A/n: I'm baaack!

I apologize for the wait! Once my finals ended, it was Christmas. And then I got sick and then work took over and in the midst of all that a bunch of mental health things took over as well, but here we go!

Onto the story!

Disclaimer: Still don't own Pitch Perfect - just the original characters and the plot.

Chapter One: The Inciting Incident

Beca was driving with Chloe in the passenger's seat, they were on their way to have dinner with Micah and Dani at the siblings' shared apartment. It had become sort of a routine when the two moved in together right before Dani's sophomore year at USC because while Chloe is an amazing cook, the two siblings learned how to cook when they moved out so that they didn't have to live on leftovers and Top Ramen.

"How was your day?" Beca asked as they sat in Southern California traffic while grabbing her wife's hand.

"Meh," Chloe said. "It was a day where all I wanted to do was come and find you, bury myself deep within you, and never leave. Sometimes - sometimes I wish I could start my own private school. The public school system is failing students on a daily basis."

"Well, we can cuddle at the kids' apartment after dinner." Beca said, squeezing her hand. "And this weekend, you don't have to leave my arms."

Chloe hummed, "I like the sound of that." She said. The two sat in silence as they drove the rest of the way to Micah and Dani's apartment. Beca got out of the car and rushed over to open Chloe's door, the music producer doesn't do it very often, but when she does, it takes Chloe by surprised. "Thanks," Chloe blushed.

Beca pulled her wife into a kiss, "Of course," she said.

The two walked up to the apartment and smelt whatever was cooking in the kitchen, they allowed themselves in, sparing from their children's pleas to just use their key. And when they walked in, they saw Dani cooking and Micah nowhere to be found.

"Hi princess," Beca said.

"Hi Moms." Dani said. "You're early."

"Yeah, we managed to beat some traffic." Beca said. "Where's bubba?"

"He just texted saying that he was leaving the studio." Dani said. "Something about Tommy Levit."

"Oh no," Beca said.

"Why do you keep him on?" Dani asked. "You see how riled up he gets Micah."

"We have a contract with him," Beca said coming to hug her daughter from behind.

"So, terminate his contract." Dani reasoned. "I get the brunt of whatever he does to Micah and I don't like it."

"I would if I could, princess." Beca said.

"Why can't you?" Dani asked.

"Promised him when he came on that I would treat him like any other producer." Beca said going into their refrigerator to grab a beer.

"So I have to receive the brunt of the anger boiling up inside of him?" Dani asked incredulously.

"If it ever gets bad, just send him to us," Chloe said, Beca nodding in agreement. "You know half the time it's just because he needs a back rub." The door opened abruptly and then slammed shut behind the person opening it, "Like right now. You keep cooking, I'll greet and deal with bubba." Chloe went to the door to see him taking off his shoes, she wrapped her arms around his waist and said, "What's wrong love?"

"Tommy fucking Levit" Micah grumbled as he threw his keys into the bowl near the front door.

"C'mere, let's not go into the kitchen quite yet." Chloe said pulling him to cuddle with her on the couch.

"Mo-om, I'm hungry." He whined.

"Dinner's not even ready yet," Dani called from the kitchen. "Calm down."

Micah cuddled into Chloe, "I really can't do this right now, Mom." He said. "It's hard enough that I only get to see Cody in person once every six months. I'm so tired of dealing with all of this."

"Did you take your medication today?" Chloe asked softly.

Shortly into his first year of college, Micah was diagnosed with severe anxiety and mild depression. He was on medication to help manage them, but he didn't always take it. Chloe constantly checked in to make sure the boy was actually taking care of himself because like she could be, he took care of everyone else before himself.

"No," Micah admitted.

"Why not?" Chloe asked gently.

"Forgot." He mumbled.

"Where do you keep it?" She asked running fingers through his hair.

"In my bathroom's medicine cabinet," he mumbled curling further into the redhead.

She kissed his head, "Beca honey," Chloe then called.

"Yeah, love?" Beca called from the kitchen.

"Can you come here, please?" Chloe asked.

"Sure," Beca said walking into the room, "what's up?"

"Can you go get Micah's medication from the medicine cabinet in his medicine cabinet, please?" Chloe asked softly.

"Of course." Beca said leaning down to kiss both of their foreheads.

Beca walked out of the room leaving Micah to cuddle into Chloe, over the years the two of them shared an unspoken bond with his anxiety. Beca didn't know what to do half the time, and Chloe always stepped in to help.

When Beca returned with the bottle of medication, Chloe was coaxing Micah to sit up, Beca went to go get her son a glass of water and when she returned, the man quickly took it, and then curled back into Chloe.

"Bad day?" Beca said sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. The man nodded, "Tommy?" The man nodded again. "What happened this time?" She asked hoping that the man would use words.

"He thinks that this was all handed to me," he mumbled. "He keeps saying shit that makes me get so aggravated."

Chloe kissed his head, "What does he keep saying?" Beca asked.

"That if mommy would've known better I would be out of a job," he said in a high voice to poorly imitate the teenager he was furious with. "Like you're the one who gave me six Grammy nominations and wins over the last seven years." He mumbled.

"He says that?" Beca asked softly, honing in her anger. "Really?"

Micah nodded, "I know I rely on you a lot and I know this job kinda was handed to me, but I work hard." He said.

"You do," Beca said, "I'll talk with him tomorrow, alright?"

"Okay," he said.

"Dinner's ready!" Dani called from the kitchen.

Chloe squeezed Micah's shoulders, "C'mon, bubba." She said. "Let's get some food in you."

Later that night, Beca had Chloe and Dani cuddled into her while Micah was playing a video game with Parker, who was across the country.

"C'mon bro, you had that." Micah said into the microphone.

"Taylor's facetiming me," Dani mumbled looking at her phone.

"Well, answer it." Beca said happily.

Dani swiped the answer button and after it connected, "Hey Tay." She said. "Moms are here."

"Oh perfect, we can all endure the boys playing video games together." She said.

"Hi baby girl," Chloe said as Dani handed Beca the phone so Taylor could see all of them.

"Hi Moms." She said. "I forgot that you two were going over there tonight."

"Yeah, every Friday." Chloe said. "How was your day baby girl?"

"It was okay," Taylor said softly.

"Oh come on," was heard from Parker in the background.

"Sucka." Micah said into the microphone.

"How was your days?" She asked ignoring her husband and brother playing video games.

"It was alright," Chloe said.

"I had a good day," Beca said looking at the screen yet answering her daughter.

"How about you, sissy?" Taylor asked.

"Long." She said with a yawn curling as far as she could into Beca.

"So, uh, I have news." Taylor said.

"Oh come on, bro. You couldn't have waited two more seconds," Parker yelled in the background.

"Or we have news for you." Taylor said.

"What's that baby?" Beca said running fingers through Dani's hair.

"You two," she gestured between Beca and Chloe, "are going to choose on which one of you is Grandma because in about nine months you'll both be one."

"You're pregnant?" Chloe said with a huge smile making Micah spit out the beer he was drinking.

"What?" The man called from the background.

Parker chuckled in the background, "What up, Uncle Micah?" He then said.

"Congratulations baby." Beca said. "Totally not calling dibs on grandma though."

Chloe pinched her side with a smile, "I'm so happy for you two. How are you doing your residency while pregnant?" She asked.

"Taking one day at a time." Taylor said.

"Good, good." Chloe said as there was a knock at the door.

"Hold on dude." Micah said to Parker as he got up. He went to the door, headset still on and controller still in hand, he opened the door to a frozen Aubrey, "Aunt Bree? Is everything okay?"

"N-n-no." She got out with Emily close behind her.

"Aunt Em?" He asked. "What's going on?"

"I drove her here. I didn't trust her to drive by herself." Emily said.

"Come in." He said opening the door wider, as Emily guided Aubrey into the apartment.

"Hey Bree." Beca said. "Hey Legacy."

"Hey Park," Micah then said into his headset, "I gotta go."

"Alright dude," was heard through FaceTime. "Catch ya later."

Micah then went to turn off the game console and went back to his aunts, sister, and mothers.

"I'm gonna go," Taylor said. "Fill me in later though."

"What's going on?" Micah asked. "Is it Cody?"

A few weeks before this, Cody had been sent out on another deployment. It was for 18 months and after he got back the two were going to get married and hopefully settle down a little bit.

"He-he's-he's missing in action." Aubrey got out. Emily had her arm wrapped around her, just like the lawyer did all those years ago.

"What?" Micah asked not believing.

"From what I got out of her," Emily said, "his plane went down and when they reached the ground, everyone was counted for except for Cody."

Micah shot up and walked to the other side of the room, "How long?" The man asked.

"I-I've only known for the last t-two hours." Aubrey got out. "I th-think they said he's been missing since yes-yesterday."

Micah grabbed the counter, "Why didn't they call me?" He asked. "I'm his fiancé. They shouldn't have you be telling me this."

Chloe got up to go to her son, who was on the verge of a panic attack, "Baby, it's okay," she said as he tried to walk away, his knees gave out and he fell to the ground. Chloe immediately at his side.

Beca and Dani were at a loss of what to do, so they just sat there as Chloe comforted Micah and Emily comforted Aubrey. Then after some time Aubrey got up and went to Micah, who over the time span of seven and a half years, had become like a second son to her. The two lied on the floor, Aubrey holding Micah close as they both cried and tried to figure out what they were going to do together.

Dani walked into work the following Monday morning, all weekend she had spent between working at home and comforting her brother. She was setting up her laptop and turning on her computer when she heard a knock on the door, she looked up and saw one of her business partners.

"Morning Matthew," she said.

"Morning Dani," he said. "Good weekend?"

Dani shrugged, "Meh, family stuff." She responded.

"Is everything okay?" He asked concerned, placing a mug of coffee for her on her desk.

"It will be," she responded. "Thank you. How was your weekend?"

"Same 'ol, same 'ol." He said.

"How's Mary and the kids?" Dani asked before taking a sip of the coffee.

"Okay," he responded. "Mary and I are separated now."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Dani said.

Matthew shrugged, "It's all good. It's for the best." He said. "Anyway, we've been getting reports about there being an issue with our app crashing, could you look into that?"

Dani nodded, "Yeah, of course, I'll get on that right now." She said.

"Cool," Matthew said, gently placing his hand on her arm. "I'll let you get to work, just wanted to check in with you and let you know."

"Cool, thanks." Dani said sitting down drinking more of her coffee looking at her computer screen, oblivious to the man staring at her with a soft smile on his face as the woman worked for a minute. Out of the other three co-founders, he was only one that knew about Dani's past and why she was so private and somewhat jaded to the world. So, he'd continue to lay small hints along the way about his feelings for her and maybe she'd feel the same way.

Beca was walking into Legacy Records, she had given Micah the day off to just sleep, so she was coming from his and Dani's apartment from checking in on him.

"Hey Beca," her assistant Sarah said, "uh, you have a few visitors in your office."

"Oh?" Beca said.

"They wouldn't tell us who they were," the assistant looked down, almost like Beca was going to scold her for not trying harder.

"It's okay," Beca said. "I'll deal with it." Beca walked into her office and saw the back of her brother's head, "Nick, what are you-" and then everything seemed to stop. He stood there with all three of their parents. Dr. Ryder Mitchell and Rachel Williams stood on the other side of the office. "What's-what's going on?" The music producer asked.

"We came to talk to you," her father said. "Just hear us out. We know that it'll take time to forgive us for what we did."

"We saw that we have three grandkids," her mother said.

"Four technically," Beca said not wanting to count Bailee out. "With a great grandchild on the way." She added.

"Oh," Rachel said then looking at her ex-husband, "we've missed a lot."

"We have," Ryder said softly.

"Where's Sheila?" Beca asked noticing her stepmother's missing presence.

"Uh," Ryder said, "I left her about fifteen years ago. She cheated on me with another man."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Beca said then looking at her brother.

"They begged me Bec," Nick said. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Beca said softly. "I do have to get to work though."

"Of course," Ryder said. "We'll let you get to work. Your mother and I are here for the next several days."

"Let's grab lunch tomorrow then," Beca said. "We'll talk about things."

"Sounds good," her father said. "We know we can't make up for the last 30 years, but we'd like to maybe have a second chance. Officially meet Chloe and meet the grandkids."

"Yeah, definitely," her mother agreed.

"I'll have to talk with Chloe." Beca said. "See if she's up to that. You really hurt me when you disowned me and she gets pretty protective when it comes to you two."

"Understandable," the parents said in unison.

"We'll get going," Nick said. "Let you get to work."

The three left the office leaving Beca still standing there a little confused on what just happened. She looked out the window to the busyness of downtown Los Angeles trying to process everything.

"Absolutely not!" Chloe exclaimed after Beca told her what was going on as they were eating dinner at home that night.

"Babe," Beca said softly.

"They left you broken, Bec." Chloe said. "And now what they think they can waltz back in your life close to thirty years later because they want a second chance?"

"Love," Beca said softly.

"I can't even believe that you're entertaining the idea," the redhead said. "Do you remember how broken you were when they said they wanted nothing to do with you? Do you remember how many nights you cried trying to just accept the idea?"

"Of course, I do." Beca said.

"Then how could you be okay with this?" Chloe asked stood up. "How could you allow them back into your life after everything they've put you through?"

"I'm always so jealous when I see you and your mom together and before your dad died, I was always so jealous that you had two supportive parents. What was I supposed to do? They were standing in my office, practically begging for a second chance. I want to give that to them. Can you give that to me? Can you suck it up for one meal? I'm not asking you to forgive them immediately. It took me a long time to actually forgive them."

Chloe had her hand on the edge of the island in the middle of the kitchen, her back facing Beca. The brunette stood up and went behind her wife, wrapping her arms around her, placing her chin on the redhead's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Chloe whispered.

Beca kissed the side of her neck, "What for, beautiful?" She asked.

"I shouldn't have just yelled at you like that." Chloe whispered.

"It's fine, love. I know how protective you get when it comes to my parents." Beca said softly. "I know you love me and that's where it's coming from."

"I just don't want to see you hurt again." Chloe said.

"I think I can be guarded for awhile, until they earn trust back." Beca said. "They want to meet officially meet you and meet the kids."

"Invite them over for dinner tomorrow. We'll get Micah and Dani over here. Get Taylor on Skype or something." Chloe said softly.

"I'll do that." Beca said. "I love you, Chlo."

"I love you too, Bec." Chloe said turning in her wife's arms, giving her a small kiss.

Micah was lying on the couch watching SportsCenter on tv when the apartment doorbell rang. He slowly got up and answered it to see Aubrey standing on the other side with his favorite dinner and a couple of six packs of beer.

"Dani texted me and said she was going to be in the office really late and I thought that you could use some company. I know I could." The lawyer said.

Micah softly smiled and opened the door wider, "Thanks," he murmured as she walked passed him. "How are you really doing?" She asked placing everything on the coffee table.

"I've been better," he answered honestly. "Still in shock."

"Yeah, me too." Aubrey said.

"Uh, the Yankee-Red Sox game is on MLB Network," he mentioned. "Not sure if you're up for it."

"That's why I brought beer and your favorite pizza," Aubrey said.

Micah smiled and sat down next to his aunt, changing the channel, grabbing a piece of pizza and a bottle of beer. "Did you work today?" He asked.

"Uh, no. I took a personal day." Aubrey said. "You?"

"My mama and Aunt Emily made me take a personal day." He said. "I'll be back at it tomorrow though."

"Me too," Aubrey said.

The two settled into a silence eating, drinking beer, and watching the game. Aubrey and Micah's relationship had grown a little over the years, but they still didn't have a close relationship like the lawyer did with Taylor and Dani. The lawyer sometimes still was a little intimidating to the young music producer.

"Oh come on," Micah said as the batter for the Red Sox hit a third foul ball.

"Are you a Red Sox fan?" Aubrey asked.

"No, but Cody is and the Dodgers aren't playing tonight." He said sheepishly.

Aubrey nodded her head and then reached for a bottle of beer before sitting back in the couch. It was fairly quiet for a long time as the two watched the game, occasionally making comments about the game. That's how the two were for the night and somewhere in the middle of the sixth inning, Aubrey found herself curled into her nephew as he held her, knowing that all his aunt needed was to be held.

And when Dani came quietly into the apartment at three am, she found both of them fast asleep on the couch, empty beer bottles all over the coffee table, and the tv on low. She smiled at the two knowing that they must be in a lot of confusion and pain at the moment. She threw the USC blanket that was on the back of the couch over the two of them, knowing that Micah would make some comment about how he was a Bruin not a Trojan first thing in the morning.

End of the chapter a/n: So as you can see, the arcs are somewhat in place.

Dani will be dealing with the whole dating situation.

Taylor and Parker will be navigating through her being pregnant. I have a few scenes in mind for just the two of them in Boston.

Bechloe will be dealing with Beca's parents coming back into the picture.

Micah and Aubrey's relationship will grow stronger as Cody is missing in action.

And I haven't come up with something for Emily yet. Still playing with a few ideas in my mind.

Other arcs might come up too, haven't decided yet.

Also: So, hi. It's been a month and a half. It's been pretty crazy and I start school a week from today and I have this internship thing that seems to like to take over all my free time. So I don't know how often updates are going to be. I apologize in advance.