her Mistral heritage for that.

"Okay I get Yang being overprotective and angry but why you Coco?" Jaune asked looking at the fashionista who was trying to glare holes into Arslan and Pyrrha's heads as they fawned and fretted over a confused Ruby who just shrugged and went to make snacks with kiss marks on her face still since everyone had been too busy to wipe them off and she didn't realize they were there. Even the teachers had been trying to kill the two 'molesters' as Yang called them for about thirty minutes to an hour before they started calming down and calming the others down.

"Ruby is the closest thing that Coco has to a sister… and Coco is naturally protective of those she deems as her friends or family. You should have heard what she wanted to do to Cardin after she found out he was bullying me." Velvet said instead with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Coco slaughtered Grimm for destroying a clothing store…I have no problems thinking she would kill Cardin and his gang for bullying her bunny." Blake said dryly, earning a blush and glare from Velvet while Coco snickered at her partners misfortune.

"Bite me kitty cat." Velvet said glaring at the cat who snickered.

"I would but Coco might kill me for it." Blake said earning snickers from the others.

"Coco no killing our friends!" Ruby called from the kitchen. There was a brief second of silence before Ruby poked her head out of the kitchen.

"I don't think I've ever had to tell Coco that before. Usually Yang and Nora and sometimes Blake and Pyrrha but not Coco." Ruby said blinking at them before she shrugged and ducked back into the kitchen.

"That's new." A new voice said as four more people entered the room, two of them shivering like crazy.

"Hey where'd you guys come from?" Jaune asked blinking at the four.

"These three were stuck out in the snow so I managed to get them here since it was closer." Weiss's older sister Winter said not looking bothered by the cold in the slightest.

"Sister!" Weiss said hugging Winter who smiled slightly and hugged her back.

"Hello Weiss. How have you been since we last talked?" Winter asked smiling gently down at her sister who smiled and began to fill her sister in on all the details she considered important.

"What about you sister? How have you been?" Weiss asked as she guided her sister towards the table and sat down next to her, Jaune on her other side while the two shivering teens sat at the table and their not shivering friend joined them.

"You two look frozen to death yet your friend doesn't look bothered." Reese said looking at the three new comers while Winter filled Weiss in on everything she was authorized to tell her sister.

"My semblance deals with fire so the cold doesn't bother me." The dark haired girl with amber eyes said shrugging her shoulders ever so slightly.

"Ruby we need some warm blankets in here!" Yang shouted to her sister who dashed off in a flash of red before dashing back in with several fluffy blankets in her arms.

"Emmy! I didn't know you were still here! You look half frozen!" Ruby said worriedly as she caught sight of the green haired thief before rushing over and covering the two shivering teens in the warm blankets, making them sigh in relief.

"We got caught outside in the snow storm. Ice Queen-"

"Hey!" Both Winter and Weiss squawked at the title.

"found us and got us in here. Cinder isn't effected by the cold thanks to her semblance and Ice Queen-"

"Why does everyone call me that!?" The Schnee sisters yelled as one.

"Is too frozen to feel the cold but me and Mercury…" Emerald trailed off earning some snickers from the rest of the teens due to the two Ice Queens (Hey!) reacting in harmony.

"Ouch. I know that feeling. Hold on a second and I'll have some nice warm tea for all four of you." Ruby said wincing in sympathy before dashing off towards the kitchen and coming back out a few seconds later, placing four cups of steaming tea in front of the new arrivals before dashing into the kitchen and then back out to place a cup of tea in front of Goodwitch.

"Thank you Miss Rose." Goodwitch said smiling at the girl while the four new arrivals were blinking at the red girls speed.

"Weiss why don't you introduce me to your…acquaintances?" Winter asked raising an eyebrow as she looked at her sister who nodded immediately.

"Of course. First we have the teachers who I think you already know. Headmaster Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch, and Professor Port." Weiss said pointing to each of the teachers as she said their names, causing them to nod in greeting to the older Schnee.

"Pleasure." Winter said stiffly as she nodded in return to them.

"Up next are the Haven students, Team ABRN. Arslan over there is the leader. Reese is the green haired girl, Bolin is the black haired boy over there, and the pink haired one is Nadir." Weiss said pointing to each of the four, her eyebrow twitching when she saw Arslan trailing behind Ruby like a puppy, Pyrrha right on her heels.

"Yo." Reese said casually while Bolin and Nadir merely nodded and smiled respectively. Arslan didn't even acknowledge the new comers, she was too focused on Ruby.

"Then there's the second year Team CFVY. The leader is Coco over there, she's tied up for trying to kill Arslan and Pyrrha…, Velvet is the rabbit girl, Fox is the blind boy who despite his blindness is a very good fighter, and Yatsuhashi is the tall silent one." Weiss said pointing to those she named, earning a small timid squeak from Velvet, and nods from the two boys while Coco was still glaring holes in Arslan and Pyrrha.

"She was trying to kill them?" Winter asked raising an eyebrow curiously.

"Most all of us were actually. Yang and Coco were being the most persistent so we had to restrain them after we calmed down. I'll explain more in a minute." Weiss said quickly with a small sheepish smile on her face, earning a nod from her sister.

"Next is our sister team, Team JNPR. The leader is Jaune who…well he's gotten better at least. Next is the bubbly bomber Nora, the one who tries to calm Nora down is Ren…and of course the final member is Pyrrha." Weiss said pointing each of them out. Jaune and Ren merely nodded at the older Schnee, Nora went off on a hyper speed rant on how nice it was to finally meet Weiss's sister until Ren put a hand over her mouth, and Pyrrha ignored everything as she focused on Ruby.

"Finally there is the team I'm a part of, Team RWBY. My teammates are Blake, who is the quiet one, Yang the blond inferno full of horrible puns, and my partner Ruby, the team leader and speedster." Weiss said causing Blake to eye Winter warily before nodding ever so slightly.

"Now there's two Ice Queens, things just got twice as cold around here!" Yang said snickering and earning groans from everyone, even Team ABRN had learned and gotten tired of her puns by now.

"It's nice to finally meet you! Weiss talks about you a lot!" Ruby said happily bounding over and hugging Winter who looked a bit out of her depth at this.

"Ruby my sister is not fond of people she doesn't know well hugging her. Release her." Weiss said pinching the bridge of her nose despite the fact that her voice was tinged with amusement.

"Sorry! I have a habit of doing that a lot! Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!" Ruby yelped as she released Winter who looked faintly amused at Ruby's reaction before a ding sound was heard.

"That was the last of the treats! And you guys better make them last because I'm not making anymore for another two rounds of the game!" Ruby said before taking off into the kitchen, despite all the whining the others at the table were doing.

"Ruby's also an amazing cook and baker, better than most to all of fathers chef's." Weiss said causing Winter's eyes to widen at that.

"Here we go! Here's the treats, and remember you need to make them last!" Ruby said speeding back in and depositing trays upon trays on the table again. Everyone but the four new comers immediately reached for at least one of the treats, Weiss grabbing two and handing one to her sister who looked at it curiously before biting it slightly. Her eyes widened impossibly as she scarfed the rest of that treat down as quickly as she could while still being elegant.

"So do you four want to join the game? Emerald and Winter can be a team and Mercury and Cinder can be a team! Please it'll be fun." Ruby asked causing the four to pause and stare at each other confused before looking at Ruby curiously.

"No tha-" Cinders decline was cut off when Ruby's lip began to tremble as she gave them the 'sad puppy' eyes.

"We'd be happy to." Winter accepted immediately upon seeing the eyes, the three villains nodding dumbly in agreement.
