Add A Wizard

Summary: Jake is visited by a British exchange student and had bested Jake at his greatest talents...skateboarding and free-styling. Then came the picking of the Student Body President. And thus the rivalry builds...but could there be something more? Enter the Wizard-in-Training of Great Britain, Nigel Thrall.

Warnings: Slash/Shounen Ai, many other pairings, OOCness, and possible AUish scenarios different from the show. Also, expect Disney corniness...because it's Disney. Duh.

A/n: I think I made a booboo. I was looking at the list of the episodes and at the same time, watching the episodes on Watch Cartoons Online dot com...and I realized that I've skipped a few episodes *facepalms* MaaaaAan. I'm so sorry guys. So the episodes I missed were MAJOR ones too, like The Love Cruise and Homecoming. So since I've actually already written out this episode, I've decided to mess up the timelines a bit and skip a few episodes. Meaning that Nigel has never met Rose (and hopefully never will until Hong Kong Long). Also, I've decided that Rose isn't going to be a love rival for Nigel either. Nothing against Rose (THAT much) but yeah. Rose isn't going to remember for this one. She'll have her cameo, but no.

'Perhaps I should start using the muggle alarms than using magical ones,' Nigel thought with a groan as he blasted his alarming frog into a teaspoon and sat up in bed, rubbing his tired dark eyes. Looking at the time, he saw that he had to head to school now. With a click of his fingers, he was dressed, cleaned and ready to go.

It has been days since he came to America and was studying in the Filmore Middleschool, and he was getting used to the craziness that was 'mortal teen drama' and such. He was thankful that Jake was teaching him about 'street smarts', and that Trixie and even Spud, were managing to help out. Despite that, he was still confused at how the female populace seemed to always follow him and giggle, and his stuff vanishes and he could STILL hear them giggling. Perhaps they are sirens on land?

"I swear, they are like annoying bumblebees...Hm?" He then saw a dagger stuck to the kitchen wall with a note, "It looks like teacher left me a note," He pulled it off the wall and read it, then sighed, "Training again later...hopefully it would be the combat training I asked,"

Ever since the ogre incident, Nigel requested to up his magic training and place up defence lessons and such, so something like that could never happen again. Although, he didn't tell his teacher about the American Dragon. His teacher had a slight dislike towards dragons for some reason, but Nigel never was told why. So Nigel decided to keep it secret for now.

"Oh! I better get going. I promised Jake I would walk with him to school," He then clicked his fingers and soon was appearing near the Long residence. He knew where it was since he walked Jake home after school now a days, and from then on they walked back and forth to and from school. To Nigel, it was the gentleman thing to do...although for Jake, the first day it was 'Yo! I'm no damsel dude! I can walk home by myself thank you!' but was ignored. It was the day that Nigel also had the pleasure of meeting Haley Long.

Speaking of the two...

"-It's not stupid!" Haley was heard saying as the two siblings were walking out the door, and Nigel looked at them, "It's science! Paper, plus ink and girl's intuition, equals mystic truth," She then looked at the side to see two birds flying together, landing their them and tweeting and nuzzling together, "See?! Love is in the air! It's a sign!...Oh, hi Nigel!" Haley greeted with a cute smile.

"Good morning Ms. Haley," Nigel greeted charmingly and raised a brow, "What's this about love being in the air?"

"Ugh, ignore Haley, Nigel (I do anyways)," Jake rolled his eyes and followed his arms, "And besides, it's a coincidence," He was talking about the birds.

"Hey! My kiss and love balloons!" A man shouted as some lip shaped balloons passed them and was running after them.

Nigel blinked as he and Jake slowly looked at a smug looking Haley.

"Okay...two coincidences," Jake murmured in denial.

"I dunno, Long, I think Ms. Haley is on to something," Nigel smirked, loving how he pressed Jake's buttons, "You might have a bright seer in your mist,"

Haley smiled happily at the praise as Jake rolled his eyes in irritation.

"Come on!" He gestured to the two, and soon the trio were walking together, Haley and Nigel mostly teasing Jake all the way.

"See ya Hales!" Jake waved goodbye as he and Nigel dropped Haley to her school, "Try not to be a smart-WAOH!"

"Jake!" Nigel called out as Jake bumped into someone and fell to the ground, "You alright mate?"

"Y-Yeah," Jake shook his head, and then sat up, looking at the person he bumped into, "Man I'm so sorry, I didn't see-WAH!"

Nigel blinked as he was confused on Jake's reaction but then looked at the fellow he bumped into and then chuckled inwardly. Standing there, was a blond tubby guy in a Cupid costume. Bow and arrows and everything.

"No prob dude," The guy smiled and was then pulling up a box he dropped and opened it, revealing to be some food products he was selling, "Care for a sample of Kernel Cupid's Cosmic Caramel Corn? You'll fall in love with the flavor~!" He advertised and Jake chose this moment to run as Nigel followed, laughing.

"Oho, that was a good one!" Nigel spoke up as soon as they were far away from the enthusiastic guy, and Jake glared at him.

"Shut up, Thrall," He growled but then looked thoughtful, "Hmm, is there really something to this whole 'girl's intuition' stuff?" He was mostly asking himself as he and Nigel walked together.

"Perhaps, you never know. From what I gather, Valentine's Day has that powerful magical affect with everyone, magical creature or not," Nigel shrugged but then saw that Jake wasn't listening to him and looked up to where Jake was looking. 'What in the bloody devil's name is he looking at?' He thought then blinked as he saw that there was an airplane flying passed a heartshaped cloud...making it look like an arrow was striking it. Cupid's arrow.

"Okay..." Jake murmured, "I'll call that a yes..."

Nigel nodded. Perhaps he wasn't off when he said that Haley might have future seeing abilities.

"I mean, it's not like Rose is coming back anytime soon," Jake was speaking with both Trixie and Spud, Nigel trailing behind them moodily, "And even if she did, she's got no memory of what we used to have together,"

Nigel was trying to calm his magic down. He had heard stories about this Rose girl from Trixie, and even with not meeting her before the exchange program happened, he could already tell he would dislike her. Which was why he was very thankful that he was magical and on the American Dragon's side. Although, after re-thinking about the story of the Homecoming incident, he couldn't help but feel guilty at the petty jealousy he was feeling, and feel sorry for both Jake and Rose. This Rose was Jake's first love. And Nigel knew from experience that you could never forget your first love. So he didn't push further about the ex-Huntsgirl. He was just happy she was gone...and in a happy family that she wanted (Of course, he wasn't that heartless to want her to be out of existence).

"Maybe Fate's telling me to move on, find someone new," Nigel heard Jake say and then smiled to himself.

'Perhaps Haley's predicting skills isn't so far off after all,' He thought happily as they reached their lockers.

"I dunno about fate, Jakie," Trixie began as she was looking excited, "But I do know that your timing is all biscuits and gravy,"

Nigel almost didn't get her saying, but Jake seemed to wonder what Trix was up to.

"You and Mr. Double O'Seven here can be the first to sign up for a little 'something-something' my co-president Spud and I are putting together," She explained.

Spud was smiling then was unrolling one of the signs that he was carrying and made a 'TADA!' sound as he showed it to both Jake and Nigel.

"The...first annual Filmore Charity Bachelor Auction to support Hungry Puppies, and People Who Get Sick When They Play Video Games In A Moving Car?" Both the boys read out loud then looked to the beanie wearing boy in confusion.

"We couldn't agree to which cause was more worthy of support," Spud shrugged.

"It's a bachelor party guys! You just sign up and the ladies will line up," Trixie was coaxing as Jake hummed a bit.

Nigel frowned at this and was about to decline, but then saw the calculating look of the dragon boy, who was looking out the window of the singing lovey birds, the floating kisses balloons and the heart shaped clouds. 'Oh no...'

"I guess maybe there's no fighting it,"

'No, no, no, no-'

Jake shrugged then grinned, as he looked to his friends, "Hook me up with a pen, Spud. Looks like Fate says it is a good day for love~!"

As the three were walking away, Nigel unintentionally let his magic summon the clouds to darken outside, as lightning struck the balloons as the sudden flaming leftover rubber were scaring the twitterpaded birds away.

And so, in the end, Nigel ended up agreeing to be in the Bachelor Auction. As degrading as he thought it was, Nigel had to keep an eye on Jake and possibly try and get someone not to 'buy' him. Although, Trixie was smarter than she looked, because she ended up telling both him and Jake not to use magic to cheat in this bid. Because she will know...scarily somehow.

"Scary like Teacher," Nigel murmured to himself as he fixed his tux.

"-Bring on the mens~" Trixie sounded from the stage and soon the curtains opened to reveal himself and the other boys of the school, the girls cheering and hollering like they were in a strip joint.

Nigel was on the other end of the line as Jake was FAR from him, who was shifting in place and grinning with brimming excitement. He hated this. He felt like a ridiculous show monkey, something that women find amusing to own a man like some sort of trophy.

'How beneath me...' He thought but had to remember his real goal here.

"Ya'll know the rules," Trixie announced, "Bid high baby! 'Cuz you'll get your guy for one romantic week. He'll be carrying your books to class, cook you a candlelight dinner-"

"Save you from the jealous clutches of the secretly evil eye-patch twin that faked his own death and steal you away during Carnaval Season..." Spud interrupted as every female looked at him weirdly, but Spud just kept smiling, "Yeah, all my romantic research comes from Brazilian soap operas,"

"Aaaand..." Trixie took over with another smile, "At the end of the week, every couple gets a special invitation to our Black Tie Gala at the Manhattan Medieval Museum~"

"Or," Spud interrupted again, "as I call it: The Mmm~"

As the girls continued to look at him with silence, Jake had to facepalm at his friends silliness and Nigel chuckled.

"C'mon! Lemme hear that bling jingle jangle ladies~!" Trixie shouted after a minute, as the girls went wild, "'Cuz it's time to get your bids on~"

Nigel sighed as he then was first up and stepped under the spotlight and gulped as all eyes were on him. As Trixie was introducing him, he looked back to see what Jake was doing, and saw that he was looking out in the crowd nervously. 'What's to be nervous about?...oh right, ladies can be frightening,' He thought sympathetically.

"Nineteen dollars?" Trixie's voice cut off his thoughts as she tapped her foot and hummed at her microphone, "That's ALL the love you got for Mister Nigel Thrall of the UK?!" She then leaned over him and then handed the microphone to him, "Spit me some British, boyfriend~"

"I-I...U-um," Nigel's brain froze for a moment as he then said the first thing that came to mind, "...Parliament?"

Apparently that made all the females swoon over him dreamily.




"Thirty dollars...I suppose, at least. Do you have exchange rates for pounds?" A soft British voice spoke in the crowd and everyone looked over to see a platinum blond girl with dark eyes, dressed in blue and her hair in a high pony tail.

Trixie blinked but then smiled as she then raised a hand, "ALRIGHT~ Thirty smack-a-roos going once~! Going twice~! SOLD! To the young lovely, what's your name honey?"

"Darcy...Darcy Malloy," The blond spoke with a cool smile as Nigel gulped.

'Oh bugger...anyone but her!'

"What are you even doing here Darcy?" Nigel asked once he and the girl were backstage, as the girl rolled her dark eyes.

"Oh please Nigey, as if you didn't know," Her hands folded over her heart with a dreamy look and smiled sweetly, "I thought maybe I could use a holiday in, colourful country," She murmured as she was flipping her hair back.

Darcy Malloy was a witch that Nigel went to school with in Britain. Her family was pretty much a big deal in the English Community, her father being part of the High Wizardry Council and her mother a famous fashionista of Europe, both in the human AND magical world. Nigel's late parents were acquaintances with the Malloys, so it was natural that Nigel would be introduced to their only child. And Darcy was...pretty much spoiled, and your typical blonde, just with an accent. And apparently she had a MAJOR crush on Nigel ever since they've met. It was a shame that at the time, Nigel had his eyes on someone else.

"Go home, Darcy. Does Teacher even know you're here?" He asked as Darcy rolled her eyes.

"Please, of course he doesn't. And he doesn't have to know that I am here," Darcy snorted, hiding the fact she looked nervous.

Nigel had to smirk, "You realise that I will have to be telling him that you're here, you know that right?"

He rolled his eyes as Darcy gulped, and soon he turned to watch from behind the curtains to see how the bid was going and to check on when Jake's turn was. His eyes widened as he ignored the frown-y glare from Darcy and saw Jake emerging from the stage to meet with whoever bought him. Nigel was so busy with the blonde girl, that he didn't see Jake's bidding.

And he was sort of miffed that the woman was the beautiful and popular Danika Honeycutt.

"So uh," He heard Jake say shyly, as Danika was looking away just as shy, "You and me huh?" Nigel had to gag at their sweetness, "Now how exactly is this supposed to-Woah!"

"Uh, 'cuse us for a sec, Ms. Backstroke~" Trixie told the Swimming Captain and pulled Jake away for a moment with Spud, and Nigel soon followed them, and Trixie was on Jake again, "I saw what you did! YOU owe Vicky Finkling a romantic week, you cheap, shallow, lowdown, you, Ohhh!"

Nigel blinked as he looked to Jake for an explanation, but Jake ignored him.

"What?! Fate's trying to hook me up with a new boo. And that's obviously Danika Honeycutt!"

Nigel's eye twitched for a moment.

Trixie scoffed, "Oh really? Well it looked to me that Fate was sweet on Vicky Finkling...'til SOMEBODY threw an origami Abe Lincoln up in it's grill! Do you know how broken hearted that poor girl must be?!"

'Ah, so in the end, Jake did cheat,' Nigel thought as he had the audacity to look at Jake with a disappointed frown.

"Salutations terrestrial lifeforms," One short girl in glasses and in some sort of Star Trek cosplay stepped forward, tilting her body to the left side as she walked.

"Uhhhh Vicky?" Trixie blinked as she watched the girl weirdly.

"I just wanted to give my blessing to the happy couple~" Vicky explained with an easy smile, a smile that Nigel was sort of uncomfortable with, "Muzzletoff~ Congratulasoni~ Grawk hazzah UGK UGK~ and all that!" She giggled.

"Uh," Jake blinked but then smiled back and tilted to the side as well like Vicky, "Thanks Vicky,"

"Ear Drainage," Vicky explained as she pointed at her ear, "I get the otitis externa real bad,"

Nigel blinked as he then was tilting his body to the side like Vicky as well in amusement, "Really now?"

Vicky nodded her head, then heard some laser like alarms at her watch then smiled, "Oops~ Time for a leary left-o~" She exclaimed and then tilted to her other side, "Anyhowhitzer, let me talk to that lovely lady~" And then, Vicky was walking towards Danika.

Nigel straightened himself up as he then watched the girl for a moment, frowning a bit.

"She seems fine to me," Jake finally said.

"Indeed," Nigel agreed slowly.

Trixie snapped out of her weirded out spacing and faced Jake, "Oh Jakey!" She sighed, "You know nothing about women! She's obviously covering her pain in a masks of smiles and alien mumbo jumbo,"

"Is that how it is for American girls?" Nigel asked as he looked back at Danika tilting her body to the side like Vicky with smiles.

"Not always," Trixie replied then huffed, "What is it with you boys looking past surface appearances!"

Funny, most British girls would be vengeful about being cheated like that, Nigel thought as he then was sensing Darcy's anger on the other side of the room, Or is that just Darcy?

Nigel had tuned out Trixie and Spud's talking then focused on Danika walking back to Jake after her talk with Vicky.

"So," The captain of the swimming club spoke with a smile, "Tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds great!" Jake smiled but then looked blank for a moment and then swooned, "So...pretty pretty..."

The British male raised a brow, "Er, Long? You alright?"

"So..." Jake murmured then was pumping his fists in the air and cheering out loud then was running out the doors.

"JAKE!" Nigel shouted and rushed outside after him, followed by Trixie and Spud.

Nigel had come out just in time to see Jake dragon up and flying around like a fool.

What the devil is wrong with him!? Nigel thought then heard Jake's shouts of joy, almost making his stomach drop.

"I'M IN LOVE! I'M IN LOVE~!" Jake proclaimed as he was spinning around a tree and dancing into the streets still shouting on the top of his lungs.

Nigel then panicked as he then saw a bus coming the American Dragon's way, and soon was rushing towards the love struck reptile and pushed him out of the way and landed together on the other side of the road, Jake turning back into his human form. Trixie and Spud called out to them in worry and fear, rushing over to them as the bus skidded and the driver checking on them before driving away angrily.

"Are you insane Long?!" Nigel shouted at him with a glare as Jake groaned and was shaking his head.

"What the heck just happened?!" Trixie exclaimed, as she and Spud checked the two over.

"I...I don't know," Jake held his head as he was looking around in a daze.

Nigel frowned at this but then blinked as he smelt something familiar in the air.

...Magical Sea Water?

End of Part One of Siren Says. Awright I'll try and get part two in the works pretty soon, hopefully it will be done by Saturday Night, since I'm also working on my other stories and trying to update the ones I really need to :3 But anyways, yeah, next chapter will try and get Jake's side of the rest of the episode with some Nigel thoughts too :3 Anyways, I gave the girl that won Nigel in the auction a name and characterization just for the sake of the story xD anyways, reviews are always appreciated, thank you those that enjoy the story, especially Phoenix P, Jordan, Ruon jian, Night-Chan-DragonEyes, Cyborg8981 and Eclipse130. You guys rock! :D Thanks for reading~