EDIT: The formatting went wonky on this, and it Should be fixed now! Sorry for that!

Guess what kats and kittens! (Links don't actually work here, so that's interesting.)

The sequel is officially posted! Proof of Concept is up and live with the first chapter!

fanfiction dot net /s/11909590/1/Proof-of-Concept

Also, I present unto thee, fun extras. I've got a playlist for the last three chapters up, and here's a link to the Spotify playlist -

play dot spotify dot com/ user/1212277980/playlist/5Ni6FQEsDCWMVB56L4Ajop

And the youtube playlist -

youtube dot com/ playlist?list=PLyhEk38f74EsRixuexklxRtvytrKFqv72

Both have the same songs on them, so it really doesn't matter which one you choose. I made both for those that don't have Spotify, or can't access it, or those that even prefer one or the other.

You're all still beautiful, and amazing!