Two days had passed with Iruka silently eating meals in the lounge and Kakashi in the kitchen. All his marking was now finished and he was onto the last chapter of his book. He wanted to tell Kakashi what happened with Genma, but then he still had the vivid memories of Kakashi doing the same. It was hard to turn off in his brain, no matter how much he tried. So instead he resigned to keeping to himself in the room, with Pakkun, trying to sort out what was real and what was fake, which was helping for the most part.

Kakashi finally cracked and decided he had to speak to the Chuunin, he wasn't looking after his hair as he was before the initial attack and was starting to get damaged at the back and knotting easier as Iruka tried to cover it up with bandanas.

He knocked lightly on the Chuunins wooden door,

"Took him long enough," Pakkun said with a sniff in the doors direction, "he's been on edge since you first got hurt."

Iruka slowly and quietly opened the door to find Kakashi standing awkwardly with one hand in his pocket, the other holding a brush and a comb by his side.

"If you don't want to do it yourself, can I at least try to help?" He asked shyly, scratching the back of his leg with his other foot.

Iruka simply nodded and stepped out of the room and in to the lounge to sit on the floor. The Jounin followed silently and sat on the lounge behind the tanned man.

He could see Iruka visibly stiffen but didn't move or say anything.

Kakashi moved in slow but sure movements, removing the bandana and sectioning off the hair to brush it through, careful not to pull the brown hair with a knot. Iruka was very slowly relaxing at the other mans touches.

"Can I use my hands Iruka-Sensei?" Kakashi asked softly.

The brunette head nodded minutely still a little unsure but Pakkun had nodded to him.

Kakashi brought very controlled, very soft chakra to his finger tips and methodically massaged the Chuunin's scalp, stimulating the growth of his hair as he went. It wasn't going to be an immediate fix by any means, but it would at least help to speed it along if Iruka let him do this regularly.

Suddenly a very feint, low chuckle escaped the Sensei's body. Kakashi pulled away and stopped touching the other man immediately, not sure what he had done.

"You broke first," Iruka said softly, his voice still wasn't very strong after 'Genma', "that means you are my slave." He chuckled again.

Kakashi smiled slightly behind his mask, happy that Iruka seemed to be on the mend.

"Your wish is my command" Kakashi said in a mocking tone and hopped off the couch to be infront of the man, Iruka held his troat tenderly and stopped making any noises, "Tea? To soothe your throat?" He asked with a hint of worry, Iruka simply nodded and tried to swallow.

After putting the water on to boil Kakashi knelt infront of Iruka with his hands visable in his lap.

"Iruka-Sensei, can I have a look at your throat?" He said softly. Iruka's shoulders tensed but tried to not let it show. "With this," he tapped his hitae-ate which covered is Sharingan still, "I can check if it's just bruising or anything more sinister. I could also aid the healing." Iruka stayed silent, not looking at his senior at all. "I mean... I could ask Tsunade to come by if you rather?"

Kakashi returned to the kitchen to make Iruka's tea while the Sensei thought over the options.

"Boss!" Pakkun growled as the tea was given to the brunette.

Kakashi knodded silently and headed to the front door. Pakkun stood protectively infront of Iruka as a loud, rapid knocking was heard, followed by Naruto's boisterous voice. Pakkun didn't move from blocking Iruka's path. Kakashi and the dogs inside all sniffed the air, unhappy with the blondes presence.

Ever so slowly Kakashi opened the door ajar, kunai ready in his hand behind the door.

"Hey, hey Kakashi! Where's Iruka-Sensei?" The blonde yelled while trying to push through the door. Kakashi held it it place casually.

"Maa, he's resting kid, come back later" he said pushing the door forward to close.

"No he's not, he's sitting on the lounge, let me see him!" He yelled again. Kakashi kept his ground and told Naruto to leave again in a bored tone. Kakashi's ninken were suddenly gathered at their feet, softly growling at the Blonde.

Naruto took a step back suddenly and found his feet gone from under him. Kakashi quickly bound the boy and propped him against the door before poking his head inside to address Iruka, "maybe seeing Tsunade would be best." He said with a one eyed smile.