21.1 - (Indalecio, Kris Overstreet)

[Azumanga Daioh/Haruhi Suzumiya]

"I'm Ayumu Kasuga. My friends call me Osaka. I'm the Anchor of this Loop. If there are any aliens, time travelers or espers, please see me."

I couldn't believe she said that. Granted, Haruhi usually says something to that effect, but the girl behind me wasn't Haruhi. What was she thinking? Almost in answer, my thoughts were interrupted by gentle snores coming from behind me.

I was the Anchor here anyway.


I fiddled with my cell phone before turning to the girl behind me. "Okay, I've put a privacy screen up."

"Oh, are you a Looper?"

"Well, I'm the Anchor of this Loop."

"Oh! Me too!"

"You mean of your home Loop?"

She blinked slowly and deliberately, with the realization finally dawning on her.

"Oh! Oh! I was wondering where everyone was!"

I put my hand to my head.

I continued. "So now you know this isn't your home Loop. What possessed you to mention aliens, time travelers, and espers in your introduction."

"Well, it just seemed like a cool thing to say. And if there aren't any aliens, time travelers or espers, maybe I could start a club for those interested in them. You know, like the ones you see in movies or TV or.."


"Oh yeah! Hey! Maybe they have a Book Club around here."

I immediately started kicking myself for mentioning that. Well, there went my nice relaxing Loop.

She continued. "I'll look around and see if I can find one for us."

Leave me out of your plans!


"Kyon! Kyon! I found a Literary Club!" Osaka grabbed my hand and tried to pull me along. It wasn't very effective, but I sighed inwardly and let her pull me along.

We finally reached the door where the SOS brigade usually hung out and walked into the room. I immediately stifled a laugh. I'm sorry Yuki! I really am!

Her hair was orange and separated into two pigtails. There was nothing wrong with that, but it made her look five years younger than she should have looked.

She must have caught on, as she gave me the barest of dirty looks. Coming from Yuki, that was a lot.

Osaka spoke up. "We want to join the Literary Club."

Yuki paused for the longest of moments. "That is acceptable." Though I didn't see it, I could almost imagine her with the highest of raised eyebrows.

"Of course, you'll need to find at least two other people." Not technically true, but five members were needed to start a new club, and we were just joining an existing one.

Osaka put her hand to her chin, as if deep in thought. She spoke up suddenly. "I'll be right back!"

I sighed once more inwardly.

"Osaka, wait!" She paused, and I looked into those slightly vacant eyes.

"The girl you'd be replacing, Haruhi Suzumiya, would be doing stuff like that. But you're not Haruhi, so why are you acting so much like her?"

The real Haruhi, whether or not she was Awake, would have said something at once. Something like, "Why shouldn't I be like me?" or, "Is there something wrong with how I'm acting?" or, "Don't you have more sensible things to think about than that, Kyon?"

Kasuga, on the other hand, just stared at me for several seconds in silence. If it had been Nagato doing this, I'd presume she simply had nothing to say. If it had been Asahina, I'd presume she was too embarrassed to speak. If it had been Koizumi... I'd have been grateful for the silence. But with this visiting Looper, I could only guess it was just taking that long for enough brain cells to line up in the same direction to get a sentence out.

"Oh," she finally said. "I didn't think about that. I'm just rolling with the dream like I usually do."

Dream? What dream?

"I have dreams like this a lot," Osaka said. "They always come with their own memories. I don't question 'em. I just let 'em play out."

"You know you don't have to do that."

"I don't?"

"Those memories are just a guide."

"Oh, thank goodness! That was exhausting!"

She looked visibly relieved. What a troublesome girl.

"Still, it might be good to introduce you to the local Loopers. I believe you've just met one of them. This is Yuki, our resident alien."

Yuki silently nodded her head.

"I'll introduce you to our resident time traveler and esper," I said as I headed to the door.


I looked at the photo in my hand with a smile. We had done a cafe as one of our activities, and the photo contained Osaka, Mikuru, and Yuki in penguin costumes.

It turned out to be a very relaxing Loop after all.

I eventually looked up Osaka's home Loop. I was relieved to find an explanation for the bizarre cat-like Celestials that had appeared in closed space when she was present.

21.2 - (LordCirce)

[One Piece]

Luffy glared across the choppy bay. He hated showing up late. It saved him the time of getting his nakama together, but when he woke up too late, like when he woke up in the depths of Impel Down after being healed by Ivankov, it made him late to save Ace! Now, the murderer was standing next to Ace, talking about justice and threats. Luffy grit his teeth, before he bolted towards the edge of the boat.

The bay hadn't been frozen yet, but Luffy didn't care as he shot into the air, a rubber-empowered jump hurtling him skyward. Everyone seemed to hold their breath as he shot forward, crossing across the vast distance between the ship and the fortress. And then came the gasps...

He wasn't going to make it. His jump just wasn't strong enough, he was going to land several meters short of the edge. Behind, on the boat, Jinbei rushed forward, intending to jump after Luffy and retrieve him before he drowned, only to freeze at the sight ahead of him.

Luffy landed on the water. His legs seemed to glow as they slammed into the surface, the water distorting underneath him like some great blue canvas. Unseen by all, Luffy grinned as he gathered his strength. Waterwalking was awesome, it made being a sinking hammer much easier to bear.

FOOSH! The water exploded under Luffy's feet as he propelled himself skyward again. This leap was much more powerful than his first, and the line of giants blocking the way actually had to look up to watch as he sailed overhead.

Kizaru was the first to react, flashing out of his seat and into the sky. He appeared above Luffy, his hand glowing with an arrow of light, only to let out a muffled shout as a Haki-enhanced hand the size of a small building smashed into his side, hurling him into the side of one of the giants.

Luffy landed in a crouch in on the platform, facing the two remaining admirals and the high admiral. They all looked somewhat shocked at his sudden appearance, but the murderer appeared to be building up rage.

It was actually Aokiji that attacked him first, hurtling a wave of ice at him. A lightning-quick Red Hawk tore through the frozen spears, just in time for Luffy to flatten himself to avoid a fist made of magma. The two admirals began to move in, and so Luffy unleashed the second thing he had gained in the Loop he spent with Naruto, where he was Lugetsu of the Seven Swordsman Pirates of the Mist.

"Mizu Mizu No... Nami Jet Gatling!" Luffy's body twisted as he stretched, his body partially converting to chakra water. Using this power hurt, the infused water acted a lot like Seastone and it seemed to grate inside his rubber body, but it was worth it for its effect on Logia Users.

Aokiji and the murderer had both defended themselves as he went to attack, and both barely had time to register the name of his attack before his fists, alternating between rubber flesh and chakra-infused water, slammed into and through their barriers. Aokiji had raised an ice wall, which would normally have been able to endure Luffy's strikes. However, the water in his punches disrupted his Logia power, weakening the ice, which quickly shattered. Aokiji didn't even have time to brace himself before Luffy's blows struck, hurtling him back into the row of chairs the Admirals had been sitting on.

The murderer had braced himself behind his oversized magma-coated hands. Luffy's hands stung as the heat of the magma converted some of the water to steam, but then the power of the Nami Jet Gatling kicked in. Magma chunks flew as his fists tore away at the murderer's defense, and Luffy dashed forward, pushing through the cooling lava, and blasted the murderer out of his cooling shell. Luffy didn't give him a chance to recover, pounding him with both arms, his watery blows preventing him from shifting states to avoid the blows or to counter-attack.

Keeping up the barrage with his left arm, Luffy pulled back his right, swinging it behind him, where it began to swell and rotate like a drill, rubbery skin twisting as the water began to spiral. Luffy hadn't managed to get the hang of the Rasengan attack Naruto tried to show him (using energy outside of his body just felt weird), but he had managed to make this attack using some of Naruto's ideas.

"Mizu Mizu no... Mori!"

His twisting fist swung around, spiraling in a tight lance, and slammed into the murderer's chest. Luffy pushed his whole body behind the technique, and the murderer was blown away, hurtled into the buildings behind them, and then through them towards the ocean on the far side.

Luffy stood, panting for a moment, as his limbs returned to normal. He could already feel the deep aching pain that came from using that power too much, but it was worth it to save Ace.

Luffy was broken from his rest by a golden hand almost taking his head off. It was only unconscious reflex that allowed him to dodge in time. Sengoku was stepping forward, his arm glowing gold with a partial transformation.

"Straw Hat! You will not escape. Don't think your strange power can save you!"

Luffy scowled, before grinning. "OK!"

Sengoku paused stunned, and Luffy dashed past him. Sengoku regained his wits enough to turn, lashing out with his golden palm, only to realize Luffy's trick.

The palm blast struck, blasting into Luffy's inflated body, and ripped apart the stone of the platform, including the portion of the platform holding the chains binding Ace. Both Luffy and Ace were blasted back, Luffy stretching to cushion the blow.

The brothers quickly stood, and Luffy lashed out, forcing down the pain to transform his arm again and smash away the chains binding Ace. Ace stretched, then grinned.

"You've got some new tricks. You'll have to tell me where you learned them."

Luffy grinned. "From a ninja!"

Ace blinked twice. "...eh, I guess I can believe that." Ace's eyes sharpened, and he quickly grabbed Luffy, who had gone somewhat limp after answering Ace's question, before leaping off the platform they were standing on with a burst of flame. Behind them, Sengoku struck the platform, blasting it apart.

Sengoku turned, frowning at the miss. He had fully transformed, and he was radiating golden heat in his anger. As he watched the two troublemakers racing away, his attention was caught by movement in the bay.

"Oh...yeah...Whitebeard is here." The pirate fleet had advanced while the Marines were busy watching the Admirals getting beaten on by the Straw Hat, and the pirates were now tearing through their forces, Whitebeard apparently in the lead.

Some days, it just didn't pay to get out of bed. Even for justice.

21.3 - (GoldenGriffiness)

[Fullmetal Alchemist]

Ed awoke to a weary voice."Littlefoot, let your heart guide you.. It whispers, so listen closely…"

Ed grit his stubby teeth, looking at the bespectacled sauropod's Amestrian-uniform and glasses. Oh hell no. He reached his long neck into his subspace and grabbed his wand, shooting off a few healing charms before climbing up the long spine and dumping a red potion, spirit gems, nectar from the lilies of life, a fairy and a phoenix down.

Oh good. Apparently, Land Before Time or not, this world was still displaced enough that the home Loop's 'must kill Hughes' crap wasn't carrying over.

He then Pinged and realized that Maes was Awake - and female, judging by his Loop Memories.

And his mother.

And he had "Little" in his name again. DAMNIT! If Maes had been Awake when he named him that, something would burn.

21.4 - (Custodator Pacis)

[Lupin III/Warhammer 40k]

The Maze of Tzeentch, the realm of the Lord of Change inside the Warp realm, the labyrinth that was woven from the raw fabric of magic. Inside the maze is the Impossible Fortress, and at the heart of the fortress is the Hidden Library, the place where the Chaos God of Change eternally plotting his schemes.

"Alright you, the pink one on the leftmost, bring me this grimoire from the fifth sector," Tzeentch commanded the Pink Horror.

He waited for a few minutes before he noticed the same Pink Horror still standing there with a confused expression.

"What are you waiting for! Go bring me the grimoire!" Tzeentch snapped at the Pink Horror, but the monster stood firm in its place, still confused.

"What are you doing! Go and bring me- WHAT?! That one has been checked out?! How in the Warp can someone have checked out my grimoire in the first place!?" He cursed before he noticed a certain Horror that was walking awkwardly to his library door.

"And where do you think you're going, THIEF!?" Said Horror stopped at Tzeentch accusation, turning around to flash a grin before it ripped off its face.

"Tzeentch my man, how can you be so cold, I checked out the books just as every library's rules say," The thief was a human with plastered flat hair with its sideburns nearly reached the chin, wearing a red jacket complete with yellow tie.

Tzeentch mentally racked his knowledge of the multiverses to find the thief's identity, and he found a matched in moments.

"Well well well, who could it be but one of the Impossible Thieves, Lupin the Third," Tzeentch sneered. "Very impressive, nobody can get this far before even if my Maze was less hostile than usual."

But to his curiosity, said thief's expression gained a bit shade of confusion when he said 'One of the Impossible Thieves.'

"Oh, Tzeentch my man, how someone can be as good as this old me without my noticed them in the first place?" Lupin said.

"Nevermind that. How did you get into my library in the first place anyway? It would require a certain Tactical genius-"

But before both sides could continue the conversation, a large Warp portal opened inside the library.

And then the Imperial's warship came through the portal, with a warcry of another human.

"LUUUUUUUUUUUPAAAAAAAAAAAN!" The owner of warcry was a human with Inquisitor's uniform, but he had a fedora on his head instead.

"Sorry, Tzeentch my man! Pop's here; Gotta run!" Lupin said before he broke into a mad dash across the room. "GOEMON! We need another exit now!"

Tzeentch could see another figure jump out of the shadows in the room and swing his sword with all his might, created another portal in the process.

"I won't let that damn thief escape again! Fire the missile!" Another voice yelled inside the warship.

"Wait! we can't do that here!" The Inquisitor with a fedora said.

"Jigen!" Lupin called out again and Tzeentch could see another man aim down his pistol before managing to shoot one of the missiles as it came out of its guns; making them explode in the face of the warship.

"It's good to see you again Pop! But I need to go now, sayonara!" Lupin waved his hand before he and his gang entered the portal and shut it behind him.

Tzeentch gaped at his messed library as he tried to make sense of the fiasco that just happened in his domain.

He looked at the warship that was pulling its head back into the portal to resumed the chasing of the thief.

And he saw someone chomping a cigar with a smug grin on his face, with one of his books in his hand.

"...CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!" Tzeentch cursed the tactical genius as the warship completely pulled out of his Hidden Library.

21.5 - (Firestorm Blade)

[Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo/Uncle Grandpa]

As Beauty looked at the replacement for Bobobo for this Loop, she wondered what the heck she was seeing.

'I'm not sure who's weirder, Bobobo, The Tick, or.. this guy. Still, at least he's using an actual weapon'

While a somewhat short man with a large, pink nose and oddly shaped chin, wearing rainbow suspenders, a propeller hat, and a red fanny pack (though he preferred to be called "belly bag") attacking with a giant mallet that shot lasers might freak out others new to the Loops, Beauty hung around with Bobobo, so this was nothing special.

"SUPER FIST OF THE GRANDPA! LASER MALLET!" the man shouted while his hammer shot more lasers.

21.6 - (kingofsouls)

[Eyeshield 21/Five Nights at Freddy's]

Sena sighed. Another day, another Lonely Loop.

"Class, we have a transfer student today. one from America."

That's interesting. Sena thought to himself as the student entered the room. He was African American and had a bow tie instead of the regular tie his school uniform required. "Good morning everyone. I'm Freddy Fazbear. Pleased to make your acquaintance."


Freddy ran as fast as human legs could take him as Sena flew in the air, garbed in his Sacred Treasures and wielding a bow that shot arrows of light like it was a freaking machine gun made of magic.

It was a wonder that the arrows were somehow missing. "STAND STILL YOU SATANIC MACHINE!"




21.7 - (Harosata)

[Wreck-It-Ralph/Scott Pilgrim/One-Punch Man/The World God Only Knows/Sword Art/Umaru-Chan/Lucky Star]

Scott Pilgrim looked around the game. More specifically, this was the game of Sword Art Online, and even more specifically, this was the game after Kayaba just announced that everyone was now trapped inside the game.

And the image of Kayaba looked down on everyone mockingly. "Does anyone have questions?"

Scott raised his hand. "What if we have to use the bathroom?"

"...Any serious questions?" Kayaba looked around before his image started fizzing out. "Remember, whoever reaches the end of the tower frees everyone. I'll be seeing you...if any of you survive."

"Um, that's okay, I didn't need to use the bathroom..." Scott looked around and sent out a Ping. Good, there seems to be three of them, and taking a look at one direction, he found the first Pinger. "Ralph?"

The 9-foot tall guy turned around. "Scott! Hey! Uh, excuse me! Coming through! Scott, did you find Kirito yet?"

"No, I haven't found the elf dude." Scott looked around. "How are we supposed to find him in this crowd?"

"Don't worry. I already checked." King approached the two Loopers. "The bad news is, I can't find Kirito or the usual SAO Loopers, Awake or otherwise. And just for good measures, I also checked for everyone from Shiroe, Aura, the Gamer and the [ ] duo's worlds. No response from them, meaning they aren't online."

"Hm, so who's the last Ping?" Ralph looked around and spotted a familiar face. "Oh. You."

"Oh. You." Keima turned around.

"Hey! Don't just turn around and leave!" Scott shouted.

"And what should I do? Fight my way through the tower? I generally don't like reenacting action games, and I can't pull my PFP out of my Pocket." Keima sighed. "Let me guess. The 'strong team' in this genre is absent?"

The other three Loopers nodded. Keima shook his head. "Fine, as the dungeons require a six-member party, I suppose I can fill in the last slot."

"Last slot?" Scott wondered, checking his pants and finding that his Pockets were sealed as well. "Aren't there four of us?"

"I already took the liberty of finding candidates." Keima pointed behind him. "I would like you to meet Konata and Umaru."

"Hi..." Ralph grabbed Keima and whispered to him. "You do know they're not Looping, right?"

"And you do know those two got high scores in your game." Keima pointed out.

Ralph let him go. "No need to remind me. Alright, so what's the plan?"

Umaru Dona yawned as she woke up.

"Good morning, Umaru!" Her brother Taihei greeted her as he set up breakfast. "You better get ready for school."

"Ah, I want to enjoy my dream a little longer." Umaru slithered up to the table. "I dreamed that we were stuck in an MMO where people actually die if they get killed in the game, and my party beat up the final boss, who was actually the evil game creator in disguise!"

Taihei frowned. "Playing late again? Please, try not to skip school just because you're tired. Today's Monday."

"Fine, I'll..." Umaru shot up awake. "Monday!? Crap! One Piece comes out today!"

Umaru quickly straightened up, dressed up, and rushed...walked out the door. "...I can't be seen with the manga, so I have to grab the Shonen Jump after school...Wait, isn't it Jump Weekly?"


"Umaru, isn't this Chopper plushie cute?"

"Ah, I'm not familiar with the character..." Umaru said, holding onto the tiny deer.

Actually, Umaru was a big follower of anime, especially One Piece, and Umaru found that Jumpiece (what she was used to) and One Piece was quite similar to each other, down to the Choppa/Chopper character, and yet, as far as she could tell, both anime were authentic even though One Piece seems to be the only pirate anime of its kind.

As she walked home alone, Umaru was able to speak out loudly without anyone finding out she is an otaku. "So I slept and then woke up in what could be an alternate dimension, just like Fairy Ta...How many anime and games got their names changed? Ugh, this is going to be confusing. If there was a way to find out the extent of these changes..."

Umaru looked up as she had an idea.


One quick change at her home, Umaru (sporting a cap and jacket) went back to that spot and looked up at the Capcom Arcade. She went in...and the arcade grew silent.

"That aura...is that UMR?"

"First her and then Legendary Girl A..."

"Quick, convert all the prize catchers to Hard Mode!"

Umaru ignored the chatter and went to the crane games first. She managed to grab three dolls, but at the second crane game, they didn't have Angry Face Miku, not that it stopped her from plucking another figurine. After she got her catch of the day, she spotted a non-hamstery game called Street Fighter, and she decided to sit down a play a match.

"Here Comes a New Challenger!"

"Oh crap! UMR and Legendary Girl A are fighting each other! Brace yourselves?"

"I'm gonna upload this!"

Who was Legendary Girl A? Umaru quickly parried a combo and fought back, though she couldn't get through the other fighter's counters. Whoever she was, she was very good, but Umaru was good too.


...The game ended. In the end, the game ran out of time, and even the game couldn't conclude the battle in anything other than a draw. Heck, Umaru didn't remember the last time she had a good challenge. She stood up and stretched. "Ah, that was a good game, Kona..."

"Yeah, that was good, Uma..." Both girls stared at each other, their prizes forgotten. "YOU!" "YOU!"

"So you had the same dream too?" Konata Izumi asked Umaru, taking a secluded booth in a ramen restaurant and barricading themselves with plushies. "That's just freaky."

"I know. And what's with that guy, double-timing us?" Umaru spoke to her, feeling so comfortable speaking with another otaku. "And I didn't even get to read One Piece today."

"Oh, that? I just picked it up today. You can read it first." Konata reached into her back and pulled out the manga, which Umaru happily snagged. As she flipped through the manga...

"Are you sure this is the latest issue? I read this one a few weeks ago."

Konata snatched it back. "No way! I've been reading every issue and this one skipped some development."

The otakus stared at each other before speaking in unison. "Time's screwed up so badly that time is resetting itself like that Haruhi episode and characters are now real enough to jump into other worlds like Kamen Rider Decade, and now our worlds are screwed up and we're probably the only ones aware in our worlds...That means that MMO was actually real and we could have died! Holy shit!"

"Okay, now that was freaky." Konata broke the pattern.

"Yeah, I agree." Umaru sat there, taking a chug of cola. "So what do we do now?"

They came to an agreement. "Research."


Kagami jumped back as she saw Konata and her new friend. "There's two of them now! Kami, may the world have mercy on our souls!"

Umaru woke up and checked her save files. It seems that time had reset once mo-

She blinked. For a moment, she felt...something.

"...met over an MMO? What's that...Oh, an online game. One second." Umaru perked up as Taihei handed the phone to her. "You know a Konata?"

Umaru nodded as she listened, then she put on her clothes and headed out. "I'm meeting a friend! I'll be back for dinner!"

Taihei was amused. "Thank goodness she made a friend...though why through a game?"


"Oh? So this is what the inside of a cake buffet looks like?" Umaru's eyes sparkled at the variety of sweets. She took a bite out of a chocolate cake. "Ufuu...so moist~"

"Ufufu, it's nice, isn't it? Of course, we can only eat here for an hour and they'll charge for whatever we don't finish, but our discussion should be quick." Konata gazed around the restaurant before leaning in. "So, did you feel that blip earlier?"

Umaru wondered what Konata was talking about. "Blip? Wait, I kinda felt something earlier this morning. Is that what you're talking about...Wait, was that a Psychic attack?"

Konata shook her head. "Nah. You know how Dragonball Z is like when those with Ki training can sense a powerful foe coming in? I figured since we are time travelers and there are other time travelers out there, they probably developed some sort of signal to alert each other, so I tried to push out brainwaves. Took a while to tone it down so Kagamin didn't accidentally pick it up, as fun as that was, but if your brother didn't pick it up, it probably works."

"I don't think so..." Umaru tried to recall it. "Wait, so you already knew I was here before you called me?"

"Nah, I can only send the signal out, but I'm pretty certain that everyone else who receives it will send another signal, meaning we're the only two here." Konata reasoned as she pulled out her laptop. "Though when I think about it, I don't think it's just for distance calling."

"Yeah, since we aren't aware of the time resets from birth, there's a chance that you could have contacted me before I was aware, or I wouldn't be aware until later since the whole world already changes little by little." Umaru snapped back to the laptop. "Where did you pull that out from? I didn't see a bag..."

Konata looked down. "Ah, this? Yeah, that's the other trick I'm sure the other travelers use; because it's pretty annoying to write down my research over and over again. It's rather easy once you figure out how to perform the Akane Mallet attack. However, finding the right pocket dimension that wasn't affected by time took some work, and the only ones I could think of is the Void from Final Fantasy and that thing they're going about in that MSPaint webcomic with the four kids."

Umaru stared at her. "...So, how many resets did it take to casually rip apart the time-space thing?"

"Five times." Konata counted. She looked up at Umaru's gaping mouth. "Is that the same amount?"

"Er, I actually stopped counting after ten..." Umaru frowned, realizing that while she is younger than Konata, these repeats were making her older. "Sorry, I-"

"Don't worry about it." Konata waved her friend's concerns away. "We both likes games, and we both like anime, but I suppose if we both cosplay, you just like being the character while I become that character. What I'm saying is, I don't mind doing all the research on this."

"Ah, I...Thank you. I'll try to help out, at least." Now that Umaru thought about it, Umaru was only an otaku at home, but this girl was proud to admit it. She admired such dedication and knew that she would never get to her level of excellence.

"Chu!" Konata looked around, though Umaru was strangely silent. "I guess if anime characters are real, then anime cliches are real too. Speaking of which, have you heard of Oh My Goddess?"

Umaru shook her head. "I haven't heard of that one, actually."

"Well, it's a pretty old one, but if it does exist, then something must be wrong with their supercomputer and we're put on repeat while they're fixing it." Konata sensed that the other otaku was curious about the story. "You see, there is this tree called Yggdrasil..."

21.8 - (wildrook)


"So let me get this straight," Goku said to Korin. "You're holding the Jump Tournament and the qualifications involve finding the Hero Emblem."

Korin nodded. "Think of it as a break," he replied. "Besides, knowing how you guys work, unless someone can push you to your limits, you might need to hold back. Especially when it comes to your Super Saiyan God Form."

Goku chuckled. "Considering it's a friendly competition," he said, "I'll try to hold back as much as I can."

"Yare yare," a voice said, catching the two off-guard. "Of all the places I head towards, it had to involve one of the powerhouses."

The voice came from a man who looked like he was in his twenties wearing a school uniform and a hat that had the stop sign on it.

Goku smirked. "And you must be from the Joestar Clan," he said. "Jotaro Kujo, I'm assuming?"

"And you're Son Goku," Jotaro replied. "Even with Star Platinum: The World, you're going to be quite the pain to fight."

Goku shrugged. "Well, even stopping time can get you far enough," he said. "The question is how powerful the other contestants are."

"Well, you don't have to look far," a brash voice replied, revealing a ninja in black and orange. "Hey, Goku! Jotaro!"

Jotaro hmphed. "Uzumaki Naruto," he said. "This tournament already looks one-sided."

"Hey, don't let my status intimidate you," Naruto replied. "Heck, I felt a few Pings when I woke up...your Ancestors might be nearby."

"Granddad and Jonathan Joestar, I'm thinking." Jotaro then smirked. "Anyways, how's Kurama?"

"He's Awake and wanting me to kick some ass when all of this is underway." Naruto then smirked at Goku. "And let me tell you, I'm interested in taking on Super Saiyan God Form."

Goku then chuckled. "Guess I've got someone that can push me to the limits," he replied.

"Make that two someones," a voice said, revealing an orange-haired male in a black hakama wielding a giant sword on his back. "Goku. Naruto. And...Jotaro? You barely show up at these places."

Jotaro made a gruff noise. "I usually don't bother," he replied, "but my Grandfather insisted that I do some social interaction. Then again, with the times I DON'T deal with DIO, I tend to spend time with Kakyoin, Avdul, and Iggy."

"That reminds me," Goku replied, "Polnareff says 'hi,' Jotaro. He tends to Loop in as turtles for some odd reason."

"That's probably bad luck on his part. He's Looped in as a few of them...freaked Josuke out, too."

"Turtles?" Ichigo asked him.

Naruto cringed. "That explains the time he was the Sanbi," he said, much to Jotaro's surprise. "What?"

"One of the Tailed Beasts?" a voice asked them. "Polnareff has bad luck, then."

The fifth voice came from a young man with a scarf as well as a headband. Jotaro recognized him immediately.

"Hey, Granddad," Jotaro said.

"That's your Grandfather?" Ichigo asked him. "I'm half-expecting the guy to be as old as MY Dad."

"Hamon doesn't work that way," Joseph Joestar replied. "I can still die of old age...heck, I'm still the only one that does live that long."

Jotaro gave him a look. "Old Man," he said to Joseph, "did you run into Jonathan Joestar on the way here?"

"Oh, he's on his way," Joseph replied, smirking. "Bit of a family tradition to attend on our end."

Naruto blinked. "No offense meant," he said, "but coming from a guy who didn't know about his own parents, your family is WEIRD."

"We get that a lot," Joseph replied. "Anyways, Jotaro, how's the social interaction going?"

Jotaro gave out a tch noise. "Well, they're quite the bunch," he replied. "What, is my inclusion an attempt to have me make friends?"

"Eh, kind of. The other part is to have you deal with powerful people."

Goku then chuckled. "Maybe when the Loops have us meet again," he said, "I can introduce you to my kids."

Jotaro gave the Saiyan a look. "If they're as crazy strong as you," he said, "maybe not to fight. On the off-chance that your kid is studying wildlife, I could ask for a submarine from your friend."

"Well, that would get you on Chi Chi's good side."

Naruto then chuckled. "Anyways," he said, "what's this about the tournament?"

Korin then smirked. "Simple," the Wonder Cat said. "You guys have to look for pieces of the Hero's Emblem in order to proceed. There will be a couple fights on the way there, but that's how the world works."

Ichigo rolled his eyes. "Story of our lives," he said.

"Story of everyone's lives here," Naruto replied. "Even theirs."

Joseph gave out a smirk. "Well, it's a lot peaceful than ours," he said. "Even when there are a bunch of fighters that can win with one single punch."

Jotaro puts on an unwavering look. "Beats beating the crap out of street punks," he said. "Still, if lives aren't at stake, I might as well consider this a vacation. I'm in."

Goku then smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that," he said. "Alright...let's get ready for the Jump Tournament!"

And with that, the five Looping Contestants started their search for the Hero's Emblem to participate in the Jump Tournament. Even with Goku, Ichigo, and Naruto supporting Joseph and Jotaro, the competition is fierce and other Loopers Awaken. However, unknown to them, a dark ship starts to set sail.

Can they and the other Contestants enter the Tournament? And what of the newcomers, like Jotaro Kujo? And does this Dark Ship have anything to do with the fate of the world?

But the real question is...what lurks within the shadows of the world of Jump?

21.9 - (wildrook)

[Sonic the Hedgehog/One Punch Man]

Sonic blinked as he looked at himself. "Okay," he muttered, "I'm some sort of assassin looking for a man named Hammerhead after taking out the Paradisers." He groaned. "And I'm human."

"Ah, I don't have to worry about your crotch landing on my fist," a voice replied, catching his attention. The moment Sonic looked at the man, the mental imagery kicked in and the hedgehog-turned-human cringed. Getting groin attacked by this guy? Even if he wasn't allowed to have kids, it's not something one can recover from easily. "Oh, sorry about the bad mental image. The last time I met what's-his-name, I managed to elbow him by accident. But you seem to be capable of listening to reason."

Sonic sighed in relief. "Well, you seem to be a decent guy," he said. "Name's Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. And you are?"

"Saitama." He then pointed in a direction. "And if you're wondering about Hammerhead, he went that way. Buck naked."

"Huh, I would have asked if he resembled Guts Man. What did you do, shatter his power armor?" Saitama gave out a blank stare. "Wow. Remind me never to anger you. You know a place that sells Chili Dogs around here?"

"Probably around City Q," the bald man replied. "They tend to change randomly. Also, if you see a man in a dog costume, don't provoke him."

With one crisis averted, Sonic just made a new friend while keeping parts of himself intact.

21.10 - (ToaMataNui5000)

[Psyren/Sly Cooper]

Time travel and alternate universes were nothing new for Ageha Yoshina. But going through the same set of time travel over and over again was something else.

And it was getting annoying.

Sure it was interesting at first. It gave him the ability to completely master all known forms of PSI, as well as creatively curve stomp every single member of W.I.S.E. Hell, he even once went Nova and Marchese's Lance'd Ouroboros before it even had a chance to go influence Amagi, then promptly broke him and 07 out to keep the bad future from even existing.

Unfortunately, losing the kids he and Sakurako had from that good future broke him a little. To the point where he accidentally suicide-bombed himself from overloading PSI on Dholaki. Now he was waking up from that in a new post-apocalyptic world. One filled with a lot more fire and random floating gold rings. He was also apparently an anthropomorphic echidna with huge knuckle spikes.

"Well then, this is certainly a change in pace." He said as he stood up and dusted himself off.

"Not one that I enjoy, personally. I prefer waking up in my home universe or during my first visit to... Sonic's... world..."

Ageha turning to face the female voice's source. He was greeted with a purple, anthropomorphic cat dressed in semi-royal clothing. "From the look on your face, this is your first Fused Loop?"

"Fused Loop? The hell is that? And where are we?" the normally human teen questioned rapidly.

"We're in Empire City, currently 200 or so years into Mobius's future." A new voice spoke up. The two watched as a white hedgehog surrounded with light teal aura levitated down to them. "I presume you have been traveling through time, recently?"

"Technically, yes, but not at all as much as I did originally," Ageha responded, slightly surprised.

The hedgehog rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I feel you. I got that problem in my Baseline, too."

"He hasn't had the speech yet, Silver." the cat said.

"Again, what are you talking about?" Ageha spoke up with a more annoyed tone. He hated it when things were as fuzzy as Nemesis Q's vague riddles. "And frankly, I already know the birds and the bees."

The two chuckled to themselves before the feline stepped up, offering a handshake. "My name is Blaze, and this is Silver." She greeted with a friendly smile. "Help us take care of Iblis and Mephiles, and we'll explain everything to you."


Mephiles just stared at the giant icicle encasing Iblis's titan form. Despite only knowing sadistic glee via torture and destruction, he was flabbergasted. So much that he didn't notice the Melchsee's Lance flying toward him and piercing him through the stomach. As the black PSI ate away at his body, he turned to face the attacker. "Your face... Your form... I shall remember..."

"Feh, yeah right." Ageha gave a cocky smile.

"Sonic's gonna have a lot of cathartic glee seeing this." Silver said as he pocketed the video camera. He then pulled out his personal copies of the Time Stones. "I'll take us somewhere nicer where we can talk. Chaos Control!"

Ageha felt time distort around him for a half a minute as he shut his eyes. When he reopened them, he, Silver, and Blaze were on a rooftop in a bustling, undestroyed city. Since everything was in English, he assumed they were in Mobius's equivalent to New York.

"I'll go let out Pings to the others," Blaze announced as she ran off and started parkouring across the buildings. Ageha smiled. From what he had seen, Blaze was pretty much a more friendly version of Frederica. And Silver was a telekinetic Kyle, so he felt no problem with them despite their initial greeting.

"Anyways, basically the multiverse is glitched up, resulting in time loops as a preservation fail-safe. Part of the glitch allows us to leap between variations of our worlds or completely new ones entirely." Silver explained as they walked down the stairs. "For people like us where time travel is common, we get used to it easier. Others have gone crazy from it though, so make sure to play it safe."

"Is that why you tested me with taking on Solaris' halves?"

The white hedgehog grinned, "Precisely."

As they exited the building, Blaze came running back up to them. "Tails is Awake, so when he gets here, he can tell you all the specifics that we don't remember."

Ageha nodded, "So what do we do 'till then?"

The trio was answered by civilians reacting in terror. They looked skyward to see a large battleship soaring westward over the city. "Looks like Eggman is heading for Soleanna as usual" Silver turned to the Japanese echidna, "You up for scrambling some robots and their mad creator?"

Ageha chuckled. "Sounds fun. Maybe I'll even limit myself to Rise PSI just for the full, blue blur experience."

21.11 - (wildrook)

[Fate Stay Night/Doctor Who]

Never in this Loop had all the Servants gathered...well...all of them except Assassin...but if they had, it should have been a free-for-all, not something akin to a high-school reunion. Especially since in place of EMIYA, a familiar man with a bow tie and suit had replaced him as the Archer of the Fifth War.

The scene was night in the woods away from Fuyuki and the Einzbern Compound. Berserker's Mad Enchantment had worn out due to the utter shock of the man in the bow tie (Illya was more concerned on why), Lancer was just smiling as if he was looking at a good friend of his, Rider had the urge to go and hide in someone else's workshop at the mere sight of the man, Saber's kingly mask looked like it wanted to break down, and Gilgamesh looked like he wanted to stab the man as well as the rest of them right then and there...yet couldn't due to curiosity.

The reaction that caught them off-guard, however, was Caster. As soon as he had shown up, she had embraced him in a manner that would make a Chinese Amazon proud. Shirou had seen variants where Caster was nicer than her Baseline and had been her Master where she was decent to be around...not to mention the Carnival Phantasm Loops where Kuzuki proposed to her. But having Medea, the Witch of Betrayal, and in one Loop, complete pain in the rear end due to her obsession with Saber, put the Doctor in a mad embrace that would have made River Song a little jealous (and silently, he was glad she wasn't Looping yet) was the craziest thing he had seen yet. If it wasn't for the plan both of them had thought up in order to take out Kotomine AND Zouken while reconstructing the Grail System from scratch with a Loop-Aware Zelretch and saving Sakura and Illya, he would have been literally thrown for a loop.

Shirou grimaced. "Rin," he said, looking at the Summoner of Archer, "I think you have this in the bag."

The confused look on Rin Tohsaka's face was priceless. "And that would mean..."

Shirou face-palmed as he remembered her tendency to not get involved with technology as a whole. "You summoned the Doctor," he said.

That just made her even more confused. "Archer's a Doctor? If so, then Doctor who? And why are most of the other Servants reacting like that?"

"Exactly," Shirou muttered as he saw the spectacle before him. Then again, Rin couldn't handle cell phones. Still, Shirou did some research. One of the dangerous things about the Doctor in the Grail War would be his EX Charisma Stat...another would be the Fury of the Time Lord, which is on Overdrive after hearing about what would happen in his Baseline. Two such times were the incident with the Family of Blood, another was Demon's Run, which was something he looked up during one visit to the Hub World. "You're looking at the reason why Rin."

"Now that I have your attention," the Doctor muttered, "and Medea, please get off me. I know it's been a while since I've seen you, but I've got others to meet." Caster complied, begrudgingly. "Now, ah, Chu Chulainn, it's been a while."

"Years," was Lancer's reply. "Truth be told, I still owe you a drink for that one time you came to visit."

"Indeed. Luckily, one of the Masters is a good chef. Hopefully, there are no hard feelings from when you stabbed him."

Shirou was almost indignant. "I may be angry, but poisoning my guest's dinner?" he asked the Doctor. "I can't believe you'd think I'd put dog food in his meal!"

Lancer cringed at the suspiciously specific denial. "It was just business, kid!" he yelled. "You witnessed me fight this guy, and there were rules to follow."

"That reminds me," the Doctor muttered, "I have to visit this Clock Tower. They're not as bad as the SCP, but there's room for improvement. Nice seeing you again, by the way." He then turned to Rider. "And hello, Medusa. You look lovely as ever."

"You're not going to kill me, are you?" she asked him. "Keep in mind your name is in the Cascade named after me."

"That I'm aware of, but rest assured, I'll find a way to save your true Master from his clutches. I've saved the world with only a computer virus, a phone full of disguises, and memory so this'll be a cinch. I just need some co-operation and a bit of muscle...which brings me to Heracles here."

Illya was surprised. "You know Berserker?" she asked him.

"Know him? Really, during the era of Gods, I was known as the Oncoming Storm, Miss..."

"That's Illya von Einzbern, Doctor," Shirou replied, Rin almost panicking at the audacity.

"Shirou, what are you doing?" Rin asked him. "Are you trying to get us killed?"

The Doctor was amazed. "Oh, your sister," was what he said. "Well, Stepsister, but yeah, I did hear stories. Which reminds me...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. But rest assured, I WILL find a way to keep you alive."

"Oh, you know about her status as the Grail," Gilgamesh interjected. "And of all my years of being alive, I would NEVER expect YOU to show up...Doctor."

"And the King of Heroes speaks," the Doctor said, keeping a straight face. "Tell me, how many children will it take to satisfy your hunger?"

Gilgamesh growled. "You may have stopped my reign back then, but right now, I'm ready to end your life."

"You will do no such thing," Caster replied, catching the attention of most of the other Servants.

"And you're going to stop me, Witch?"

"Not just her," Saber replied, taking her blade out. "Can't believe I'm saying this, but...the Doctor was right back then, and it cost me my chance for the Grail."

"Oh, you are kidding me," Rin muttered.

"Yeah," Shirou muttered. "Everywhere in time. Even in the time of King Arthur."

The Doctor was surprised. "You remember?" he asked her.

"How can I not? You were there that day when Mordred attacked...and it only took six words to end my reign before the final battle. You were angry that day."

The Doctor gave her a look. "I had good reason to," he replied, "and I know you had to keep up public appearance...I'm just sorry Guinevere and Lancelot had to pay the price from it."

"I'm the one who should apologize, Doctor," Saber said.

"Tragic," Gilgamesh said, sarcastically. "Still, what's to stop me?"

"Let's see," Shirou muttered. "Well, the Doctor's Charismatic to the point where he can gain allies from just talking and saving their lives. Heck, Berserker here is dealing with a clear mind. Rider feels obligated to help him due to the fact that his true name is in HER Cascade, but he HAS met her sisters before. Lancer had fought the guy once and owes him a drink. Caster...don't know what her story is, but it may have involved him safeguarding her from the Gods, especially Aphrodite."

"Close," Caster replied, "somewhat."

Shirou nodded. "And Saber here has some things she needs to let out."

"And if I should slay the Masters first?" Gilgamesh asked him. "Why would he do then?"

"You're bluffing," Lancer said, speaking up. "Because my current Master happens to be the so-called NEUTRAL Party of this war, Kirei Kotomine, and YOU know this!"

Rin cringed. "Say what!?" she yelled. "That's against the rules!"

"I decide the rules!" Gilgamesh yelled, focusing on Lancer. "And you just earned yourself a trip back to the Throne of Heroes!"

"So much for getting that drink," Lancer replied, "but my testimony is enough, isn't it, Doctor? Kid?"

"You two PLANNED this?" Rin asked them, smiling sweetly.

Shirou cringed. "We're still working on the second part," he replied, "which involves a raid on the Matou Manor."

Gilgamesh was growling. "DON'T IGNORE ME, YOU MONGRELS!" he yelled, opening the Gate of Babylon.

"Doctor, I'll handle Gilgamesh," Shirou replied, stepping in. "You guys go over to Zouken's place and save Sakura."

"Shirou, you moron!" Rin yelled. "What the heck..."

"GATE OF BABYLON!" Gilgamesh yelled.

"I'm with Shirou on this one," the Doctor said, grabbing Rin. "Heracles, protect Illya!" The beast nodded, carrying Illya away from the battlefield as the other Servants followed them.

Shirou, however, was ready. "RHO AIAS!" he yelled, using the seven-layered shield.

"You're either very brave," Gilgamesh said, "or very stupid to let your comrades go like that. Too bad they'll be dead before they get...wait...what's that chanting?"

Indeed, Shirou was muttering a familiar Aria...one that had evolved since his first Fused Loop.

"...UNLIMITED BLADE WOOOOOOOOOORKS!" Shirou yelled, the area changing into an eternal hill of swords.

Gilgamesh was growling. "I should have figured a Faker would have his own collection of swords," was what he muttered.

Shirou ignored the contempt and killing intent. "King of Heroes," he said, spawning Kanshou and Byakuya. "I can say this...you don't have enough blades."

"You think mere copies can defeat the original, you faker!?" Gilgamesh yelled, grabbing a blade from his collection.

"I don't think," Shirou said, throwing the twin blades as he spawned another with a bow. "I know." He then launched the blade towards Gilgamesh as he was distracted by the twins.

The blade became fragile...deadly...and broken as it smashed Gilgamesh in the face. Shirou, going through different blades brought up copies of Durandal and Ardonight in order to counter against Gilgamesh's weaponry.

The collection of blades didn't matter as Shirou was skilled enough to wield them all...and that made Gilgamesh very angry.

"DAMN YOU," Gilgamesh yelled. "DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU TO THE PITS OF HADES!" That made the standoff even worse. "You smash the king's Face in with a shoddy version of Excalibur and..."

"Excalipoor," Shirou corrected. Gilgamesh was confused. "It's called Excalipoor, and it's not best used for sword combat, which is why I used it as a Broken Phantasm. Not the point, but right now, you're fighting a losing battle, Your Majesty."

Gilgamesh growled. "I'll show you losing battle," he muttered. "EA!"

That made Shirou move quickly to sever Gilgamesh's arms with Cloud's Buster Sword.

Indeed, through the Fused Loops, Shirou had expanded his collection to include swords from other series. Excalipoor and the Buster Sword were two such items as Shirou might need them in future Loops.

He just didn't think that he'd sever Gilgamesh's arms with the Buster Sword...or unconsciously channel Cloud Strife using Omnislash.

Gilgamesh growled. "How are you able to wield something that heavy?" he asked him.

"I don't just copy swords," Shirou replied. "My Origin IS the sword!" That's when he brought up a blade that he wouldn't think of copying without brain damage...one that he needed a few seconds to unleash even as it shone within the desert like a Beacon. One that took several Fused Loops to understand...and to complete.

Gilgamesh was furious as not only did he lose his arm to this faker, but he had managed to craft a perfect copy of the blade of his "beloved."

"EX-" Shirou started.

"Enuma..." Gilgamesh growled in order to unleash his second Noble Phantasm, but it was too late.

"-CALIBUR!" he yelled, using a sword wave that cut the King of Heroes in two.

Even HE couldn't believe it.

"How did you...how is it possible..." Gilgamesh muttered before his body started to wither.

Shirou then gave him a look. "It just came to me," he replied. 'That, and I'm amazed my mind's still intact...'

As the Hill of Swords faded with Gilgamesh's body, Shirou then collapsed.

Imagine his surprise when his Reality Marble didn't drain him completely.

"Now to help out Sakura," Shirou said, snapping himself out of it as he ran towards the Matou House.

Much later...

"Sakura Matou!" the Doctor yelled. "GET YOUR COAT!"

21.12 - (Indalecio)


Goku hovered in the air. Majin Buu and Babidi hovered in front of him.

"You're going to love this. Trust me. What you're seeing now is my normal stage."

Goku transformed to Super Saiyan.

"This is a Super Saiyan." Goku continued after transforming once more. "And this is a Super Saiyan who has ascended past a Super Saiyan, or you could just call this a Super Saiyan 2."

"Hohum. What a useless transformation. You've changed your hair, so what?" commented Babidi derisively.

"Just wait!" said Goku with an air of mystery in his voice.

"And this...is Super Saiyan 2, Chef Mode!" a Chef's hat appeared on his head a sharp knife and spatula appeared in either hand.

Buu clapped his hands appreciatively.

"And this...is Super Saiyan 2, Groucho mode!" the Chef's hat and utensils disappeared and Groucho glasses appeared on Goku's face.

"He's just stalling for time, Buu! Destroy him!" cried Babidi

"No! Want to see funny man!" Buu turned around and blasted Babidi until there wasn't even a fine red mist of him.


Goku took a long balloon, and after bending and turning it every which of way, produced a pink balloon animal.

"Look Buu! It's a pony!"



Somewhere, in the deepest bowels of HFIL, a very peeved Vegeta scowled and said.

"Kakarot, you clown!"

21.13 - (Jcogginsa)


The Vampire horde of Millennium dashed towards the Hellsing Mansion, as they were wont to do. This Loop, most of the Wild geese were elsewhere in the city. Because this time, the Mansion only needed a select 4 defenders.

"Alright men!" Said one of the Vampires, a lieutenant as a matter of fact. "Get ready to-"

Suddenly, a young woman landed in front of him. "Who're you, you little red riding hood bi-" he began, only for the woman to whip out a scythe, the blade now behind his neck. There was the sound of a gunshot, and his head came off.

Ruby Rose grinned, as blood splashed onto her face.

Then she bent over and retched because that was seriously gross.

As the Vampires sniggered and advanced on her, a short white haired girl landed among them, slamming a rapier with a revolver barrel into the ground. A strange glyph appeared, and the Vampires were suddenly impaled by solid spikes of ice. They scattered and were easy prey for the third defender, a black-haired Catgirl who dashed at them, decapitating them swiftly.

"Man, I wish I'd won the Rock Paper Scissors. I really wanted to fight that scythe vampire." Ruby said, having recovered from her ordeal and cleaned her face.

"Me too, but Yang did want to test out her Red Hawk," Blake replied.

21.14 - (jxz)

[Kill La Kill]

Ryuko and Satsuki were facing their mother, Ragyo. Both had Awoken very late, in the Naked Sun battle. Ragyo started giving her speech about how humans were only cattle for the clothes and such... But Ryuko kept smiling instead of shutting her "Mom's" mouth with a punch. Satsuki watched her sister and kinda rival, confused over what she was thinking, but Senketsu was trying not to laugh; which confused her even more.

"And so, humanity will be doomed! Doomed to become the Life Fiber's cattle!" Ragyo declared, in her maniac way. "What do you have to say about that?!"

"Only Four words, 'Mother'. Scratch that, only four letters." Ryuko said.

"Oh? And what are those?"

Ryuko grinned, as she lit her Scissor Blade in a violet violent fire, a trick she had learned between the Loops. "KLK-X."

Ragyo was confused when Ryuko shot a flame laser from the blade, and suddenly her eyes widened in shock and fear as the flames burnt the original Life Fiber, all in a matter of seconds. "H... HOW?! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!"

"This is no ordinary flame, Ragyo. It's a flame of JUSTICE!" Ryuko shouted, as she shot another laser, this time against Ragyo, who couldn't avoid it and was incinerated in moments.

When the last fragment of the Kiryuin stopped existing, Ryuko dissipated the flames, and she high-fived Senketsu on his closed eye. "I told you! Tandem Loop!"

[Well, it was to be expected. That kinda Expansion and all…] The more-than-clothes sailor uniform said.

"Sister, what is that about an Expansion?" Satsuki asked, really confused by the events of the past few moments.

"Kinda Expansion, sis," Ryuko said. "And, well... It started with me saving Senketsu one Loop. We decided to go to this place called Ogikubo..."

21.1 - A heart pure like gold, but a head dense like stone.
21.2 - Luffy kinda holds a grudge, huh?
21.3 - If they hold on together, Ed knows that Hughes will never die.
21.4 - Many a soul has sought knowledge from the Changer of Ways. Few dared attempt to take it without cost. Only one actually succeeded at the attempt.
21.5 - Still somehow less crazy than her Baseline.
21.6 - Better run Freddy. If Sena catches you, a Holding penalty will be the least of your worries.
21.7 - ...Is it possible to be too genre savvy? At least wait until you get the Speech yourself before giving it to someone else. Sheesh.
21.8 - May the best Stock Shonen Hero win.
21.9 - Looks like Sonic's Chaos Emeralds are safe for another day.
21.10 - Obligatory flashback episode. Takes place before 10.4.
21.11 - Just this once, nobody dies.
21.12 - This isn't even his final form.
21.13 - Wilde roses art ever the bane of the vampyre.
21.14 - Like many mannequins, Ragyo is made of highly flammable materials which burn quickly and easily. Unlike many mannequins, exposure to fire is highly advised.