A/n: I'm sorry it took me so long to finish this. First musey didn't want to play, then I ran into writers block and got sick for a long while, then my sister decided to have a baby. At least its done now and yes the random unsolved tails are intentional in case I decide to play here again later, besides life is never neat and tidy. *grin* Enjoy!

Elsewhere, Lucius was just sitting down to lunch with Narcissa when he was handed a letter from one of his businesses. Absentmindedly, he opened it and skimmed the contents before choking on his first bite.

"Lucius? Are you alright?" Narcissa asked in concern as her husband recovered.

"Yes," Lucius answered horsely, standing up and rushing towards the floo, throwing a brief explanation over his shoulder. "I have to speak with our lord!"

One of the man's more recent corporate acquisitions had apparently decided by a vote of the board of directors to attempt a hostile seizure of Jurassic World. The Dark Lord was not going to be happy and he dreaded the thought of having to tell the man that Harry was at risk from one of his business acquisitions.

Back on the island...

All of the guests were quickly gathered at the largest open area that could be found with the promise of an explanation. Harry and Owen though were delayed by pushy raptors and locked into a room with orders to finish the bond. Apparently, the pack wanted the security of having fully bonded alphas. Both Owen and Harry tried to protest until Blue admitted that they thought something else would go wrong and didn't want to loose them. In the end Harry and Owen made it to the meeting with switched shirts and silly grins caused by much kissing and matched only by their satisfied pack. The entire pack had felt the mating bond snap into place and no one cared to inquire what the final trigger was. Raja had checked on both Shiva and Rexy who had expressed their happiness that the two had quit wasting time, proving just how fast a normal dinosaur courtship could be. There was even a comment that they were taking as long as some dinosaurs, the specific name was something neither had recognized, and that they would all have died long before they finished if the pack had left them alone. Said comment had the worst timing in that both human Alphas were caught giggling just as they were announced as being able to explain what happened or at least what was supposed to happen during the surprise event.

"... and the two members of our team who worked with the raptors during this unexpected crisis will help explain what happened, Owen? Harry?" Claire informed the guests, handing over the explanation to Owen and Harry. Both men quickly adopted a professional mien and tried not to grimace as they took over the temporary set up in front of the gathered guests.

"Basically, some jealous idiots in another company decided they wanted to ruin Jurassic World and steal the science advancements that let us raise and share Dinosaurs with everyone. They picked some very mean people to help them and didn't care who they hurt as long as they got what they wanted or stopped everyone else from having it if they couldn't. For the grown ups, I know that the prices can be kind of high, but we have to feed them some how and we haven't managed to recreate entire ecosystems yet. That said the dinosaurs and snakes that helped out today were being very nice and helping to defend their homes. This was probably a one time thing and I shudder to think of anyone trying to do it again since I'm not even sure how it happened. I am glad, however, that they did decide to help and behaved when taken back to their enclosures or escorted back to the jungle and forest for the rest. I thank all of you, big and small, for staying calm and helping where you could. Anyone who wants to press charges should contact the legal department for Jurassic World to be noted as part of the joint suit. Once we figure out who did this we're going to make very sure that they are very sorry for trying this," Owen informed the audience gravely, stepping aside so that Harry could have his turn.

"Some of you know me or of me and many of you don't. Those of you who know who I am likely understand that this matter was very serious and may suspect which tricks and techniques were employed to help settle the situation. Should something else decide to go wrong I am authorizing you all to use whatever skills and abilities you may have to get yourselves and other bystanders out of the way so that the park can handle the mess. Anyone who knows the story of my scar and wishes to help rather than just wait for more things to go wrong is to report to security or better yet Gringotts on the docks to be issued appropriate gear. Any legal issues in that respect will be handled by myself and the park. You can also approach one of the raptor pack carefully in an absolute emergency, if you know my story, and they will find me. Needless to say I think we'd all prefer to report to a human if given the option," Harry joked, completely confusing the muggles in the crowd but gaining appreciative chuckles from the magically aware guests.

Claire cleared her throat before taking over the mic once more and sending Harry to stand almost sheepishly next to an amused Owen. "Thank you for your patience and cooperation. I apologize to those of you who didn't understand Harry's announcements since he's decided to play cryptic today and thank those of you who did understand for humoring his word play. While we sort out this... unfortunate incident there will be free potluck meals from our various food locations served in a common area that everyone will be asked to stay in or near. Visits to the herbivore enclosures will be arranged in groups. Please don't approach any roaming dinosaurs or local animals, tell one of us about them so that everyone leaves the encounter happily and safely. Hopefully this will all be wrapped up before this time tomorrow so that you all can get back to your normal visits and enjoyment. Thank you."

With those parting words everyone was directed to a makeshift common area in front of the hotel.

"Merlin, this is a right mess," Harry muttered under his breath as they all headed for the Innovation Center and the control room beneath it.

"I'm just glad that our impromptu response worked," Owen admitted grimly. "This place is not designed with military operations in mind and that assault easily qualifies as black ops if it weren't for the fact they were mercs working for some corporate assholes."

"~Stupid hunters deserve to become prey,~" Raja hissed in clear agreement from his hiding spot inside Harry's shirt. All three humans ignored the large flitting shadows that were the raptors darting between hiding places as a game and an attempt to keep out of sight of the guests as much as possible.

"You do realize that with all of this I will have to add a Velociraptor show to the schedule? There's absolutely no way I can get away with saying that they aren't fit for showing much less unable to be taught," Claire Deering, consummate professional reminded them with a heartfelt sigh.

"Actually, they're legally mine now. I can do whatever the hell I want with them and forbid you to use them in a show. I'm rich enough that if your idiots at Corporate protest I can just start paying you for room and board," Harry said with a mischievous grin.

"So... I'm bonded to a rich playboy. That's nice to know," Owen said equally mischievously, earning a light smack from a very amused wizard with a snickering shirt.

"I just hope InGen doesn't try to lay claim to them... or some idiot military general," Claire grumbled, reverting from boss to friend for the moment.

"Oh they may try but they'll find out exactly what a bad idea that is very quickly," Harry said darkly. The distinctive click-clack of a gun cocking on the uncommonly quiet path just past the first aid station had all three of them on instant high alert.

"You'll find that we military people are very good at getting what we want," Vic said evilly as he left the shadows of the first aid building to step into the light. A team of three mercs appeared out of nowhere around them, all four of the intruders aiming loaded weapons at the trio.

"Bad idea Vic, very bad idea," Harry said in a mixture of sadness and evil vindictiveness.

"Kid, you have no idea what I can do and I don't appreciate your meddling. I've wanted to show you some of what being a real soldier actually means since you pulled that stunt at the raptor paddock and spooked Wu. Do you have any idea how hard it was to get him to agree to an extraction in the first place? Promises of free reign and proper equipment weren't quite enough, no, he wanted live dragons to play with on top of it. A wizard or two to help him along with looking at how magic might be introduced to the DNA cocktails he was playing with and a live werewolf to see if the curse transferred to his pet projects," Vic said spitefully. "Then you put on your little scare show and he got a proper idea of who you are. While he didn't appreciate the comparison to the Nazi butchers he had no problem with the science stuff they tended to investigate or their methods of looking. You got added to the list of passengers."

"Such a bad idea, Vic, such a very bad idea. Even if no one at the park cared about me do you really think that I don't have resources of my own? That I don't have people who would look for me? Or that there might be an actual reason why those stupid kids from before couldn't even hold my older brother? Tsk tsk, you haven't done your research," Harry said with a disappointed shake of his head as he edged towards where he knew Charlie was hiding, tense and ready to pounce.

"I take it Doctor Wu is no longer on the island?" Claire asked in a mild enough tone to get Vic's immediate attention.

"Long gone," Vic agreed cheerfully. "We would have been too if I hadn't had so much trouble finding green-eyes here."

That was the moment Blue gave a hiss-warble and the pack attacked. Vic and the mercs never saw it coming as they were gutted from behind by two furious Velociraptors and quickly disarmed by their two human alphas.

"I told you it was a bad idea Vic..." were the last words the man heard as everything faded to black for the final time.

"I would have liked to question him," Claire said with a barely there frown.

"Clear and present danger," Owen reminded her firmly. She didn't argue, instead choosing to check them for new injuries which they had managed to avoid for once.

"~Stupid hunters become prey,~" Raja snickered, poking his head out of Harry's shirt as the rest of the pack voiced their agreement.

"I want to see Shiva and you know my parents are going to throw a right fit... before offering to help," Harry admitted with a grimace.

"Yeah, that's kind of what parents do," Owen agreed with a boyish grin as he took to petting the nearest raptor.

"Clear case of corporate espionage, the lawyers and the board are going to be a nightmare about all of this, looking for someone to blame," Claire complained, studiously ignoring the dead bodies and fighting not to get sick as the adrenaline ebbed.

"Well, I'm knackered. I say we all get something to eat before facing down more people with questions we probably can't answer," Harry said cheerfully. There was a round of fervent agreement from the two humans and amused agreement from the reptiles making it unanimous and sending the group in search of both food and rest. Things were never quite the same as they had been again.