"...will wake up De..."

Castiel heard a familiar voice briefly, before losing consciousness again.

"...the hell can you k..."

He heard more voices, he couldn't concentrate on them he was too disoriented.

"...said so, he knows what he's talki..."

"...he's full of s..."

Sam's voice came more into focus, "You need rest Dean, when was the last time you even ate?"

"I can rest later Sammy"

Cas started to stir, Dean dropped to his knees next to the bed. "Cas" His voice was soft and thick, Cas suspected Dean was crying.

"Dean" Cas spoke, his voice hoarse. All his body felt so heavy, he didn't have the energy to move.

"Hey Cas, how are you doin'?" Sam smiled sweetly as he sat next to him on the edge of the bed.

"My body feels heavy, I'm not even sure I have the energy to open my eyes, but thank you for asking Sam"

Cas heard Dean's voice again "C'mon Cas, try and open your eyes for me" Cas put what little strength he had into slowly opening his eyes. The first thing he saw was Dean. Dean drew in a breath before barely whispering "God, I've missed those eyes".

Sam reached out and patted Cas' arm gently. "I'll go get you some water and some food, you need your energy back, both of you". Sam raised his eyebrows at Dean to emphasise he was gonna make him eat too, then left the room.

Dean rolled his eyes and mouthed 'Bitch' at the door as it shut, Sam was overprotective sure but deep down Dean loved knowing his brother cared. He turned his attention back to Cas. His eyes seemed to glow a deeper blue, they were focused solely on Dean. Cas raised his still shaky and heavy arm and rested his palm on Dean's shoulder, covering the mark he made all those years ago. Dean sighed with relief "It really is you Cas, I was worried that maybe you wouldn't be like you".

"You thought I would be either soulless or still like Lucifer didn't you?" Dean nodded "I know that he tried to trick you Dean, I saw all of it, I was still in here. I saw how he played on my feelings and mannerisms"

"You saw everything?"

"It broke my heart Dean, to see you and Sam in such distress. Before this I started to doubt if you even cared for me, but you fought so hard, you didn't give up on me"

"Of course I cared Cas, I nearly lost my mind when I lost you in purgatory, I kept your coat when you went all leviathan, I prayed to you, I always cared"

"You must understand why I felt that Dean, you made me leave, you weren't there when I needed you. I gave up everything for you, Heaven, an army, being a normal angel, I changed and I lost everything for you. I remade you" Cas gripped Dean's arm tighter, raising his voice.

"I wanted to be there for you Cas, but you know why I had to make you leave, it was to save Sam" Dean's own voice raised until he was almost shouting. He didn't want to be shouting at Cas but he had held in how he felt for so long it all came out in a burst of emotion.

"It didn't hurt any less, I was lost Dean, a lost human on my own without anything at all. I thought I was going to be human and live with you" Cas' voice was stern, Dean could tell he was hurting about it still.

"I'm sorry Cas, okay I really am, I never wanted you to go." Dean put his hand on Cas' face, he traced his thumb along the angel's jawline soothingly. "I wanted you to stay here and teach you how to be a human, I wanted to see you eat your first ice-cream and drink your first beer. I wanted you to feel like a human but only the good stuff, I wanted to protect you."

"Well you didn't Dean, and I know it was to save your brother, but I was alone"

"I'll always be sorry for that Cas, but you're not alone now I swear, I won't lose you again" Dean leant forward and pulled Cas into a hug the best he could without having to move the angel too much.

"Dean can I ask you something?"

"Sure Cas, anything"

"When Lucifer was using my body to try and trick you into thinking it was me, what made you notice that it wasn't me?"

"Well he was kinda flirty and no offence Cas but you're not. But I was sure it wasn't you when he touched the mark, he was slightly off with how he touched it and I knew."

"How could you tell?"

"You always manage to put your hand exactly onto it and when you do I feel a warm tingle. It's kinda like a warm static shock, in the best way obviously, it's nice"

"Like this then?" Cas raised his arm once again and covered his own handprint. Dean grinned at him and returned his hand to the side of Cas' face.

"Exactly like that Cas" Dean leant forward and rested his forehead to Cas', they both kept their hands as they were neither one wanting to let go. Dean rubbed his freckled nose softly against Cas' as he pulled back slightly. "I love you Cas, I'm glad you're back". Dean didn't feel embarrassed to say he loved Cas, he had pleaded with Lucifer to give Cas his body back and said something similar (something along the lines of Cas is loved when Lucifer said he wasn't), now he knew Cas heard everything so there was no point hiding it anymore.

"I love you too Dean" Cas closed the small gap between them and kissed Dean's lips softly.

There was a knock at the bedroom door. "Guys have you stopped arguing yet? Can I come in with food now?" Sam had been stood around waiting for Cas and Dean to stop shouting, he was pretty sure some of the food might be going cold but he didn't want to interrupt, they needed to get everything out.

"Yeah Sammy it's all good" Sam opened the door with one hand while balancing a tray in his other. He had cereal, toast, leftover pizza, bottles of water, cans of coke, crisps, all sliding precariously around on the tray. Cas shuffled up in bed so he was sitting against the headboard. Sam placed the tray on the bed and they all somehow managed to crowd onto the bed. They sat for hours talking, laughing, eating and enjoying being their own small family again.

Around 10pm the guys decided to have a movie night, they wanted something normal after all the crazy that had happened.

"We can't have movie night without pie"

"Dean it's 10, will anywhere be open to get pie?"

"C'mon Sammy places stay open late, you can get pie if you go soon"

"Why do I have to get pie? I don't even want any?"

"We need more beer anyway" After 5 minutes of arguing over who should get pie, Sam had lost the argument. He pulled on his coat and grabbed the Impala keys.

"Wait Sam can I come with you?" Cas spoke up "I haven't been on a beer run for a long time and I would like to get out of the bunker for some fresh air"

"No way Cas, you need to rest" Dean growled protectively. "Besides it might not be safe"

"I can look after him Dean it's okay, you throw in some popcorn and we will be back before you know it" Dean pouted, he didn't like the idea of Cas going back out again yet, he only just got him back.

"Fine but you'd better keep a close eye on him" Sam raised his eyebrows and nodded. Dean walked over to Cas just before Cas managed to pull his trenchcoat on. "Put my jacket on instead Cas it'll be warmer, remember you're still getting better"

"You say Sam is overprotective but I think you're just as bad" Cas smiled teasingly and kissed Dean before he went to join Sam in the Impala.