Miraculous Showdown

'Bored. Very, very bored.'

Adrien Agreste sighed as he stood apart from the crowd in the lavishly decorated ballroom, and occasionally slipped cheese to Plagg, who was hiding in his suit jacket.

Once again he'd been dragged to a boring function to keep up a good appearance with his father's fashion company.

And to top it all off, his father wasn't there for him to have even a moment of time with. Apparently something came up at his job, and he was not able to attend, sending Adrien and Natalie in his place.

Adrien sighed in disappointment as he watched the wealthy partygoers mingle in front of him, and wished he were anywhere else. More specifically, Nino had invited him over to play video games earlier, but he'd had to turn his invitation down for this.

Glancing out a window he considered different escape possibilities. Maybe he could slip away from the roof and go on patrol as Cat Noir. He might even see Ladybug if he was lucky, even though with his luck it wasn't likely, but still…


'Or not,' thought Adrien in disappointment as he looked up to see Natalie coming towards him.

"Your father wants you to try to befriend our host's son," she said bluntly.

Adrien raised an eyebrow and glanced in the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Spicer, the hosts of the extravagant party. "I didn't even know they had a son," he said.

"It seems they do," Natalie replied. "And it would be… beneficial if you and he were on good terms."

Adrien sighed. He hated this part of these parties. Forming fake friendships with other rich kids that never held up just so their parents could make business deals was a drag, and if he were honest with himself, he didn't wouldn't have wanted to stay friends with most of them anyway. But in the end all he said was, "Fine, where is he?"

Wordlessly, Natalie pointed through the crowd so that Adrien could see where his target was.

Slouched in a chair apart from the crowd, much like Adrien was, was an extremely pale boy about his age with goth makeup and vivid red, spiky hair, and dressed in a long black coat and goggles. Unlike Adrien, he wasn't even paying the remotest amount of attention to the party, and was instead fiddling with what Adrien assumed was a small handheld game.

Without another word, Adrien began moving along the edge of the crowd until he reached the boy.

Slapping on his best model grin, he said, "Hi," in his friendliest voice.

"If you're hoping your parents can get to mine through me, you're out of luck," the goth boy said bluntly, not even looking up from his device. "They barely give me the time of day, and couldn't care less who my friends are."

Adrien stared at him for a full minute, before he let out a laugh at the sheer amount of dryness that the other boy had used to deliver his retort. Inside his jacket, he could hear Plagg doing the same, though his was muffled enough not to be heard by anyone else

"Good to know," he said with a more genuine smile this time. He turned to go, but caught sight of Natalie giving him a pointed look through the crowd.

With a sigh, he sat down in a chair next to the pale boy and said. "Even so, you mind if I hang out here for a few minutes. If I don't look like I'm at least trying I'll get an earful about it later."

That got the boy to glance up at him for a brief instant, before quickly going back to the thing in his hands. "Suit yourself, just don't bug me, I'm at a delicate point."

Adrien looked at the boy's hands in hopes of seeing what game he was playing, but was instead surprised that instead of a handheld game, the boy was fiddling with a small machine that he was putting together with ice cubes and bits of broken silverware.

"What is that?" he couldn't help but ask.

Fortunately, the boy didn't seem bothered by the question, and replied, "My latest invention, and its almost… done!"

The boy held up his new device (which looked like a miniature hair dryer) and sent a jet of blue light shooting out of it, which hit the floor not far from them creating a small patch of ice.

As Adrien watched with a stunned expression, a smarmy looking businessman walked past as he chatted with some equally smarmy looking guests, and slipped on the ice. He yelped as his feet slid out from under him and crashed into the people he'd been talking to, sending them all falling to the floor like bowling pins.

Adrien and the boy both burst out laughing at the sight, as the now red-faced businessman apologized profusely, and tried to help those he'd knocked down up, only for them to storm away in anger.

"You made a freeze ray?" asked Adrien in amazement. "That is so cool!"

The boy rolled his eyes. "The 'cool' pun, really?"

Adrien scowled good-naturedly. "Hey, it fit. Don't go giving me a cold shoulder now."

The boy snirked at the second pun, and held out a hand for Adrien to shake. "Jack Spicer, I hate these parties."

"Adrien Agreste, so do I," Adrien replied, shaking Jack's hand. "But hating them won't stop them from happening, so what can you do?"

"Take over the world and ban them from ever happening again," said Jack under his breath.

Adrien heard it anyway and shook his head at the supposed joke. "If only it were that easy."

"Tell me about it," said Jack sarcastically. His eyes then lit up, and he gave Adrien his best evil grin, "Wanna see me freeze the entire floor?"

Adrien opened his mouth to reply, only to tense as a shrill voice carried over the polite chatter in the room.


Jack's evil grin shifted to an amused smirk. "Adrikins?" he asked.

"Shut up," Adrien grumbled as he hunched forward and tried to hide himself.

But it was too late, Chloé had already spotted him, and was making her way toward them.

"Girlfriend?" asked Jack as he caught sight of her.

"She wishes," Adrien sighed in resignation for what he knew was coming. "We're childhood friends, but I just don't see her that way. Plus, her personality… leaves something to be desired."

Inside the collar of his jacket, he heard Plagg snort. "Yeah, like a heart."

Fortunately, Jack didn't hear the kwami, and instead watched Chloé make her way towards them with interest. "So she's evil?"

'If only, then Ladybug and I could actually do something about her,' thought Adrien to himself as he replied, "She's not evil. Just spoiled… and mean."

"Understatement," whispered Plagg in his ear, making Adrien shove the tiny cat further into his jacket

But at Adrien's explanation, Jack's interest quickly faded, and was once again replaced by an evil smirk.

Pointing his freeze ray at the floor directly in front of Chloé, he fired another shot creating another ice patch.

The second Chloé set foot on it she slid spectacularly, before landing flat on her back in the middle of the frozen floor. For a second she simply lay there in shock, before she sat up and immediately began caterwauling for her father to 'Fire someone for this!'

Jack laughed at the temper tantrum the blond girl threw, but Adrien looked apprehensive. "Funny as that was, you may have just pissed off the Mayor's daughter, and l did tell you she was mean for a reason. If she wants to get back at someone, she's usually able to do it."

Jack stopped laughing, and glanced in the direction of his parents, who were now giving both boys the stink eye, no doubt guessing who had caused the current debacle.

Sighing at the sight, Jack turned to Adrien, who he'd started to think was actually sorta cool, and offered, "Wanna ditch this place, and go to my lab?"

Adrien blinked in surprise, before asking in interest, "You have a lab?"

Jack grinned.

The teenage boys managed to slip away from the crowded ballroom unnoticed (mostly thanks to the distraction Chloé created with her meltdown), and Adrien followed his new acquaintance to the basement.

"My parents have houses all over," Jack explained carelessly as he led the way down the stairs. "They let me have the basement space in each one for a lab, and don't care what I build or do so long as it doesn't show up above ground." he added with a slight bitterness.

Adrien winced. At least his father cared about what he did with himself, even if it did put a lot of pressure on him, and Adrien almost never actually saw him himself. "It's tough having a parent who's never around," he said sympathetically

"Tell me about it," grumbled Jack again. But he quickly brightened as they reached a heavily locked door at the bottom of the stairs, and he quickly punched in a security code.

Adrien stepped through the door after him, and stopped dead at what he saw.

Even with the lights on, the whole room was dark and creepy looking with pieces of metal and robotic parts piled high all corners of the room. There were several assembled robots flying around the room as they did simple tasks, and all sorts. All kinds of tools and computer screens covered the walls giving the room an eerie feel.

In short, it looked like a mad scientist's evil garage.

Apparently Jack agreed, as he swept his arms around and said, "Welcome to my evil lab," he said cheerfully, and promptly burst into a dramatic evil laugh, complete with flashes of lightning (even though they were in a windowless basement).

"Evil...?" said Adrien in confusion, and he felt Plagg subtly poke his head out of his coat to look around.

Shoving the kwami back down, Adrien asked, "What do you mean evil? Like evil-evil?"

"Of course, evil-evil," said Jack as he stopped laughing and held out a business card. "Here's my card."

Bemused, and wondering if this was some sort of prank, Adrien took the card and looked at it.

It was pink, and framed with designs of roses, and in the center written in loopy calligraphy were the words, 'Jack Spicer, Evil Boy Genius'.

"Am I being punked?" Adrien had to ask.

Jack pouted, and snatched the card back. "NO!" he said with a slight whine to his voice. "You are not being punked. There was a mix up at the distributor. The cards I was supposed to get went to some florist," He then crumbled the card into his fist and shook it high in the air. "But I soon had my revenge!"

Adrien massaged his head as he tried to process the weirdness that he'd apparently stepped into. "So, er, why do you want to be evil?" he asked slowly.

Jack looked at him with an expression that said 'are you stupid or something?' "To take over the world, what else?" he said with a shrug.

Adrien's hand unconsciously clenched around the finger holding his Miraculous as he asked his next question. "Do you work for Hawkmoth?"

Jack's blinked at him blankly, then he asked, "Who's Hawkmoth?"

Adrien let out a sigh of relief, knowing he wasn't dealing with an akuma. "Well, that answers that question."

"No, seriously, who's Hawkmoth?"

"Local super villain," Adrien reluctantly, knowing even if he didn't say anything, Jack could easily find out about his and Ladybug's nemesis from the Ladyblog. "He sends out these butterflies that give people superpowers and make them go on crazy rampages until the butterfly is cleansed."

Jack tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Getting other people to do your dirty work is impressive evil," he said finally. "But I'm not sure about the butterflies. Fluttery little bugs don't exactly scream 'evil'." He then paused and added, "But then, most people would think the same thing about beans."

Without elaborating on that confusing statement, he grinned brightly and slung an arm around Adrien's shoulders. "So how about I give you a tour," he said brightly, and before Adrien could answer he found himself being tugged along as Jack began pointing and talking about everything in his lab, and explaining some of his evil plans to take over.

But from Jack's use of rapid-fire speech, most of the 'evil plans' went over Adrien's head. Something about ancient Chinese artifacts and tournaments, and some people named Wuya, Chase Young, and Hannibal. One thing was for sure, though. Jack was probably the least threatening villain he'd ever seen (well, except maybe for Mr. Pigeon, allergies aside, controlling pigeons was a pretty lame super power).

"-And I'm sure some day Chase will see I'm a valuable ally to have, and ask me to join him," Jack finished saying.

"Right," said Adrien slowly, trying not to show he'd barely understood a word of that. "So if you're supposed to be the bad guy, then who are the good guys?"

Jack's face lit up even more. "Oh, didn't I tell you," he said brightly. "I have my own arch nemeses!"

On cue, one of the walls of the lab exploded, making the entire building shake.

Both teenagers whirled around to look at the source of the noise, and as the dust cleared, Adrien was able to see four figures standing before him wearing red robes that wouldn't look out of place in a Kung Fu movie.

They all looked close to his age. One was a tall muscle-bound teenager with a cowboy hat and blond hair. Another was a brown-haired Latino boy with green eyes. The third was a petite Japanese girl with her hair pulled into two high pigtails, and the fourth and strangest of the group was an extremely short Chinese boy with a very round bald head.

The short Chinese boy leapt forwards and gestured wildly at Jack. "Jack Spicer!" he shouted in an accented voice. "You have behaved most shamefully, and your heinous prank was very un-funny!"

"Yeah, seriously. Not cool, dude," added the Latino boy, not looking at all amused.

"Seriously! Don't you people ever knock!" Jack shouted back at them. He then glanced at Adrien and pointed at the intruders to make introductions. "Adrien, my arch nemeses, the Xiaolin Losers. Losers, my new friend, Adrien."

Unsure of what else to do, Adrien raised a hand and waved. "Hi," he said lamely.

"Howdy," the cowboy called back with a thick southern accent. "Sorry for bustin' in like this. But it had ta' be done."

But the only girl in the group was staring at the model with wide eyes, before letting a high pitched squeal that had all the boys clapping their hands over their ears.

"You're Adrien Agreste!" she gushed once she stopped squealing, pointing at Adrien excitedly. "The famous French model! I love your work!" Then the rabid fangirl expression fell off her face, and she looked confused. "But what are you doing here? And with him of all people?"

The short bald boy immediately perked up, then scowled even more fiercely at Jack. "Jack Spicer! Have you kidnapped this boy whose photograph is in a heart-shaped picture frame on Kimiko's wall?"

The girl, Kimiko apparently, immediately turned beet red with embarrassment and shouted, "OMI!"

Jack crossed his arms and looked smug. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. What are you gonna do about it, Loser?"

The tension in the air immediately doubled, and Adrien tried to defuse the situation, "No, actually he-"

But before he could finish, Jack yelled, "JACK-BOTS, ATTACK!"

Instantly, all the robots in the lab dropped what they were doing to swarm the four monks.

To Adrien's surprise, the four combated the robots with ease, using a mix of martial arts moves, and (most surprisingly) elemental attacks.

"Do they work for Hawkmoth?" Adrien wondered aloud as the Latino boy and the cowboy (whose names seemed to be Raimundo and Clay respectively) unleashed a volley of wind and rock attacks at the swarming Jack-Bots.

Next to him, Jack scoffed. "Weren't you listening before? I told you, they're the good guys."

Just then, a wave of water crashed over top of the two of them, pushing Adrien away from Jack.

Surfing on top of the wave was Omi, looking smug. "Not to worry, boy from Kimiko's wall, I will save you from Jack Spicer."

"Would you stop saying that!" shouted Kimiko in embarrassment.

Adrien found himself washed into a secluded corner, out of sight of the other teens.

Plagg immediately flew out of his now soaked jacket and shook himself to get the water off. Like all cats, he hated getting wet.

"You just had to make friends with the crazy kid," he said grumpily as he tilted his head to get some water out of his ear. "And one who likes to piss off Xiaolin Dragons to boot."

"Who the heck are these guys?" Adrien asked the kwami in confusion.

Plagg sighed, "Long story, which we might not have time for right now."

The tiny cat pointed upwards, and Adrien followed his gaze. The fight going on a few feet from him was making the whole building shake in its foundation, and as Adrien watched, a large crack appeared in the ceiling.

Realizing that if this fighting didn't stop soon, the ceiling could collapse and bring all the partygoers above down on their heads.

With a nod, he thrust his ring in Plagg's direction, and said, "Plagg, Claws Out!"

The kwami was sucked into the ring, and with a flash of yellow-green light Adrien vanished, and Cat Noir took his place.

He stepped out of his hiding place, which went largely unnoticed thanks to the chaos of the fight.

Grinning wickedly as an idea occurred to him, Cat Noir crouched down and pulled out his staff, extending it until it was nearly the length of the room. He then made a wide sweep with the staff like a windshield wiper, and swept the feet out of all five teenagers.

The monks cried out in surprise as they lost their balance and fell to the ground. Jack, who at some point had grabbed a staff with a monkey carving at one end, managed to flip out of the way and land on his feet. The few Jack-Bots that hadn't yet been turned to scrap metal paused their attacks in confusion.

Raimundo quickly jumped back to his feet and looked around. "Hey! What gives?" he shouted.

Taking that as his cue, Cat Noir flipped into view and landed on top of one of Jack's lab tables. "Well, I hope you all had a nice trip," he said. "But I must ask you to move this fight somewhere else."

The lab was silent as they all stared at the hero in surprise.

Finally, Omi held up a finger, and said, "I am most confused. When did Katnappé become a boy?"

Jack scratched his head, "I always thought Ashley was kinda weird."

Kimiko rolled her eyes at Jack statement, and smacked him for it.

Cat Noir blinked, then scowled. "I'm afraid you have me mistaken for another copycat. I'm Cat Noir, not Katnappé," he said with a bow. He then pointed at Jack and added, "And I have to ask you to stop fighting with this one, or else there will be dire consequences."

Far from backing down, the monks scowled, and Raimundo said, "That mean you're on his side?"

Taken by surprise by the accusation, Cat Noir could only say, "Uhhh."

Taking that as a yes, the monks immediately sent a wave of attacks in his direction, making the catboy duck for cover next to Jack.

The Goth boy gave him a friendly grin, and held out a hand to shake. "Hi, Jack Spicer, evil boy genius. Always nice to meet another villain."

Cat Noir frowned, and said, "But I'm not a-"

"Wudai Mars Fire!" shouted Kimiko's voice

"Run!" yelped Jack as he bolted, and Cat Noir followed out of sheer instinct, and barely dodged a hail of fireballs.

Wincing as he realized just how close he'd come to getting fried, Cat Noir glanced up to see another crack appear on the ceiling, and knew he had to stop this soon.

And if these guys wouldn't listen to reason, he'd just have to play cat and mouse. Though, unfortunately, it looked like he was going to be the mouse.

Popping up out of his hiding place, Cat Noir taunted, "You crazies will have to do better than that if you want to cat-ch meow."

The other five teenagers paused at his words, and Jack had to ask, "What is it with cat-people and puns? I mean really?"

Not giving them a chance to recover, Cat Noir bolted for the hole the four monks had made when they'd come bursting in.

"Hey, he's gettin' away!" shouted Clay.

"After him!" shouted Raimundo, and he quickly heard the sounds of the monks chasing him.

As he ran, he heard the sound of propeller blades spinning, and looked over in surprise to see Jack flying along beside him with a pair of helicopter blades mounted on a backpack to keep him airborne. He was still holding his staff, and it might have been a trick of the light, but Cat Noir could swear he saw a monkey tail trailing behind the genius.

"So what's the evil plan?" he asked.

Cat Noir rolled his eyes, and said, "Evil has nothing to do with it. Did you not see the ceiling about to collapse on top of us? We need to get out of this basement before we all get crushed."

Jack's eyes lit up. "Ooh, ooh, I get it. We get out, and then make the ceiling collapse on top of them all. Now that's an evil plan."

Cat Noir glared back at him. "Are you crazy? There's a party going on up there!"

Jack frowned slightly, then shrugged the concerns off. "So?" he asked. "It's my house, I can collapse the ceiling if I want to."

Cat Noir stared at him, before shaking his head and jumping out the hole in the wall to the outer garden of the mansion. "So," he said pointedly, "your parents are up there! If you collapse the ceiling people will get hurt!"

Jack blinked as that thought occurred to him, and he looked much less enthusiastic about the idea. "Oh, yeah, right."

Before Cat Noir could retort, the earth beneath his feet shifted upwards (courtesy of Clay), and sent him tumbling to the ground.

Groaning, Cat Noir looked up to see Raimundo flying at him with his wind powers swirling around him.

"Wudai Star Wind!" he shouted as he brought the gusts downwards at the cat-themed hero.

Cat Noir winced at the sight, and brought his arms up to block the blow, only to hear a familiar whizzing sound, and a ladybug-print yo-yo wrapped its string around his raised wrist and yanked him out of the way just before Raimundo could land his hit.

He was dragged several feet back, and came to a stop at a pair of familiar spotted feet.

Smiling down at him, Ladybug held out a hand to help him up. "What have you gotten yourself into this time, silly Kitty?"

Cat Noir grinned as he accepted her hand and was pulled to his feet. But before he could answer her, Ladybug tensed, and he turned to see the four monks were already outside and looking like they were ready for round two.

But before anyone could make a move, a new voice rang out.

"Check it out, people!" came the enthusiastic voice, making everyone whirl around to see Alya standing there with her ever present phone, filming them all for the Ladyblog. "This fearsome foursome is facing off against our favorite heroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir! This is so cool!"

Cat Noir glanced at his partner in confusion. "How'd she get here so fast?" he asked.

Ladybug rolled her eyes and replied, "Same way I did. She heard the explosions and came running."

But the monks didn't pay any attention to their conversation, as their jaws had dropped at what Alya had said. "HEROES?!" they yelled in unison.

Jack, who had been hovering overhead, looked at Cat Noir with a betrayed expression. "You're one of the good guys?" he asked.

"That's what I've been trying to say," Cat Noir said in exasperation. "But none of you would give me a chance to let the cat out of the bag."

Jack threw his hands in the air and pouted. "Urgh, it's that thing with the mermaid all over again!" he yelled, his tail (because that was definitely a monkey tail) thrashing angrily behind him.

Seeing as their supposed 'enemies' looked too shell-shocked to attack anytime soon, Ladybug turned to her partner and asked, "What's going on here, Cat?"

"Well, my Lady," said Cat Noir. "I was in the area, and saw those four-" he pointed at the monks, "-break into flyboy up there's house. There's currently a party on the first floor, and the fighting looked like it would make the dance floor fall right out from under them, so I stepped in to try and put a stop to it. After that, well, things got out of hand, and I think I made the wrong impression," he finished sheepishly.

Ladybug pinched her brow and shook her head. "Only you, Kitty, only you," she said, but there was an undertone of amusement in her voice.

Meanwhile, after hearing that explanation, the Xiaolin Monks all looked extremely embarrassed at their blunder, and Jack was still hovering in the air and pouting.

Alya, disappointed by the lack of action, looked up from her phone and asked, "So what happens now?"

Ladybug dropped her hand and turned to eye Jack and the Monks. "So where's the akuma, Cat Noir?"

Cat Noir scratched his head, unsure of how to explain this. "Er, that's the craziest part," he said finally. "There isn't one."

Ladybug whipped around to stare at him in surprise. "WHAT?" she asked in shock.

Cat Noir shrugged helplessly "Seriously, none of them are akumatized."

"Not even the one with the tail?" she asked, glancing up at Jack, who was still glaring down at them and holding his staff.

Unnoticed by any of them, a black butterfly fluttered past and into an open window of the ballroom.

"No, not even him," Cat Noir replied. "Apparently they've got some sort of mystic Chinese mumbo jumbo, and-"

He was cut off as a loud crash sounded behind them, and they all turned to see a giant dressed in a crisp suit had erupted out of the center of Jack's house, standing so tall they couldn't even see his face from behind the clouds. Below him, all the partygoers were spilling out of the house screaming in terror.

"Scratch that, M'Lady," said Cat Noir as he gaped at the sight. "There's the akuma."

Jack's jaw dropped as he recognized the giant. "Dad?" he squeaked in surprise.


The giant then seemed to catch sight of the Lucky Duo and added, "AND I WILL TAKE YOUR MIRACULOUSES FOR MASTER HAWKMOTH!"

Both Ladybug and Cat Noir tensed at that, and the Xiaolin Monks slid into fighting positions as well.

"Well, M'Lady," said Cat Noir. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."

"Let's just not let him fall on Paris, shall we," said Ladybug in reply.

"So, wha's goin' on?" Clay called over to them.

"My Dad's been turned evil by a local villain named Hawkmoth," Jack replied as he continued to stare upwards in amazement. "Adrien told me about it earlier."

Ladybug perked up at the sound of that name. "Adrien?" she asked.

But before anyone else could say anything, Corporate Giant lifted one of his massive feet and attempted to stomp down on the teenagers.

The teens all dodged, with Raimundo tackling Alya out of the way, and flying on the wind to get her to safety.

"So how do we beat this thing?" shouted Kimiko as she threw fire at the giant's feet.

"We need to find where the akuma is!" Ladybug yelled back from on top of a nearby car. "If we break what it's possessing, I can cleanse it, and turn everything back to normal!"

"So where is it?" asked Raimundo as he set Alya down a safe distance away, heedless of how she was still filming everything that was happening.

"I don't know yet!" Ladybug replied as she scanned the giant up and down to try and spot the object.

"Then we will have to take him up!" shouted Omi as he prepared one of his water attacks.

"That's 'take him down', Omi!" Raimundo shouted in exasperation.

"Even better!" Omi replied as he released his attack.

Only for it to turn to ice in mid air, courtesy of Jack's freeze ray.

"What are you doing?!" shouted Kimiko.

"Do you have any idea how cool this is?" Jack asked as he hovered between them and his giant father, looking delighted. "My Dad is evil! We can totally bond over world domination!"

What Jack failed to see, was that Corporate Giant had picked up a large piece of rubble from the remains of his mansion, and flicked it in Jack's direction.

"Watch out!" Ladybug shouted, pointing.

Jack looked over his shoulder, but was too surprised to dodge.

Seeing this, Cat Noir used his staff to pole-vault into the air and get between the evil genius and the flying rubble.

While in mid air, the cat boy held his hand up and yelled, "Cataclysm!" The dark energy swirled around his hand as his attack activated, and he thrust his claws out to slash the rubble just as it reached them.

The rubble immediately crumbled, catching Jack and Cat Noir in a cloud of dust, and sending them tumbling to the ground.

Shaking the dust off like the cat he was, Cat Noir shot Jack a look and asked dryly, "Still wanna bond with him? Or would you like to help us push him off a beanstalk?"

Jack scowled, then hefted his staff over his shoulder. "Alright, fine," he said reluctantly. "I'll live up to my namesake. But don't expect me to like it."

As the monks kept Corporate Giant's attention, Ladybug swung over to land next to the two boys, and said to Jack, "You said he's your father, right? Is there anything he has that he values? Something the akuma could be hiding in?"

Jack frowned, and glanced up at the mammoth figure before them. "Well, he did always like that goose pin on his chest."

The Lucky Duo turned and looked up to see a golden pin shaped like a goose clipped to the right side of the giant's jacket.

The two shared a grin, and Ladybug tossed her yo-yo into the air with a yell of "Lucky Charm!"

With a flash of red and pink, an object fell from the sky into the lucky heroine's waiting hands.

Blinking in surprise, Ladybug held up a red and black-spotted baseball. "What am I supposed to do with this?" she asked.

Just then, Corporate Giant let out a frustrated yell, and smashed his fist into the ground too close to the monks for comfort. To make matters worse, both of their Miraculous chose that moment to beep, signaling the countdown until they changed back was starting.

"Better figure it out fast," said Cat Noir nervously as one of the pads on his ring vanished.

Ladybug squinted as her vision turned black and white, and she looked at the area around her.

As she looked, she saw her ball, Jack's heli-pack, and monkey staff flash red with black spots.

Grinning as she caught on to what she needed to do, she turned to Cat Noir, and said, "Go help those guys distract him."

Seeing she had a plan, Cat Noir nodded, and hurried off to help the monks.

Ladybug then turned to Jack and said, "I need you to carry me up as close as you can to that pin. Can you do that?"

Jack scowled grumpily, and replied. "Yeah, sure. Just don't expect me to make a habit of it."

Ladybug nodded her thanks, and used her yo-yo to tie herself to Jack, and the boy genius flew them upwards towards Corporate Giant's pin.

Fortunately for them, Corporate Giant was too busy trying to crush Cat Noir and the Xiaolin Dragons to notice them fly up.

Once Jack was close enough, Ladybug reached up and snatched his staff from his hand. "I need to borrow this," she yelled.

Jack yelped in surprise, but Ladybug paid no attention (also failing to notice his tail vanished the second the staff left his hand), and tossed her baseball into the air.

Using the staff as a baseball bat, Ladybug whacked the ball at the pin with enough force to break the clasp, and make the massive pin fall to the ground below.

"Follow it!" she yelled as her eyes followed its decent.

"Okay, okay, bossy," grumbled Jack, but he quickly followed her orders.

Corporate Giant had noticed their actions, and shot his hand out to stop them, but a well-placed elemental combo from all four monks knocked the hand off course.

The second they were close enough to the ground, Ladybug untied her yo-yo from Jack, and let herself drop the rest of the way.

With the staff still in hand, she ran to the pin and brought it down hard on the goose's head, breaking it off at the neck.

Instantly, a black butterfly flew out of the pin, and Ladybug opened her yo-yo to catch it. "No more evil-doing for you, little akuma," she said as she swung her weapon after it. "Time to de-evilize!"

Catching the bug within her yo-yo, she pulled it back to herself with a cry of "Gotcha!" Opening it back up, setting the now white butterfly within it free. "Bye, bye, little butterfly."

She then scooped her baseball off the ground and tossed it into the air, shouting "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Like always, a flash of red light spread out from the ball, repairing all the damage done in the attack, returning Mr. Spicer back to his normal size, and even fixing the damage done by the Xiaolin Monks from before the attack.

With the mission done, Ladybug turned to give their traditional fist-bump to Cat Noir, only to see him staring past her in bemusement.

"What?" she asked.

Wordlessly, Cat Noir pointed behind her, and the girl followed his gaze.

Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a fuzzy, black monkey tail coming out of the back of her suit, and twitching in the air.

With a startled squeak, she dropped the staff she'd still been holding in her hands, and the tail promptly vanished, making the heroine spin in circles several times to make sure it was gone.

While she was freaking out, Jack had wandered over and reclaimed his staff. "The Monkey Staff," he said, holding it up for the Lucky Duo to see. "The longer you hold it, the more monkey-like you become."

Ladybug turned green at the idea of turning into a monkey, and Cat Noir had to laugh at the look on her face.

Seeing her glare at him for laughing, he held up his fist for her to bump as a peace offering. Rolling her eyes, she met his fist with her own. "Pound it!" they said in unison.

The Xiaolin Monks dusted themselves off and came over to join them.

"So, someone wanna tell us wha' just happened?" asked Clay as he lifted up his hat to scratch his head.

"Ladybug!" came another voice, and they all turned to see Alya running towards them, no doubt hoping for another interview.

As if on cue, both of the Lucky duo's Miraculouses beeped, signaling they were both nearly out of time.

"I'm sure Alya would be happy to explain," said Ladybug quickly, gesturing at the bespectacled girl. She then swung off on her yo-yo with a call of, "See you later!"

"I must bow out too," said Cat Noir with a wave as he turned to run off in the opposite direction. "Cat-ch you on the flip side."

After finding a secluded area to switch back to Adrien, he headed back to the place he'd just left to see Alya regaling the monks with stories about how awesome Paris' miraculous heroes were.

But the person he was looking for was sitting off to the side, looking glum.

Walking over to him, Adrien gave him a knowing grin and asked, "You sure you're the bad guy? Because stopping that akuma with Ladybug and Cat Noir seemed pretty heroic to me."

Jack glanced up at him, then snorted and crossed his arms. "No way. That was a one-time thing. Don't get used to it. I'm still evil through and through."

Adrien shrugged, unconvinced, and sat down next to Jack. "Either way, what you did was cool. How many people can say they helped take down a giant?"

Jack perked up under the praise, and said, "That was pretty cool, wasn't it." He then gave a mock glare, and added, "But don't think that will make me go hero."

"Wouldn't dream of it," said Adrien with a smirk. "You know, my friend Nino invited me to play video games with him today, and now that that party is canceled it looks like I'm free to go. Wanna come with?"

Jack looked thoughtful, the shrugged before standing and grinning. "You just challenged an evil genius to video games," he said smugly. "You realize, of course, this means you are going to loose. A lot."

Adrien hopped back to his feet and returned his new friend's grin. "Bring it on."

As they walked off, Jack said, "So, any chance you wanna become my evil henchman?"

Adrien laughed. "Not a chance."

A/N This was an idea that hit me when I woke up yesterday morning, and wouldn't go away all day. So I ended up writing all day, fun. I just thought Adrien and Jack have the whole absent-rich-parents thing in common, and it was interesting how Jack turned to villainy because of that, while Adrien became a superhero instead. I have not watched Xiaolin Chronicles yet (which I really need to do), so nothing from there is in here.

Anywho, I might do more with this later on. I have vague ideas of Ladybug and Cat Noir getting caught in a Xiaolin Showdown, and all that craziness, or Cat Noir meeting Katnappé and a battle of cat puns ensues (much to Ladybug's dismay), or Jack kidnapping Chloé to take over Paris, but ends up giving her back, because she's too annoying. If anyone has ideas to expand upon that, or others let me know, and I'll get to writing.

Either way, this was tons of fun, and I enjoyed writing it. Please Read, Review, and Leave Suggestions if you have any.

Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, or Xiaolin Showdown. I'm just a crossover obsessed fangirl with crazy ideas.