==Alright. Before Anything else happens... this is a Hiccelsa pairing, asked for by Keiri Kurosukara. Keiri Kurosukara: I hope you like the story dear! On another note: the poll that I started a while ago, is still active as of the moment of this post. Looking at the votes, Jelsa is the highest and so I will also be starting a Jelsa story soon- hopefully within the next week, since I have a break from school. I know... I'm adding a lot to my plate, having four stories to update. But I got the ideas for this one and my Jelsa, so I will be writing them down and sharing them with you soon. Until then, enjoy the first chapter! Also, the names for the King and Queen are ones found on a Disney website, just so we are clear. Happy Reading!==

Chapter 1

Elsa screamed as her eyes opened in terror. Cold sweat coated her body from head to toe, and her silk blankets had been thrown from her bed. Elsa looked around her room, trying to find something to calm herself down as the snowflakes began to flutter calmly to the ground. The sun was barely up over the horizon.

The dream… she'd had it again.

From the deep caverns of the castle, Elsa could hear the movement of, what she hoped was the servants, as her cries echoed through the halls. Elsa took a deep breath and closed her eyes, imagining her castle on the North Mountain. The snowflakes dissipated, just as Anna came crashing into the room.

"Elsa, are you alright?!" Anna screamed, unable to stop herself as she continued to barrel through the room until she flipped onto the bed with a quiet yelp. Elsa stifled a giggle and placed her hand on Anna's back.

"I'm alright. Are you okay?"

Anna sighed as she pushed herself up and faced her sister. Her hair was askew and full of knots and her nightgown had been twisted up around her knees. Her bright blue eyes were full of concern as she looked at Elsa.

"I'm okay. I heard you scream. So I came right over to see what was wrong. Was it a spider? I hope it wasn't a spider…"

Elsa giggled and shook her head. "No, Anna. It wasn't a spider. A spider would have been welcome."

Anna sighed. "It was the dream again, wasn't it?" she whispered, taking hold of Elsa's shaking hands. Elsa nodded.

A month ago, Elsa had been told of an arranged marriage her parents had made for her, before she was even a day old. It was an arrangement with a northern tribe of island people, whom Elsa had never even heard of, nor ever met. Preparations had been made to meet her future husband a little over a month after she had found out about the engagement. And now, the day to meet her future king was less than a week away.

For the last month, Elsa had been plagued by ill sleep and nightmares. Elsa had confided in her younger sister because Anna meant the world to her. Anna needed to be protected. And it was Anna who was the main star of her nightmares. Anna's eyes bore into Elsa's. She sighed and reached out for a hug. Elsa wrapped her slender arms around her younger sister's fragile body and let a single tear trickle down her face.

"Was there anything different this time?" Anna asked softly as she pulled out of the embrace. For the first time since she had come back from the North Mountain, Elsa wished that Anna would leave her be. She didn't want to talk about it anymore.


There had, in fact been a difference in this dream. A difference she didn't want to talk about. Not now, not ever. It was something she didn't want to have happen again.

"Elsa, I know you have been worried about meeting this boy… what was his name again? Hilbert? Higgip?" Anna frowned as she tried to remember.


Anna giggled. "Who names their child 'Hiccup'? I mean, it's such a silly name."

"I haven't the slightest idea." Elsa sighed, smiling lightly. Even though Elsa didn't want to talk to Anna about this, her younger sister knew how to make things better. It wasn't nice to make fun of her future husband's name, but it was the truth. The boy's name was utterly hilarious to say.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third.

Elsa had spent days wondering what a boy with that sort of name would look like. Anna had supplied that he probably was a big, muscular lunkhead with little to no brains at all, missing half of his teeth and had scars all over his face. At first Elsa had laughed it off, but the image had stuck. It led to a morph of Elsa's nightmares, changing her husband-to-be from a pipsqueak of a boy to a giant looming monster with tiny black eyes that seemed to stare into her very soul.

"Do you want me to watch over you while you get some more rest?" Anna asked sleepily, attempting to stifle a yawn.

"No, I'll be alright. You go back to sleep though."

Anna's eyes closed and opened less than the last time she blinked. Elsa could tell that the girl was not going to make it down the hall to her own room before she passed out completely. It had been pure adrenaline that had awoken Anna in the first place and got her this far.

Elsa sighed and gestured to an area of the bed beside her.

"Come here."

Anna smiled and fell face first into the pillow Elsa supplied. Within seconds the girl was snoring quietly. Elsa chuckled, reaching onto the floor and pulling up one of her blankets. She covered her sister gently and quietly slid off the bed. She would have to tell Kai that Anna had fallen asleep in her room again.

Elsa flicked her wrist and her crystal blue nightgown was replaced by her favourite icy blue dress. She ran her fingers through her loose hair and began to look for her brush. After brushing her hair into a slightly sloppy braid, Elsa walked over to the door of her room and crept out.

Kai was waiting outside her door.


"Shhh… she's asleep."

Kai nodded and dropped his voice to a whisper.

"There have been reports of storms coming through from the North. There have been some rumours that the engagement party will be arriving early, though I have not been able to confirm whether this is true or not."

Elsa nodded.

"Be ready for them to arrive early. We'll watch the skies for any storms."

"Yes ma'am." Kai nodded and followed Elsa down the hall. "Will you be having breakfast today, milady?"

"Not today. I have some important business to attend to." Elsa sighed. She wanted to be alone. She needed to think. She wanted to know why her dream had changed so drastically. And now she needed to be ready for her northern guests to arrive early.

"As you wish." With a bow, Kai left Elsa alone as he headed toward the kitchen. Elsa sighed and headed for the library.

As Elsa pushed open the doors to the library, she took a deep breath. The scent of old paper greeted her nose and she couldn't help but smile. It had been thirteen years since she had been inside the library. When Elsa had been confined to hiding her powers, she had given Anna full reign of every room in the building except her own, but now that Elsa didn't have to hide herself anymore, she was free to go to her favourite room in the entire castle.

Elsa shuffled through the stacks of paper that had been laid on every flat surface imaginable. Since finding out about her arranged engagement, she had been doing as much research on the northern tribes as she could.

But she wasn't finding out much about the island of Berk.

There were legends about Berk. Rumours that dragons plagued the island and those surrounding it. But other than those legends, there was no real evidence that these people even existed. No public records. Berk wasn't even on any map- old or new. Elsa sighed in frustration as she sat down and picked up the official engagement notice. She began to read it aloud, hoping that a new clue would reveal itself - even though she had read the words a million times within the month.

"The writings below are a legal document, an agreement between Agnarr and Iduna, King and Queen of Arandelle, and Stoick the Vast and his wife Valka, Cheifs of the Hairy Hooligan tribe of Berk, binding Princess Elsa of Arandelle to Prince Hiccup of the Hairy Hooligan tribe of Berk, in the promise of marriage. The marriage will take place after the Princess' twenty-second birthday, as long as she, and her betrothed, are still living."

It was signed and sealed by both parties with the Arandelle royal insignia, and a serpent-like creature with great pointy teeth.

Elsa sighed. Snowflakes began to flutter about, floating lazily in the air. Elsa could feel the panic rising in her body. She was losing control, again.

Just like in your dream. A voice whispered inside her head. This is everything you ever feared. Hurting those closest to you.

Elsa let out a quiet whimper as she dropped her head into her arms. Her face was pressed to the wooden table. She could feel the tears stinging her eyes as they fled her tears ducts. Her nightmare was coming true, little by little.

She was going to meet Hiccup, and marry him. Even if she didn't like him. Because this single piece of paper decided her fate- even before her parents found out she was wielding magic within her blood. She was losing control of her powers again, because she was afraid.

Afraid of what the future was bringing to her. Afraid that her sister would end up hurt again, or worse: dead. Afraid that the Hairy Hooligan tribe were violent monsters. Afraid that her parents had made a mistake.

The voice in Elsa's head got louder. She was screaming inside her head.

Run. You need to run.

The snow picked up and began to madly swirl around Elsa, creating a miniature blizzard within the library. Articles of paper began to blow around the room, becoming ensnared in the corners of the bookshelves and getting stuck against the walls.

Finally, Elsa had had enough. She launched from the chair she had been sitting in and wheeled around toward the library doors. She ran through the snow and pulled open the left door, tumbling right into Anna.

Instantly the snow stopped swirling. The voice in Elsa's head was silent.

"Elsa…" Anna whispered, sitting up and shaking her head slightly at the dizzy tumble she had taken with her sister. She peeked into the library and saw the small snowdrifts that had piled around the bases of the bookshelves and window.

"Anna what are you doing, you should be asleep-"

"Elsa, are you okay? Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? What's going on?" Anna ignored her sister's question and took both of Elsa's hands in her own, squeezing them tightly. Her eyes were wide with worry.

Elsa sighed. Mentally she checked herself, and her power. She was in control again.

"Everything's okay. I was… just a little panicked. That's all."

"It's noon. So it's time to eat. But I also came to tell you that something was seen in the sky. Also… your dress is torn." Anna stood up and began to help Elsa to her feet.

"A storm?" Elsa asked as she stood up and looked at the front of her gown. The corset was torn, and the slit on the skirt was twice as long as before- instead of to her knee, it ran all the way up to her upper thigh, barely covering her underclothes.

Anna shook her head.


"Then what?"

"A group of something is flying towards Arandelle."