Ruby was cold. She couldn't move, she didn't feel like she could if she wanted to. Sapphire lay underneath her with a small smile. Her bangs slipping to the side of her face so only one blue eye was visible. Ruby couldn't look away from her, even though the fear she felt in her chest was growing, she couldn't pull her eyes away from the other.

"Ruby," the soft whisper of her name drove her insane, she wanted nothing more to crash her lips against the other, to pull her closer to herself, to-

"Rubes! Yo! Ruby?" All her thoughts were shoved straight through the back of her skull. She felt herself getting off the other girl regretfully to see what her purple haired friend wanted.

"I'm sorry," she heard herself say as she got off Sapphire and off the bed. Ruby walked out the door of the bedroom to be greeted by Amethyst.

"There you are, I've been here forever," Amethyst smiled at the other girl.

"Five minutes isn't forever dude,"

"Well can you guess why I'm here?" Ruby shook her head at the others question.

"Rose needs an emergency babysitter and I volunteered us to do it."

"What? What is rose doing that Greg or pearl can't do it?" Amethyst looked taken back.

"Rose had to take an emergency shift at the hospital, and Greg is recording his album, and Pearl has her ballet recital, remember?" Amethyst's voice was thick with confusion, Ruby didn't want to see Steven it seemed like. That was beyond strange.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm sorry, here let me get my jacket and I'll be right out." Ruby headed back to Sapphires room, her hand rested on the doorknob and gently pushed the door open, only to find the lights off, and Sapphire under the covers. If the other girl was sleeping, Ruby didn't want to bother her, she closed the door but not before a soft "Night Sapph," was whispered.

Ruby and Amethyst walked out the door leaving Sapphire Alone.

She was crying. Her hair falling into her face, strands of hair mixing with the tears and sticking to her cheeks. Her chest was full of regret and terror. She lay on the side of her bed and shook with waves of mixed emotions. The door opened gently and then a pause of silence.

"Night Sapph," she heard Ruby whisper then the door shut and she heard the footsteps fade off. She wanted so bad for the other to return, to hold her and sooth her. She also wanted to never see her again, and she hated herself for it. The covers were thrown off and she sat up on her bed, her tears fell even faster, a few landing on her thighs. Her legs moved to get off the bed, the rest of Sapphires body moving numbly along.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She thought of what her mother would think of her, she could hear her mother's voice like she was right behind her, "I raised you right. I know I did. So why are you like this?" Sapphire could imagine her mother's cold, ice blue eyes on her, glaring her down, increasing her guilt. "You get good grades, you dance, you're in good shape, perfect for a young man your age. And here you are being a disgust to the family." Her father's voice came right after her mother's, just as disappointed.

"My perfect daughter. I had a perfect daughter, and now this, this shit!" She could see his fist pounding down on the table or desk with anger, his face scrunched and brow furrowed. She's heard and seen it so many times before. She could hear his voice again, "Just. Just get the hell out of this house, I don't even want to see you."

She broke, a sob ripped through her and she collapsed to the floor. Her hand covered her mouth and she struggled to gain control over her sobbing state.

Ruby just got in the car and Amethyst was on the phone, Ruby paid no mind to the other girls rambling until she heard her name.

"No it's me and Ruby...Yeah? No I'm sure Steven will be fine...I'll behave too..." The last part was mumbled, and Ruby couldn't help but smirk. She was talking to rose. Amethyst hung up and looked to Ruby. "Okay talk."

"About what?"

"Don't play dumb Ruby, we've been through this before." Ruby sighed after Amethyst spoke, she hated telling her about stuff like this.

"Sapph was...just talking to me. And I didn't want to interrupt but...Steven needs someone to look after him."

"You should of brought Sapph, I ain't staying the whole night." Amethyst spoke and Ruby stole a glance at the other.


"I ain't staying, this chick named Lapiz is throwing a party and I heard there were drinks."

"You're handing Steven off to me. Just like usual."

"You love Steven! You have never once complained about seeing him!" Amethyst exclaimed. Ruby pulled up to the driveway.

"Get out and go get Steven. I'm gonna see if Sapph wants to come."

"What? But dude I got-" Rubys tires squealed out of the driveway cutting Amethyst off. She drove down the street with a smirk.

Keys rattled throughout the apartment, Ruby was never known for being graceful. She walked into the kitchen and paused when she heard a sob. Her eyes snapped to Sapphires door and she walked towards it. Her hand was on the handle and she pushed the door open. "Sapph, holy shit,"she mumbled. Ruby knelt down to where Sapphire was on the floor next to her bed. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and soft whines came from her. "Sapphire please look at me," Ruby pleaded. Sapphire froze as if finally realizing Ruby was next to her. Her head lifted up and she threw herself at the other girl.

"Ruby!" Sapphires muffled voice still had Ruby on edge.

"Sapphire, what's wrong?" She felt her head shake and decide just to hug the other girl back. Ruby held the back of Sapphires head and rubbed her back as she continued to cry. "Sapph, here come on," Ruby whispered and picked Sapphire up and put her next to her on the bed. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I don't...I can't," she whispered.

"That's okay, come here," Ruby Wrapped the other in a tight hug. "Just breath okay Sapph?"

"Ruby...Ruby," Sapphire mumbled the others name, relieved to see the other girl. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Ruby pulled back from the hug to look at Sapphire. Ruby's hands found Sapphires face. Sapphire felt the others thumb rub the tears away from her cheeks, She put her hand on the back of Ruby's thankful for her being there.

"Sapph, do you wanna go somewhere?"

"Where?" Her voice was soft.

"To Rose's house, I want you to meet somebody."

"Okay...okay let's go," she finally displayed a slight smirk, slight enough for Ruby to see.

Ruby's car pulled up Rose's driveway. Neither had said a word during the short drive, the silence would normally have drove Ruby mad. Silence was usually a bad thing to her, if someone wasn't talking to her or the radio wasn't on she felt tension and awkwardness of the situation bother her. With Sapphire though that didn't happen. Ruby drove with her left hand, her other one was in Sapphires.

"Why are we here again?" Sapphire spoke softly not wanting to let the others hand go. She wanted comfort.

"I want you to meet someone."


"You'll see," Ruby had a playful look on her face, she let go of the others hand and got out of the car, "I think he's gonna like you."

"He?" Sapphire was never answered. Instead Ruby just opened the door.

"Ruby?" His curly dark hair was the first thing she noticed, then his huge toothy grin followed. His tiny feet ran around the couch to Ruby, then leaped into her arms.

"There's my little man!" Her eyes scanned the room quickly, then looked down at the boy, "Where's Ame?"

"Gone," Steven smiled, he knew Amethyst was in trouble.

"Did she say where she was heading?"


"Of course, are you gonna help me kick her butt for not being here then?"

"Yeah!" His laughter was contagious, both him and Ruby were in a fit of giggles. Stevens eyes opened then and looked at Sapphire, he looked back at Ruby and whispered in her ear. Ruby proceeded to put Steven down and let him run past her to Sapphire. Sapphire knelt down to Steven only to be attacked by one of the biggest hugs she's ever gotten.

"My names Steven what's yours?"

"Sapphire, lovely to meet you," she gave a small smile that vanished when Steven spoke again.

"You look sad, but me and Ruby are here so you won't be sad much longer!" He let go of Sapphire then ran up the stairs screaming. Sapphire looked at Ruby who was shrugging their shoulders and whispering "Two and a half year olds, am I right?"

Sapphire laughed and nodded her head. She paused then at the familiarity of the name,

"Steven?" The name spilled out of her mouth and her confusion along with it.

"What about him?" Ruby said.

"Is that the same one from your story?" Sapphire looked at Ruby and noticed her smile, she knew her answer then.

"Sure is, and he's the perfect person to cheer you up." Ruby took off and threw her jacket on the couch, then motioned Sapphire to do the same and follow her. The two ran up the stairs to stevens room, where he sat waiting for the two. His smile when they walked in was one Sapphire would never forget, his delight at seeing Ruby and her just amazed her, how could this little boy put so much trust and joy into everything? It warmed her heart.

Ruby Sat down by his bed, there were two chairs in the room and Sapphire sat next to the other.

"Rose and Greg like to sing to him to go to sleep," Ruby explained, "Everything in this house is about music or space. I swear this family is like no other, but it works."

"Ruby doesn't sing," Steven spoke with a pout, "No matter how much I ask." Ruby looked down and flushed.

"Steven I don't want you to go deaf, come on-"

"Do you sing?" Steven looked at Sapphire with hope, "Will you?"

"Oh," she was caught off guard, "I-"

"She does actually! Very Well!" Ruby Interrupted her with a huge smile on her face. Sapphire looked at Ruby but her attention was directed back at steven when he shouted with happiness.

"Please sing! Please sing!" His hands reached out to her, she took it with no hesitation as he guided her beside him. He waited then, waited for her voice, for her song to begin.

Sapphire hesitantly looked at Ruby, she was at a lost. Ruby noticed and Paused. Then looked at Steven and started the song.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

Sapphire could only stare as she registered Ruby's voice. She sang along with Ruby after those two lyrics.

You make me happy

When skies are grey

You'll never know dear

How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away.

Ruby ended the song there, to embarrassed to go on. Sapphire hummed the melody to Steven a little longer after she saw his eyes were shutting and he was smiling.

"You go to bed now," Ruby whispered, "It's way past your bedtime."

"Na night." The words left his mouth weakly as sleep took him. Ruby walked out of the room then, Sapphire along with her. Ruby was silent as she went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"You sang," Sapphire spoke.

"I did,"

"What's wrong?"



"Your upset with something, tell me,"

"I don't know how to," She sighed after speaking, "It's hard,"

"So is keeping everything in, Come here," Ruby held her arms open, "I'm here Sapphire." Sapphire looked at Ruby from where she was standing and couldn't hold herself together any longer. She flung herself at Ruby and held her tightly as tears fell from her. She couldn't choke down the sob as she muffled it into Ruby's sweatshirt. How could she tell her? Sapphires thoughts did nothing to calm her as she grabbed the curly haired girl tighter.

"Sapphire shh, You're okay," Ruby whispered to the other girl. She moved herself so Sapphire was fully on the couch and more comfortably against her.

"Ruby...Ruby..." Sapphires words were muffled but Ruby could understand her name coming from the other.

"Sapphire, what's wrong?" Ruby's words only made Sapphire grab her tighter. Sapphire was actually hurting Ruby at this point, her hold was so tight. It was a few short moments before Sapphire caught herself and loosened her grip.

"You'll hate me," Sapphire spoke and Ruby's heart sunk as she waited for the other's words, "I don't know how to say it."

"Just say it Sapph," Ruby Prepared herself.

"I wish I never met you," Sapphire spoke and regretted it when silence answered her, "Oh, Ruby-"

"Why," Her voice was steadier, numb even. Sapphire sighed before she answered,

"I'm supposed to be perfect Ruby." The girl whose name she spoke didn't answer, so she went on, "I have a loving family, I'm going to college, I'm supposed to get my degree and work, Then I'm supposed to find a husband a-and have a family and children and make them proud," Sapphire touched Ruby's face, "I-I'm not supposed to be attracted to girls, I'm not supposed to want to do everything my family hates, I'm supposed to be perfect Ruby, I-I I have to be-" her words were cut off by Ruby's mouth against hers. Sapphire froze, then welcomed the kiss. Ruby pulled away and held onto Sapphire's face.

"You are perfect Sapphire," She leaned in and kissed her again, "You're more perfect than anyone I've ever met," She breathed the words against Sapphires lips.

"But my family-"

"Should love and accept you," Ruby spoke, "And if they don't then I will."

"Ruby..." Sapphires voice trailed off as more tears fell. Ruby took her thumb and wiped her tears away. She pulled the other girls face closer as she kissed her again, Ruby then took her hand and moved the others bangs aside, tear stained cheeks and sky blue eyes greeted her.

"Wow," was all Ruby could say, Sapphire was a sight, and the curly haired girl couldn't take her eyes off, she was in a looked down and pulled her face away, she took one of her hands off of Ruby to put her bangs back, but Ruby grabbed Sapphires to stop her. "What are you doing?"

"Putting my bangs back,"

"No, stop,"

"Why?" Ruby looked at her then, her brown orbs looking straight into that sky blue.

"You're beautiful," Sapphire laughed, while it wasn't heartfelt, it was a laugh.

"Stop, you don't have to be nice Ruby,"

"I'm not, you're beautiful Sapphire,"

"No one who's beautiful should scare people with just one glance,"

"What?" Ruby questioned. Sapphire sighed, annoyed at Ruby's confusion, she stared at the other then, her face going blank.

"Ever since I was little, people, even family have told me I scare them, that's why I have the bangs," Sapphire whispered, her voice had gone weak recalling her past, her shame from how she looked plagued her in that moment.

"I...can understand that," Ruby could, the others eyes were so light they seemed unnatural. Especially when she had a blank stare. It made Sapphire hard to approach, not scary at all, at least to Ruby. Even so Ruby instantly regretted her words, Sapphires face fell again and she pulled away, "B-but, what I can't understand," Ruby added quickly and grabbed the other who was pulling away, "Is how no one saw how that would affect you," Sapphire looked up at Ruby then, her brow furrowed with confusion.

"Ruby, I don't understan-"

"Not one person looked at you and saw you, the- they all were more concerned for themselves," Ruby struggled to make her point clear, "they wanted you to cover up, and take your confidence away so they could be more comfortable. Look I'm not good with words, but, It obviously bothers you, and, you shouldn't have to hide a part of yourself to make others happy."

"Ruby..." Sapphire mumbled as she looked at the other. She took the others face and pulled her close and kissed her, really kissed her, Sapphire wanted the other to know that she was grateful for the other, she wanted Ruby to understand what she was starting to feel.

"Sapphire," Ruby mumbled against her lips as she pulled away, "Come here."

Sapphire, already on top of Ruby, laid her head down on her chest. She sighed when Ruby put her arms around her then, she had to admit, she was tired. The last thing she remembered before she fell asleep, was Ruby kissing the top of her head. Then her words, soft and mumbled, "Night Sapph."