Becommissar Oneshots

Chapter Two


Summary: Beca is intent on keep her and Kommissar's relationship a secret while her girlfriend disagrees. Rated T for implied adult themes and language.

Beca tried to withhold her feeling of complete disdain as she stomped through the rain, the dirty water sloshing up against her boots, drenching the pant legs of her jeans. She ducked her head and gripped her black umbrella tightly, hoping to get to Kommissar's apartment quickly. her girlfriend had come to America for somewhat of an extended holiday to stay with Beca. The blonde intended to stay a member of DSM for as long as she could, but had eventually given into Beca's complaining of their long distance relationship, and had come to see her. Despite her unmasked disgust of the rain, the brunette felt a smile twist her lips at the thought of her girlfriend's excitement at buying the apartment, and how happy they would be if they could move in together. The idea made her feel giddy, but nervous at what it would insinuate. It wasn't like things hadn't gotten heated before- because they certainly had- but even after months of dating, her German goddess was still intimidating. Very intimidating. Kommissar hadn't pressured her to do anything she wasn't completely comfortable with, but that didn't mean Beca couldn't sense her slight impatience. It was completely justified impatience though, since it wasn't like Beca was perfectly innocent when they were together. She did feel somewhat guilty for leading her on like that, but when their clothes started to come off, her mind went blank in a complete state of panic. It wasn't like she didn't want her, she definitely did, but it was like her anxiety switched on when things began to get serious, and her fight or flight mode kicked in. She knew it pissed off Kommissar, even though she'd never say it. She reached the apartment building at bit sooner than she would have liked, but despite herself, she sent a quick text to Kommissar before leaning against a lamp post to wait for her. A few mere seconds passed before the large oak door opened, and the blonde woman descended the few wet concrete stairs. Beca watched as she pulled an umbrella away from inside her coat, and pulling it open. Beca felt her face flush as the dim sunlight bounced off her umbrella. Her bright colored rainbow umbrella. Kommissar caught sight of her almost instantly, and took a few large strides until she reached her. Beca wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, breathing out a sigh of relief. She felt a tiny bit of her guilt dissolve as Kommissar pressed a light kiss on the top of her head.

"Would it have killed you to use a less colorful umbrella?" She hissed as the walked down the street, receiving quite a few stares from curious onlookers. Kommissar laughed at her, causing more people to watch them.

"What's wrong liebling, I thought you wanted to be a little more open with our relationship?" Beca rolled her eyes, holding onto her umbrella tightly, not wanting to lose it to the wind.

"Well yeah, to the Bella's not necessarily the whole world." Instantly, she regretted mentioning the name. A few nosy people made loud comments to their families, and she even heard a few younger girls excited whisper about Kommissar. The brunette felt slightly smug as they passed a few more DSM 'fans' as they walked by and she made a show of hanging on Kommissar's arm when they passed a group of guys who could definitely give Beca a run for her money. Kommissar's sharp gaze never passed over them though, only occasionally to glance down at Beca with an unreadable expression. Her girlfriend was uncharacteristically quiet during their lunch.

"Are you okay?" Beca asked as the walked back to Kommissar's apartment, the rain getting steadily worse. Kommissar sighed, lifting a shoulder in a noncommittal shrug. The climbed the few stairs reaching the door, and Kommissar fumbled with her keys only a second before unlocking the door and swinging it open. Beca folded up her umbrella and set it up against the wall by the door, then walked inside. She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at the kitchen, her back to the door as she heard it close. In seconds, strong arms were wrapped around her waist.

"Tell me what's wrong liebling." Beca felt her heart rate spike suddenly, unsure if it was due to anxiety or desire. She had a fleeting thought of jerking away and playing the cold and distant act she'd been doing since she was a teenager. She felt guilty as soon as she'd thought it. Kommissar was her girlfriend. They were dating. And relationships were built off of trust and communication. Beca sighed and leaning back into Kommissar's arms.

"I feel like a shitty girlfriend." She admitted slowly, hating how she felt her girlfriend tense up.

"You are not." Beca could've laughed at how serious she sounded. Instead, she opted for rolling her eyes.

"I just feel bad cause I've been hinting at," She hesitated, feeling growing embarrassment as her brain caught up with her words. "I've been hinting at, well, you know what I mean." She finished lamely and sounding extremely G-rated. Kommissar chuckled slightly.

"Maus, do not ever feel pressured to do anything. I can wait, however long it may be, until you are comfortable." She hugged her tightly, then let go and headed into the kitchen. Beca stood in the hallway, feeling completely dumbfounded. How she'd gotten lucky and ended up dating someone so beautiful and someone who respected personal feelings she didn't know. Feeling a rush of adrenaline,the small girl hurried into the kitchen after her girlfriend. She was sitting on the kitchen counter, slicing into an apple with a lethal-looking steak knife.

"Kommissar," The blonde looked up, a worried look in her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Beca smiled slightly, appreciating the concern her girlfriend had for her.

"I'm fine. I just," Her voice wavered, her ever so present nerves returning to her. "I'm just ready to be with you. In every way. Publicly and, err, not so publicly. If you, uh, know what I mean." She felt a burning blush rise on her cheeks as she shifted nervously. Kommissar jumped lithely off the counter, grinning at Beca as she walked out of the kitchen and into her room, pulling her shirt off and tossing it on the ground as she did so. Beca grinned as she watched her leave, then hurried out of the kitchen switching the lights off as she left.