Chapter 22: Teddy, Victorie, and the Aftermath

The heroic quartet apparated into Wolf's Lodge to the sound of a crying baby. Quickly rushing over, they saw a blond haired, blue eyed baby holding hands with a newborn who was constantly changing the color of his hair.

"Awww," Susan, Harry, and Hermione cooed, causing Fleur to quickly shush them and gesture to the resting Tonks on the bed beside them.

"It was a rough labor, she needs her sleep. She's okay, though," Fleur said reassuringly.

"Let them be here, it's okay I'm fine," Tonks insisted, sitting up with a subtle moan.

"Tonks, did you have a Caesarian Section?" Hermione asked in a concerned tone. Tonks nodded quickly before groaning again.

"Vhat's that?" Viktor asked.

"They had to cut Teddy out," Tonks explained. "Halfway in, he went into distress and wasn't getting enough oxygen."

"But he seems fine," Harry said, uncertain and worried retroactively.

"Now he does, but it was quite scary. We could've easily lost him had we not gotten him out as quickly as we did," Remus said.

"Anyway," Andromeda interrupted briskly, wanting her daughter and first grandchild to rest, "I know you guys aren't keen on going to St. Mungos but I need to check you out."

"Let's just get this over with," Hermione groaned. None of the heroic quartet were eager for medical attention, having either had far too much of it in the past or having visited too many injured loved ones in hospitals to be completely comfortable around such things.

"As long as it's not my hospital bed at Hogwarts," Harry groaned as well. Susan, Krum, and Andromeda all stared at him in shock. "Yes it's mine. I even have a plaque. Madam Pomphrey thought it was funny when the twins sent it and actually kept it. Apparently it was more sanitary than the toilet seat."

"Ugh, men," Andromeda dismissed with a groan.

"Hermione you go first, you've been having some vierd symptoms for the last month or two," Viktor said.

"That's called stress," Hermione corrected him sharply. "There was a war on, remember?"

"Either way you need to get checked out," Andromeda ordered. "Individually the lot of you. I'd like to have some semblance of healer-patient confidentiality."

Krum and Harry started to protest, but Andromeda held her hand up, silencing them. She took Hermione first and stepped into the next room to cast a series of spells in an evaluative manner. Andromada appeared alarmed by whatever the spells indicated. "Did you know you were pregnant during the Final Battle?"

"I'm what?!" Hermione asked in a freaked out voice. "I just chalked up all these symptoms to stress."

"You should've seen Tonks when I told her the exact same thing, except she was eight months pregnant and you're only three,"

"Oh thank god," Hermione exhaled, "I thought I might have been further along."

"Go tell your hubby," Andromeda said.

"Ugh that's even worse," Hermione said, slouching suddenly. "He's already overprotective."

Andromeda came out and summoned Susan and Harry into the next room.

"We need to talk," Hermione said. "I'm pregnant. This is not what I wanted, but I'm not aborting it and we're keeping it."

"Her-mon-inny vait, how far along are you? Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Viktor said.

"Three months, remember New Years Day?" Viktor grinned smugly at the memory. "Don't you get that smug look on your face mister this is your fault too," Hermione insisted.

"Yes dear," Viktor replied.

Everybody else got a clean bill of health.

Later that evening an owl arrived from the Queen herself inviting them to be knighted the next day. After the ceremony Krum got down on one knee and proposed to his longtime sweetheart. Harry gave Susan a promise ring with a promise to propose later that year with his mom's ring (his secret). Neville and Luna were just there and Remus and Tonks were still at home with Tonks still recovering from major surgery, though they insisted that they were with them in spirit. Bill and Fleur were babysitting Teddy while looking after Victorie.